Declan Hayes
July 2, 2024
© Photo: Public domain

Let’s hope Gerasimov gives Kallas, Rutte and Barcelona bellboy Borrell no opportunity for an encore.

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The purpose of this article is not so much to describe the formidable NATO armies currently pitting themselves against Russia but to look at the creeping Jesuses, who cheer on NATO’s aggression, when not bullying Russian musicians, attacking Russian embassies or denouncing Masha and the bear as the vilest of Russian propaganda.

With all that in mind, I am particularly grateful for Finian Cunnigham’s recent excellent article on how Dutch creepy crawly, Mark Rutte, has replaced that Norwegian Stoltenberg chap as NATO’s chief rubber stamp and for pointing out that Rutte and his bodyguards cycle to work, tokenistic cycling being something like a Masonic handshake with today’s current crop of eco friendly neo Nazis.

Callous Kallas

I had not previously paid much attention to Rutte, as my eyes were fixated on a number of other useful NAFO idiots, chief amongst them being Estonian war monger Kaja Kallas, whom I have previously happily sneered at here, here and here, and who has recently replaced Fawlty Towers waiter Josep Borrell as Europe’s top diplomat.

Not only does Kallas hail from a pipsqueak country with no strategic relevance, except as an American cat’s paw to be used against Belarus and Russia, but Kallas has a personal bee in her pretty bonnet about her family doing jail time during the Stalin years.

Sad as that is, American puppets holding personal grudges do not make good ambassadors, as ambassadors are supposed to practice European diplomacy, not American duplicity. That being so, Gerasimov rather than Lavrov will be her Russian medium and his message will come from the barrels of ten million guns, which will give both her and her Estonian spawning ground something to remember.

Kallas is nothing more than a jumped up NAFO loud mouth fixated on copying Jimmy Cagney in White Heat, and shouting to her departed mother Made it ma. Top of the world. The difference is that, though Cagney went out on his own in a blazing fire ball of glory, Kallas and the rest of the NAFO crew, even if they are too dumb to realise it, want to bring us all along to Hades with them.

Though critics could argue I am being a trifle unkind to Kallas, it is high time someone called this NAFO slapper and her clones out. The enemy here is not so much the NATO soldiers, who Kallas wants to merrily march off to their doom, but those like Kallas and a million others, who cynically cheer them on their way and who were long ago condemned by England’s Great War poets on the one side and, on the other, by the poignant German requiem that is Eriq Maria Remarque‘s All Quiet on the Western Front. Though much has changed since the 1918 Armistice, these cynical vultures have not. Because they are still fomenting war from their perches, these parrots must be put back in their cages.


Consider this interview NAFO lackey Piers Morgan conducted with noted British politician George Galloway. Note that Galloway is seldom allowed say a full sentence without Morgan barging in to give his own tuppence worth on Srebrenica, Bucha and Putin, Putin, Putin. Galloway, by his own admission, is a political junkey and would be as much up to speed on Srebrenica and Bucha as are the best informed of his compatriots. In answering about Bucha, he rattles off evidence I barely recall and, even though his memory is also excellent on Srebrenica, our own Stephen Karganovic has given far fuller accounts than Galloway or, heaven help us, than Morgan could ever hope to give.

Although I have not spoken to Karganovic about his work, I have spoken at length to Robert Stuart about how his excellent piece totally exposes NATO’s false flag chemical attacks in Syria. But NATO and their lapdogs are not interested in gleaning solid reports from Karganovic or Stuart. As Morgan and his NAFO clones show, all they can do is repeatedly roar out Putin’s name and condemn anyone out of hand, who is not ready to fly to Moscow at the drop of a hat and loaf Putin in the kisser, give him a Glasgow handshake and take their chances with Putin’s scary bodyguards.

Because that is the talk of either a child or a NAFO simpleton, that brings us to the strange case of Philip Cross, an extraordinarily prolific Wikipedia editor George Galloway unmasked as a vulnerable North London idiot being used by those riff raff we previously met in the battleground of Russian culture to defame anyone and everyone in NATO’s cross hairs.

Although Glen Black and Craig Murray both wrote forensically damning indictments of Cross and his Sunday Times and Jewish Chronicle handlers, Mossad outlet Haeretz summarily dismissed all their evidence as being, of all things, anti-Semitic hogwash. Although Galloway also regards MI6’s Hope not Hate as yet another NAFO operation designed to unseat characters like him, who think genocide is not quite kosher, Mi6 have armies of these NAFO characters on the payroll.

As regards yelling Putin’s name to all and sundry, that has replaced defaming Assad as NAFO’s trump card. Whenever Galloway or anyone else makes a valid point, just squawk Putin and NATO’s umpires will award you point, game, set and match. Stupid as all that sounds, that is how NAFO’s trolls, from Morgan on the top perch down to the floozys of North London on their no less lucrative ones, cackle out their scripted arguments.


