Tag: Qatar

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U.S. divide and rule no more… Washington’s Gulf allies embrace Iran
U.S. divide and rule no more… Washington’s Gulf allies embrace Iran
July 11, 2024

The days of Washington and its Western minions playing divide and rule are over because they have discredited themselves irreparably.

From the river to the sea, Al Jazeera will be free
May 10, 2024

Israel continues to push all moral boundaries whilst retaining its ultimately untenable position as NATO’s unsinkable Middle Eastern aircraft carrier.

From the river to the sea, Al Jazeera will be free
Doha Hunts for Whistleblowers Who Revealed Qatar’s Funding of ISIS
Editor's Сhoice
Doha Hunts for Whistleblowers Who Revealed Qatar’s Funding of ISIS
March 17, 2024

Top US officials have repeatedly acknowledged that Gulf states poured billions in funds and weapons for extremist groups fighting to overthrow the Syrian government.

The U.S. Is Complicit With Israel in the Genocide in Gaza
December 12, 2023

America is the chief supporter of Israel, and holds immense leverage over Israel, but refuses to demand that they stop the genocide and bring home the hostages.

The U.S. Is Complicit With Israel in the Genocide in Gaza
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¿Es tan poderoso el chiquitín?
¿Es tan poderoso el chiquitín?
December 2, 2023

La pausa humanitaria entre Israel y Hamas, que, de prolongarse, podría conducir a un cese de hostilidades duradero, está confirmando a Qatar como uno de los principales mediadores de Asia Occidental, Central y el norte de África.

Iraq Turns to Qatar, Turkmenistan to Reduce Reliance on Iranian Gas
July 12, 2023

Iraqis are suffering from soaring summer temperatures amid electricity shortages caused by reduced supplies of Iranian gas.

Iraq Turns to Qatar, Turkmenistan to Reduce Reliance on Iranian Gas
Editor's Сhoice
The Qatar-Syria Standoff: Enemies to the End
Editor's Сhoice
The Qatar-Syria Standoff: Enemies to the End
May 9, 2023

For various reasons related to political leverage, regional grandstanding, and outright animosity, Qatar is likely to remain the last Arab state to return to Syria.

Bridge of Peace and Prosperity Proposed From the Arab World to Syria
April 5, 2023

Syria is on the brink of recovery as Saudi Arabia plans to invite Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to the Arab League summit in Riyadh on May 19.

Bridge of Peace and Prosperity Proposed From the Arab World to Syria