Declan Hayes
October 15, 2023
© Photo: SCF

As the slaughter in Gaza continues, the Royal Thai Air Force is emerging yet again as the only adult in the room.

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As the slaughter in Gaza continues, the Royal Thai Air Force is emerging yet again as the only adult in the room. Although the Royal Thai Air Force currently has six planes on standby to evacuate Thai citizens currently stranded in Israel, the hope has to be that Thailand will also help to evacuate the citizens of the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Nepal from the further carnage that beckons.

As ten Nepali students have already been martyred and as an indeterminate number are currently held hostage, the civilised world would greatly appreciate such a gesture from Thailand, which has seen twelve of its own citizens wantonly martyred. Although the Philippines has a navy equivalent to that of Thailand, as they are currently a lapdog of the Americans, tasked with helping bring down the Chinese dragon, their presence off the Israeli/Palestinian coast would only further escalate an already tense situation.

That said, the citizens of the Philippines are as much victims of this war as are those of Thailand, Sri Lanka and Nepal. As Israel recruits these unfortunates to work for buttons under very strict visa conditions in a small number of designated areas, fruit and vegetable picking and caring for elderly Zionists in the main, they are qualitatively different from those the Gazans attacked and, indeed, from the Gazans themselves, whom Israel’s leaders believe are “human animals”, whatever strange cross breed that is in the multicultural utopia that is modern Israel.

Because they and their families back home in Asia are indisputably victims of economic circumstances, these citizens of Thailand, Sri Lanka, the Philippines and Nepal should and must be differentiated from the dual Israeli citizens, several of whom were also captured or killed. As over 10% of Israelis possess a second (Western) passport, their casualties are not significant statistical outliers and so, like so many other victims, are largely outside the scope of this article.

That said, their sense of entitlement should be kept in mind. Here, for example, is the mother of “German-Israeli” Shadi Louk “demanding that the German government act swiftly,” and presumably send in an Otto Skorzeny style snatch squad to rescue her from the Indonesian Hospital in Beit Lahia, which the Israeli Air Force recently strafed and where she is being treated with the greatly depleted medical supplies Gaza still has at its disposal.

Whereas Thailand has made commendable efforts to fly to the rescue, all that has emanated from China so far is this wishy washy statement about two state solutions, singing kumbaya and so on. China should put its songbook away and make serious diplomatic efforts to secure the release of the citizens of Thailand, the Philippines, Nepal and similar countries as a first step to building peace in South East Asia as well as Israel/Palestine.

Although China, or Russia for that matter, could emulate the United States and sail an aircraft carrier and some accompanying nuclear armed submarines within striking distance of both Tel Aviv and Gaza, it seems “the rules based international order” allows only the Yanks and their vassal puppet states do that.

If China thinks it can sit all these battles out and afterwards collect the peace dividend, it is living in a fool’s paradise which is probably where it belongs. As this incisive Times of Israel article explains, Israel is now going to abandon its passive aggressive stance and revert to what it does best, which is slaughtering all of its neighbours, both near and far. Syria, Lebanon and perhaps, even Iraq and eventually Iran, can expect plenty of incoming in the months ahead.

Israel, as ever, sees itself as the only victim in all this and Israel as ever is out for its pound of flesh but this time with a ton of interest. Not only does Israel illegally possess nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction but it is openly talking of using them and to hell with the collateral damage and negative press in “Putin’s media”.

Whatever about “Putin’s media” or the clutch of Gazan journalists Israel just murdered for the hell of it, any honest media outlet would find it hard to sugar coat the words of Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, who rants about depriving the “human animals” of Gaza of “electricity, food, fuel, everything”. And, though not even the Nazis did that to their captives, it must be noted Israel is not alone in this as Ursula von der Leyen and other American puppets are foursquare behind them in their quest for a Final Solution to their colonisation of the Levant.

Back to the Thais. If China will not help Thailand, Nepal, the Philippines and similar countries in this, China should simply shut up and continue their preparations for their own pending Armageddon both within and without China. The time for mealy mouthed words is over. This ain’t negotiation time; this is Def-Con 4, Scarface, final scene, fucking bazookas under each arm, say hello to my little friend. Or, if you prefer the prosaic, prelude to Armageddon.

