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Apuntes de una guerra intra clasista: hacia una nueva arquitectura de diálogo y seguridad global
Apuntes de una guerra intra clasista: hacia una nueva arquitectura de diálogo y seguridad global
February 27, 2025

Siempre será mejor la existencia del diálogo a su ausencia. En eso confío y de alguna manera el arribo a una paz universal duradera necesita de voluntad política y actos de fe.

Denmark prepares for Russian “invasions of NATO lands”
February 27, 2025

“We have decided to offer Ukraine NATO membership. But it is also clear that we must all agree on it if it is to happen,” said Denmark’s Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen following the Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting at NATO headquarters in Brussels on February 13.

Denmark prepares for Russian “invasions of NATO lands”
Editor's Сhoice
Baltic/Black Sea power games and red lines intersect in a “strange war”
Baltic/Black Sea power games and red lines intersect in a “strange war”
February 27, 2025

No one ever lost money betting on the batshit crazy “policies” of the ferociously yapping Baltic chihuahuas.

The arrest of Georgescu will push against NATO
February 27, 2025

Călin Georgescu has been arrested. Now Romania has a great opportunity.

The arrest of Georgescu will push against NATO
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After 3 years of war in Ukraine, imperialist war propaganda collapses
Editor's Сhoice
After 3 years of war in Ukraine, imperialist war propaganda collapses
February 26, 2025

Three years after the start of the Ukraine war, the narrative used by the imperialist powers to justify their provocation and escalation of the war is being exposed as a pack of lies.

Acerca das dissonâncias cognitivas dos “europeus”: a Ucrânia é só um pretexto
February 24, 2025

Em Portugal, como na maior parte dos países do Ocidente Coletivo, os mais recentes desenvolvimentos diplomáticos a respeito do conflito ucraniano deixaram apoplético um setor muitíssimo importante da opinião pública, de facto aquele segmento que tem tido mais protagonismo quer nos círculos políticos decisores, quer ao nível dos media. Entre nós há, claro, toda uma enorme coorte de Christoph “Cry Baby” Heusgen em potência.

Acerca das dissonâncias cognitivas dos “europeus”: a Ucrânia é só um pretexto
Trump should cut off Europe’s defense welfare queens
Editor's Сhoice
Trump should cut off Europe’s defense welfare queens
February 21, 2025

However, the president shouldn’t dictate to European allies how they should handle their own security.

The first draft of the Ukraine war’s history
February 20, 2025

Washington’s policy-makers showed themselves more wicked and feckless than their Vietnam- and Iraq-era predecessors.

The first draft of the Ukraine war’s history
Editor's Сhoice