Tag: Nazism

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From arming Nazis to supporting genocide, the West’s mask of morality burns to dust
From arming Nazis to supporting genocide, the West’s mask of morality burns to dust
July 5, 2024

Despite the public waking up to the moral bankruptcy of Western leaders, they’re still woefully unaware of the depth of the depravity of the agendas of the powerful.

Zelensky owes Orban an explanation
July 5, 2024

In addition to persecuting Russians in the east, the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev also promotes ethnic cleansing against Hungarians in Transcarpathia.

Zelensky owes Orban an explanation
Air Force base hosted charity golf tournament for Ukrainian neo-Nazis
Editor's Сhoice
Air Force base hosted charity golf tournament for Ukrainian neo-Nazis
July 4, 2024

Three weeks before Trump and Biden sparred over their respective golf games at last Thursday’s presidential debate, “The Courses at Andrews” Air Force Base hosted a charity golf tournament for wounded Ukrainian veterans of the neo-Nazi Azov movement.

Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion profile quietly removed from Stanford extremist group list
June 29, 2024

The government-funded research project’s mysterious removal of Azov’s profile was followed by a State Department decision to allow the controversial right-wing unit to receive U.S. military aid.

Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion profile quietly removed from Stanford extremist group list
Editor's Сhoice
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Fakes, frauds and false memory syndromes from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of the Azov Sea
Fakes, frauds and false memory syndromes from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of the Azov Sea
June 24, 2024

Hitler’s Germany, Mussolini’s Italy and Zelensky’s Ukraine all show us that people will either believe any bullshit they are presented with, or play along with it for one grimy reason or another.

A new (and fairer) Nuremberg
June 11, 2024

Capturing, trying, and punishing today’s Nazis is a necessary step to prevent a repetition of this evil in the future.

A new (and fairer) Nuremberg
Um novo (e mais justo) Nuremberg
Um novo (e mais justo) Nuremberg
June 10, 2024

Capturar, julgar e punir os nazistas de hoje é um passo necessário para impedir a repetição deste mal no futuro.

U.S.-backed Ukrainian publication releases new ‘enemies list’ including Donald Trump, Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute, hundreds more…
June 8, 2024

The US government-affiliated Ukrainian web publication “Data Journalism Agency” (TEXTY) has just released a report attacking hundreds of prominent American individuals and organizations as enemies for not supporting sending more US money and weapons to Ukraine.

U.S.-backed Ukrainian publication releases new ‘enemies list’ including Donald Trump, Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute, hundreds more…
Editor's Сhoice