Tag: Yemen

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Yemen uncovers massive CIA and Mossad spy ring embedded in pro-democracy ngos
Editor's Сhoice
Yemen uncovers massive CIA and Mossad spy ring embedded in pro-democracy ngos
October 21, 2024

While Yemen usually conjures images of conflicts with Israel and the Saudi-led coalition, a new dimension to the complex country and its people has emerged: Yemen’s secret war of spies. MintPress News delves into the largest CIA spy cell ever uncovered in Yemen, revealing a major security operation that apprehended its members and exposed American espionage activities, dramatically altering our understanding of Yemen’s complex battlefield.

U.S. naval efforts falter as Yemen’s blockade bankrupts Israel’s Eilat port
October 8, 2024

Despite the formation of a multinational naval coalition led by the United States, the Israeli-controlled Port of Eilat has reportedly gone bankrupt and is seeking a government bailout. The situation underscores the failure of U.S.-led efforts against Yemen’s Ansar Allah–known pejoratively as the Houthis–blockade in the Red Sea, enforced until Israel ends its war on Gaza.

U.S. naval efforts falter as Yemen’s blockade bankrupts Israel’s Eilat port
Editor's Сhoice
Yemen, not Israel, is the invincible country in the Middle East
Yemen, not Israel, is the invincible country in the Middle East
July 22, 2024

A year after the start of the war, Yemen continues to cause significant damage to Israel and its allies in the Middle East

O Iêmen, e não Israel, é o país invencível do Oriente Médio
July 21, 2024

Um ano após o começo da guerra, o Iêmen continua gerando danos significativos contra Israel e seus aliados no Oriente Médio.

O Iêmen, e não Israel, é o país invencível do Oriente Médio
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Yemen se acerca a Rusia en medio de planes para una política de tierra arrasada contra Israel
Yemen se acerca a Rusia en medio de planes para una política de tierra arrasada contra Israel
July 14, 2024

Antes de esto, el ejército yemení reveló oficialmente que poseía misiles hipersónicos y comenzó a desplegarlos después de poner en marcha líneas de producción para estas armas avanzadas y difíciles de interceptar.

Los misiles hipersónicos de Yemen: Una revolución militar en Asia Occidental
July 10, 2024

El innovador despliegue por parte de Yemen del misil hipersónico Hatem-2 contra un buque israelí supone un cambio sísmico en la dinámica de poder regional, desafía las estrategias de Estados Unidos y de sus socios, y pone de manifiesto más avances militares inesperados de Sanaa.

Los misiles hipersónicos de Yemen: Una revolución militar en Asia Occidental
Yemen braces for impending massive U.S.-led air and ground campaign
Editor's Сhoice
Yemen braces for impending massive U.S.-led air and ground campaign
May 4, 2024

Senior military officials in Sana’a have informed MintPress News of ongoing military preparations by the US, UK, and Saudi-led Coalition over the past two weeks.

The U.S. dangles Yemen bait, but Ansarallah doesn’t bite
April 12, 2024

The US has secretly offered a stunning array of concessions to Ansarallah to halt its naval operations in support of Gaza – to no avail.

The U.S. dangles Yemen bait, but Ansarallah doesn’t bite
Editor's Сhoice