When Clare Daly lost her Euro seat, she gave a very curt interview to the NAFO media, which was little more than a one fingered salute to them for treating her so shabbily, something I have previously pointed out here and here, but which the Irish Times predictably denied in what they hope is her political obituary.

In concluding her hit piece on Daly, Justine McCarthy finished by noting Daly was wearing a Free Assange t shirt, and that “the imprisoned Julian Assange, co-founder of Wikileaks, is only one of 579 journalists currently being detained around the world, the second-highest number ever recorded by the Committee to Protect Journalists”.

Although the inference here is that the journalists of the Irish Times and the Guardian are, like Assange, amongst the major victims of societal injustice, this searing piece by Jonathan Cook puts paid to that fairy story. Far from being victims, Cook spells out why NAFO outfits like the Guardian and the Irish Times are the vilest persecutors of freedom evangelists like Assange and, indeed, Jeremy Corbyn, who was amongst the very first of his supporters Assange thanked upon his Odysseus-like return to Australia.

As this English barrister shows, Corbyn and Galloway are not the only British politicians being pilloried as Putin puppets. If the media were to be believed, even Nigel Farage’s crew are on the Kremlin’s vast payroll as, apparently I am myself if Norma Costello, Ronan Tynan, Samara Levy and other NAFO gnats I have swatted are credible sources.

Sadly, they are not and nor are they really meant to be, because the bottom line is truth is not on the side of NATO’s bottom basement NAFO parrots. Once their funding dries up, those of them, who are still standing, will fly the coop to feast off their next free morsel. These monkeys should never be confused with even the humblest of organ grinders.

Kiev or Kyiv?

This is not to write these NAFO parrots off as being worthless. If they were, NATO would not fund their Easy Street existence. Their role is to amplify themes and motifs, to make it look like NATO’s war aims are the vox populi, the will of the people.

Let’s return to the banks of the Dnieper, where MI6’s BBC outlet tells us of all the brave Ukrainian LGBT units bravely fending off the homophobic Russkie hordes, and MI6’s Guardian outlet explains that we must call Kiev Kyiv to stick it to Putin, who hates such defiance.

Fair enough, but if Roma is Rome in English, Napoli is Naples, København is Copenhagen and Oporto is Porto, why should the capital of the rump Reich be treated any differently? The answer is, as I explained in my second article for this site, to submit to what passes itself off as the intellectual wing of the Azov Nazis, whose vision for the Ukrainian people remains the stagnant pool of blood it has always been. Call me queasy but appeasing Nazis always makes me see red and the Kiev/Kyiv question is central to it.

Wish as the Nazis will, the Ukrainian language has no commercial future, as Ukraine is a vassal state of NATO, where the lingua franca is (American) English. Zelensky only learned Ukrainian to keep his scam going and there is no way the Bidens and NATO’s other major money launderers are going to learn Ukrainian to keep their own scams going. When Ukraine throws in the towel, they will, true to form, be milking some other God forsaken people where Tagalog, Malay or some other Asian language is spoken.

So Kiev or NAFO’s Kviv is fine but make no mistake that Kviv is part of a much bigger NATO racket.

700,000 abducted children?

As is this business of Ukraine’s abducted children. Although NATO have used Russian claims that they evacuated almost 5 million Borderlands’ residents to safer areas within Russia to demand that Putin and some other Russians face war crimes’ charges for wantonly abducting children, that is only more NAFO hot air.

Although I previously debunked those charges, NAFO have no need to give up those smears, given how effective they are in their own parlour games. Quite simply, if these lies about kidnapped children help keep NATO’s war rackets humming, that is good and the more NAFO trolls there are, who spread that nonsense, the better as far as NATO is concerned. NATO is not concerned in the least with the welfare of Ukrainian or any other children, who are all just propaganda pieces in NAFO’s parlour room wars.

Hard War, Soft War, Live Children, Dead Children

Although I long ago also touched on the case of persecuted German peace activist Alina Lipp, who committed NATO’s cardinal crime of paying homage at the Alley of Angels shrine to the Borderlands’ children NATO massacred prior to Russia’s “unprovoked” intervention, NAFO continue to applaud NATO slaughtering children with internationally banned cluster bombs for the capital crime of playing with buckets and spades on Crimean beaches, a crime whose consequences were dealt with in this recent excellent editorial; and which was perpetrated, lest we forget, at the same time NATO proxies were slitting the throats of Orthodox priests on their high altars in Dagestan.

Although these crimes are hard to defend, NAFO’s job is to applaud those crimes, just as they applauded similar crimes in Libya, Syria and Iraq, the only difference being that they deflect by squawking about Putin, instead of Saddam, Assad or Gaddafi. All fair enough in love and war, except that the bombs, bullets and missiles invariably read US of A.

