Declan Hayes
July 14, 2024
© Photo: Public domain

We can condemn the Waffen-SS, the Japanese Imperial Army, the Black and Tans and, Caesar’s Legions and Alexander the Great. But none of that will help address the root cause of our problems in Ukraine, in Gaza and in the wider Middle East.

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After the Russians supposedly hit a Kiev children’s hospital, NAFO’s Monday morning quarterbacks have damned them as the worst monsters from hell. What horrible Russian punched in the coordinates of that hospital before chuckling fiendishly to himself, as the missiles tore little Ukrainian limbs asunder? Who, but the horrible Russians, could do such a thing? Not the Americans under George W. Bush (Iraq), LBJ (Vietnam), Truman (Hiroshima, Tokyo & Nagasaki) and FDR (carpet bombing civilians), that’s for sure. Not the Israelis, who are busily disputing claims made in the Lancet that they are on the mother of all turkey shoots in Gaza.

The missile that hit the hospital does not fit the Iskender profile. Rather, it fits the profile of a NASAMS, a NATO supplied surface to air missile that is designed to defend against Russia’s Iskender and that apparently missed the Iskender but hit the children’s hospital when it came down. Had the Iskender hit the hospital, there would have been nothing but rubble remaining, and the fatality list would have been much longer.

NATO’s claim that Russia deliberately targeted the hospital would make sense if that was Russia’s game plan. Conversely, Russia’s claim that the damage to the hospital was caused by Ukraine’s missile defences would make sense if the forensic evidence pointed to that conclusion.

Although that is something MIT’s Prof Ted Postol could provide, were he given access to the hospital, one must remember that NATO not only rejected his earlier evidence regarding similar attacks on Syria but that the best they could throw against him was Bellingcat clown Dan Kaszeta, whom Postol fillets here and here.

The conclusion I infer from Postol’s work and from that of Robert Stuart on the BBC’s collusion with ISIS/NATO’s false flag gas attacks in Syria is that NATO has no interest in finding out who is responsible for hitting the Kiev Children’s Hospital. This is not to say that Russia is or is not responsible, but it is to say that, because NATO has such a blatant track record of lying about such things, their mouthpieces lack all credibility when they apportion blame.

Although I could revert to Irish, Vietnamese, Korean and other examples to hammer home that point, it is best to crack on to Gaza and how Israel plays the game. Israel’s basic ploy is to paint their opponents, rightly or wrongly, as the devil incarnate, as worse than Putin’s Russia, if such a thing were possible in the parallel universe those zealots inhabit.

Israel’s line is that the Jews of Ireland, the United States, China, Australia, Ecuador and Argentina are the world’s most persecuted people and anyone, who doubts any of that, is Hitler reincarnated and a cheerleader for Hamas’ October 7th attack on Israel. Not only was October 7th the world’s greatest post-War crime, but we all must first of all unequivocally condemn Hamas to balance the scales in Israel’s favour, before we even consider commenting on it. Israel must, in other words, win the argument even before it begins.

That puts me in a strange position as I remember and do not forgive Hamas’ collusion in Syria not only with the United States, but also with the Muslim Brotherhood, for whom I believe there can be no forgiveness in this world or the next. That is so, even though I know the Muslim Brotherhood is playing a pivotal role both within and without Gaza in counter-balancing Israel’s propaganda. Quite simply, because Israel, the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas are playing separate and sometimes complementary roles, we must blow their froth away, if we ever want to get at the truth, never mind any hope of achieving peace in our time in the Holy Land.

The overwhelming evidence, much of it admittedly supplied by the Muslim Brotherhood, is that Israel’s Armed Forces are running amok in Gaza and committing war crimes on a scale we have not seen since the days of the Waffen-SS and the Japanese Imperial Army.

