Tag: Greenland

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Denmark Serving U.S. Wars for Three Decades: Russia as Rogue State Is Rationale
Denmark Serving U.S. Wars for Three Decades: Russia as Rogue State Is Rationale
January 18, 2021

Denmark is not the only vassal state adhering to the U.S. Military Empire. All 27 members of the European Union and all 30 NATO members, follow suit to varying degrees. Denmark, however, has earned a sit in the front row, Ron Ridenour writes.

Washington’s Plans for Heating Up the Arctic
August 25, 2020

The Pentagon’s military strategy for the Arctic will increase international tension and inevitably lead to confrontation.

Washington’s Plans for Heating Up the Arctic
Trump Doubles Down on His Island-Buying Spree
Trump Doubles Down on His Island-Buying Spree
September 1, 2019

There is sudden rush by countries for island real estate. Some of this “island fever” is driven by global climate change. Some countries are looking for strategic advantages in a new geo-political order.

Urgent Action Required Against Environmental Pirates
August 26, 2019

The rise to power of the eco-nihilists will intrigue future historians. They will ponder why, faced with sound scientific data, certain world leaders insisted on doing nothing to prevent the demise of their nations as well as global civilization.

Urgent Action Required Against Environmental Pirates
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Forget Annexing Greenland, Start Breaking up America
Editor's Сhoice
Forget Annexing Greenland, Start Breaking up America
August 23, 2019

Our nation’s problems are caused not by a lack of territory but increasingly disjointed cultural identities. There’s only one solution.

Is Greenland the Last Chance to Make America Great Again?
August 23, 2019

Since Greenland is a poor location, the US could simply bribe the entire populace with $10,000 each for a total sum of $500,000,000, which in terms of Washington’s budget is peanuts. Hearts and minds have to be won but often they can just be bought.

Is Greenland the Last Chance to Make America Great Again?
Trump Wants to Buy Greenland, But It’s Not for Sale
Trump Wants to Buy Greenland, But It’s Not for Sale
August 19, 2019

Ask most Greenlanders what they think about the US and they’ll tell you that it has used their island as a gigantic garbage dump. Trump’s proposal to buy Greenland should be tossed into one of Greenland’s numerous “Made-by-America” garbage heaps.

Will Greenland Join the Family of Independent Nations?
May 5, 2018

Equipped with a reliable base of resources, Greenland could take the best from its Arctic partners, Russia, China, Australia, or anyone with a lucrative deal to offer.

Will Greenland Join the Family of Independent Nations?