Tag: Religion

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Biblical cruelty took power in Israel: “Mein Kampf in reverse”
Biblical cruelty took power in Israel: “Mein Kampf in reverse”
October 21, 2024

The “law of the people” is the fallacy on which the State of Israel has historically relied, from its founding as a Western colony in Palestine to ensuring imperial control throughout the Middle East.

As mulheres devem temer o Ocidente LGBT, não o Oriente muçulmano
September 14, 2024

O local onde as mulheres ocidentais deveriam temer a possibilidade de virarem escravas parideiras é o Ocidente

As mulheres devem temer o Ocidente LGBT, não o Oriente muçulmano
Women should fear the LGBT West, not the Muslim East
Women should fear the LGBT West, not the Muslim East
September 12, 2024

The place where Western women should fear the possibility of becoming childbirth slaves is the West

Enver Hoxha’s poisonous legacy is revived in Nazi Ukraine
September 3, 2024

In 1967 the Herostratic regime of Albania made a huge name for itself by completely banning religion and boasting that it had become the first atheist country in the world.

Enver Hoxha’s poisonous legacy is revived in Nazi Ukraine
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Mídia ocidental tenta amenizar crime de Zelensky ao falar em banimento da Igreja Ortodoxa “Russa”
Mídia ocidental tenta amenizar crime de Zelensky ao falar em banimento da Igreja Ortodoxa “Russa”
August 29, 2024

Não é apenas a criminalização de uma igreja ligada ao Patriarcado de Moscou, mas a verdadeira perseguição da fé de mais de 80% dos ucranianos.

Western media tries to soften Zelensky’s crime by talking about banning the “Russian” Orthodox Church
August 28, 2024

It is not just the criminalization of a church linked to the Moscow Patriarchate, but true persecution of the faith of more than 80% of Ukrainians

Western media tries to soften Zelensky’s crime by talking about banning the “Russian” Orthodox Church
What has happened to British justice and will the Catholic Church speak out?
Editor's Сhoice
What has happened to British justice and will the Catholic Church speak out?
August 23, 2024

My family is peppered with lawyers. Many of us read law, some going on to practice it, others not. Those non-practitioners may have lost touch with the niceties of changing legislation, but an eye for justice – or the lack of it – remains sharply focused.

The spirit of Thanatos haunts a moribund West
August 22, 2024

The modern West scornfully rejects transcendence and disdains its gifts.

The spirit of Thanatos haunts a moribund West