Declan Hayes
March 26, 2024
© Photo: Public domain

The challenges the Catholic Church faces are immense and many of them, such as Ukraine, are to a very large extent of their own making.

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With another Western and Ukrainian Rump Reich Easter looming, another article on Pope Francis’ role in the Catholic Church and, through it, in the world in general, is in order. Given he is 87 and in bad health, the Pope should, in short, jog on and return to Argentina to drink mate to his heart’s content until he pops his clogs. That would allow the Church to write some sort of line under the disasters he has wrought.

From my perspective, if not from that of NATO, MI6 and the CIA, this Pope, the first Jesuit ever to hold the office, has been an unmitigated disaster and has possessed all of the negative characteristics the great Dostoevsky repeatedly claimed were the hallmarks of both the Jesuits in particular and, more generally, the Church they profess allegiance to.

Although this fear and loathing of Dostoevsky and his Russian contemporaries can be traced back to Polish and Lithuanian aggression during the Time of Troubles, today’s Ukrainian war shows those concerns have not dissipated over the intervening 400 years; the same forces are still at play.

Because I have written a number of articles showing the Pope holding a Ukrainian Nazi flag and showing Zelensky insulting him to his face, I am not taken in by this codswallop of the Pope urging Ukraine to raise, as they said, the white flag of surrender, irrespective of how much Jesuit founder Ignatius Loyola employed the use of flags in his excellent Spiritual Exercises that all Jesuits still live by.

That said, reaction to the Pope’s supposed talk of a Nazi white flag has been instructive. The sociopaths who run the NATO war machine were quick off the mark to condemn the Pope, the Pope’s envoy to Kiev was hauled in for a dressing down, the head of Ukraine’s Greek Catholic Church vowed to fight on to the last pregnant woman and Germany’s Catholic bishops also weighed in on behalf of Zelensky’s rotten Reich.

First off, given that the German hierarchy were, with the Vatican, criminally instrumental in the breakup of Yugoslavia, they should really sit this Barbarossa out. Secondly, as important officers in the Catholic Church, they should be disciplined for undermining the authority and the prestige of the Pope with their divisive remarks.

Finally and most importantly, no one who gives it a moment’s thought should be falling for this MI6 waffle. If we check Vatican News, we see the Pope predictably doing somersaults on his white flag of surrender words. And if we critically peruse Vatican News on a regular basis, we will see a very discernible anti-Russia and anti-Syria motif that is impossible to miss in such phrases as “Putin’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine”, the implication being that Putin and Assad are cut price Antichrists with nothing better to do than attack peace-loving Ukrainian Nazis and NATO’s head hacking Syrian fanatics.

The reason for this editorial line and one that gets at the cancerous heart of the Catholic Church is that the CIA and MI6 have so infiltrated the Catholic Church as to make it thoroughly unfit for purpose. Scott Ritter pointed out that when Zelensky barged into the Vatican, the head of MI6, who handles Zelensky, was in the adjoining room cooking up further conspiracies with Archbishop Paul Gallagher, MI6’s key plant in the Vatican’s top brass who has been given far too much leeway in the Catholic Church to do his English masters’ bidding.

If we look at Irish Catholic media, we see that Michael Kelly, the editor of the Irish Catholic, together with former editors Hermann Kelly (head of Irish Freedom Party), John McGuirk (editor of Gript) and David Quinn are all passionate Zionists. Switching to England, which has more Catholics than Ireland, the same pattern emerges with right wing, MI6-aligned papers like the Daily Telegraph supplying most of the writers for that country’s stable of emasculated Catholic outlets. The obvious conclusion to draw from that is that neither the Pope nor the Catholic Church are masters of their own ship.

Given that is the case, the question then arises as to how to clean up the pigsty much of the Catholic Church has become not only during the reign of Pope Francis but during the reigns of earlier, equally dubious characters such as that of Pope John II, who gave the notorious child sex abusers of the Legionaries of Christ far too much license.

Although I have previously written this not unsympathetic article on the Irish Christian Brothers, what remains of the Catholic Church has yet to examine its collective conscience to see how such degeneracy and debauchery became so embedded in its ranks.

