Declan Hayes
October 13, 2024
© Photo: Social Media

Ireland, Albion and America are all in very dark places and salvation will not come from Kamala Harris, from Donald Trump or from the media who play ball with them.

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No sooner had I filed this piece about MI6’s criminality in Ireland, but MI6’s mouthpieces were at it again, this time alleging that some Russian spy operating out of their Irish embassy caught some Irish political non entity in a honey trap.

If we digress to the height of the Cold War, the story is told that the KGB called a senior British Embassy official into their office and presented him with a ton of photographs showing him in all kinds of compromising positions with a Siberian beauty. The official looked at them approvingly for a few minutes, before praising the photographer and asking if he could have copies of the photos to show to his chums back in the club in Mayfair. The KGB, seeing entrapping him was a lost cause, showed him the door.

Not so in Dublin or, as we will see, London and New York, where MI6’s objective is to judiciously spread so much muck to ensure that much of it sticks. After Rupert Murdoch’s Sunday Times first made the claims, MI6’s rumour mills, together with their affiliated media outlets, spread the story like wildfire and Irish politicians, like the morons that they are, lined up to say they were not “the fifth man”.

Glancing through the list of those proclaiming their innocence, at least one of them is a well-known homosexual philanderer I know as a fact had nefarious sexual encounters in places far away from the Emerald Isle but, far from being embarrassed about it, is, like our earlier British official, more than happy to boast about his semen exchanges.

Ireland is such a cesspit that sex fiends like him are far from being outliers, They are the norm, and, as Sinn Féin, the main opposition party, is currently embroiled in one of its periodic child sex rape scandals, the only question those hypocrites might have is why the politician was having sex with a woman and not a little boy.

Though former Sinn Féin MP Peadar Toibín was one of those, who joined the stampede to proclaim his innocence (I did not have sex with that woman), Toibín, like his former comrades, has no problems bending over backwards to accommodate the Americans who, with their MI6 sidekicks, control both the Irish economy and Irish political discourse.

What is noteworthy about Toibín’s claims of virginal innocence is that in 2018, at the time of the alleged approach, every western Government was meeting Russia and Putin to discuss economics and security, as well as to score tickets to the FIFA World Cup, which Russia happened to be hosting. Given all that, one would expect that Yankee sidekick and every other Irish lickspittle to have met the Russians.

Further, as the compromised politician is supposed to be an independent, meaning s/he would have no real input into government policy, one has to conclude that the supposed Russian recruiter was wasting his time and that the story was another half-baked MI6 smear job.

As regards the simple act of meeting Russian diplomats, that is called diplomacy, a word many of Ireland’s politicians would be hard put to spell, never mind practice. And, for most of the philandering Irish politicians I know, they would be easy for anyone, the Yanks and Brits in particular, to recruit, but their type would hardly be worth the effort either in Ireland or in John Bull’s other island.

Take the recent riots in England, occasioned by some Rwandan dude stabbing a group of toddlers. Guess who orchestrated all of that. You got it in one. Putin, who is easily the busiest man in the whole wide world, with all the shenanigans he gets up to.

Here is MI6’s BBC and al Jazeera both parroting MI5’s claims that Putin was behind the riots and it had nothing to do with Albion’s own internal contradictions and dynamics. And here is former MP George Galloway tearing those claims to shreds and rejoicing that Sky News, a key node in Murdoch’s MI6 smearing efforts, is no more as people gave up watching it.

Now switch over to the United States, the land of the free, where Irish troops in Lebanon and Syria seem to be fair game but where the Yankee Embassy in Dublin has yet to be called to account for the credible threats by Zionist supremacist and Trump advisor Matthew Brodsky, who works for the CIA’s Israel-Palestine peace process, is making to get the Israelis to napalm Irish troops in southern Lebanon.

Although sniveling Ireland is refusing to call for his extradition, America, which has degenerated into little more than a huge mental asylum with a star-spangled flag and an unhinged army. has bigger problems to concern itself with than Brodsky’s criminal conspiracy to murder 300 Irish UN troops in southern Lebanon.

Take the open drug cities of Kensington Avenue in Philadelphia, Skid Road in Los Angeles or the gangbangers of southside Chicago. Who is responsible for those snapshots of hell on earth? None other than our old tried and trusted friend, Putin, helped in no small way by the fentanyl producers of China. That, at least, is the line of none other than the U.S. Congress.

The truth in America, as in Albion and Ireland, is far more prosaic. There are the internal dynamics of not only CIA engineered supply but CIA engineered demand as well, none of which has anything to do with China or the over-worked Putin. Though one need only refer back to Gary Webb or the CIA’s Contra cocaine scandals to see that, none of any of that will feature in the campaigns of Trump or Harris. Hunter Biden apart, junkies, it seems, just do not make the Presidential cut and so Kensington Avenue, Skid Row and gang banging in Chicago will go on as before, no matter who wins their Presidential race.

