Declan Hayes
October 9, 2023
© Photo: Public domain

Were Norway to award the Nobel Peace Prize to Julian Assange or another of Hillary Clinton’s deplorables, they could expect U.S. Marines to be landing on their oil rigs.

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NATO’s Norwegian regime has awarded their 2023 Nobel Peace Prize to Ms Narges Mohammadi, the Iranian citizen who fronted, amongst others, the CIA’s recent campaign against her fellow Iranian women wearing head coverings, which I touched on in this recent article.

Mohammadi is the vice president of the CIA’s Defenders of Human Rights Center (DHRC), which is headed by fellow Iranian Shirin Ebadi, who, coincidentally or not, was gifted NATO’s 2003 Nobel Peace Prize some seven years after the CIA’s extremist Human Rights Watch Group awarded her their own Mickey Mouse prize. Though Mohammadi is also the recipient of an impressive number of NATO controlled awards, that only diminishes those sham groups, not this Persian pawn, in NATO’s games of conquest.

I particularly mention NATO’s Human Rights Watch Group as, on the very morning Norway awarded Mohammadi their Nobel Peace Prize, Human Rights Watch were using NATO’s BBC outlet to highlight the case of some cross-dressing nut job in the Philippines who was arrested for mocking Jesus as part of NATO’s campaign to get the Philippines to attack China. Expect some Nobel Prizes to go to the Philippines in the coming years as NATO, Human Rights Watch and the BBC escalate their Sinophobic campaigns at the expense of the peoples of the Philippines, Vietnam and Japan.

Meanwhile, as Mohammadi is currently serving a lengthy prison sentence in Iran, her celebrations at winning Norway’s NATO Peace Prize will no doubt be more muted than they otherwise might be. However, the very fact that she is sitting in jail for being part of a CIA led campaign of disobedience leads to its own questions. Why, for example, did she get a Nobel Peace Prize and NATO hostage Julian Assange did not? Why is the Nobel Peace Prize Committee rather than Amnesty International highlighting this “prisoner of conscience’s” case and what role does the CIA play in all of this?

The answer to those rhetorical questions is that the CIA long ago colonised Amnesty International and similar bodies. Were Norway to award the Nobel Peace Prize to Julian Assange or another of Hillary Clinton’s deplorables, they could expect U.S. Marines to be landing on their oil rigs and the 101st Airborne to be parachuting into downtown Oslo quicker than they could say Vidkun Quisling who, if he were alive today, would no doubt be delighted that Jon Fosse, his fellow Norwegian, won the 2023 Nobel Prize in Literature from a strong field of other NATO nobodies.

Leaving aside the fact that Scandinavian writers seem to win the Nobel Literature Prize almost with the regularity of a Swiss clock, Mohammadi’s Peace Prize victory warrants some general and more specific criticisms. Given Norway’s ongoing complicity in NATO terror attacks that stretch from Nordstream all the way back to America’s genocidal war against Vietnam, Norway, which was still under Swedish rule when Alfred Nobel popped his clogs, is not a fit satrapy to make this award.

In so much as Norway is pretending to be a defender of women, Iranian women in this case, my previous articles here and here have argued that NATO, of which Norway is an integral part, can make no such claim.

I have twice been to Iran and though I could comment at length on its rough and its smooth, the over-arching memory I have is of a young, covered Iranian woman plaintively asking me why “we” all hate Iranians. If she had kicked me in the belly, she could not have more fully taken the wind out of my sails.

Though I have a million better things to do than go around hating Iranians, that is the impression the unrelenting campaigns of NATO, Norway and the BBC give off of us. Though I have gone on about the BBC and NATO in numerous articles, they are all a disgrace to humanity for the hatred they sow in Iran and every other part of the globe they target.

Nor can NATO take the high moral ground with Iran, which Israel wants to physically wipe off the face of the earth. Iran is a theocracy, which has its own dynamic, part of which is an imperative to close ranks, to form a laager, to circle the wagons and to wait to fend off the blows that NATO land on it with the same regularity of that same Swiss clock.

For the record, I have no time for theocracies, be they of the Shia, Shinto or NATO variety. That said, when NATO puts your back against the wall, then you must close ranks under the flag of Bushidō and Kamikaze, or Ali and Khaybar, or whatever best suits the circumstances.

I once had breakfast with some Iraqi Shias in Beirut who were in bad shape, missing limbs, eyes and so forth. We got talking and they told me of their travails stopping NATO’s head hackers in Syria, where they and their comrades for our tomorrows gave their todays. One of them, whom we will call Ali, as most of their menfolk seem to be so named, told me that the Mehdi, the Islamic Redeemer, was returning to put the world to rights and they were playing their sacrificial role in that regard.

