Israel continues to push all moral boundaries whilst retaining its ultimately untenable position as NATO’s unsinkable Middle Eastern aircraft carrier.
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Israeli warlord Benjamin Netanyahu has finally suppressed the Qatari Al Jazeera network, seizing its assets and expelling those of its journalists his forces did not previously execute. Although this censorship was long on the cards, Mossad, of all folk, objected to its timing. This is not because Mossad wants a free and open press or it believes in Israeli citizens seeing the truth in their TV screens. Perish the thought. Mossad’s objections factor around how this further act of repression will impinge on their fake negotiations to get some of their surviving hostages released by Hamas and its allies.
The Jerusalem Post reports that “Mossad chief David Barnea requested that the government delay it for a few days, so as to avoid possible negative diplomatic ramifications relating to Qatar, a mediator between Israel and Hamas in negotiations for a deal to free Israeli hostages”. Because other counsels prevailed, Israel has now shut down Al Jazeera broadcasts in Arabic and English; shut down Al Jazeera’s offices in Israel; seized equipment used for Al Jazeera’s broadcasts; and limited access to its websites all, of course, without a squeak of protest from the Western media.
Importantly, for all of those familiar with the fate of Russia Today and Strategic Culture in the “Free World”, these punitive measures were, Israel and its allies claims, taken to stop the spread of disinformation and to stop Al Jazeera undermining Israeli “democracy”. Plus ça change etc.
Before looking at the global repercussions of this latest Israeli move, let’s quickly snapshot its effects in Gaza and in Syria, where Al Jazeera fueled the rebel terrorist cause by disseminating their videos far and wide, when Qatar and the other Muslim Brotherhood strongholds of Turkey and the United Arab Emirates fully weighed in behind NATO’s head choppers in their attempts to oust the secular Syrian authorities.
Thanks in no small part to the help given to them by Russia, Iran and Hezbollah irregulars, the heroes of the Syrian Arab Army held firm and regional players had to come to terms with the reality that neither Assad nor Nasrallah were going anywhere soon.
One of those regional players was Hamas,which stupidly sided with NATO’s “Syrian” rebels (sic) and which helped Al Jazeera and other NATO aligned media outlets spread lies about Damascus’ Yarmouk Camp and other Palestinian enclaves in Syria, lies which still gain currency wherever NATO’s media outlets rule the roost.
Although I have visited Yarmouk and know these lies to be the pile of manure that they are, they did immense damage to both Palestine and Syria before Hamas relented and stopped siding with NATO’s Syrian proxies.
Gaza itself is a different ballgame and, though October 7th was, what the IRA would term a spectacular, such spectaculars do not win wars, least of all the war of attrition Hamas and Israel find themselves currently bogged down in.
Although Israel holds all the media cards in the West, it is no exaggeration to say Al Jazeera helped Gaza’s suffering significantly level the playing field and, for their very commendable work there, Al Jazeera deserve every media and bravery plaudit going. Though we can all agree on that, Israel has a very effective way of neutralising journalists. They simply shoot or otherwise dispatch them even as pro Israeli outlets like the New York Times scoop up Pulitzer Prizes for their Gazan coverage which is appropriate enough as Pulizer’s biography says: “When the Cubans rebelled against Spanish rule, Pulitzer and Hearst sought to outdo each other in whipping up outrage against the Spanish.”
Although the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) made a number of objections to Al Jazeera being outlawed, we can safely dismiss them and all similar groups, just as Israel and NATO do on the grounds that they are Putin apologists, Holocaust deniers or whatever other libel fits the bill. No disrespect to ACRI or anyone else but if governments like those in Israel and the United States pay them no heed, why should we factor them into our calculations?
Because, truth be told, there are a lot of big calculations to be made both in the immediate region and further afield. Whilst Hezbollah, like the Red Army prior to the Battle for Berlin, hunker down in their South Lebanese bunkers, the mercurial Muslim Brotherhood network of Turkey and Azerbaijan remain on the move in Iraq, Libya, Syria and occupied Armenia, and it is anyone’s guess what side of the fence those two headed snakes will eventually come down on, or if they will simply sit on or demolish the fence.
Of course, a fight, especially one involving Israel, would not be complete without the Yanks plonking their cloven hoof right into centre field. Not only is the Yankee military centrally and criminally involved in all of the above adumbrated countries but they are bringing lessons learned in the killing fields of Syria and Palestie back home to practice on those lacking their tenacity and grit.
Israel, remember, long ago, began the practice of calculating how many calories Palestinians needed to subsist and, long before they induced this present famine, they allowed in only so much food that would keep the Gazans alive, and not much more than that. It was not so long ago that they hauled armchairs up on hills so they could get better views of their air force levelling Gaza. The man on the Clapham omnibus would be hard pressed not to be repulsed by the lot of them.
Not that Netanyahu or his fellow Israelis care a whit, because the Yanks and their European poodles are with them every inch of the way. Not only are the Americans cops and their Mafia auxiliaries cracking skulls and ruining careers on campuses from sea to shining sea across the United States but they are instituting laws that make so-called anti-Semitism, as defined by the fanatics of the rabidly pro Israeli International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), a serious criminal offence.
Such laws even criminalise chants like From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free, which is only a simple marching chant even if it is an aspiration or a vague promise as well.
What these laws, in effect do, is to bullet proof Israel against all criticism, simple, semi-nonsensical chants included, on the grounds that Irish, American and Uruguayan Jews who colonised Palestine were victims of the Hungarian Holocaust, when Irish Jews were building golf courses when Rezsȍ Kaszner was saving thousands of his fellow Hungarian Jews from Eichmann, an apparent crime for which the Israelis later assassinated Kaszner.
All of that is not, however, the end of the matter as Israel continues to push all moral boundaries whilst retaining its ultimately untenable position as NATO’s unsinkable Middle Eastern aircraft carrier. And, though Iran and Hezbollah might have a thing or two to say about that, Israel’s latest strike against Al Jazeera is designed to see that Gazans continue to die in the silence of an American imposed media blackout, where the only spin one can get is the yellow press disinformation the BBC, The Economist, Haaretz, Jerusalem Post and a NATO controlled TikTok vomit out, just as Pulitzer and Hearst spewed their jingoistic bile in their day.
Even that might be bearable if they would leave the children of Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Iraq and eastern Ukraine have some semblance of a childhood. But, under NATO’s system that is impossible because the purpose of shooting the messenger, Al Jazeera in this case, is to ensure the message that those Palestinian and other children deserve life itself, never mind the semblance of a normal childhood, also dies.