In war, innocent people always suffer

In war, innocent people always suffer. So said Yankee diplomat Raymond Seitz in reply to a query by Father John Metcalf as to why the Yankees’ Contra thugs were slaughtering his parishioners in northern Nicaragua. Harold Pinter, who was present at that exchange, included it in his superlative acceptance speech for the 2005 Nobel Prize in Literature.

In wars, innocent people always suffer. And Pinter makes clear in his speech that, in Nicaragua, as well as in “El Salvador Indonesia, Greece, Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Haiti, Turkey, the Philippines, Guatemala, El Salvador, and, of course, Chile”, the cut throats of the US Defence Forces are the common denominator, just as they are now in Ukraine, Russia, Syria and a smorgasbord of other countries NATO feels are right for sundering.

Though Pinter put the case against American war crimes more eloquently than ever we could, Valery Gerasimov, the chief of general staff of the Russian Armed Forces, is in a position to express himself far more forthrightly than Pinter ever could.. Along with Russia’s former defence minister, Sergei Shoigu, he stands accused of the apparent war crime of knocking out a couple of electrical transformers in Kiev (or is it Kyiv?).

By the time this war ends, NAFO’s ICC legions will probably accuse him of many more such crimes against Ukraine’s electricity grid. That is because, as Dr Gilbert Doctorow explains in this interview with Judge Napolitano, Gerasimov and his chums think that children on Crimean beaches should no more be what NAFO deem “legitimate NATO targets” than should children in north Nicaraguan playgrounds; Gerasimov and his troops are tasked to putting an end to all that with all appropriate means available to them and, if there is a holier task than his in today’s world, I have not heard of it.

According to Pinter, “the crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis”.

Although the eloquent Pinter goes on to congratulate the “brutal, indifferent, scornful and ruthless” US of A on how it hypnotises the world, the less eloquent Gerasimov is paid to be immune to all such wiles. And although Gerasimov, being Russian, is unlikely to win any Nobel Prizes soon, he does have his other strengths, one of which is to even the body bag count with NATO and their NAFO shoe shine boys and girls.

Gerasimov, Wikipedia tells us, was raised on tales of Russia’s Great Patriotic War where his uncle, a tank company commander, fought the usual suspects for their very existence and thereby set the marker Gerasimov and his comrades must be measured by.

Although I formerly wrote that NAFO is winning the social media war, I also wrote that “Gerasimov must finish the Ukrainian war on Russia’s terms and then he must turn his attention to Finland”.

And so it shall be. NATO and their NAFO choir boys have made a very dangerous enemy in Gerasimov and the 1.5 million men and women under his command. Having connived together to sow the wind, Gerasimov and his forces are going to make them reap the mother of all whirlwinds before other arenas like East Asia repeat the process, until NATO and their NAFO parrots stop committing their war crimes. At the heel of the hunt, things will go Gerasimov’s way, even if that means that Kallas and her cronies make the same, sorry Made it ma. Top of the world sort of exit the great Jimmy Cagney made in White Heat. And let’s hope Gerasimov gives Kallas, Rutte and Barcelona bellboy Borrell no opportunity for an encore.

NAFO’s Barbarossa faces its Waterloo

Let’s hope Gerasimov gives Kallas, Rutte and Barcelona bellboy Borrell no opportunity for an encore.

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The purpose of this article is not so much to describe the formidable NATO armies currently pitting themselves against Russia but to look at the creeping Jesuses, who cheer on NATO’s aggression, when not bullying Russian musicians, attacking Russian embassies or denouncing Masha and the bear as the vilest of Russian propaganda.

With all that in mind, I am particularly grateful for Finian Cunnigham’s recent excellent article on how Dutch creepy crawly, Mark Rutte, has replaced that Norwegian Stoltenberg chap as NATO’s chief rubber stamp and for pointing out that Rutte and his bodyguards cycle to work, tokenistic cycling being something like a Masonic handshake with today’s current crop of eco friendly neo Nazis.

Callous Kallas

I had not previously paid much attention to Rutte, as my eyes were fixated on a number of other useful NAFO idiots, chief amongst them being Estonian war monger Kaja Kallas, whom I have previously happily sneered at here, here and here, and who has recently replaced Fawlty Towers waiter Josep Borrell as Europe’s top diplomat.

Not only does Kallas hail from a pipsqueak country with no strategic relevance, except as an American cat’s paw to be used against Belarus and Russia, but Kallas has a personal bee in her pretty bonnet about her family doing jail time during the Stalin years.

Sad as that is, American puppets holding personal grudges do not make good ambassadors, as ambassadors are supposed to practice European diplomacy, not American duplicity. That being so, Gerasimov rather than Lavrov will be her Russian medium and his message will come from the barrels of ten million guns, which will give both her and her Estonian spawning ground something to remember.