Although Ali and his mates were doing the right thing by their own lights to build peace, I doubt they or those who design Iran’s T34 drones will be getting any of these Nobel gongs any time soon. Like Belarusian peace activist Aleksandr Lukashenko, whom we recently discussed in connection with the Nobel prize, they are building the wrong kind of peace, one that is antithetical to NATO’s own hegemonic theocracy.

If we want to find the right kind of peace, the sort NATO’s Nobel Committee approves of, we can look here and here to see who the favourites were to be given the 2023 Peace Prize and then go to this link to see that there are more peace categories than there are brands of cereal in your local supermarket.

All of those categories give NATO the opportunity to offer us a false choice between one NATO agent of influence and another to win the various awards they dole out, usually to each other. Take the Time Person of the Year, which Paddy Power is currently taking bets on, much as they take bets on almost anything else. Past winners include Uncle Joe Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Chiang Kai-Shek, Emperor Haile Sellasie, Winston Churchill, Queen Elizabeth and, of course, everyone’s favourite cross-dressing clown, Volodymyr Zelensky. Current front runners include Elon Musk (evens), Zelensky (7/4), Joe Biden (LOL) and Iran protesters (7/1).

Although the Time Person of the Year, like the Nobel Prizes in Literature and Peace, can be laughed off as a bit of harmless fun, they all fit into NATO’s overall objective of setting the world’s global arc away from those, like Iraq’s soldiers who die or get maimed for others and towards those like that cross-dressing Zelensky clown or the cross-dressing cretin in the Philippines Human Rights Watch, who are oh so concerned about human rights in Vietnam, want us to get worked up about for their own nefarious reasons.

Although NATO would argue that their prophets of peace cannot be everyone’s cup of tea, ideally all such prizes should go to those who are pure of heart and have the innocence of children like this young innocent American schoolgirl who, with the eloquence of Bobby Kennedy following MLK’s murder, addresses her classmates in this video as to how young American children like them must help those young children who are less fortunate. That young girl was Rachel Corrie, who was martyred in Gaza when the Israeli Army drove over her in circumstances the Israelis dispute, like they dispute all the other murders they partake in on a more or less daily basis.

But NATO can never and will never honour her memory or that of Palestinian-American Catholic journalist Shireen Abu Akleh who, like so many other Palestinian girls and women, was martyred in cold blood on May 11, 2022. Darya Dugina? Forget about it.

And forget about all those others who chose peace, who tried to battle NATO’s war machine with nothing but an olive branch and a belief in our common humanity to protect them. Stephen Karganovic’s recent article on the Nazi demons that possess Zelensky’s Sgt Sarah Cirillo not only puts it best but hints how NATO has opened the gates of hell in the name of peace and how, by extrapolation, all those NATO award granting bodies have enabled the gods of war rather than those of peace that Norway’s Nordstream bombers profess to believe in.

Yet Another Iranian ‘Mata Hari’ Scoops NATO’s Nobel Peace Prize

Were Norway to award the Nobel Peace Prize to Julian Assange or another of Hillary Clinton’s deplorables, they could expect U.S. Marines to be landing on their oil rigs.

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NATO’s Norwegian regime has awarded their 2023 Nobel Peace Prize to Ms Narges Mohammadi, the Iranian citizen who fronted, amongst others, the CIA’s recent campaign against her fellow Iranian women wearing head coverings, which I touched on in this recent article.

Mohammadi is the vice president of the CIA’s Defenders of Human Rights Center (DHRC), which is headed by fellow Iranian Shirin Ebadi, who, coincidentally or not, was gifted NATO’s 2003 Nobel Peace Prize some seven years after the CIA’s extremist Human Rights Watch Group awarded her their own Mickey Mouse prize. Though Mohammadi is also the recipient of an impressive number of NATO controlled awards, that only diminishes those sham groups, not this Persian pawn, in NATO’s games of conquest.

I particularly mention NATO’s Human Rights Watch Group as, on the very morning Norway awarded Mohammadi their Nobel Peace Prize, Human Rights Watch were using NATO’s BBC outlet to highlight the case of some cross-dressing nut job in the Philippines who was arrested for mocking Jesus as part of NATO’s campaign to get the Philippines to attack China. Expect some Nobel Prizes to go to the Philippines in the coming years as NATO, Human Rights Watch and the BBC escalate their Sinophobic campaigns at the expense of the peoples of the Philippines, Vietnam and Japan.