One good place for the Catholic Church to start is with my earlier Zelensky article where I mentioned “American asset Fr Bill Currie, who liked to get the students drunk before tucking them in at night, a point that is relevant when we consider that Currie was one of only four Americans POTUS Bill Clinton, the close friend of Jeffrey Epstein, met when he dropped in to Tokyo”. Since then, Currie was promoted to being the head of the Jesuits’ global alumni network and in that role he wrote that “my happiest memories of Sophia are of directing the student choir for 25 years and living in the student dormitory on campus for almost the same length of time”. Living in the student dormitory is, as every Catholic should know, an occasion of sin, all the more so if one pumps one’s young charges, as Currie religiously did, with oceans of free booze.

If we switch to Syria, we see that Pope Francis all but canonised Fr Paolo Dall’Oglio, whom his fellow Jesuits of Syria rightly denounced as the mercenary traitor that he was. And though many other examples of Catholic treachery have emerged from Syria, Palestine and Iraq, the greatest betrayal has been how the Pope and his handlers have not stood by the martyrs and heroes of those three countries.

The Pope can call for all the studies into “ugly gender theory” that he wants but his Jesuit order, in universities as diverse as Tokyo’s Sophia and Washington’s Georgetown Universities, have facilitated those CIA heresies every step of the way. And, though Georgetown is the pride of the Jesuits’ third level empire, it is more in hock today to the CIA and America’s neocons than it ever was to the once formidable Jesuits Dostoevsky and the equally great Pascal both loathed.

This ailing Jesuit Pope can rearrange all the deckchairs on the Titanic as much as he likes. Though he can merge or even close down the various Jesuit universities in Rome. he would be much better off cleansing the College of Cardinals of all its older fossils and CIA and MI6 bootlickers, as well as their various media moles, who keep the Catholic Church comatose and rudderless.

The challenges the Catholic Church faces are immense and many of them, such as Ukraine, are to a very large extent of their own making. Before the Church can start doing the good things, it must stop doing the bad things, which include not only being Zelensky’s doormat but being a secretive cabal of narcissistic geriatrics, who lack the necessary skill sets today’s challenges demand. Though Matthew 9:37-38 tells us the harvest is great but the labourers are few, having Zelensky and his fellow gangsters skive off the cream of the crop and having Currie and his ilk get the youngest and most vulnerable labourers helplessly drunk will save neither the hay nor the Catholic Church. And though all of that is fine and dandy with Zelensky and his MI6 and CIA masters, it cuts no ice in Moscow, Beijing or in most of the 220,000 parishes that comprise Pope Francis’ One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Time, your Holiness, to wake up and smell the mate.

How and Why Pope Francis Killed Catholicism

The challenges the Catholic Church faces are immense and many of them, such as Ukraine, are to a very large extent of their own making.

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With another Western and Ukrainian Rump Reich Easter looming, another article on Pope Francis’ role in the Catholic Church and, through it, in the world in general, is in order. Given he is 87 and in bad health, the Pope should, in short, jog on and return to Argentina to drink mate to his heart’s content until he pops his clogs. That would allow the Church to write some sort of line under the disasters he has wrought.

From my perspective, if not from that of NATO, MI6 and the CIA, this Pope, the first Jesuit ever to hold the office, has been an unmitigated disaster and has possessed all of the negative characteristics the great Dostoevsky repeatedly claimed were the hallmarks of both the Jesuits in particular and, more generally, the Church they profess allegiance to.

Although this fear and loathing of Dostoevsky and his Russian contemporaries can be traced back to Polish and Lithuanian aggression during the Time of Troubles, today’s Ukrainian war shows those concerns have not dissipated over the intervening 400 years; the same forces are still at play.

Because I have written a number of articles showing the Pope holding a Ukrainian Nazi flag and showing Zelensky insulting him to his face, I am not taken in by this codswallop of the Pope urging Ukraine to raise, as they said, the white flag of surrender, irrespective of how much Jesuit founder Ignatius Loyola employed the use of flags in his excellent Spiritual Exercises that all Jesuits still live by.