And so will perfidy in Albion and Ireland, where the problem is not so much Russian honey traps but the lies MI6 and the CIA spin to their media morons to keep the masses ignorant and unempowered. The Sunday Times, with which we began this article, earlier gave us this scoop that Masha and the Bear were, in fact, Putin agents and not just harmless Russian Postman Pat type yarns for toddlers.

But Postman Pat or any similar children’s cartoon series has more intellectual rigour than the dross MI6 spews out through the pages of the Sunday Times or any of its other rags. Rupert Murdoch, who owns the Times, is not interested in the truth. Murdoch is interested in robbing Syrian gas from the Golan Heights and using that vantage point to bomb Syrian women and children. If spinning blarney in the Sunday Times to get Ireland’s Postman Pat politicians to run around in circles has to be part of the package, so be it.

Ireland, Albion and America are all in very dark places and salvation will not come from Kamala Harris, from Donald Trump or from the media who play ball with them. Though we are adults, who should be years beyond Postman Pat and Masha and the Bear, it seems we still fall for the fairy tales of reds under the bed (or in the bed) MI6 and its clones churn out, even as we ignore our own Kensington Avenues and Skid Rows that are far bigger threats to us than are Putin and a million Siberian vixens. Although the Trots, who regularly feature in this site’s editor’s choice, prattle on that the working class and the young will be our saviours, our problems, which have zero to do with Russia, go much deeper than that and reading rubbish like the Sunday Times just entrenches them that little bit deeper.

Code Name Cobalt: MI6’s latest smear campaigns against Russia

Ireland, Albion and America are all in very dark places and salvation will not come from Kamala Harris, from Donald Trump or from the media who play ball with them.

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No sooner had I filed this piece about MI6’s criminality in Ireland, but MI6’s mouthpieces were at it again, this time alleging that some Russian spy operating out of their Irish embassy caught some Irish political non entity in a honey trap.

If we digress to the height of the Cold War, the story is told that the KGB called a senior British Embassy official into their office and presented him with a ton of photographs showing him in all kinds of compromising positions with a Siberian beauty. The official looked at them approvingly for a few minutes, before praising the photographer and asking if he could have copies of the photos to show to his chums back in the club in Mayfair. The KGB, seeing entrapping him was a lost cause, showed him the door.

Not so in Dublin or, as we will see, London and New York, where MI6’s objective is to judiciously spread so much muck to ensure that much of it sticks. After Rupert Murdoch’s Sunday Times first made the claims, MI6’s rumour mills, together with their affiliated media outlets, spread the story like wildfire and Irish politicians, like the morons that they are, lined up to say they were not “the fifth man”.

Glancing through the list of those proclaiming their innocence, at least one of them is a well-known homosexual philanderer I know as a fact had nefarious sexual encounters in places far away from the Emerald Isle but, far from being embarrassed about it, is, like our earlier British official, more than happy to boast about his semen exchanges.

Ireland is such a cesspit that sex fiends like him are far from being outliers, They are the norm, and, as Sinn Féin, the main opposition party, is currently embroiled in one of its periodic child sex rape scandals, the only question those hypocrites might have is why the politician was having sex with a woman and not a little boy.

Though former Sinn Féin MP Peadar Toibín was one of those, who joined the stampede to proclaim his innocence (I did not have sex with that woman), Toibín, like his former comrades, has no problems bending over backwards to accommodate the Americans who, with their MI6 sidekicks, control both the Irish economy and Irish political discourse.

What is noteworthy about Toibín’s claims of virginal innocence is that in 2018, at the time of the alleged approach, every western Government was meeting Russia and Putin to discuss economics and security, as well as to score tickets to the FIFA World Cup, which Russia happened to be hosting. Given all that, one would expect that Yankee sidekick and every other Irish lickspittle to have met the Russians.

Further, as the compromised politician is supposed to be an independent, meaning s/he would have no real input into government policy, one has to conclude that the supposed Russian recruiter was wasting his time and that the story was another half-baked MI6 smear job.

As regards the simple act of meeting Russian diplomats, that is called diplomacy, a word many of Ireland’s politicians would be hard put to spell, never mind practice. And, for most of the philandering Irish politicians I know, they would be easy for anyone, the Yanks and Brits in particular, to recruit, but their type would hardly be worth the effort either in Ireland or in John Bull’s other island.

Take the recent riots in England, occasioned by some Rwandan dude stabbing a group of toddlers. Guess who orchestrated all of that. You got it in one. Putin, who is easily the busiest man in the whole wide world, with all the shenanigans he gets up to.

