Tag: Kosovo

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Le elezioni in Kosovo e i negoziati con la Serbia
Le elezioni in Kosovo e i negoziati con la Serbia
March 7, 2025

Le elezioni kosovare dello scorso 9 febbraio rivelano un sistema segnato da ingerenze occidentali e politiche marginalizzanti, che isolano la comunità serba. Belgrado denuncia decisa questa deriva destabilizzante e, con il sostegno di Mosca, lotta per salvaguardare diritti e identità storica.

Kosovo, a time-bomb to extend the European front
November 5, 2024

Self-proclaimed Kosovo, created with the help of the weapons of Albanian terrorists, remains one of the most serious problems in the region.

Kosovo, a time-bomb to extend the European front
Banjska attack a NATO false-flag provocation to destabilize Serbia
Banjska attack a NATO false-flag provocation to destabilize Serbia
October 10, 2024

The pronounced Western media coverage of the Banjska incident suggests that the U.S. and Britain have calibrated the incident to their advantage.

When Tony Blair bombed Montenegro
May 23, 2024

Britain’s direct involvement in NATO raid that killed a Montenegrin civilian revealed for the first time.

When Tony Blair bombed Montenegro
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Why did Washington insist on the Kosovo war?
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Why did Washington insist on the Kosovo war?
April 10, 2024

The following remarks were delivered at a conference marking the 25th anniversary of the NATO bombing of Serbia: “The 1999 Red-Green Bombing Terror against Serbia,” held on March 20, 2024, at the Bundestag in Berlin hosted by MdB Dr. Rainer Rothfuß and his Alternative for Germany parliamentary group.

Kosovo War at 25: Blair’s Secret Invasion Plot to ‘Topple Milosevic’ Revealed
March 25, 2024

Top secret papers reviewed by The Grayzone reveal Tony Blair demanded strikes on civilian targets in Yugoslavia days before NATO attacked them. While the UK military acknowledged a NATO strike on Hotel Jugoslavia would mean inflicting “some civilian casualties,” it insisted the deaths were “worth the cost.”

Kosovo War at 25: Blair’s Secret Invasion Plot to ‘Topple Milosevic’ Revealed
Editor's Сhoice
Guterres, a ONU, a força, a esperteza dos espertalhões, e o direito
Guterres, a ONU, a força, a esperteza dos espertalhões, e o direito
March 23, 2024

Quem era o primeiro-ministro português em 1999, quando Portugal, junto com outra malta da NATO, andou a bombardear Belgrado e o resto da Jugoslávia? António Guterres, claro!

O colapso do império: ‘Como os EUA quebraram o Kosovo’
March 9, 2024

A “libertação” dos albaneses do Kosovo e a criação de um estado “independente” na província – há muito considerada “o berço da civilização sérvia” e “a Jerusalém da Sérvia” – começaram como um projeto de estimação profundamente pessoal de Bill e Hillary Clinton.

O colapso do império: ‘Como os EUA quebraram o Kosovo’