Here is a clip of a Waffen-SS soldier describing his hum drum thoughts, while executing civilians. The emphasis, he said, was to shoot straight, to get the job done and move on to execute the next assignment. That clip was part of this bigger documentary that has 20 wartime SS officers explain what they and their 800,0000 Waffen-SS compatriots got up to during the War. For a more palatable pace, you might instead watch this clip of Wehrmacht veterans explaining that, in war, other rules apply. And here, to complete our tour of hell, are Japanese veterans explaining what it was like to partake in war crimes in China.

None of that is to justify the actions of the Waffen-SS, the Japanese Imperial Army, the Wehrmacht or their copycats in Gaza and Ukraine. Rather, it is to say that these crimes are an integral part of war, and the challenge we face is how to end war and the unspeakable crimes that are integral to it.

The Nazi veterans, much like today’s Israeli Defence Forces, were conditioned to believe they were on the proverbial mission from God to cleanse the world of surplus humans. There is certainly no other way to explain Israel’s turkey shoot, or the actions of those who profess that all Russians are Satan in human form.

No other way, that is, except Israel’s way. Israel and her allies in the United States, Australia, Britain, Ireland and a host of other countries are currently pushing through hate speech legislation, which is primarily designed to protect Israel from criticism, but also to give clowns like Zelensky a free run as well.

Even referring to Israel as the Zionist entity or to call into question either the Zionist colonial project or Zionists’ own self serving definition of Zionism and, thence, of the world in general, is to be an anti-Semite, another goose-stepping Hitler.

Here, for example, is a report saying that Jillian Segal, Australia’s newly minted “Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism in Australia” is a Zionist fanatic, who has deep connections with Mossad. Not a neutral broker, in other words but, for the objective in mind, an ideal Orwellian one. One of Segal’s earlier contributions to peace in our time was to declare that Shifa Hospital, the largest medical complex in Gaza, was a Hamas base and thus, was a legitimate target, as were all other hospitals and hospital patients in that tiny exclave. Although not even a shred of evidence has been found to show a Hamas footprint in that hospital, Segal has never repudiated her false assertions and nor has she been held accountable for them. Segal, you see, is on the side of NATO’s angels.

Not only that, but Segal is on record as saying that “The libel that any Israeli attack on Gazan hospitals from which Hamas operates would amount to war crimes only serve to demonise the state of Israel and its supporters.” If facts demonise Israel or Zelensky or any other of Israel’s supporters, then the facts are as guilty as any Russian, who ever walked God’s earth and we are smack in the middle of Alice in Wonderland territory.

Although the article goes on to give other equally damning evidence regarding Segal’s blatant partiality, neither she nor Australia are alone in watching Israel’s back. The Jewish Chronicle, not itself the most impartial of sources, tells us that Facebook, Instagram and all of Meta will censor all posts that do not endorse the Zionist cause and, in a related story, that three deans at Columbia University have had their contracts terminated for the similar crime of promoting ‘ancient antisemitic tropes’, whatever they might be. Seen through such blinkers, Russian media has not a snowball’s chance of having NATO’s sanctions against them lifted any time soon.

As this Jerusalem Post article makes plain, Israel and its allies choose to believe that they are the eternal victims of a global visceral hatred that has no historical parallel since Nazi Germany. France’s Mélenchon, the Jewish Chronicle tells us, is only “a Corbyn on steroids”, with some 12 million French Muslims to back him up in perpetrating France’s next Holocaust and inoffensive Israeli tourists cannot even cause trouble in Vietnam’s capital of Hanoi without being told to fuck off. Virulent anti-Semitism, sadly, has reached even there.