Kallas is nothing more than a jumped up NAFO loud mouth fixated on copying Jimmy Cagney in White Heat, and shouting to her departed mother Made it ma. Top of the world. The difference is that, though Cagney went out on his own in a blazing fire ball of glory, Kallas and the rest of the NAFO crew, even if they are too dumb to realise it, want to bring us all along to Hades with them.

Though critics could argue I am being a trifle unkind to Kallas, it is high time someone called this NAFO slapper and her clones out. The enemy here is not so much the NATO soldiers, who Kallas wants to merrily march off to their doom, but those like Kallas and a million others, who cynically cheer them on their way and who were long ago condemned by England’s Great War poets on the one side and, on the other, by the poignant German requiem that is Eriq Maria Remarque‘s All Quiet on the Western Front. Though much has changed since the 1918 Armistice, these cynical vultures have not. Because they are still fomenting war from their perches, these parrots must be put back in their cages.


Consider this interview NAFO lackey Piers Morgan conducted with noted British politician George Galloway. Note that Galloway is seldom allowed say a full sentence without Morgan barging in to give his own tuppence worth on Srebrenica, Bucha and Putin, Putin, Putin. Galloway, by his own admission, is a political junkey and would be as much up to speed on Srebrenica and Bucha as are the best informed of his compatriots. In answering about Bucha, he rattles off evidence I barely recall and, even though his memory is also excellent on Srebrenica, our own Stephen Karganovic has given far fuller accounts than Galloway or, heaven help us, than Morgan could ever hope to give.

Although I have not spoken to Karganovic about his work, I have spoken at length to Robert Stuart about how his excellent piece totally exposes NATO’s false flag chemical attacks in Syria. But NATO and their lapdogs are not interested in gleaning solid reports from Karganovic or Stuart. As Morgan and his NAFO clones show, all they can do is repeatedly roar out Putin’s name and condemn anyone out of hand, who is not ready to fly to Moscow at the drop of a hat and loaf Putin in the kisser, give him a Glasgow handshake and take their chances with Putin’s scary bodyguards.

Because that is the talk of either a child or a NAFO simpleton, that brings us to the strange case of Philip Cross, an extraordinarily prolific Wikipedia editor George Galloway unmasked as a vulnerable North London idiot being used by those riff raff we previously met in the battleground of Russian culture to defame anyone and everyone in NATO’s cross hairs.

Although Glen Black and Craig Murray both wrote forensically damning indictments of Cross and his Sunday Times and Jewish Chronicle handlers, Mossad outlet Haeretz summarily dismissed all their evidence as being, of all things, anti-Semitic hogwash. Although Galloway also regards MI6’s Hope not Hate as yet another NAFO operation designed to unseat characters like him, who think genocide is not quite kosher, Mi6 have armies of these NAFO characters on the payroll.

As regards yelling Putin’s name to all and sundry, that has replaced defaming Assad as NAFO’s trump card. Whenever Galloway or anyone else makes a valid point, just squawk Putin and NATO’s umpires will award you point, game, set and match. Stupid as all that sounds, that is how NAFO’s trolls, from Morgan on the top perch down to the floozys of North London on their no less lucrative ones, cackle out their scripted arguments.


When Clare Daly lost her Euro seat, she gave a very curt interview to the NAFO media, which was little more than a one fingered salute to them for treating her so shabbily, something I have previously pointed out here and here, but which the Irish Times predictably denied in what they hope is her political obituary.

In concluding her hit piece on Daly, Justine McCarthy finished by noting Daly was wearing a Free Assange t shirt, and that “the imprisoned Julian Assange, co-founder of Wikileaks, is only one of 579 journalists currently being detained around the world, the second-highest number ever recorded by the Committee to Protect Journalists”.

Although the inference here is that the journalists of the Irish Times and the Guardian are, like Assange, amongst the major victims of societal injustice, this searing piece by Jonathan Cook puts paid to that fairy story. Far from being victims, Cook spells out why NAFO outfits like the Guardian and the Irish Times are the vilest persecutors of freedom evangelists like Assange and, indeed, Jeremy Corbyn, who was amongst the very first of his supporters Assange thanked upon his Odysseus-like return to Australia.

As this English barrister shows, Corbyn and Galloway are not the only British politicians being pilloried as Putin puppets. If the media were to be believed, even Nigel Farage’s crew are on the Kremlin’s vast payroll as, apparently I am myself if Norma Costello, Ronan Tynan, Samara Levy and other NAFO gnats I have swatted are credible sources.

Sadly, they are not and nor are they really meant to be, because the bottom line is truth is not on the side of NATO’s bottom basement NAFO parrots. Once their funding dries up, those of them, who are still standing, will fly the coop to feast off their next free morsel. These monkeys should never be confused with even the humblest of organ grinders.