Here is MI6’s BBC and al Jazeera both parroting MI5’s claims that Putin was behind the riots and it had nothing to do with Albion’s own internal contradictions and dynamics. And here is former MP George Galloway tearing those claims to shreds and rejoicing that Sky News, a key node in Murdoch’s MI6 smearing efforts, is no more as people gave up watching it.

Now switch over to the United States, the land of the free, where Irish troops in Lebanon and Syria seem to be fair game but where the Yankee Embassy in Dublin has yet to be called to account for the credible threats by Zionist supremacist and Trump advisor Matthew Brodsky, who works for the CIA’s Israel-Palestine peace process, is making to get the Israelis to napalm Irish troops in southern Lebanon.

Although sniveling Ireland is refusing to call for his extradition, America, which has degenerated into little more than a huge mental asylum with a star-spangled flag and an unhinged army. has bigger problems to concern itself with than Brodsky’s criminal conspiracy to murder 300 Irish UN troops in southern Lebanon.

Take the open drug cities of Kensington Avenue in Philadelphia, Skid Road in Los Angeles or the gangbangers of southside Chicago. Who is responsible for those snapshots of hell on earth? None other than our old tried and trusted friend, Putin, helped in no small way by the fentanyl producers of China. That, at least, is the line of none other than the U.S. Congress.

The truth in America, as in Albion and Ireland, is far more prosaic. There are the internal dynamics of not only CIA engineered supply but CIA engineered demand as well, none of which has anything to do with China or the over-worked Putin. Though one need only refer back to Gary Webb or the CIA’s Contra cocaine scandals to see that, none of any of that will feature in the campaigns of Trump or Harris. Hunter Biden apart, junkies, it seems, just do not make the Presidential cut and so Kensington Avenue, Skid Row and gang banging in Chicago will go on as before, no matter who wins their Presidential race.

And so will perfidy in Albion and Ireland, where the problem is not so much Russian honey traps but the lies MI6 and the CIA spin to their media morons to keep the masses ignorant and unempowered. The Sunday Times, with which we began this article, earlier gave us this scoop that Masha and the Bear were, in fact, Putin agents and not just harmless Russian Postman Pat type yarns for toddlers.

But Postman Pat or any similar children’s cartoon series has more intellectual rigour than the dross MI6 spews out through the pages of the Sunday Times or any of its other rags. Rupert Murdoch, who owns the Times, is not interested in the truth. Murdoch is interested in robbing Syrian gas from the Golan Heights and using that vantage point to bomb Syrian women and children. If spinning blarney in the Sunday Times to get Ireland’s Postman Pat politicians to run around in circles has to be part of the package, so be it.

Ireland, Albion and America are all in very dark places and salvation will not come from Kamala Harris, from Donald Trump or from the media who play ball with them. Though we are adults, who should be years beyond Postman Pat and Masha and the Bear, it seems we still fall for the fairy tales of reds under the bed (or in the bed) MI6 and its clones churn out, even as we ignore our own Kensington Avenues and Skid Rows that are far bigger threats to us than are Putin and a million Siberian vixens. Although the Trots, who regularly feature in this site’s editor’s choice, prattle on that the working class and the young will be our saviours, our problems, which have zero to do with Russia, go much deeper than that and reading rubbish like the Sunday Times just entrenches them that little bit deeper.

Ireland, Albion and America are all in very dark places and salvation will not come from Kamala Harris, from Donald Trump or from the media who play ball with them.

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No sooner had I filed this piece about MI6’s criminality in Ireland, but MI6’s mouthpieces were at it again, this time alleging that some Russian spy operating out of their Irish embassy caught some Irish political non entity in a honey trap.

If we digress to the height of the Cold War, the story is told that the KGB called a senior British Embassy official into their office and presented him with a ton of photographs showing him in all kinds of compromising positions with a Siberian beauty. The official looked at them approvingly for a few minutes, before praising the photographer and asking if he could have copies of the photos to show to his chums back in the club in Mayfair. The KGB, seeing entrapping him was a lost cause, showed him the door.

Not so in Dublin or, as we will see, London and New York, where MI6’s objective is to judiciously spread so much muck to ensure that much of it sticks. After Rupert Murdoch’s Sunday Times first made the claims, MI6’s rumour mills, together with their affiliated media outlets, spread the story like wildfire and Irish politicians, like the morons that they are, lined up to say they were not “the fifth man”.

Glancing through the list of those proclaiming their innocence, at least one of them is a well-known homosexual philanderer I know as a fact had nefarious sexual encounters in places far away from the Emerald Isle but, far from being embarrassed about it, is, like our earlier British official, more than happy to boast about his semen exchanges.

Ireland is such a cesspit that sex fiends like him are far from being outliers, They are the norm, and, as Sinn Féin, the main opposition party, is currently embroiled in one of its periodic child sex rape scandals, the only question those hypocrites might have is why the politician was having sex with a woman and not a little boy.