Lower than a Larne Taig

Here, in Ireland, Sinn Féin gather every year in Dublin and in Nenagh at the memorial statues to IRA hero Martin Hogan, who had been abducted, tortured and executed by the Free Staters during Ireland’s bitter Civil War. Hogan, their hero of the War of Independence, had led a team of IRA heroes, who gang raped 46 year old Protestant Eileen Biggs. Two members of the notorious Black and Tans implicated seven members of the not so notorious Lincolnshire regiment in the 22 December 1920 gang rape and murder of the heavily pregnant Kate Maher, a woman ‘of dissolute habits’, according to the whitewash of an inquest into her death which, according to Dr Daniel McCormick’s evidence, was in part caused by the gallant Lincolnshire Tommies ramming a broken beer bottle up her vagina. The old Irish joke that it is unlucky to find a dead body certainly applied to Harry Gleeson, who was hanged for the murder of Moll McCarthy, after the IRA tortured and murdered her in 1940 and the entire community covered up for them because the destitute McCarthy was “a woman of low morals” whereas, presumably, the local IRA scum were cut from a finer cloth.

Those are only random examples of the deep seated crimes of hatred that hide beneath Ireland’s freckle-faced blarney. We are now in the middle of the marching season when the Protestant supremacists, led by the bigots of the Orange Order and the Royal Black Institution, hold provocative marches through Catholic areas and light giant bonfires to show who is boss. It is a particularly dangerous time for uppity Taigs, particularly for Catholics in places like Larne with obviously Catholic names like mine, who stick their heads above their station and, because arson attacks and murders are regular occurrences at this time of year, just as with Donbas or Gaza, it would be misleading to say there was anything personal in it if, for no other reason, than that Orangies don’t regard Fenians like me as being particularly human at all.

Though lynching (kill all) Taigs is an age old tradition that goes back to the founding of those two fraternal Protestant hate groups in the late nineteenth century, it is one that Olena Semenyaka and her fellow Ukrainain Nazis and Israel’s marauding Waffen-SS should fully understand, as they are cut from the same hateful cloth themselves.

But that is their problem. Our problem is to end these cynical and opportunistic knee jerk reactions to the next Ukrainian or Israeli atrocity. And, though George Galloway has recently waxed lyrical about these most recent atrocities in Kiev and Gaza, talking will never be enough, not until the human hate swamps of the Orange Order, the Royal Black Institution and their counterparts in Ukraine, Israel and everywhere else are drained dry and consigned to history.

And yes, we can condemn the Waffen-SS, the Japanese Imperial Army, the Black and Tans and, while we are at it, Caesar’s Legions and Alexander the Great as well. But none of that will help address the root cause of our problems in Ukraine, in Gaza and in the wider Middle East as well, which is that far too many carpetbaggers and institutions in the NATO world are making far too much money from these wars, which will only end, when the arms factories, the media moguls, the governments, universities, think tanks, NGOs, NAFO simpletons and sundry other fraternal hate institutions that fuel them are consigned to the trash bin of history.

Hatred, hypocrisy and the politics of NATO’s last atrocity

We can condemn the Waffen-SS, the Japanese Imperial Army, the Black and Tans and, Caesar’s Legions and Alexander the Great. But none of that will help address the root cause of our problems in Ukraine, in Gaza and in the wider Middle East.

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After the Russians supposedly hit a Kiev children’s hospital, NAFO’s Monday morning quarterbacks have damned them as the worst monsters from hell. What horrible Russian punched in the coordinates of that hospital before chuckling fiendishly to himself, as the missiles tore little Ukrainian limbs asunder? Who, but the horrible Russians, could do such a thing? Not the Americans under George W. Bush (Iraq), LBJ (Vietnam), Truman (Hiroshima, Tokyo & Nagasaki) and FDR (carpet bombing civilians), that’s for sure. Not the Israelis, who are busily disputing claims made in the Lancet that they are on the mother of all turkey shoots in Gaza.

The missile that hit the hospital does not fit the Iskender profile. Rather, it fits the profile of a NASAMS, a NATO supplied surface to air missile that is designed to defend against Russia’s Iskender and that apparently missed the Iskender but hit the children’s hospital when it came down. Had the Iskender hit the hospital, there would have been nothing but rubble remaining, and the fatality list would have been much longer.

