Tag: Trade War

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The escalating trade war between the U.S. and the EU
Editor's Сhoice
The escalating trade war between the U.S. and the EU
March 24, 2025

The trade relationship between the United States and the European Union has long been characterized by cooperation and competition. However, tensions have escalated significantly in recent months, with both sides imposing tariffs and threatening further economic retaliations.

La Cina smentisce categoricamente le accuse statunitensi sull’esportazione del fentanyl
March 21, 2025

La Cina nega le accuse statunitensi di esportazione di fentanyl, definendo tale retorica parte di una guerra commerciale.

La Cina smentisce categoricamente le accuse statunitensi sull’esportazione del fentanyl
Il protezionismo di Trump: un’aberrazione senza precedenti o un ritorno al “sistema americano”?
Il protezionismo di Trump: un’aberrazione senza precedenti o un ritorno al “sistema americano”?
March 20, 2025

Il fatto che il nucleo del liberalismo stia ora adottando misure economiche protezionistiche rappresenta anche un colpo ideologico significativo per le élite liberali dei paesi colpiti dall’imperialismo e dallo sfruttamento capitalistico internazionale.

What will the United States’ trade wars with Canada, Mexico and Europe lead to?
March 19, 2025

The United States already finds itself having to deal with the new global majority to decide what to do about its own future.

What will the United States’ trade wars with Canada, Mexico and Europe lead to?
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Trump’s protectionism: Unprecedented aberration or a return to the ‘American System’?
Trump’s protectionism: Unprecedented aberration or a return to the ‘American System’?
March 15, 2025

The fact that the core of liberalism is now adopting protectionist economic measures also represents a significant ideological blow to the liberal elites of countries affected by imperialism and international capitalist exploitation.

O protecionismo de Trump: Aberração inédita ou retorno ao «Sistema Americano»?
March 13, 2025

Apesar dos EUA terem se consagrado como o pilar ideológico do liberalismo, no âmbito econômico eles costumeiramente lançaram mão do protecionismo como ferramenta de garantia das empresas nacionais.

O protecionismo de Trump: Aberração inédita ou retorno ao «Sistema Americano»?
Tariffs are theft
Editor's Сhoice
Tariffs are theft
March 12, 2025

The US and China came closer to a full-fledged trade war last week when China imposed tariffs of up to 15 percent on key US agricultural exports. This was retaliation for President Trump’s increasing of tariffs on Chinese exports to the United States from 10 percent to 20 percent.

La realidad golpea a la elite gobernante europea: ‘A través de la fisura en su burbuja de fantasía, vislumbran su propia ruina’
March 9, 2025

Aparentemente, no le conviene a Europa organizar una resistencia concertada contra el presidente de EE. UU. por una guerra fallida.

La realidad golpea a la elite gobernante europea: ‘A través de la fisura en su burbuja de fantasía, vislumbran su propia ruina’