Israel’s tactic has been to simplify the chessboard, cleanse the Christians and ghettoise and demonise the Muslims and, if it hasn’t yet worked, it has not been for the want of trying. Although I previously wrote of their rabid sectarian campaigns in Ireland, where they had been treated with undeserved reverence, these Zionist gangsters later moved to Mandatory Palestine, where they cleansed the native Christians in their “war of independence”, many of whose cleansed Christian survivors I personally interviewed in Zion as part of a different project. Although the Zionists make it a crime to mention the nakba, they now speak of instituting a second nakba 2.0, thereby making it crystal clear these serial liars admit they instituted the first nakba, one of history’s greatest ever crimes against humanity, where these Nazis even executed, Murder Inc style, nobles like Count Barnadotte who called attention to their “human animal” behaviour.

This ethnic cleansing of Palestine’s Christians continues with the bombing of Gaza’s Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrius, one of the world’s oldest churches. And though I never visited it, I have spent much happy times with the Greek Orthodox Khoury family of Jesus’ Taybeh refuge in the West Bank, who have relatives, several of whom Israel murdered in Cast Lead, who worship there and none of whom are allowed leave Israel’s cage for “human animals” that is Gaza.

Although Cast Lead, like Israel’s current blitzkrieg, might be considered an outlier, here is Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir justifying Israelis spitting at Christians, whom they curse three times a day, as being a “long Jewish tradition”, just like, perhaps martyring their saints, vandalising their churches, robbing their houses and murdering them.

Before moving on to “the Muslims”, let’s just make a few more salient points about “the Christians” who tend, on average, to be better educated than their Muslim compatriots due, in part, to the large human capital investments the mainstream Christian Churches have traditionally made there. And, as one young Christian girl told me outside midnight Christmas mass in Ramallah, that education makes it easier for them to seek sanctuary in countries like Chile, far from everything they hold dear and everything, like even their homes, farms and olive trees, their dual passport holding overlords systematically destroy. Although the Greek Orthodox Church has faced considerable criticism for selling parts of its huge portfolio property in the Old City of Jerusalem to the Zionist movement, given they allow you name your own price and given they are quite prepared to use both physical force and their excuse for a judicial system to force an ownership transfer, the Greeks should, perhaps, not be criticised too harshly for selling up.

Palestine’s Sunni Muslims, who now form the overwhelming majority of Palestinians, are a different matter as they generally have little to sell or, for that matter, little to bring to the table bar their own bodies, which the Israeli attack dogs are ever eager to dispatch to the hereafter either with a bullet or to simply repeatedly drive over them.

Although the Shias lie to Israel’s north, in Lebanon, they are a different kettle of fish as, thanks to Iran, they are well organised and have infinitely more lethal firepower than do the Gazans. Should Hezbollah decide to unlock hell, then recent events around Gaza will be a picnic compared to swarms of tried and tested state of the art drones and missiles levelling Ben Gurion airport, Tel Aviv, Dimona and a thousand other pre-determined sites. Good luck to Israel’s Central Bank propping up their shekel with all that incoming.

Although I previously mentioned some crippled Iraqis I met in Beirut, it seems some of them are now a tad closer to the Israeli border and they ain’t there to smoke those infernal shishas. Abul Ala Al-Walai, the general secretary of Iraq’s Seyyed al-Shohda battalions, is among those who are currently present in Hezbollah’s joint operations room in southern Lebanon.

Although critics doubt Hezbollah will be a game changer, that depends on what the actual game or objective is and where, say Iraq for example, that game might also be played. If the objective is to wreak havoc with drones and missiles in Israel, Hezbollah and their buddies belong in Team Mayhem. If the objective is to drag Iran into a pre-emptive war, then the law of unintended consequences, helped by Hezbollah and their global fanbase, will come into play, with very significant downsides for Israel and its backers.

Although Israeli media is doing its best to spin events to the world’s gullible media by comparing Kfaraza, where they lied that 40 little Israeli babies were beheaded to alleged Russian atrocities in the “Kyiv suburb of Bucha”, though those lies will sell in Peoria, they won’t gain any traction where it really counts, in South Lebanon where they can see actual footage of Gazan babies being slaughtered and because the source for the beheaded babies misinformation story is i24 News, a well known proxy for the Netanyahu organised crime family, with directives often coming directly from the Israeli Prime Minister’s office. Still, the i24News liars can sleep easy as they are not Elon Musk, Rumble or any of other of NATO’s heretics, who are currently under NATO and EU attack.