NATO’s claim that Russia deliberately targeted the hospital would make sense if that was Russia’s game plan. Conversely, Russia’s claim that the damage to the hospital was caused by Ukraine’s missile defences would make sense if the forensic evidence pointed to that conclusion.

Although that is something MIT’s Prof Ted Postol could provide, were he given access to the hospital, one must remember that NATO not only rejected his earlier evidence regarding similar attacks on Syria but that the best they could throw against him was Bellingcat clown Dan Kaszeta, whom Postol fillets here and here.

The conclusion I infer from Postol’s work and from that of Robert Stuart on the BBC’s collusion with ISIS/NATO’s false flag gas attacks in Syria is that NATO has no interest in finding out who is responsible for hitting the Kiev Children’s Hospital. This is not to say that Russia is or is not responsible, but it is to say that, because NATO has such a blatant track record of lying about such things, their mouthpieces lack all credibility when they apportion blame.

Although I could revert to Irish, Vietnamese, Korean and other examples to hammer home that point, it is best to crack on to Gaza and how Israel plays the game. Israel’s basic ploy is to paint their opponents, rightly or wrongly, as the devil incarnate, as worse than Putin’s Russia, if such a thing were possible in the parallel universe those zealots inhabit.

Israel’s line is that the Jews of Ireland, the United States, China, Australia, Ecuador and Argentina are the world’s most persecuted people and anyone, who doubts any of that, is Hitler reincarnated and a cheerleader for Hamas’ October 7th attack on Israel. Not only was October 7th the world’s greatest post-War crime, but we all must first of all unequivocally condemn Hamas to balance the scales in Israel’s favour, before we even consider commenting on it. Israel must, in other words, win the argument even before it begins.

That puts me in a strange position as I remember and do not forgive Hamas’ collusion in Syria not only with the United States, but also with the Muslim Brotherhood, for whom I believe there can be no forgiveness in this world or the next. That is so, even though I know the Muslim Brotherhood is playing a pivotal role both within and without Gaza in counter-balancing Israel’s propaganda. Quite simply, because Israel, the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas are playing separate and sometimes complementary roles, we must blow their froth away, if we ever want to get at the truth, never mind any hope of achieving peace in our time in the Holy Land.

The overwhelming evidence, much of it admittedly supplied by the Muslim Brotherhood, is that Israel’s Armed Forces are running amok in Gaza and committing war crimes on a scale we have not seen since the days of the Waffen-SS and the Japanese Imperial Army.

Here is a clip of a Waffen-SS soldier describing his hum drum thoughts, while executing civilians. The emphasis, he said, was to shoot straight, to get the job done and move on to execute the next assignment. That clip was part of this bigger documentary that has 20 wartime SS officers explain what they and their 800,0000 Waffen-SS compatriots got up to during the War. For a more palatable pace, you might instead watch this clip of Wehrmacht veterans explaining that, in war, other rules apply. And here, to complete our tour of hell, are Japanese veterans explaining what it was like to partake in war crimes in China.

None of that is to justify the actions of the Waffen-SS, the Japanese Imperial Army, the Wehrmacht or their copycats in Gaza and Ukraine. Rather, it is to say that these crimes are an integral part of war, and the challenge we face is how to end war and the unspeakable crimes that are integral to it.

The Nazi veterans, much like today’s Israeli Defence Forces, were conditioned to believe they were on the proverbial mission from God to cleanse the world of surplus humans. There is certainly no other way to explain Israel’s turkey shoot, or the actions of those who profess that all Russians are Satan in human form.

No other way, that is, except Israel’s way. Israel and her allies in the United States, Australia, Britain, Ireland and a host of other countries are currently pushing through hate speech legislation, which is primarily designed to protect Israel from criticism, but also to give clowns like Zelensky a free run as well.

Even referring to Israel as the Zionist entity or to call into question either the Zionist colonial project or Zionists’ own self serving definition of Zionism and, thence, of the world in general, is to be an anti-Semite, another goose-stepping Hitler.

