Tag: US National Security

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Can Trump save America from itself?
Can Trump save America from itself?
January 10, 2025

Trump might simply escalate the metaphysical staircase to simply say that he alone has the vision to save America from WWIII.

America’s national security future is looking dismal
May 3, 2024

Cold Warriors in the United States, such as Pottinger, are already lobbying for the doubling of our nuclear forces to compensate for worsened U.S. relations with both Beijing and Moscow. 

America’s national security future is looking dismal
Editor's Сhoice
Government Purchase of Commercial Available Information Further Undermines Public Trust
Editor's Сhoice
Government Purchase of Commercial Available Information Further Undermines Public Trust
March 29, 2024

Recent news reporting revealed that the National Security Agency (NSA) had been purchasing American citizens’ Internet browsing information from commercial brokers without a legal warrant.  

Manifest Destiny? U.S. Immigration ‘Crisis’ a Bipartisan Toxic Legacy
April 21, 2021

Migration is here to stay regardless of fences or chicken coops used for vetting migrants as labor, and the corruption of gangsterism will continue to normalize itself with the U.S. corporatist state.

Manifest Destiny? U.S. Immigration ‘Crisis’ a Bipartisan Toxic Legacy
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Computer Security Breaches and Trojan Horse Backdoors
Computer Security Breaches and Trojan Horse Backdoors
February 19, 2021

Who is at fault for the succession of major hacking events in the United States? – “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves”

It’s Almost Twenty Years Since 9/11. Can We Finally Stop Marching to Disaster?
December 20, 2020

Perhaps the horrors of 2020 — the fires and hurricanes, Trump’s vicious attacks on democracy, the death, sickness, and economic dislocation caused by Covid-19 — can force a real conversation about national security in 2021.

It’s Almost Twenty Years Since 9/11. Can We Finally Stop Marching to Disaster?
Editor's Сhoice
The Russian ‘Cyber Pearl Harbor’ That Wasn’t
Editor's Сhoice
The Russian ‘Cyber Pearl Harbor’ That Wasn’t
December 18, 2020

For almost three decades, we have awaited a mythical “cyber Pearl Harbor,” the harbinger of digital doom that the U.S. cybersecurity community assumes to be inevitable. Strangely enough, some believe this cyber Pearl Harbor already happened twice within the last two months.

Biden’s transition team is filled with war profiteers, Beltway chickenhawks, and corporate consultants
November 17, 2020

A glance at the Biden-Harris agency review teams should provide a rude awakening to anyone who believed a Biden administration could be “pushed to the left.”

Biden’s transition team is filled with war profiteers, Beltway chickenhawks, and corporate consultants
Editor's Сhoice