Meanwhile, as Mohammadi is currently serving a lengthy prison sentence in Iran, her celebrations at winning Norway’s NATO Peace Prize will no doubt be more muted than they otherwise might be. However, the very fact that she is sitting in jail for being part of a CIA led campaign of disobedience leads to its own questions. Why, for example, did she get a Nobel Peace Prize and NATO hostage Julian Assange did not? Why is the Nobel Peace Prize Committee rather than Amnesty International highlighting this “prisoner of conscience’s” case and what role does the CIA play in all of this?

The answer to those rhetorical questions is that the CIA long ago colonised Amnesty International and similar bodies. Were Norway to award the Nobel Peace Prize to Julian Assange or another of Hillary Clinton’s deplorables, they could expect U.S. Marines to be landing on their oil rigs and the 101st Airborne to be parachuting into downtown Oslo quicker than they could say Vidkun Quisling who, if he were alive today, would no doubt be delighted that Jon Fosse, his fellow Norwegian, won the 2023 Nobel Prize in Literature from a strong field of other NATO nobodies.

Leaving aside the fact that Scandinavian writers seem to win the Nobel Literature Prize almost with the regularity of a Swiss clock, Mohammadi’s Peace Prize victory warrants some general and more specific criticisms. Given Norway’s ongoing complicity in NATO terror attacks that stretch from Nordstream all the way back to America’s genocidal war against Vietnam, Norway, which was still under Swedish rule when Alfred Nobel popped his clogs, is not a fit satrapy to make this award.

In so much as Norway is pretending to be a defender of women, Iranian women in this case, my previous articles here and here have argued that NATO, of which Norway is an integral part, can make no such claim.

I have twice been to Iran and though I could comment at length on its rough and its smooth, the over-arching memory I have is of a young, covered Iranian woman plaintively asking me why “we” all hate Iranians. If she had kicked me in the belly, she could not have more fully taken the wind out of my sails.

Though I have a million better things to do than go around hating Iranians, that is the impression the unrelenting campaigns of NATO, Norway and the BBC give off of us. Though I have gone on about the BBC and NATO in numerous articles, they are all a disgrace to humanity for the hatred they sow in Iran and every other part of the globe they target.

Nor can NATO take the high moral ground with Iran, which Israel wants to physically wipe off the face of the earth. Iran is a theocracy, which has its own dynamic, part of which is an imperative to close ranks, to form a laager, to circle the wagons and to wait to fend off the blows that NATO land on it with the same regularity of that same Swiss clock.

For the record, I have no time for theocracies, be they of the Shia, Shinto or NATO variety. That said, when NATO puts your back against the wall, then you must close ranks under the flag of Bushidō and Kamikaze, or Ali and Khaybar, or whatever best suits the circumstances.

I once had breakfast with some Iraqi Shias in Beirut who were in bad shape, missing limbs, eyes and so forth. We got talking and they told me of their travails stopping NATO’s head hackers in Syria, where they and their comrades for our tomorrows gave their todays. One of them, whom we will call Ali, as most of their menfolk seem to be so named, told me that the Mehdi, the Islamic Redeemer, was returning to put the world to rights and they were playing their sacrificial role in that regard.

Although Ali and his mates were doing the right thing by their own lights to build peace, I doubt they or those who design Iran’s T34 drones will be getting any of these Nobel gongs any time soon. Like Belarusian peace activist Aleksandr Lukashenko, whom we recently discussed in connection with the Nobel prize, they are building the wrong kind of peace, one that is antithetical to NATO’s own hegemonic theocracy.

If we want to find the right kind of peace, the sort NATO’s Nobel Committee approves of, we can look here and here to see who the favourites were to be given the 2023 Peace Prize and then go to this link to see that there are more peace categories than there are brands of cereal in your local supermarket.

All of those categories give NATO the opportunity to offer us a false choice between one NATO agent of influence and another to win the various awards they dole out, usually to each other. Take the Time Person of the Year, which Paddy Power is currently taking bets on, much as they take bets on almost anything else. Past winners include Uncle Joe Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Chiang Kai-Shek, Emperor Haile Sellasie, Winston Churchill, Queen Elizabeth and, of course, everyone’s favourite cross-dressing clown, Volodymyr Zelensky. Current front runners include Elon Musk (evens), Zelensky (7/4), Joe Biden (LOL) and Iran protesters (7/1).