Here, for example, is a report saying that Jillian Segal, Australia’s newly minted “Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism in Australia” is a Zionist fanatic, who has deep connections with Mossad. Not a neutral broker, in other words but, for the objective in mind, an ideal Orwellian one. One of Segal’s earlier contributions to peace in our time was to declare that Shifa Hospital, the largest medical complex in Gaza, was a Hamas base and thus, was a legitimate target, as were all other hospitals and hospital patients in that tiny exclave. Although not even a shred of evidence has been found to show a Hamas footprint in that hospital, Segal has never repudiated her false assertions and nor has she been held accountable for them. Segal, you see, is on the side of NATO’s angels.

Not only that, but Segal is on record as saying that “The libel that any Israeli attack on Gazan hospitals from which Hamas operates would amount to war crimes only serve to demonise the state of Israel and its supporters.” If facts demonise Israel or Zelensky or any other of Israel’s supporters, then the facts are as guilty as any Russian, who ever walked God’s earth and we are smack in the middle of Alice in Wonderland territory.

Although the article goes on to give other equally damning evidence regarding Segal’s blatant partiality, neither she nor Australia are alone in watching Israel’s back. The Jewish Chronicle, not itself the most impartial of sources, tells us that Facebook, Instagram and all of Meta will censor all posts that do not endorse the Zionist cause and, in a related story, that three deans at Columbia University have had their contracts terminated for the similar crime of promoting ‘ancient antisemitic tropes’, whatever they might be. Seen through such blinkers, Russian media has not a snowball’s chance of having NATO’s sanctions against them lifted any time soon.

As this Jerusalem Post article makes plain, Israel and its allies choose to believe that they are the eternal victims of a global visceral hatred that has no historical parallel since Nazi Germany. France’s Mélenchon, the Jewish Chronicle tells us, is only “a Corbyn on steroids”, with some 12 million French Muslims to back him up in perpetrating France’s next Holocaust and inoffensive Israeli tourists cannot even cause trouble in Vietnam’s capital of Hanoi without being told to fuck off. Virulent anti-Semitism, sadly, has reached even there.

Lower than a Larne Taig

Here, in Ireland, Sinn Féin gather every year in Dublin and in Nenagh at the memorial statues to IRA hero Martin Hogan, who had been abducted, tortured and executed by the Free Staters during Ireland’s bitter Civil War. Hogan, their hero of the War of Independence, had led a team of IRA heroes, who gang raped 46 year old Protestant Eileen Biggs. Two members of the notorious Black and Tans implicated seven members of the not so notorious Lincolnshire regiment in the 22 December 1920 gang rape and murder of the heavily pregnant Kate Maher, a woman ‘of dissolute habits’, according to the whitewash of an inquest into her death which, according to Dr Daniel McCormick’s evidence, was in part caused by the gallant Lincolnshire Tommies ramming a broken beer bottle up her vagina. The old Irish joke that it is unlucky to find a dead body certainly applied to Harry Gleeson, who was hanged for the murder of Moll McCarthy, after the IRA tortured and murdered her in 1940 and the entire community covered up for them because the destitute McCarthy was “a woman of low morals” whereas, presumably, the local IRA scum were cut from a finer cloth.

Those are only random examples of the deep seated crimes of hatred that hide beneath Ireland’s freckle-faced blarney. We are now in the middle of the marching season when the Protestant supremacists, led by the bigots of the Orange Order and the Royal Black Institution, hold provocative marches through Catholic areas and light giant bonfires to show who is boss. It is a particularly dangerous time for uppity Taigs, particularly for Catholics in places like Larne with obviously Catholic names like mine, who stick their heads above their station and, because arson attacks and murders are regular occurrences at this time of year, just as with Donbas or Gaza, it would be misleading to say there was anything personal in it if, for no other reason, than that Orangies don’t regard Fenians like me as being particularly human at all.