South Lebanon is not Nazi Germany in 1939 or frothing Britain in 1914. NATO’s propaganda will be wasted on them as they are disciplined and resolutely determined to make Israel and The Great Satan pay the butcher’s bill in full, no matter how many “fellow travellers” NATO bangs up for flying a Palestinian flag which, not that is matters, has the same design as that of the pan-Arabic Syrian Ba’ath Party and several other Levantine emblems.

Although the South Lebanese and their allies know that the Hague Regulations and the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions give safeguards to civilian non-combatants, they also know Israel, like America, will never be punished for its crimes and so, to them, the complicity of the BBC and NATO’s satrapy governments in the crimes of Israel and America is a moot point. Hezbollah, the slayers of Israel’s ISIS proxies, will talk to the Israelis in the language they understand, with brute force, with human animal force if you like.

And, whatever we think of Hezbollah, they have proved themselves time and again to be formidable fighters and defenders of the multi-confessional states of Libya, Iraq and Syria. Although Israel has shipped very significant quantities of its 55 mm artillery ammunition to Ukraine, it seems it kept plenty of its internationally-prohibited white phosphorus bombs in reserve and that they are now dropping those bombs with their usual careless abandon on South Lebanon as well as on the caged “human animals” of Gaza. Although I am not privy to Hezbollah’s South Lebanese operations room, I am sure Hezbollah and their chums have made detailed retaliatory contingencies. And, though Nasrallah, Hezbollah’s boss, has made that point on umpteen occasions, I am sure the Syrian High Command and their closest allies have also been kept in the loop.

And though the United Arab Emirates has warned Syria not to be involved, there is no guarantee that the UAE or any other fifth columnist Gulf State will escape the conflagration that increasingly seems inevitable.

On the positive side, oil prices are up, defence stocks are booming and Israeli property should be selling at a significant discount for those Christian Zionist nut jobs who want to get in on the ground floor after Apocalypse. Although Netanyahu has promised the mother of all victories in this “battle for Israel’s existence”, we have all heard that tune from that gangster too many times before and Hezbollah are too busy to waste time listening to his bluster.

Although Netanyahu’s eldest brother died a hero’s death, no such glorious exit awaits this clown, who has a choice of going down on his own or bringing all of Israel and much else besides down with him. Although Netanyahu thought Israel could simplify the chessboard by removing all the Christian pieces, it seems Hezbollah also knows that trick. With their Druze, Alawi and Ismaili allies in Syria, and with their Shia chums from Iraq and beyond, they are locked, loaded and ready to rock. Let’s just hope the Royal Thai Air Force, with China behind them, manages to reduce the collateral damage on Asia’s Buddhists and their equally under-paid fellow work horses before Hezbollah brings down the curtain on the Zionist dream that turned into a nightmare for far too many, Buddhists and Abrahamics alike.

Royal Thai Air Force Steps Up to the Israeli/Palestinian Plate

As the slaughter in Gaza continues, the Royal Thai Air Force is emerging yet again as the only adult in the room.

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As the slaughter in Gaza continues, the Royal Thai Air Force is emerging yet again as the only adult in the room. Although the Royal Thai Air Force currently has six planes on standby to evacuate Thai citizens currently stranded in Israel, the hope has to be that Thailand will also help to evacuate the citizens of the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Nepal from the further carnage that beckons.

As ten Nepali students have already been martyred and as an indeterminate number are currently held hostage, the civilised world would greatly appreciate such a gesture from Thailand, which has seen twelve of its own citizens wantonly martyred. Although the Philippines has a navy equivalent to that of Thailand, as they are currently a lapdog of the Americans, tasked with helping bring down the Chinese dragon, their presence off the Israeli/Palestinian coast would only further escalate an already tense situation.

That said, the citizens of the Philippines are as much victims of this war as are those of Thailand, Sri Lanka and Nepal. As Israel recruits these unfortunates to work for buttons under very strict visa conditions in a small number of designated areas, fruit and vegetable picking and caring for elderly Zionists in the main, they are qualitatively different from those the Gazans attacked and, indeed, from the Gazans themselves, whom Israel’s leaders believe are “human animals”, whatever strange cross breed that is in the multicultural utopia that is modern Israel.