Although the Time Person of the Year, like the Nobel Prizes in Literature and Peace, can be laughed off as a bit of harmless fun, they all fit into NATO’s overall objective of setting the world’s global arc away from those, like Iraq’s soldiers who die or get maimed for others and towards those like that cross-dressing Zelensky clown or the cross-dressing cretin in the Philippines Human Rights Watch, who are oh so concerned about human rights in Vietnam, want us to get worked up about for their own nefarious reasons.

Although NATO would argue that their prophets of peace cannot be everyone’s cup of tea, ideally all such prizes should go to those who are pure of heart and have the innocence of children like this young innocent American schoolgirl who, with the eloquence of Bobby Kennedy following MLK’s murder, addresses her classmates in this video as to how young American children like them must help those young children who are less fortunate. That young girl was Rachel Corrie, who was martyred in Gaza when the Israeli Army drove over her in circumstances the Israelis dispute, like they dispute all the other murders they partake in on a more or less daily basis.

But NATO can never and will never honour her memory or that of Palestinian-American Catholic journalist Shireen Abu Akleh who, like so many other Palestinian girls and women, was martyred in cold blood on May 11, 2022. Darya Dugina? Forget about it.

And forget about all those others who chose peace, who tried to battle NATO’s war machine with nothing but an olive branch and a belief in our common humanity to protect them. Stephen Karganovic’s recent article on the Nazi demons that possess Zelensky’s Sgt Sarah Cirillo not only puts it best but hints how NATO has opened the gates of hell in the name of peace and how, by extrapolation, all those NATO award granting bodies have enabled the gods of war rather than those of peace that Norway’s Nordstream bombers profess to believe in.

Were Norway to award the Nobel Peace Prize to Julian Assange or another of Hillary Clinton’s deplorables, they could expect U.S. Marines to be landing on their oil rigs.

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NATO’s Norwegian regime has awarded their 2023 Nobel Peace Prize to Ms Narges Mohammadi, the Iranian citizen who fronted, amongst others, the CIA’s recent campaign against her fellow Iranian women wearing head coverings, which I touched on in this recent article.

Mohammadi is the vice president of the CIA’s Defenders of Human Rights Center (DHRC), which is headed by fellow Iranian Shirin Ebadi, who, coincidentally or not, was gifted NATO’s 2003 Nobel Peace Prize some seven years after the CIA’s extremist Human Rights Watch Group awarded her their own Mickey Mouse prize. Though Mohammadi is also the recipient of an impressive number of NATO controlled awards, that only diminishes those sham groups, not this Persian pawn, in NATO’s games of conquest.

I particularly mention NATO’s Human Rights Watch Group as, on the very morning Norway awarded Mohammadi their Nobel Peace Prize, Human Rights Watch were using NATO’s BBC outlet to highlight the case of some cross-dressing nut job in the Philippines who was arrested for mocking Jesus as part of NATO’s campaign to get the Philippines to attack China. Expect some Nobel Prizes to go to the Philippines in the coming years as NATO, Human Rights Watch and the BBC escalate their Sinophobic campaigns at the expense of the peoples of the Philippines, Vietnam and Japan.

Meanwhile, as Mohammadi is currently serving a lengthy prison sentence in Iran, her celebrations at winning Norway’s NATO Peace Prize will no doubt be more muted than they otherwise might be. However, the very fact that she is sitting in jail for being part of a CIA led campaign of disobedience leads to its own questions. Why, for example, did she get a Nobel Peace Prize and NATO hostage Julian Assange did not? Why is the Nobel Peace Prize Committee rather than Amnesty International highlighting this “prisoner of conscience’s” case and what role does the CIA play in all of this?

The answer to those rhetorical questions is that the CIA long ago colonised Amnesty International and similar bodies. Were Norway to award the Nobel Peace Prize to Julian Assange or another of Hillary Clinton’s deplorables, they could expect U.S. Marines to be landing on their oil rigs and the 101st Airborne to be parachuting into downtown Oslo quicker than they could say Vidkun Quisling who, if he were alive today, would no doubt be delighted that Jon Fosse, his fellow Norwegian, won the 2023 Nobel Prize in Literature from a strong field of other NATO nobodies.

Leaving aside the fact that Scandinavian writers seem to win the Nobel Literature Prize almost with the regularity of a Swiss clock, Mohammadi’s Peace Prize victory warrants some general and more specific criticisms. Given Norway’s ongoing complicity in NATO terror attacks that stretch from Nordstream all the way back to America’s genocidal war against Vietnam, Norway, which was still under Swedish rule when Alfred Nobel popped his clogs, is not a fit satrapy to make this award.