Though lynching (kill all) Taigs is an age old tradition that goes back to the founding of those two fraternal Protestant hate groups in the late nineteenth century, it is one that Olena Semenyaka and her fellow Ukrainain Nazis and Israel’s marauding Waffen-SS should fully understand, as they are cut from the same hateful cloth themselves.

But that is their problem. Our problem is to end these cynical and opportunistic knee jerk reactions to the next Ukrainian or Israeli atrocity. And, though George Galloway has recently waxed lyrical about these most recent atrocities in Kiev and Gaza, talking will never be enough, not until the human hate swamps of the Orange Order, the Royal Black Institution and their counterparts in Ukraine, Israel and everywhere else are drained dry and consigned to history.

And yes, we can condemn the Waffen-SS, the Japanese Imperial Army, the Black and Tans and, while we are at it, Caesar’s Legions and Alexander the Great as well. But none of that will help address the root cause of our problems in Ukraine, in Gaza and in the wider Middle East as well, which is that far too many carpetbaggers and institutions in the NATO world are making far too much money from these wars, which will only end, when the arms factories, the media moguls, the governments, universities, think tanks, NGOs, NAFO simpletons and sundry other fraternal hate institutions that fuel them are consigned to the trash bin of history.

We can condemn the Waffen-SS, the Japanese Imperial Army, the Black and Tans and, Caesar’s Legions and Alexander the Great. But none of that will help address the root cause of our problems in Ukraine, in Gaza and in the wider Middle East.

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After the Russians supposedly hit a Kiev children’s hospital, NAFO’s Monday morning quarterbacks have damned them as the worst monsters from hell. What horrible Russian punched in the coordinates of that hospital before chuckling fiendishly to himself, as the missiles tore little Ukrainian limbs asunder? Who, but the horrible Russians, could do such a thing? Not the Americans under George W. Bush (Iraq), LBJ (Vietnam), Truman (Hiroshima, Tokyo & Nagasaki) and FDR (carpet bombing civilians), that’s for sure. Not the Israelis, who are busily disputing claims made in the Lancet that they are on the mother of all turkey shoots in Gaza.

The missile that hit the hospital does not fit the Iskender profile. Rather, it fits the profile of a NASAMS, a NATO supplied surface to air missile that is designed to defend against Russia’s Iskender and that apparently missed the Iskender but hit the children’s hospital when it came down. Had the Iskender hit the hospital, there would have been nothing but rubble remaining, and the fatality list would have been much longer.

NATO’s claim that Russia deliberately targeted the hospital would make sense if that was Russia’s game plan. Conversely, Russia’s claim that the damage to the hospital was caused by Ukraine’s missile defences would make sense if the forensic evidence pointed to that conclusion.

Although that is something MIT’s Prof Ted Postol could provide, were he given access to the hospital, one must remember that NATO not only rejected his earlier evidence regarding similar attacks on Syria but that the best they could throw against him was Bellingcat clown Dan Kaszeta, whom Postol fillets here and here.

The conclusion I infer from Postol’s work and from that of Robert Stuart on the BBC’s collusion with ISIS/NATO’s false flag gas attacks in Syria is that NATO has no interest in finding out who is responsible for hitting the Kiev Children’s Hospital. This is not to say that Russia is or is not responsible, but it is to say that, because NATO has such a blatant track record of lying about such things, their mouthpieces lack all credibility when they apportion blame.

Although I could revert to Irish, Vietnamese, Korean and other examples to hammer home that point, it is best to crack on to Gaza and how Israel plays the game. Israel’s basic ploy is to paint their opponents, rightly or wrongly, as the devil incarnate, as worse than Putin’s Russia, if such a thing were possible in the parallel universe those zealots inhabit.

