Tag: World War II

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Outro aniversário do qual ninguém se lembra
Outro aniversário do qual ninguém se lembra
June 24, 2024

Neste dia, 18 de junho, em 1935, foi assinado o Acordo Naval Anglo-Alemão. Os dois lados concordaram que a tonelagem total da Marinha alemã seria fixada em 35% da tonelagem da Marinha Real. Pensando bem, não foi um acordo muito inteligente do ponto de vista de Londres.

NappyGate makes Biden the most disgraced U.S. president in history
June 11, 2024

Biden has reached an all-time new low with his desperate PR stunt at the D-Day memorial. But can he save himself by removing Netanyahu?

NappyGate makes Biden the most disgraced U.S. president in history
Biden exploits WWII heroism to promote U.S. fascist aggression against Russia
Biden exploits WWII heroism to promote U.S. fascist aggression against Russia
June 10, 2024

In truth, U.S. imperialism and its NATO war machine have resurrected the aggression of Nazi Germany against Russia.

Victory Day remembrance, why the Western elites want to forget
May 10, 2024

Many ordinary citizens around the world, including in the United States and across Europe, are united with Russia in properly honoring Victory Day.

Victory Day remembrance, why the Western elites want to forget
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What and when is Victory in Europe Day?
What and when is Victory in Europe Day?
May 6, 2024

It is a tragedy that Europeans will not leave little Russian children alone to play with their dolls and put the smiles of peace and not the tears from war, on the faces of their elders.

Genocide: From Belsen to Gaza via Ukraine
April 15, 2024

April, the cruellest month, is a month of anniversaries, of Belsen, of the Battle of Berlin and of the Armenian genocide to show that our cyclical lives never quite escape winter’s deathly clutches.

Genocide: From Belsen to Gaza via Ukraine
Conmemoran aniversario 80 del fin del cerco a Leningrado
Conmemoran aniversario 80 del fin del cerco a Leningrado
January 27, 2024

Autoridades y pueblo en general conmemoraron hoy aquí el aniversario 80 de la ruptura del cerco impuesto a Leningrado (actual ciudad rusa de San Petersburgo), avance crucial de la Gran Guerra Patria.

80 años de la ruptura del cerco de Leningrado
January 27, 2024

En plena Segunda Guerra Mundial, la ciudad de Leningrado fue sometida a un brutal y agónico asedio por las fuerzas de la Wehrmacht que se prolongó durante 900 días. A las bombas de las fuerzas alemanas se le sumaron el hambre y las enfermedades que diezmaron a la población. En enero de 1943, el Ejército Rojo logró romper el cerco, pero aún tendrían que esperar un año más para poner fin al sitio.

80 años de la ruptura del cerco de Leningrado