Kiev or Kyiv?

This is not to write these NAFO parrots off as being worthless. If they were, NATO would not fund their Easy Street existence. Their role is to amplify themes and motifs, to make it look like NATO’s war aims are the vox populi, the will of the people.

Let’s return to the banks of the Dnieper, where MI6’s BBC outlet tells us of all the brave Ukrainian LGBT units bravely fending off the homophobic Russkie hordes, and MI6’s Guardian outlet explains that we must call Kiev Kyiv to stick it to Putin, who hates such defiance.

Fair enough, but if Roma is Rome in English, Napoli is Naples, København is Copenhagen and Oporto is Porto, why should the capital of the rump Reich be treated any differently? The answer is, as I explained in my second article for this site, to submit to what passes itself off as the intellectual wing of the Azov Nazis, whose vision for the Ukrainian people remains the stagnant pool of blood it has always been. Call me queasy but appeasing Nazis always makes me see red and the Kiev/Kyiv question is central to it.

Wish as the Nazis will, the Ukrainian language has no commercial future, as Ukraine is a vassal state of NATO, where the lingua franca is (American) English. Zelensky only learned Ukrainian to keep his scam going and there is no way the Bidens and NATO’s other major money launderers are going to learn Ukrainian to keep their own scams going. When Ukraine throws in the towel, they will, true to form, be milking some other God forsaken people where Tagalog, Malay or some other Asian language is spoken.

So Kiev or NAFO’s Kviv is fine but make no mistake that Kviv is part of a much bigger NATO racket.

700,000 abducted children?

As is this business of Ukraine’s abducted children. Although NATO have used Russian claims that they evacuated almost 5 million Borderlands’ residents to safer areas within Russia to demand that Putin and some other Russians face war crimes’ charges for wantonly abducting children, that is only more NAFO hot air.

Although I previously debunked those charges, NAFO have no need to give up those smears, given how effective they are in their own parlour games. Quite simply, if these lies about kidnapped children help keep NATO’s war rackets humming, that is good and the more NAFO trolls there are, who spread that nonsense, the better as far as NATO is concerned. NATO is not concerned in the least with the welfare of Ukrainian or any other children, who are all just propaganda pieces in NAFO’s parlour room wars.

Hard War, Soft War, Live Children, Dead Children

Although I long ago also touched on the case of persecuted German peace activist Alina Lipp, who committed NATO’s cardinal crime of paying homage at the Alley of Angels shrine to the Borderlands’ children NATO massacred prior to Russia’s “unprovoked” intervention, NAFO continue to applaud NATO slaughtering children with internationally banned cluster bombs for the capital crime of playing with buckets and spades on Crimean beaches, a crime whose consequences were dealt with in this recent excellent editorial; and which was perpetrated, lest we forget, at the same time NATO proxies were slitting the throats of Orthodox priests on their high altars in Dagestan.

Although these crimes are hard to defend, NAFO’s job is to applaud those crimes, just as they applauded similar crimes in Libya, Syria and Iraq, the only difference being that they deflect by squawking about Putin, instead of Saddam, Assad or Gaddafi. All fair enough in love and war, except that the bombs, bullets and missiles invariably read US of A.

In war, innocent people always suffer

In war, innocent people always suffer. So said Yankee diplomat Raymond Seitz in reply to a query by Father John Metcalf as to why the Yankees’ Contra thugs were slaughtering his parishioners in northern Nicaragua. Harold Pinter, who was present at that exchange, included it in his superlative acceptance speech for the 2005 Nobel Prize in Literature.

In wars, innocent people always suffer. And Pinter makes clear in his speech that, in Nicaragua, as well as in “El Salvador Indonesia, Greece, Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Haiti, Turkey, the Philippines, Guatemala, El Salvador, and, of course, Chile”, the cut throats of the US Defence Forces are the common denominator, just as they are now in Ukraine, Russia, Syria and a smorgasbord of other countries NATO feels are right for sundering.

Though Pinter put the case against American war crimes more eloquently than ever we could, Valery Gerasimov, the chief of general staff of the Russian Armed Forces, is in a position to express himself far more forthrightly than Pinter ever could.. Along with Russia’s former defence minister, Sergei Shoigu, he stands accused of the apparent war crime of knocking out a couple of electrical transformers in Kiev (or is it Kyiv?).

By the time this war ends, NAFO’s ICC legions will probably accuse him of many more such crimes against Ukraine’s electricity grid. That is because, as Dr Gilbert Doctorow explains in this interview with Judge Napolitano, Gerasimov and his chums think that children on Crimean beaches should no more be what NAFO deem “legitimate NATO targets” than should children in north Nicaraguan playgrounds; Gerasimov and his troops are tasked to putting an end to all that with all appropriate means available to them and, if there is a holier task than his in today’s world, I have not heard of it.