That said, reaction to the Pope’s supposed talk of a Nazi white flag has been instructive. The sociopaths who run the NATO war machine were quick off the mark to condemn the Pope, the Pope’s envoy to Kiev was hauled in for a dressing down, the head of Ukraine’s Greek Catholic Church vowed to fight on to the last pregnant woman and Germany’s Catholic bishops also weighed in on behalf of Zelensky’s rotten Reich.

First off, given that the German hierarchy were, with the Vatican, criminally instrumental in the breakup of Yugoslavia, they should really sit this Barbarossa out. Secondly, as important officers in the Catholic Church, they should be disciplined for undermining the authority and the prestige of the Pope with their divisive remarks.

Finally and most importantly, no one who gives it a moment’s thought should be falling for this MI6 waffle. If we check Vatican News, we see the Pope predictably doing somersaults on his white flag of surrender words. And if we critically peruse Vatican News on a regular basis, we will see a very discernible anti-Russia and anti-Syria motif that is impossible to miss in such phrases as “Putin’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine”, the implication being that Putin and Assad are cut price Antichrists with nothing better to do than attack peace-loving Ukrainian Nazis and NATO’s head hacking Syrian fanatics.

The reason for this editorial line and one that gets at the cancerous heart of the Catholic Church is that the CIA and MI6 have so infiltrated the Catholic Church as to make it thoroughly unfit for purpose. Scott Ritter pointed out that when Zelensky barged into the Vatican, the head of MI6, who handles Zelensky, was in the adjoining room cooking up further conspiracies with Archbishop Paul Gallagher, MI6’s key plant in the Vatican’s top brass who has been given far too much leeway in the Catholic Church to do his English masters’ bidding.

If we look at Irish Catholic media, we see that Michael Kelly, the editor of the Irish Catholic, together with former editors Hermann Kelly (head of Irish Freedom Party), John McGuirk (editor of Gript) and David Quinn are all passionate Zionists. Switching to England, which has more Catholics than Ireland, the same pattern emerges with right wing, MI6-aligned papers like the Daily Telegraph supplying most of the writers for that country’s stable of emasculated Catholic outlets. The obvious conclusion to draw from that is that neither the Pope nor the Catholic Church are masters of their own ship.

Given that is the case, the question then arises as to how to clean up the pigsty much of the Catholic Church has become not only during the reign of Pope Francis but during the reigns of earlier, equally dubious characters such as that of Pope John II, who gave the notorious child sex abusers of the Legionaries of Christ far too much license.

Although I have previously written this not unsympathetic article on the Irish Christian Brothers, what remains of the Catholic Church has yet to examine its collective conscience to see how such degeneracy and debauchery became so embedded in its ranks.

One good place for the Catholic Church to start is with my earlier Zelensky article where I mentioned “American asset Fr Bill Currie, who liked to get the students drunk before tucking them in at night, a point that is relevant when we consider that Currie was one of only four Americans POTUS Bill Clinton, the close friend of Jeffrey Epstein, met when he dropped in to Tokyo”. Since then, Currie was promoted to being the head of the Jesuits’ global alumni network and in that role he wrote that “my happiest memories of Sophia are of directing the student choir for 25 years and living in the student dormitory on campus for almost the same length of time”. Living in the student dormitory is, as every Catholic should know, an occasion of sin, all the more so if one pumps one’s young charges, as Currie religiously did, with oceans of free booze.

If we switch to Syria, we see that Pope Francis all but canonised Fr Paolo Dall’Oglio, whom his fellow Jesuits of Syria rightly denounced as the mercenary traitor that he was. And though many other examples of Catholic treachery have emerged from Syria, Palestine and Iraq, the greatest betrayal has been how the Pope and his handlers have not stood by the martyrs and heroes of those three countries.

The Pope can call for all the studies into “ugly gender theory” that he wants but his Jesuit order, in universities as diverse as Tokyo’s Sophia and Washington’s Georgetown Universities, have facilitated those CIA heresies every step of the way. And, though Georgetown is the pride of the Jesuits’ third level empire, it is more in hock today to the CIA and America’s neocons than it ever was to the once formidable Jesuits Dostoevsky and the equally great Pascal both loathed.