Because they and their families back home in Asia are indisputably victims of economic circumstances, these citizens of Thailand, Sri Lanka, the Philippines and Nepal should and must be differentiated from the dual Israeli citizens, several of whom were also captured or killed. As over 10% of Israelis possess a second (Western) passport, their casualties are not significant statistical outliers and so, like so many other victims, are largely outside the scope of this article.

That said, their sense of entitlement should be kept in mind. Here, for example, is the mother of “German-Israeli” Shadi Louk “demanding that the German government act swiftly,” and presumably send in an Otto Skorzeny style snatch squad to rescue her from the Indonesian Hospital in Beit Lahia, which the Israeli Air Force recently strafed and where she is being treated with the greatly depleted medical supplies Gaza still has at its disposal.

Whereas Thailand has made commendable efforts to fly to the rescue, all that has emanated from China so far is this wishy washy statement about two state solutions, singing kumbaya and so on. China should put its songbook away and make serious diplomatic efforts to secure the release of the citizens of Thailand, the Philippines, Nepal and similar countries as a first step to building peace in South East Asia as well as Israel/Palestine.

Although China, or Russia for that matter, could emulate the United States and sail an aircraft carrier and some accompanying nuclear armed submarines within striking distance of both Tel Aviv and Gaza, it seems “the rules based international order” allows only the Yanks and their vassal puppet states do that.

If China thinks it can sit all these battles out and afterwards collect the peace dividend, it is living in a fool’s paradise which is probably where it belongs. As this incisive Times of Israel article explains, Israel is now going to abandon its passive aggressive stance and revert to what it does best, which is slaughtering all of its neighbours, both near and far. Syria, Lebanon and perhaps, even Iraq and eventually Iran, can expect plenty of incoming in the months ahead.

Israel, as ever, sees itself as the only victim in all this and Israel as ever is out for its pound of flesh but this time with a ton of interest. Not only does Israel illegally possess nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction but it is openly talking of using them and to hell with the collateral damage and negative press in “Putin’s media”.

Whatever about “Putin’s media” or the clutch of Gazan journalists Israel just murdered for the hell of it, any honest media outlet would find it hard to sugar coat the words of Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, who rants about depriving the “human animals” of Gaza of “electricity, food, fuel, everything”. And, though not even the Nazis did that to their captives, it must be noted Israel is not alone in this as Ursula von der Leyen and other American puppets are foursquare behind them in their quest for a Final Solution to their colonisation of the Levant.

Back to the Thais. If China will not help Thailand, Nepal, the Philippines and similar countries in this, China should simply shut up and continue their preparations for their own pending Armageddon both within and without China. The time for mealy mouthed words is over. This ain’t negotiation time; this is Def-Con 4, Scarface, final scene, fucking bazookas under each arm, say hello to my little friend. Or, if you prefer the prosaic, prelude to Armageddon.

Israel’s tactic has been to simplify the chessboard, cleanse the Christians and ghettoise and demonise the Muslims and, if it hasn’t yet worked, it has not been for the want of trying. Although I previously wrote of their rabid sectarian campaigns in Ireland, where they had been treated with undeserved reverence, these Zionist gangsters later moved to Mandatory Palestine, where they cleansed the native Christians in their “war of independence”, many of whose cleansed Christian survivors I personally interviewed in Zion as part of a different project. Although the Zionists make it a crime to mention the nakba, they now speak of instituting a second nakba 2.0, thereby making it crystal clear these serial liars admit they instituted the first nakba, one of history’s greatest ever crimes against humanity, where these Nazis even executed, Murder Inc style, nobles like Count Barnadotte who called attention to their “human animal” behaviour.

This ethnic cleansing of Palestine’s Christians continues with the bombing of Gaza’s Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrius, one of the world’s oldest churches. And though I never visited it, I have spent much happy times with the Greek Orthodox Khoury family of Jesus’ Taybeh refuge in the West Bank, who have relatives, several of whom Israel murdered in Cast Lead, who worship there and none of whom are allowed leave Israel’s cage for “human animals” that is Gaza.

Although Cast Lead, like Israel’s current blitzkrieg, might be considered an outlier, here is Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir justifying Israelis spitting at Christians, whom they curse three times a day, as being a “long Jewish tradition”, just like, perhaps martyring their saints, vandalising their churches, robbing their houses and murdering them.

