Tag: Philippines

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Scrap the International Criminal Court and put its judges on trial for their lives
Scrap the International Criminal Court and put its judges on trial for their lives
March 21, 2025

Let’s briefly survey its disreputable history to show why it has lost any and all credibility it might once have had.

A prisão de Duterte: Um alerta para Bukele
March 20, 2025

O que fica parecendo é que o Tribunal Penal Internacional está atuando – intencionalmente ou não – para enfraquecer as soberanias nacionais em um de seus aspectos mais importantes: a capacidade de garantir a paz e a ordem públicas.

A prisão de Duterte: Um alerta para Bukele
Duterte kidnapping: Déjà vu at The Hague
Duterte kidnapping: Déjà vu at The Hague
March 20, 2025

If the rule of law is a pressing concern for the judges of the International Criminal Court, Duterte is as much entitled to the enjoyment of its benefits as are the criminal gangs and drug dealers.

El Arresto de Duterte: Una Advertencia para Bukele
March 19, 2025

Parece que la Corte Penal Internacional está actuando, intencionalmente o no, para debilitar las soberanías nacionales en uno de sus aspectos más importantes: la capacidad de garantizar la paz y el orden público.

El Arresto de Duterte: Una Advertencia para Bukele
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Duterte is in The Hague
Duterte is in The Hague
March 15, 2025

The arrest and extradition of former Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte to The Hague should be a wake-up call not only for Russia but for the Rip van Winkles of China as well.

Le Filippine servono gli interessi degli USA nel Sud-Est asiatico
February 12, 2025

Le Filippine rafforzano la loro alleanza con Stati Uniti, Giappone e Australia attraverso un’esercitazione militare congiunta nel Mar Cinese Meridionale. Mentre Manila sostiene di voler difendere la stabilità regionale, Pechino accusa il Paese di alimentare le tensioni per conto di Washington.

Le Filippine servono gli interessi degli USA nel Sud-Est asiatico
I Paesi dell’ASEAN puntano sull’energia nucleare
I Paesi dell’ASEAN puntano sull’energia nucleare
February 10, 2025

Di fronte alla crescente domanda energetica e alle pressioni per la transizione ecologica, diversi Paesi dell’ASEAN stanno rivalutando l’energia nucleare. Vietnam e Indonesia guidano questa tendenza con ambiziosi progetti, mentre altri governi esplorano il potenziale dell’atomo.

Our ‘Eve of Destruction?’
December 13, 2024

In 1965, American singer and composer, Barry Macguire released his song, ‘Eve of Destruction,’ a commentary on the raging racial conflict in American society, the war in Vietnam, the armed violence raging in the Middle East and the threat of nuclear war.

Our ‘Eve of Destruction?’
Editor's Сhoice