Israel’s line is that the Jews of Ireland, the United States, China, Australia, Ecuador and Argentina are the world’s most persecuted people and anyone, who doubts any of that, is Hitler reincarnated and a cheerleader for Hamas’ October 7th attack on Israel. Not only was October 7th the world’s greatest post-War crime, but we all must first of all unequivocally condemn Hamas to balance the scales in Israel’s favour, before we even consider commenting on it. Israel must, in other words, win the argument even before it begins.

That puts me in a strange position as I remember and do not forgive Hamas’ collusion in Syria not only with the United States, but also with the Muslim Brotherhood, for whom I believe there can be no forgiveness in this world or the next. That is so, even though I know the Muslim Brotherhood is playing a pivotal role both within and without Gaza in counter-balancing Israel’s propaganda. Quite simply, because Israel, the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas are playing separate and sometimes complementary roles, we must blow their froth away, if we ever want to get at the truth, never mind any hope of achieving peace in our time in the Holy Land.

The overwhelming evidence, much of it admittedly supplied by the Muslim Brotherhood, is that Israel’s Armed Forces are running amok in Gaza and committing war crimes on a scale we have not seen since the days of the Waffen-SS and the Japanese Imperial Army.

Here is a clip of a Waffen-SS soldier describing his hum drum thoughts, while executing civilians. The emphasis, he said, was to shoot straight, to get the job done and move on to execute the next assignment. That clip was part of this bigger documentary that has 20 wartime SS officers explain what they and their 800,0000 Waffen-SS compatriots got up to during the War. For a more palatable pace, you might instead watch this clip of Wehrmacht veterans explaining that, in war, other rules apply. And here, to complete our tour of hell, are Japanese veterans explaining what it was like to partake in war crimes in China.

None of that is to justify the actions of the Waffen-SS, the Japanese Imperial Army, the Wehrmacht or their copycats in Gaza and Ukraine. Rather, it is to say that these crimes are an integral part of war, and the challenge we face is how to end war and the unspeakable crimes that are integral to it.

The Nazi veterans, much like today’s Israeli Defence Forces, were conditioned to believe they were on the proverbial mission from God to cleanse the world of surplus humans. There is certainly no other way to explain Israel’s turkey shoot, or the actions of those who profess that all Russians are Satan in human form.

No other way, that is, except Israel’s way. Israel and her allies in the United States, Australia, Britain, Ireland and a host of other countries are currently pushing through hate speech legislation, which is primarily designed to protect Israel from criticism, but also to give clowns like Zelensky a free run as well.

Even referring to Israel as the Zionist entity or to call into question either the Zionist colonial project or Zionists’ own self serving definition of Zionism and, thence, of the world in general, is to be an anti-Semite, another goose-stepping Hitler.

Here, for example, is a report saying that Jillian Segal, Australia’s newly minted “Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism in Australia” is a Zionist fanatic, who has deep connections with Mossad. Not a neutral broker, in other words but, for the objective in mind, an ideal Orwellian one. One of Segal’s earlier contributions to peace in our time was to declare that Shifa Hospital, the largest medical complex in Gaza, was a Hamas base and thus, was a legitimate target, as were all other hospitals and hospital patients in that tiny exclave. Although not even a shred of evidence has been found to show a Hamas footprint in that hospital, Segal has never repudiated her false assertions and nor has she been held accountable for them. Segal, you see, is on the side of NATO’s angels.

Not only that, but Segal is on record as saying that “The libel that any Israeli attack on Gazan hospitals from which Hamas operates would amount to war crimes only serve to demonise the state of Israel and its supporters.” If facts demonise Israel or Zelensky or any other of Israel’s supporters, then the facts are as guilty as any Russian, who ever walked God’s earth and we are smack in the middle of Alice in Wonderland territory.

Although the article goes on to give other equally damning evidence regarding Segal’s blatant partiality, neither she nor Australia are alone in watching Israel’s back. The Jewish Chronicle, not itself the most impartial of sources, tells us that Facebook, Instagram and all of Meta will censor all posts that do not endorse the Zionist cause and, in a related story, that three deans at Columbia University have had their contracts terminated for the similar crime of promoting ‘ancient antisemitic tropes’, whatever they might be. Seen through such blinkers, Russian media has not a snowball’s chance of having NATO’s sanctions against them lifted any time soon.