Before moving on to “the Muslims”, let’s just make a few more salient points about “the Christians” who tend, on average, to be better educated than their Muslim compatriots due, in part, to the large human capital investments the mainstream Christian Churches have traditionally made there. And, as one young Christian girl told me outside midnight Christmas mass in Ramallah, that education makes it easier for them to seek sanctuary in countries like Chile, far from everything they hold dear and everything, like even their homes, farms and olive trees, their dual passport holding overlords systematically destroy. Although the Greek Orthodox Church has faced considerable criticism for selling parts of its huge portfolio property in the Old City of Jerusalem to the Zionist movement, given they allow you name your own price and given they are quite prepared to use both physical force and their excuse for a judicial system to force an ownership transfer, the Greeks should, perhaps, not be criticised too harshly for selling up.

Palestine’s Sunni Muslims, who now form the overwhelming majority of Palestinians, are a different matter as they generally have little to sell or, for that matter, little to bring to the table bar their own bodies, which the Israeli attack dogs are ever eager to dispatch to the hereafter either with a bullet or to simply repeatedly drive over them.

Although the Shias lie to Israel’s north, in Lebanon, they are a different kettle of fish as, thanks to Iran, they are well organised and have infinitely more lethal firepower than do the Gazans. Should Hezbollah decide to unlock hell, then recent events around Gaza will be a picnic compared to swarms of tried and tested state of the art drones and missiles levelling Ben Gurion airport, Tel Aviv, Dimona and a thousand other pre-determined sites. Good luck to Israel’s Central Bank propping up their shekel with all that incoming.

Although I previously mentioned some crippled Iraqis I met in Beirut, it seems some of them are now a tad closer to the Israeli border and they ain’t there to smoke those infernal shishas. Abul Ala Al-Walai, the general secretary of Iraq’s Seyyed al-Shohda battalions, is among those who are currently present in Hezbollah’s joint operations room in southern Lebanon.

Although critics doubt Hezbollah will be a game changer, that depends on what the actual game or objective is and where, say Iraq for example, that game might also be played. If the objective is to wreak havoc with drones and missiles in Israel, Hezbollah and their buddies belong in Team Mayhem. If the objective is to drag Iran into a pre-emptive war, then the law of unintended consequences, helped by Hezbollah and their global fanbase, will come into play, with very significant downsides for Israel and its backers.

Although Israeli media is doing its best to spin events to the world’s gullible media by comparing Kfaraza, where they lied that 40 little Israeli babies were beheaded to alleged Russian atrocities in the “Kyiv suburb of Bucha”, though those lies will sell in Peoria, they won’t gain any traction where it really counts, in South Lebanon where they can see actual footage of Gazan babies being slaughtered and because the source for the beheaded babies misinformation story is i24 News, a well known proxy for the Netanyahu organised crime family, with directives often coming directly from the Israeli Prime Minister’s office. Still, the i24News liars can sleep easy as they are not Elon Musk, Rumble or any of other of NATO’s heretics, who are currently under NATO and EU attack.

South Lebanon is not Nazi Germany in 1939 or frothing Britain in 1914. NATO’s propaganda will be wasted on them as they are disciplined and resolutely determined to make Israel and The Great Satan pay the butcher’s bill in full, no matter how many “fellow travellers” NATO bangs up for flying a Palestinian flag which, not that is matters, has the same design as that of the pan-Arabic Syrian Ba’ath Party and several other Levantine emblems.

Although the South Lebanese and their allies know that the Hague Regulations and the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions give safeguards to civilian non-combatants, they also know Israel, like America, will never be punished for its crimes and so, to them, the complicity of the BBC and NATO’s satrapy governments in the crimes of Israel and America is a moot point. Hezbollah, the slayers of Israel’s ISIS proxies, will talk to the Israelis in the language they understand, with brute force, with human animal force if you like.

And, whatever we think of Hezbollah, they have proved themselves time and again to be formidable fighters and defenders of the multi-confessional states of Libya, Iraq and Syria. Although Israel has shipped very significant quantities of its 55 mm artillery ammunition to Ukraine, it seems it kept plenty of its internationally-prohibited white phosphorus bombs in reserve and that they are now dropping those bombs with their usual careless abandon on South Lebanon as well as on the caged “human animals” of Gaza. Although I am not privy to Hezbollah’s South Lebanese operations room, I am sure Hezbollah and their chums have made detailed retaliatory contingencies. And, though Nasrallah, Hezbollah’s boss, has made that point on umpteen occasions, I am sure the Syrian High Command and their closest allies have also been kept in the loop.

