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In Syria, the barbarians aren’t at the gate, they’re in power with Western support
In Syria, the barbarians aren’t at the gate, they’re in power with Western support
February 16, 2025

Declan Hayes contends that the new rulers of Syria do not have a firm control over the country where resistance to the reign of terror is growing.

Anarquia no Levante: Seu sonho de futuro é um esquema de caos
December 23, 2024

A Síria, tal como a conhecíamos, está sendo eviscerada em tempo real – em termos geográficos, culturais, econômicos e militares – por uma terrível confluência de multidões de mercenários rentistas e genocidas psicopatológicos que rezam no altar de Eretz Israel.

Anarquia no Levante: Seu sonho de futuro é um esquema de caos
Se despliega un nuevo mapa geopolítico. El fin de Siria (y de “Palestina” por ahora)
Se despliega un nuevo mapa geopolítico. El fin de Siria (y de “Palestina” por ahora)
December 20, 2024

En general, los israelíes celebran sus ‘victorias’. ¿Les pesará esta euforia a las élites empresariales estadounidenses?

Syria after 13 years of U.S. state terrorism… what do you expect?
December 10, 2024

The destruction of Syria is another vast crime by the U.S.-led imperialist West.

Syria after 13 years of U.S. state terrorism… what do you expect?
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Ireland’s keystone cops are hot on the heels of Russian spymaster Vladimir Putin
Ireland’s keystone cops are hot on the heels of Russian spymaster Vladimir Putin
August 12, 2024

But Russia’s President does not have close familial ties with Belfast and Dublin; Israel’s does. Hezbollah did not bomb Dublin and Monaghan; MI6 did.

The end of Obama’s war on Syria
July 7, 2024

Lesson to be learned from Syria: never participate in any U.S. war abroad using terrorists as assets.

The end of Obama’s war on Syria
Made in America: The ISIS conquest of Mosul
Editor's Сhoice
Made in America: The ISIS conquest of Mosul
July 6, 2024

The notorious terror group used US-supplied weapons, US-trained fighters, and funding sent from banks in Washington, DC, to conquer Iraq’s second-largest city and terrorize its Sunni Muslim inhabitants.

Servicios de inteligencia occidentales y de Ucrania comprometidos en el ataque contra el salon de conciertos en Moscu
April 11, 2024

Acusar al ISIS suena como un simple intento de disfrazar a los verdaderos culpables.

Servicios de inteligencia occidentales y de Ucrania comprometidos en el ataque contra el salon de conciertos en Moscu