In so much as Norway is pretending to be a defender of women, Iranian women in this case, my previous articles here and here have argued that NATO, of which Norway is an integral part, can make no such claim.

I have twice been to Iran and though I could comment at length on its rough and its smooth, the over-arching memory I have is of a young, covered Iranian woman plaintively asking me why “we” all hate Iranians. If she had kicked me in the belly, she could not have more fully taken the wind out of my sails.

Though I have a million better things to do than go around hating Iranians, that is the impression the unrelenting campaigns of NATO, Norway and the BBC give off of us. Though I have gone on about the BBC and NATO in numerous articles, they are all a disgrace to humanity for the hatred they sow in Iran and every other part of the globe they target.

Nor can NATO take the high moral ground with Iran, which Israel wants to physically wipe off the face of the earth. Iran is a theocracy, which has its own dynamic, part of which is an imperative to close ranks, to form a laager, to circle the wagons and to wait to fend off the blows that NATO land on it with the same regularity of that same Swiss clock.

For the record, I have no time for theocracies, be they of the Shia, Shinto or NATO variety. That said, when NATO puts your back against the wall, then you must close ranks under the flag of Bushidō and Kamikaze, or Ali and Khaybar, or whatever best suits the circumstances.

I once had breakfast with some Iraqi Shias in Beirut who were in bad shape, missing limbs, eyes and so forth. We got talking and they told me of their travails stopping NATO’s head hackers in Syria, where they and their comrades for our tomorrows gave their todays. One of them, whom we will call Ali, as most of their menfolk seem to be so named, told me that the Mehdi, the Islamic Redeemer, was returning to put the world to rights and they were playing their sacrificial role in that regard.

Although Ali and his mates were doing the right thing by their own lights to build peace, I doubt they or those who design Iran’s T34 drones will be getting any of these Nobel gongs any time soon. Like Belarusian peace activist Aleksandr Lukashenko, whom we recently discussed in connection with the Nobel prize, they are building the wrong kind of peace, one that is antithetical to NATO’s own hegemonic theocracy.

If we want to find the right kind of peace, the sort NATO’s Nobel Committee approves of, we can look here and here to see who the favourites were to be given the 2023 Peace Prize and then go to this link to see that there are more peace categories than there are brands of cereal in your local supermarket.

All of those categories give NATO the opportunity to offer us a false choice between one NATO agent of influence and another to win the various awards they dole out, usually to each other. Take the Time Person of the Year, which Paddy Power is currently taking bets on, much as they take bets on almost anything else. Past winners include Uncle Joe Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Chiang Kai-Shek, Emperor Haile Sellasie, Winston Churchill, Queen Elizabeth and, of course, everyone’s favourite cross-dressing clown, Volodymyr Zelensky. Current front runners include Elon Musk (evens), Zelensky (7/4), Joe Biden (LOL) and Iran protesters (7/1).

Although the Time Person of the Year, like the Nobel Prizes in Literature and Peace, can be laughed off as a bit of harmless fun, they all fit into NATO’s overall objective of setting the world’s global arc away from those, like Iraq’s soldiers who die or get maimed for others and towards those like that cross-dressing Zelensky clown or the cross-dressing cretin in the Philippines Human Rights Watch, who are oh so concerned about human rights in Vietnam, want us to get worked up about for their own nefarious reasons.

Although NATO would argue that their prophets of peace cannot be everyone’s cup of tea, ideally all such prizes should go to those who are pure of heart and have the innocence of children like this young innocent American schoolgirl who, with the eloquence of Bobby Kennedy following MLK’s murder, addresses her classmates in this video as to how young American children like them must help those young children who are less fortunate. That young girl was Rachel Corrie, who was martyred in Gaza when the Israeli Army drove over her in circumstances the Israelis dispute, like they dispute all the other murders they partake in on a more or less daily basis.

But NATO can never and will never honour her memory or that of Palestinian-American Catholic journalist Shireen Abu Akleh who, like so many other Palestinian girls and women, was martyred in cold blood on May 11, 2022. Darya Dugina? Forget about it.

And forget about all those others who chose peace, who tried to battle NATO’s war machine with nothing but an olive branch and a belief in our common humanity to protect them. Stephen Karganovic’s recent article on the Nazi demons that possess Zelensky’s Sgt Sarah Cirillo not only puts it best but hints how NATO has opened the gates of hell in the name of peace and how, by extrapolation, all those NATO award granting bodies have enabled the gods of war rather than those of peace that Norway’s Nordstream bombers profess to believe in.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

October 11, 2024
October 11, 2024

See also

October 11, 2024
October 11, 2024
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.