And though the United Arab Emirates has warned Syria not to be involved, there is no guarantee that the UAE or any other fifth columnist Gulf State will escape the conflagration that increasingly seems inevitable.

On the positive side, oil prices are up, defence stocks are booming and Israeli property should be selling at a significant discount for those Christian Zionist nut jobs who want to get in on the ground floor after Apocalypse. Although Netanyahu has promised the mother of all victories in this “battle for Israel’s existence”, we have all heard that tune from that gangster too many times before and Hezbollah are too busy to waste time listening to his bluster.

Although Netanyahu’s eldest brother died a hero’s death, no such glorious exit awaits this clown, who has a choice of going down on his own or bringing all of Israel and much else besides down with him. Although Netanyahu thought Israel could simplify the chessboard by removing all the Christian pieces, it seems Hezbollah also knows that trick. With their Druze, Alawi and Ismaili allies in Syria, and with their Shia chums from Iraq and beyond, they are locked, loaded and ready to rock. Let’s just hope the Royal Thai Air Force, with China behind them, manages to reduce the collateral damage on Asia’s Buddhists and their equally under-paid fellow work horses before Hezbollah brings down the curtain on the Zionist dream that turned into a nightmare for far too many, Buddhists and Abrahamics alike.

As the slaughter in Gaza continues, the Royal Thai Air Force is emerging yet again as the only adult in the room.

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As the slaughter in Gaza continues, the Royal Thai Air Force is emerging yet again as the only adult in the room. Although the Royal Thai Air Force currently has six planes on standby to evacuate Thai citizens currently stranded in Israel, the hope has to be that Thailand will also help to evacuate the citizens of the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Nepal from the further carnage that beckons.

As ten Nepali students have already been martyred and as an indeterminate number are currently held hostage, the civilised world would greatly appreciate such a gesture from Thailand, which has seen twelve of its own citizens wantonly martyred. Although the Philippines has a navy equivalent to that of Thailand, as they are currently a lapdog of the Americans, tasked with helping bring down the Chinese dragon, their presence off the Israeli/Palestinian coast would only further escalate an already tense situation.

That said, the citizens of the Philippines are as much victims of this war as are those of Thailand, Sri Lanka and Nepal. As Israel recruits these unfortunates to work for buttons under very strict visa conditions in a small number of designated areas, fruit and vegetable picking and caring for elderly Zionists in the main, they are qualitatively different from those the Gazans attacked and, indeed, from the Gazans themselves, whom Israel’s leaders believe are “human animals”, whatever strange cross breed that is in the multicultural utopia that is modern Israel.

Because they and their families back home in Asia are indisputably victims of economic circumstances, these citizens of Thailand, Sri Lanka, the Philippines and Nepal should and must be differentiated from the dual Israeli citizens, several of whom were also captured or killed. As over 10% of Israelis possess a second (Western) passport, their casualties are not significant statistical outliers and so, like so many other victims, are largely outside the scope of this article.

That said, their sense of entitlement should be kept in mind. Here, for example, is the mother of “German-Israeli” Shadi Louk “demanding that the German government act swiftly,” and presumably send in an Otto Skorzeny style snatch squad to rescue her from the Indonesian Hospital in Beit Lahia, which the Israeli Air Force recently strafed and where she is being treated with the greatly depleted medical supplies Gaza still has at its disposal.

Whereas Thailand has made commendable efforts to fly to the rescue, all that has emanated from China so far is this wishy washy statement about two state solutions, singing kumbaya and so on. China should put its songbook away and make serious diplomatic efforts to secure the release of the citizens of Thailand, the Philippines, Nepal and similar countries as a first step to building peace in South East Asia as well as Israel/Palestine.

Although China, or Russia for that matter, could emulate the United States and sail an aircraft carrier and some accompanying nuclear armed submarines within striking distance of both Tel Aviv and Gaza, it seems “the rules based international order” allows only the Yanks and their vassal puppet states do that.

If China thinks it can sit all these battles out and afterwards collect the peace dividend, it is living in a fool’s paradise which is probably where it belongs. As this incisive Times of Israel article explains, Israel is now going to abandon its passive aggressive stance and revert to what it does best, which is slaughtering all of its neighbours, both near and far. Syria, Lebanon and perhaps, even Iraq and eventually Iran, can expect plenty of incoming in the months ahead.