Though former Sinn Féin MP Peadar Toibín was one of those, who joined the stampede to proclaim his innocence (I did not have sex with that woman), Toibín, like his former comrades, has no problems bending over backwards to accommodate the Americans who, with their MI6 sidekicks, control both the Irish economy and Irish political discourse.

What is noteworthy about Toibín’s claims of virginal innocence is that in 2018, at the time of the alleged approach, every western Government was meeting Russia and Putin to discuss economics and security, as well as to score tickets to the FIFA World Cup, which Russia happened to be hosting. Given all that, one would expect that Yankee sidekick and every other Irish lickspittle to have met the Russians.

Further, as the compromised politician is supposed to be an independent, meaning s/he would have no real input into government policy, one has to conclude that the supposed Russian recruiter was wasting his time and that the story was another half-baked MI6 smear job.

As regards the simple act of meeting Russian diplomats, that is called diplomacy, a word many of Ireland’s politicians would be hard put to spell, never mind practice. And, for most of the philandering Irish politicians I know, they would be easy for anyone, the Yanks and Brits in particular, to recruit, but their type would hardly be worth the effort either in Ireland or in John Bull’s other island.

Take the recent riots in England, occasioned by some Rwandan dude stabbing a group of toddlers. Guess who orchestrated all of that. You got it in one. Putin, who is easily the busiest man in the whole wide world, with all the shenanigans he gets up to.

Here is MI6’s BBC and al Jazeera both parroting MI5’s claims that Putin was behind the riots and it had nothing to do with Albion’s own internal contradictions and dynamics. And here is former MP George Galloway tearing those claims to shreds and rejoicing that Sky News, a key node in Murdoch’s MI6 smearing efforts, is no more as people gave up watching it.

Now switch over to the United States, the land of the free, where Irish troops in Lebanon and Syria seem to be fair game but where the Yankee Embassy in Dublin has yet to be called to account for the credible threats by Zionist supremacist and Trump advisor Matthew Brodsky, who works for the CIA’s Israel-Palestine peace process, is making to get the Israelis to napalm Irish troops in southern Lebanon.

Although sniveling Ireland is refusing to call for his extradition, America, which has degenerated into little more than a huge mental asylum with a star-spangled flag and an unhinged army. has bigger problems to concern itself with than Brodsky’s criminal conspiracy to murder 300 Irish UN troops in southern Lebanon.

Take the open drug cities of Kensington Avenue in Philadelphia, Skid Road in Los Angeles or the gangbangers of southside Chicago. Who is responsible for those snapshots of hell on earth? None other than our old tried and trusted friend, Putin, helped in no small way by the fentanyl producers of China. That, at least, is the line of none other than the U.S. Congress.

The truth in America, as in Albion and Ireland, is far more prosaic. There are the internal dynamics of not only CIA engineered supply but CIA engineered demand as well, none of which has anything to do with China or the over-worked Putin. Though one need only refer back to Gary Webb or the CIA’s Contra cocaine scandals to see that, none of any of that will feature in the campaigns of Trump or Harris. Hunter Biden apart, junkies, it seems, just do not make the Presidential cut and so Kensington Avenue, Skid Row and gang banging in Chicago will go on as before, no matter who wins their Presidential race.

And so will perfidy in Albion and Ireland, where the problem is not so much Russian honey traps but the lies MI6 and the CIA spin to their media morons to keep the masses ignorant and unempowered. The Sunday Times, with which we began this article, earlier gave us this scoop that Masha and the Bear were, in fact, Putin agents and not just harmless Russian Postman Pat type yarns for toddlers.

But Postman Pat or any similar children’s cartoon series has more intellectual rigour than the dross MI6 spews out through the pages of the Sunday Times or any of its other rags. Rupert Murdoch, who owns the Times, is not interested in the truth. Murdoch is interested in robbing Syrian gas from the Golan Heights and using that vantage point to bomb Syrian women and children. If spinning blarney in the Sunday Times to get Ireland’s Postman Pat politicians to run around in circles has to be part of the package, so be it.

Ireland, Albion and America are all in very dark places and salvation will not come from Kamala Harris, from Donald Trump or from the media who play ball with them. Though we are adults, who should be years beyond Postman Pat and Masha and the Bear, it seems we still fall for the fairy tales of reds under the bed (or in the bed) MI6 and its clones churn out, even as we ignore our own Kensington Avenues and Skid Rows that are far bigger threats to us than are Putin and a million Siberian vixens. Although the Trots, who regularly feature in this site’s editor’s choice, prattle on that the working class and the young will be our saviours, our problems, which have zero to do with Russia, go much deeper than that and reading rubbish like the Sunday Times just entrenches them that little bit deeper.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

August 15, 2024

See also

August 15, 2024
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.