According to Pinter, “the crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis”.

Although the eloquent Pinter goes on to congratulate the “brutal, indifferent, scornful and ruthless” US of A on how it hypnotises the world, the less eloquent Gerasimov is paid to be immune to all such wiles. And although Gerasimov, being Russian, is unlikely to win any Nobel Prizes soon, he does have his other strengths, one of which is to even the body bag count with NATO and their NAFO shoe shine boys and girls.

Gerasimov, Wikipedia tells us, was raised on tales of Russia’s Great Patriotic War where his uncle, a tank company commander, fought the usual suspects for their very existence and thereby set the marker Gerasimov and his comrades must be measured by.

Although I formerly wrote that NAFO is winning the social media war, I also wrote that “Gerasimov must finish the Ukrainian war on Russia’s terms and then he must turn his attention to Finland”.

And so it shall be. NATO and their NAFO choir boys have made a very dangerous enemy in Gerasimov and the 1.5 million men and women under his command. Having connived together to sow the wind, Gerasimov and his forces are going to make them reap the mother of all whirlwinds before other arenas like East Asia repeat the process, until NATO and their NAFO parrots stop committing their war crimes. At the heel of the hunt, things will go Gerasimov’s way, even if that means that Kallas and her cronies make the same, sorry Made it ma. Top of the world sort of exit the great Jimmy Cagney made in White Heat. And let’s hope Gerasimov gives Kallas, Rutte and Barcelona bellboy Borrell no opportunity for an encore.

Let’s hope Gerasimov gives Kallas, Rutte and Barcelona bellboy Borrell no opportunity for an encore.

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The purpose of this article is not so much to describe the formidable NATO armies currently pitting themselves against Russia but to look at the creeping Jesuses, who cheer on NATO’s aggression, when not bullying Russian musicians, attacking Russian embassies or denouncing Masha and the bear as the vilest of Russian propaganda.

With all that in mind, I am particularly grateful for Finian Cunnigham’s recent excellent article on how Dutch creepy crawly, Mark Rutte, has replaced that Norwegian Stoltenberg chap as NATO’s chief rubber stamp and for pointing out that Rutte and his bodyguards cycle to work, tokenistic cycling being something like a Masonic handshake with today’s current crop of eco friendly neo Nazis.

Callous Kallas

I had not previously paid much attention to Rutte, as my eyes were fixated on a number of other useful NAFO idiots, chief amongst them being Estonian war monger Kaja Kallas, whom I have previously happily sneered at here, here and here, and who has recently replaced Fawlty Towers waiter Josep Borrell as Europe’s top diplomat.

Not only does Kallas hail from a pipsqueak country with no strategic relevance, except as an American cat’s paw to be used against Belarus and Russia, but Kallas has a personal bee in her pretty bonnet about her family doing jail time during the Stalin years.

Sad as that is, American puppets holding personal grudges do not make good ambassadors, as ambassadors are supposed to practice European diplomacy, not American duplicity. That being so, Gerasimov rather than Lavrov will be her Russian medium and his message will come from the barrels of ten million guns, which will give both her and her Estonian spawning ground something to remember.

Kallas is nothing more than a jumped up NAFO loud mouth fixated on copying Jimmy Cagney in White Heat, and shouting to her departed mother Made it ma. Top of the world. The difference is that, though Cagney went out on his own in a blazing fire ball of glory, Kallas and the rest of the NAFO crew, even if they are too dumb to realise it, want to bring us all along to Hades with them.

Though critics could argue I am being a trifle unkind to Kallas, it is high time someone called this NAFO slapper and her clones out. The enemy here is not so much the NATO soldiers, who Kallas wants to merrily march off to their doom, but those like Kallas and a million others, who cynically cheer them on their way and who were long ago condemned by England’s Great War poets on the one side and, on the other, by the poignant German requiem that is Eriq Maria Remarque‘s All Quiet on the Western Front. Though much has changed since the 1918 Armistice, these cynical vultures have not. Because they are still fomenting war from their perches, these parrots must be put back in their cages.


Consider this interview NAFO lackey Piers Morgan conducted with noted British politician George Galloway. Note that Galloway is seldom allowed say a full sentence without Morgan barging in to give his own tuppence worth on Srebrenica, Bucha and Putin, Putin, Putin. Galloway, by his own admission, is a political junkey and would be as much up to speed on Srebrenica and Bucha as are the best informed of his compatriots. In answering about Bucha, he rattles off evidence I barely recall and, even though his memory is also excellent on Srebrenica, our own Stephen Karganovic has given far fuller accounts than Galloway or, heaven help us, than Morgan could ever hope to give.