Israel, as ever, sees itself as the only victim in all this and Israel as ever is out for its pound of flesh but this time with a ton of interest. Not only does Israel illegally possess nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction but it is openly talking of using them and to hell with the collateral damage and negative press in “Putin’s media”.

Whatever about “Putin’s media” or the clutch of Gazan journalists Israel just murdered for the hell of it, any honest media outlet would find it hard to sugar coat the words of Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, who rants about depriving the “human animals” of Gaza of “electricity, food, fuel, everything”. And, though not even the Nazis did that to their captives, it must be noted Israel is not alone in this as Ursula von der Leyen and other American puppets are foursquare behind them in their quest for a Final Solution to their colonisation of the Levant.

Back to the Thais. If China will not help Thailand, Nepal, the Philippines and similar countries in this, China should simply shut up and continue their preparations for their own pending Armageddon both within and without China. The time for mealy mouthed words is over. This ain’t negotiation time; this is Def-Con 4, Scarface, final scene, fucking bazookas under each arm, say hello to my little friend. Or, if you prefer the prosaic, prelude to Armageddon.

Israel’s tactic has been to simplify the chessboard, cleanse the Christians and ghettoise and demonise the Muslims and, if it hasn’t yet worked, it has not been for the want of trying. Although I previously wrote of their rabid sectarian campaigns in Ireland, where they had been treated with undeserved reverence, these Zionist gangsters later moved to Mandatory Palestine, where they cleansed the native Christians in their “war of independence”, many of whose cleansed Christian survivors I personally interviewed in Zion as part of a different project. Although the Zionists make it a crime to mention the nakba, they now speak of instituting a second nakba 2.0, thereby making it crystal clear these serial liars admit they instituted the first nakba, one of history’s greatest ever crimes against humanity, where these Nazis even executed, Murder Inc style, nobles like Count Barnadotte who called attention to their “human animal” behaviour.

This ethnic cleansing of Palestine’s Christians continues with the bombing of Gaza’s Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrius, one of the world’s oldest churches. And though I never visited it, I have spent much happy times with the Greek Orthodox Khoury family of Jesus’ Taybeh refuge in the West Bank, who have relatives, several of whom Israel murdered in Cast Lead, who worship there and none of whom are allowed leave Israel’s cage for “human animals” that is Gaza.

Although Cast Lead, like Israel’s current blitzkrieg, might be considered an outlier, here is Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir justifying Israelis spitting at Christians, whom they curse three times a day, as being a “long Jewish tradition”, just like, perhaps martyring their saints, vandalising their churches, robbing their houses and murdering them.

Before moving on to “the Muslims”, let’s just make a few more salient points about “the Christians” who tend, on average, to be better educated than their Muslim compatriots due, in part, to the large human capital investments the mainstream Christian Churches have traditionally made there. And, as one young Christian girl told me outside midnight Christmas mass in Ramallah, that education makes it easier for them to seek sanctuary in countries like Chile, far from everything they hold dear and everything, like even their homes, farms and olive trees, their dual passport holding overlords systematically destroy. Although the Greek Orthodox Church has faced considerable criticism for selling parts of its huge portfolio property in the Old City of Jerusalem to the Zionist movement, given they allow you name your own price and given they are quite prepared to use both physical force and their excuse for a judicial system to force an ownership transfer, the Greeks should, perhaps, not be criticised too harshly for selling up.

Palestine’s Sunni Muslims, who now form the overwhelming majority of Palestinians, are a different matter as they generally have little to sell or, for that matter, little to bring to the table bar their own bodies, which the Israeli attack dogs are ever eager to dispatch to the hereafter either with a bullet or to simply repeatedly drive over them.

Although the Shias lie to Israel’s north, in Lebanon, they are a different kettle of fish as, thanks to Iran, they are well organised and have infinitely more lethal firepower than do the Gazans. Should Hezbollah decide to unlock hell, then recent events around Gaza will be a picnic compared to swarms of tried and tested state of the art drones and missiles levelling Ben Gurion airport, Tel Aviv, Dimona and a thousand other pre-determined sites. Good luck to Israel’s Central Bank propping up their shekel with all that incoming.