As this Jerusalem Post article makes plain, Israel and its allies choose to believe that they are the eternal victims of a global visceral hatred that has no historical parallel since Nazi Germany. France’s Mélenchon, the Jewish Chronicle tells us, is only “a Corbyn on steroids”, with some 12 million French Muslims to back him up in perpetrating France’s next Holocaust and inoffensive Israeli tourists cannot even cause trouble in Vietnam’s capital of Hanoi without being told to fuck off. Virulent anti-Semitism, sadly, has reached even there.

Lower than a Larne Taig

Here, in Ireland, Sinn Féin gather every year in Dublin and in Nenagh at the memorial statues to IRA hero Martin Hogan, who had been abducted, tortured and executed by the Free Staters during Ireland’s bitter Civil War. Hogan, their hero of the War of Independence, had led a team of IRA heroes, who gang raped 46 year old Protestant Eileen Biggs. Two members of the notorious Black and Tans implicated seven members of the not so notorious Lincolnshire regiment in the 22 December 1920 gang rape and murder of the heavily pregnant Kate Maher, a woman ‘of dissolute habits’, according to the whitewash of an inquest into her death which, according to Dr Daniel McCormick’s evidence, was in part caused by the gallant Lincolnshire Tommies ramming a broken beer bottle up her vagina. The old Irish joke that it is unlucky to find a dead body certainly applied to Harry Gleeson, who was hanged for the murder of Moll McCarthy, after the IRA tortured and murdered her in 1940 and the entire community covered up for them because the destitute McCarthy was “a woman of low morals” whereas, presumably, the local IRA scum were cut from a finer cloth.

Those are only random examples of the deep seated crimes of hatred that hide beneath Ireland’s freckle-faced blarney. We are now in the middle of the marching season when the Protestant supremacists, led by the bigots of the Orange Order and the Royal Black Institution, hold provocative marches through Catholic areas and light giant bonfires to show who is boss. It is a particularly dangerous time for uppity Taigs, particularly for Catholics in places like Larne with obviously Catholic names like mine, who stick their heads above their station and, because arson attacks and murders are regular occurrences at this time of year, just as with Donbas or Gaza, it would be misleading to say there was anything personal in it if, for no other reason, than that Orangies don’t regard Fenians like me as being particularly human at all.

Though lynching (kill all) Taigs is an age old tradition that goes back to the founding of those two fraternal Protestant hate groups in the late nineteenth century, it is one that Olena Semenyaka and her fellow Ukrainain Nazis and Israel’s marauding Waffen-SS should fully understand, as they are cut from the same hateful cloth themselves.

But that is their problem. Our problem is to end these cynical and opportunistic knee jerk reactions to the next Ukrainian or Israeli atrocity. And, though George Galloway has recently waxed lyrical about these most recent atrocities in Kiev and Gaza, talking will never be enough, not until the human hate swamps of the Orange Order, the Royal Black Institution and their counterparts in Ukraine, Israel and everywhere else are drained dry and consigned to history.

And yes, we can condemn the Waffen-SS, the Japanese Imperial Army, the Black and Tans and, while we are at it, Caesar’s Legions and Alexander the Great as well. But none of that will help address the root cause of our problems in Ukraine, in Gaza and in the wider Middle East as well, which is that far too many carpetbaggers and institutions in the NATO world are making far too much money from these wars, which will only end, when the arms factories, the media moguls, the governments, universities, think tanks, NGOs, NAFO simpletons and sundry other fraternal hate institutions that fuel them are consigned to the trash bin of history.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

February 14, 2025
February 17, 2025
February 13, 2025

See also

February 14, 2025
February 17, 2025
February 13, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.