Although I have not spoken to Karganovic about his work, I have spoken at length to Robert Stuart about how his excellent piece totally exposes NATO’s false flag chemical attacks in Syria. But NATO and their lapdogs are not interested in gleaning solid reports from Karganovic or Stuart. As Morgan and his NAFO clones show, all they can do is repeatedly roar out Putin’s name and condemn anyone out of hand, who is not ready to fly to Moscow at the drop of a hat and loaf Putin in the kisser, give him a Glasgow handshake and take their chances with Putin’s scary bodyguards.

Because that is the talk of either a child or a NAFO simpleton, that brings us to the strange case of Philip Cross, an extraordinarily prolific Wikipedia editor George Galloway unmasked as a vulnerable North London idiot being used by those riff raff we previously met in the battleground of Russian culture to defame anyone and everyone in NATO’s cross hairs.

Although Glen Black and Craig Murray both wrote forensically damning indictments of Cross and his Sunday Times and Jewish Chronicle handlers, Mossad outlet Haeretz summarily dismissed all their evidence as being, of all things, anti-Semitic hogwash. Although Galloway also regards MI6’s Hope not Hate as yet another NAFO operation designed to unseat characters like him, who think genocide is not quite kosher, Mi6 have armies of these NAFO characters on the payroll.

As regards yelling Putin’s name to all and sundry, that has replaced defaming Assad as NAFO’s trump card. Whenever Galloway or anyone else makes a valid point, just squawk Putin and NATO’s umpires will award you point, game, set and match. Stupid as all that sounds, that is how NAFO’s trolls, from Morgan on the top perch down to the floozys of North London on their no less lucrative ones, cackle out their scripted arguments.


When Clare Daly lost her Euro seat, she gave a very curt interview to the NAFO media, which was little more than a one fingered salute to them for treating her so shabbily, something I have previously pointed out here and here, but which the Irish Times predictably denied in what they hope is her political obituary.

In concluding her hit piece on Daly, Justine McCarthy finished by noting Daly was wearing a Free Assange t shirt, and that “the imprisoned Julian Assange, co-founder of Wikileaks, is only one of 579 journalists currently being detained around the world, the second-highest number ever recorded by the Committee to Protect Journalists”.

Although the inference here is that the journalists of the Irish Times and the Guardian are, like Assange, amongst the major victims of societal injustice, this searing piece by Jonathan Cook puts paid to that fairy story. Far from being victims, Cook spells out why NAFO outfits like the Guardian and the Irish Times are the vilest persecutors of freedom evangelists like Assange and, indeed, Jeremy Corbyn, who was amongst the very first of his supporters Assange thanked upon his Odysseus-like return to Australia.

As this English barrister shows, Corbyn and Galloway are not the only British politicians being pilloried as Putin puppets. If the media were to be believed, even Nigel Farage’s crew are on the Kremlin’s vast payroll as, apparently I am myself if Norma Costello, Ronan Tynan, Samara Levy and other NAFO gnats I have swatted are credible sources.

Sadly, they are not and nor are they really meant to be, because the bottom line is truth is not on the side of NATO’s bottom basement NAFO parrots. Once their funding dries up, those of them, who are still standing, will fly the coop to feast off their next free morsel. These monkeys should never be confused with even the humblest of organ grinders.

Kiev or Kyiv?

This is not to write these NAFO parrots off as being worthless. If they were, NATO would not fund their Easy Street existence. Their role is to amplify themes and motifs, to make it look like NATO’s war aims are the vox populi, the will of the people.

Let’s return to the banks of the Dnieper, where MI6’s BBC outlet tells us of all the brave Ukrainian LGBT units bravely fending off the homophobic Russkie hordes, and MI6’s Guardian outlet explains that we must call Kiev Kyiv to stick it to Putin, who hates such defiance.

Fair enough, but if Roma is Rome in English, Napoli is Naples, København is Copenhagen and Oporto is Porto, why should the capital of the rump Reich be treated any differently? The answer is, as I explained in my second article for this site, to submit to what passes itself off as the intellectual wing of the Azov Nazis, whose vision for the Ukrainian people remains the stagnant pool of blood it has always been. Call me queasy but appeasing Nazis always makes me see red and the Kiev/Kyiv question is central to it.

Wish as the Nazis will, the Ukrainian language has no commercial future, as Ukraine is a vassal state of NATO, where the lingua franca is (American) English. Zelensky only learned Ukrainian to keep his scam going and there is no way the Bidens and NATO’s other major money launderers are going to learn Ukrainian to keep their own scams going. When Ukraine throws in the towel, they will, true to form, be milking some other God forsaken people where Tagalog, Malay or some other Asian language is spoken.

So Kiev or NAFO’s Kviv is fine but make no mistake that Kviv is part of a much bigger NATO racket.

700,000 abducted children?