Although I previously mentioned some crippled Iraqis I met in Beirut, it seems some of them are now a tad closer to the Israeli border and they ain’t there to smoke those infernal shishas. Abul Ala Al-Walai, the general secretary of Iraq’s Seyyed al-Shohda battalions, is among those who are currently present in Hezbollah’s joint operations room in southern Lebanon.

Although critics doubt Hezbollah will be a game changer, that depends on what the actual game or objective is and where, say Iraq for example, that game might also be played. If the objective is to wreak havoc with drones and missiles in Israel, Hezbollah and their buddies belong in Team Mayhem. If the objective is to drag Iran into a pre-emptive war, then the law of unintended consequences, helped by Hezbollah and their global fanbase, will come into play, with very significant downsides for Israel and its backers.

Although Israeli media is doing its best to spin events to the world’s gullible media by comparing Kfaraza, where they lied that 40 little Israeli babies were beheaded to alleged Russian atrocities in the “Kyiv suburb of Bucha”, though those lies will sell in Peoria, they won’t gain any traction where it really counts, in South Lebanon where they can see actual footage of Gazan babies being slaughtered and because the source for the beheaded babies misinformation story is i24 News, a well known proxy for the Netanyahu organised crime family, with directives often coming directly from the Israeli Prime Minister’s office. Still, the i24News liars can sleep easy as they are not Elon Musk, Rumble or any of other of NATO’s heretics, who are currently under NATO and EU attack.

South Lebanon is not Nazi Germany in 1939 or frothing Britain in 1914. NATO’s propaganda will be wasted on them as they are disciplined and resolutely determined to make Israel and The Great Satan pay the butcher’s bill in full, no matter how many “fellow travellers” NATO bangs up for flying a Palestinian flag which, not that is matters, has the same design as that of the pan-Arabic Syrian Ba’ath Party and several other Levantine emblems.

Although the South Lebanese and their allies know that the Hague Regulations and the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions give safeguards to civilian non-combatants, they also know Israel, like America, will never be punished for its crimes and so, to them, the complicity of the BBC and NATO’s satrapy governments in the crimes of Israel and America is a moot point. Hezbollah, the slayers of Israel’s ISIS proxies, will talk to the Israelis in the language they understand, with brute force, with human animal force if you like.

And, whatever we think of Hezbollah, they have proved themselves time and again to be formidable fighters and defenders of the multi-confessional states of Libya, Iraq and Syria. Although Israel has shipped very significant quantities of its 55 mm artillery ammunition to Ukraine, it seems it kept plenty of its internationally-prohibited white phosphorus bombs in reserve and that they are now dropping those bombs with their usual careless abandon on South Lebanon as well as on the caged “human animals” of Gaza. Although I am not privy to Hezbollah’s South Lebanese operations room, I am sure Hezbollah and their chums have made detailed retaliatory contingencies. And, though Nasrallah, Hezbollah’s boss, has made that point on umpteen occasions, I am sure the Syrian High Command and their closest allies have also been kept in the loop.

And though the United Arab Emirates has warned Syria not to be involved, there is no guarantee that the UAE or any other fifth columnist Gulf State will escape the conflagration that increasingly seems inevitable.

On the positive side, oil prices are up, defence stocks are booming and Israeli property should be selling at a significant discount for those Christian Zionist nut jobs who want to get in on the ground floor after Apocalypse. Although Netanyahu has promised the mother of all victories in this “battle for Israel’s existence”, we have all heard that tune from that gangster too many times before and Hezbollah are too busy to waste time listening to his bluster.

Although Netanyahu’s eldest brother died a hero’s death, no such glorious exit awaits this clown, who has a choice of going down on his own or bringing all of Israel and much else besides down with him. Although Netanyahu thought Israel could simplify the chessboard by removing all the Christian pieces, it seems Hezbollah also knows that trick. With their Druze, Alawi and Ismaili allies in Syria, and with their Shia chums from Iraq and beyond, they are locked, loaded and ready to rock. Let’s just hope the Royal Thai Air Force, with China behind them, manages to reduce the collateral damage on Asia’s Buddhists and their equally under-paid fellow work horses before Hezbollah brings down the curtain on the Zionist dream that turned into a nightmare for far too many, Buddhists and Abrahamics alike.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 7, 2025
February 17, 2025

See also

March 7, 2025
February 17, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.