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A política energética de Chihuahua: é um gás, gás, gás
A política energética de Chihuahua: é um gás, gás, gás
February 9, 2025

O Sr. Disco Inferno ordena que a OPEP e a OPEP+ reduzam o preço do petróleo, porque, em sua opinião, isso pode resolver a guerra na Ucrânia – como se fosse forçar Moscou a sentar-se à mesa por causa da diminuição das receitas de energia. Isso, por si só, resume o nível de lixo que está sendo fornecido ao POTUS por sua cornucópia de acrônimos que se passam por inteligencia.

La política energética de chihuahua: es un gas, gas, gas
February 4, 2025

Chihuahuas europeos, ¡disfrutad de vuestras fantasías de “derrota estratégica”! Sigan ladrando y comprando GNL ruso.

La política energética de chihuahua: es un gas, gas, gas
La politica energetica del Chihuahua: è un gas, gas, gas
La politica energetica del Chihuahua: è un gas, gas, gas
February 2, 2025

Chihuahua europei, goditi le tue fantasie di “sconfitta strategica”!

The Chihuahua Energy Policy: it’s a gas, gas, gas
January 31, 2025

European chihuahuas, enjoy your “strategic defeat” fantasies!

The Chihuahua Energy Policy: it’s a gas, gas, gas
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The Cold War Between Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates Heats Up
The Cold War Between Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates Heats Up
July 28, 2023

The Saudi-UAE alliance, once hailed as an unbreakable pillar in the region, is experiencing significant strain due to Yemen’s complexities, economic rivalry, energy diplomacy, the Qatar crisis, and power struggles in the region.

Davos Runs Into the OPEC+ Buzzsaw
April 11, 2023

The war isn’t just being fought on the ground in Ukraine.  It’s being fought in the capital markets.  Oil is the most important market in the world, far more important than the US dollar or the US Treasury markets.

Davos Runs Into the OPEC+ Buzzsaw
Editor's Сhoice
Saudi Sting on Biden Gains Momentum in MENA Region, Even Affecting Morocco
Saudi Sting on Biden Gains Momentum in MENA Region, Even Affecting Morocco
October 31, 2022

The so-called ‘secret deal’ which Biden thought he had secured in May was actually worthless due to the Saudis wanting to carry out an act of revenge against Biden and his stupid, empty threats.

The Many Interwoven ‘Wars’ – A Rough Guide Through the Fog
October 24, 2022

We now have an embarrassment of ‘wars’ of which paradoxically, Ukraine is perhaps of lesser strategic import, Alastair Crooke writes.

The Many Interwoven ‘Wars’ – A Rough Guide Through the Fog