As is this business of Ukraine’s abducted children. Although NATO have used Russian claims that they evacuated almost 5 million Borderlands’ residents to safer areas within Russia to demand that Putin and some other Russians face war crimes’ charges for wantonly abducting children, that is only more NAFO hot air.

Although I previously debunked those charges, NAFO have no need to give up those smears, given how effective they are in their own parlour games. Quite simply, if these lies about kidnapped children help keep NATO’s war rackets humming, that is good and the more NAFO trolls there are, who spread that nonsense, the better as far as NATO is concerned. NATO is not concerned in the least with the welfare of Ukrainian or any other children, who are all just propaganda pieces in NAFO’s parlour room wars.

Hard War, Soft War, Live Children, Dead Children

Although I long ago also touched on the case of persecuted German peace activist Alina Lipp, who committed NATO’s cardinal crime of paying homage at the Alley of Angels shrine to the Borderlands’ children NATO massacred prior to Russia’s “unprovoked” intervention, NAFO continue to applaud NATO slaughtering children with internationally banned cluster bombs for the capital crime of playing with buckets and spades on Crimean beaches, a crime whose consequences were dealt with in this recent excellent editorial; and which was perpetrated, lest we forget, at the same time NATO proxies were slitting the throats of Orthodox priests on their high altars in Dagestan.

Although these crimes are hard to defend, NAFO’s job is to applaud those crimes, just as they applauded similar crimes in Libya, Syria and Iraq, the only difference being that they deflect by squawking about Putin, instead of Saddam, Assad or Gaddafi. All fair enough in love and war, except that the bombs, bullets and missiles invariably read US of A.

In war, innocent people always suffer

In war, innocent people always suffer. So said Yankee diplomat Raymond Seitz in reply to a query by Father John Metcalf as to why the Yankees’ Contra thugs were slaughtering his parishioners in northern Nicaragua. Harold Pinter, who was present at that exchange, included it in his superlative acceptance speech for the 2005 Nobel Prize in Literature.

In wars, innocent people always suffer. And Pinter makes clear in his speech that, in Nicaragua, as well as in “El Salvador Indonesia, Greece, Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Haiti, Turkey, the Philippines, Guatemala, El Salvador, and, of course, Chile”, the cut throats of the US Defence Forces are the common denominator, just as they are now in Ukraine, Russia, Syria and a smorgasbord of other countries NATO feels are right for sundering.

Though Pinter put the case against American war crimes more eloquently than ever we could, Valery Gerasimov, the chief of general staff of the Russian Armed Forces, is in a position to express himself far more forthrightly than Pinter ever could.. Along with Russia’s former defence minister, Sergei Shoigu, he stands accused of the apparent war crime of knocking out a couple of electrical transformers in Kiev (or is it Kyiv?).

By the time this war ends, NAFO’s ICC legions will probably accuse him of many more such crimes against Ukraine’s electricity grid. That is because, as Dr Gilbert Doctorow explains in this interview with Judge Napolitano, Gerasimov and his chums think that children on Crimean beaches should no more be what NAFO deem “legitimate NATO targets” than should children in north Nicaraguan playgrounds; Gerasimov and his troops are tasked to putting an end to all that with all appropriate means available to them and, if there is a holier task than his in today’s world, I have not heard of it.

According to Pinter, “the crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis”.

Although the eloquent Pinter goes on to congratulate the “brutal, indifferent, scornful and ruthless” US of A on how it hypnotises the world, the less eloquent Gerasimov is paid to be immune to all such wiles. And although Gerasimov, being Russian, is unlikely to win any Nobel Prizes soon, he does have his other strengths, one of which is to even the body bag count with NATO and their NAFO shoe shine boys and girls.

Gerasimov, Wikipedia tells us, was raised on tales of Russia’s Great Patriotic War where his uncle, a tank company commander, fought the usual suspects for their very existence and thereby set the marker Gerasimov and his comrades must be measured by.

Although I formerly wrote that NAFO is winning the social media war, I also wrote that “Gerasimov must finish the Ukrainian war on Russia’s terms and then he must turn his attention to Finland”.

And so it shall be. NATO and their NAFO choir boys have made a very dangerous enemy in Gerasimov and the 1.5 million men and women under his command. Having connived together to sow the wind, Gerasimov and his forces are going to make them reap the mother of all whirlwinds before other arenas like East Asia repeat the process, until NATO and their NAFO parrots stop committing their war crimes. At the heel of the hunt, things will go Gerasimov’s way, even if that means that Kallas and her cronies make the same, sorry Made it ma. Top of the world sort of exit the great Jimmy Cagney made in White Heat. And let’s hope Gerasimov gives Kallas, Rutte and Barcelona bellboy Borrell no opportunity for an encore.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

October 2, 2024
October 11, 2024
September 20, 2024

See also

October 2, 2024
October 11, 2024
September 20, 2024
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.