This ailing Jesuit Pope can rearrange all the deckchairs on the Titanic as much as he likes. Though he can merge or even close down the various Jesuit universities in Rome. he would be much better off cleansing the College of Cardinals of all its older fossils and CIA and MI6 bootlickers, as well as their various media moles, who keep the Catholic Church comatose and rudderless.

The challenges the Catholic Church faces are immense and many of them, such as Ukraine, are to a very large extent of their own making. Before the Church can start doing the good things, it must stop doing the bad things, which include not only being Zelensky’s doormat but being a secretive cabal of narcissistic geriatrics, who lack the necessary skill sets today’s challenges demand. Though Matthew 9:37-38 tells us the harvest is great but the labourers are few, having Zelensky and his fellow gangsters skive off the cream of the crop and having Currie and his ilk get the youngest and most vulnerable labourers helplessly drunk will save neither the hay nor the Catholic Church. And though all of that is fine and dandy with Zelensky and his MI6 and CIA masters, it cuts no ice in Moscow, Beijing or in most of the 220,000 parishes that comprise Pope Francis’ One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Time, your Holiness, to wake up and smell the mate.

The challenges the Catholic Church faces are immense and many of them, such as Ukraine, are to a very large extent of their own making.

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With another Western and Ukrainian Rump Reich Easter looming, another article on Pope Francis’ role in the Catholic Church and, through it, in the world in general, is in order. Given he is 87 and in bad health, the Pope should, in short, jog on and return to Argentina to drink mate to his heart’s content until he pops his clogs. That would allow the Church to write some sort of line under the disasters he has wrought.

From my perspective, if not from that of NATO, MI6 and the CIA, this Pope, the first Jesuit ever to hold the office, has been an unmitigated disaster and has possessed all of the negative characteristics the great Dostoevsky repeatedly claimed were the hallmarks of both the Jesuits in particular and, more generally, the Church they profess allegiance to.

Although this fear and loathing of Dostoevsky and his Russian contemporaries can be traced back to Polish and Lithuanian aggression during the Time of Troubles, today’s Ukrainian war shows those concerns have not dissipated over the intervening 400 years; the same forces are still at play.

Because I have written a number of articles showing the Pope holding a Ukrainian Nazi flag and showing Zelensky insulting him to his face, I am not taken in by this codswallop of the Pope urging Ukraine to raise, as they said, the white flag of surrender, irrespective of how much Jesuit founder Ignatius Loyola employed the use of flags in his excellent Spiritual Exercises that all Jesuits still live by.

That said, reaction to the Pope’s supposed talk of a Nazi white flag has been instructive. The sociopaths who run the NATO war machine were quick off the mark to condemn the Pope, the Pope’s envoy to Kiev was hauled in for a dressing down, the head of Ukraine’s Greek Catholic Church vowed to fight on to the last pregnant woman and Germany’s Catholic bishops also weighed in on behalf of Zelensky’s rotten Reich.

First off, given that the German hierarchy were, with the Vatican, criminally instrumental in the breakup of Yugoslavia, they should really sit this Barbarossa out. Secondly, as important officers in the Catholic Church, they should be disciplined for undermining the authority and the prestige of the Pope with their divisive remarks.

Finally and most importantly, no one who gives it a moment’s thought should be falling for this MI6 waffle. If we check Vatican News, we see the Pope predictably doing somersaults on his white flag of surrender words. And if we critically peruse Vatican News on a regular basis, we will see a very discernible anti-Russia and anti-Syria motif that is impossible to miss in such phrases as “Putin’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine”, the implication being that Putin and Assad are cut price Antichrists with nothing better to do than attack peace-loving Ukrainian Nazis and NATO’s head hacking Syrian fanatics.

