Tag: Religion

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Que tipo de liberdade pode existir numa ótica darwinista?
Que tipo de liberdade pode existir numa ótica darwinista?
March 7, 2025

Como a vida humana é um fenômeno material, todas as suas angústias se tornam patologias.

Acceptance of Muslims in Europe
March 4, 2025

Asked how they would feel if one of their children was in a love relationship with a Muslim person, an average 55% of EU citizens say they would be “totally comfortable”. But results vary greatly across countries. And there’s always the question of how sincere the respondents are.

Acceptance of Muslims in Europe
Greece and Cyprus block EU from going easy on Islamist regime in Syria
Editor's Сhoice
Greece and Cyprus block EU from going easy on Islamist regime in Syria
February 15, 2025

Many argue sanctions could be reinstated if violence resurges, but as the atrocities never stopped, lifting sanctions would only consolidate the new Syrian regime.

Trump’s woke war misses its main academic and religious targets
February 5, 2025

As Cardinal Richelieu and the Three Musketeers might have said regarding the changing of the woke guard, plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.

Trump’s woke war misses its main academic and religious targets
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Saudi-Vatican cultural tag team is the tiniest candle of hope in NATO’s darkness
Saudi-Vatican cultural tag team is the tiniest candle of hope in NATO’s darkness
February 3, 2025

Be a shepherd to your flock and get some fearsome guard dogs to protect them as well.

The Savior syndrome
January 29, 2025

American neocon messianism has a particularly notorious trait: the United States of America feels itself to be the savior of the world, therefore self-justifying any actions on a global scale.

The Savior syndrome
A Era Woke acabou. E agora?
A Era Woke acabou. E agora?
January 28, 2025

No âmbito da política externa, uma aliança fundamentalista não seria novidade. O melhor exemplo disso é o apoio dos EUA aos jihadistas afegãos contra a União Soviética.

Unintentionally, sociologist shows what went wrong with Catholicism in Brazil
January 24, 2025

Liberation theology brought liberalism to the Church. And every social organization that liberalism touches crumbles.

Unintentionally, sociologist shows what went wrong with Catholicism in Brazil