The reason for this editorial line and one that gets at the cancerous heart of the Catholic Church is that the CIA and MI6 have so infiltrated the Catholic Church as to make it thoroughly unfit for purpose. Scott Ritter pointed out that when Zelensky barged into the Vatican, the head of MI6, who handles Zelensky, was in the adjoining room cooking up further conspiracies with Archbishop Paul Gallagher, MI6’s key plant in the Vatican’s top brass who has been given far too much leeway in the Catholic Church to do his English masters’ bidding.

If we look at Irish Catholic media, we see that Michael Kelly, the editor of the Irish Catholic, together with former editors Hermann Kelly (head of Irish Freedom Party), John McGuirk (editor of Gript) and David Quinn are all passionate Zionists. Switching to England, which has more Catholics than Ireland, the same pattern emerges with right wing, MI6-aligned papers like the Daily Telegraph supplying most of the writers for that country’s stable of emasculated Catholic outlets. The obvious conclusion to draw from that is that neither the Pope nor the Catholic Church are masters of their own ship.

Given that is the case, the question then arises as to how to clean up the pigsty much of the Catholic Church has become not only during the reign of Pope Francis but during the reigns of earlier, equally dubious characters such as that of Pope John II, who gave the notorious child sex abusers of the Legionaries of Christ far too much license.

Although I have previously written this not unsympathetic article on the Irish Christian Brothers, what remains of the Catholic Church has yet to examine its collective conscience to see how such degeneracy and debauchery became so embedded in its ranks.

One good place for the Catholic Church to start is with my earlier Zelensky article where I mentioned “American asset Fr Bill Currie, who liked to get the students drunk before tucking them in at night, a point that is relevant when we consider that Currie was one of only four Americans POTUS Bill Clinton, the close friend of Jeffrey Epstein, met when he dropped in to Tokyo”. Since then, Currie was promoted to being the head of the Jesuits’ global alumni network and in that role he wrote that “my happiest memories of Sophia are of directing the student choir for 25 years and living in the student dormitory on campus for almost the same length of time”. Living in the student dormitory is, as every Catholic should know, an occasion of sin, all the more so if one pumps one’s young charges, as Currie religiously did, with oceans of free booze.

If we switch to Syria, we see that Pope Francis all but canonised Fr Paolo Dall’Oglio, whom his fellow Jesuits of Syria rightly denounced as the mercenary traitor that he was. And though many other examples of Catholic treachery have emerged from Syria, Palestine and Iraq, the greatest betrayal has been how the Pope and his handlers have not stood by the martyrs and heroes of those three countries.

The Pope can call for all the studies into “ugly gender theory” that he wants but his Jesuit order, in universities as diverse as Tokyo’s Sophia and Washington’s Georgetown Universities, have facilitated those CIA heresies every step of the way. And, though Georgetown is the pride of the Jesuits’ third level empire, it is more in hock today to the CIA and America’s neocons than it ever was to the once formidable Jesuits Dostoevsky and the equally great Pascal both loathed.

This ailing Jesuit Pope can rearrange all the deckchairs on the Titanic as much as he likes. Though he can merge or even close down the various Jesuit universities in Rome. he would be much better off cleansing the College of Cardinals of all its older fossils and CIA and MI6 bootlickers, as well as their various media moles, who keep the Catholic Church comatose and rudderless.

The challenges the Catholic Church faces are immense and many of them, such as Ukraine, are to a very large extent of their own making. Before the Church can start doing the good things, it must stop doing the bad things, which include not only being Zelensky’s doormat but being a secretive cabal of narcissistic geriatrics, who lack the necessary skill sets today’s challenges demand. Though Matthew 9:37-38 tells us the harvest is great but the labourers are few, having Zelensky and his fellow gangsters skive off the cream of the crop and having Currie and his ilk get the youngest and most vulnerable labourers helplessly drunk will save neither the hay nor the Catholic Church. And though all of that is fine and dandy with Zelensky and his MI6 and CIA masters, it cuts no ice in Moscow, Beijing or in most of the 220,000 parishes that comprise Pope Francis’ One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Time, your Holiness, to wake up and smell the mate.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

January 29, 2025
February 13, 2025

See also

January 29, 2025
February 13, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.