Declan Hayes
January 15, 2025
© Photo: SCF

With Panama and Greenland firmly under the star-spangled jackboot, it will be the turn of Canada to pay the price for burning the White House in 1812.

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Although incoming warlord Donald Trump has got some undeserved stick for threatening to annex Canada, Panama and Greenland, and to bomb Mexico and some other equally irrelevant backwaters back to the Stone Age, I’m not joining that bandwagon. Not at least until the Brits pays proper compensation for invading Iceland and Uncle Sam withdraws from Cuba, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Guam and a bunch of other islands it has annexed since 1945. Far from laughing at Trump, as Denmark’s powerless politicians do, the world should be praising him, if they know what is good both for themselves and for his version of America.

Greenland and Panama are the easier ones. If Trump’s paymasters want them, who is going to stop them? Not the pathetic Danes, that is for sure. Denmark should simply name its price for Greenland or, better still, let Trump name it so the gullible Yanks are not again ripped off, throw the Faroe Islands in for free to sweeten the deal and sail back with their tails between their legs to Legoland.

Much the same applies to the Panama Canal. Why risk China or anyone else having a say in its governance when a handful of U.S. Marines, together with some cut price Latin American mercenaries, can form a sufficient tripwire to keep unwanted trespassers out, as Trump’s America prepares to go head to head with China?

With Panama and Greenland firmly under the star-spangled jackboot, it will be the turn of Canada to pay the price for burning the White House in 1812, and for “that star-spangled Banner [to] yet wave, O’er the Land of the free and the home of the brave”, Canada’s remaining braves included.

Besides famously inspiring America’s national anthem, the 1812 war is important as various Indian confederations were pivotal allies of both sides in it, with the Chocktaw, Cherokee, Lower Creek and Tuscarora throwing their lot in with Uncle Sam and the Tecumseh Confederacy, the Red Sticks, the Menominee and the Six Nations of the Grand River fighting for Canadian King and Canadian country. As those tribes are now only irrelevant historical footnotes and, as the war-like Canadians were only allowed into groups like G7 to make up the numbers, it is time to cut out the pretence that Canada is a sovereign country with independent agency. Make Anschluss great again, replace that dopey maple leaf flag with an all-white surrender monkey flag and be done with it.

As regards Mexico, they may as well go the way of the Aztecs, and a drug war is just the ticket to justify bombing their infrastructure and grabbing their oil and other resources. If annexation worked with California, Texas and New Mexico, why not thin out today’s Mexicans some more if that is what it takes to make America great again. It would be easy-peasy for NATO’s media machine to spin that one and who will stop Trump? Not NATO’s supine media and not the Pope, who “fights like a Dane”.

Although the Pope is doing a great job persecuting traditional priests like France’s Bishop Dominique Rey and acquiescing in the ethnic cleansing of Syria, Lebanon, Ukraine and Palestine, all of which combine to show that, despite these and these annoying whispers from his paid scribes, the Pope not only has no political agency but has less sway with American Presidents than his predecessors had with Hitler or Napoleon, both of whom were baptised, or Roman Emperors Diocletian and Nero, who were not. Should any Pope get notions above his station regarding lebensraum, they will be quickly cut down to size and put back in their box by using priestess jokers like this ignoramus and, if necessary, by the more direct means Canada, Panama, Mexico and Greenland have coming their way as well.

Manifest Destiny

Come all you brave Canadians
I’d have you lend an ear
Unto a simple ditty
That will your spirits cheer,
Concerning an engagement
We had at Sandwich town―
The courage of those Yankee boys
So bravely we pulled down.
And being all united
This is the song we’ll sing
Success unto Great Britain
And may God Save the King.

Although the Canadians were cock a hoop with capturing Detroit during the 1812 campaign, that was only a hiccup in America The Beautiful’s ongoing quest to fulfil its manifest destiny from sea to shining sea and far beyond as well. Although the manifest destiny doctrine was considered too blunt to be showcased until recently, Trump, like Hitler before him, has put his backers’ cards square to on the table. It is either his way or his equivalent of Abu Ghraib or, if you prefer, Hitler’s gas chambers. No two ways about it. America must achieve its manifest destiny and no one is strong, stupid or brave enough to argue otherwise.


Of course, just as you cannot make an omelette without cracking eggs, so also can you not create living space for conquering imperialists without either enslaving or exterminating the locals. Not only have we seen that with the Chocktaw, the Cherokee, the Lower Creek, the Tuscarora and the other indigenous tribes who were each betrayed by Soldier Blue (the most savage film in history), but we see it right now, with our own eyes, in Palestine, in Armenia, in the Golan and in all of Syria, where the locals are being cleansed in much the same manner that Nero and Diocletian dealt with the uppity Christians of their era. The world is not a pleasant place if you are a hindrance to the manifest destinies of America, Israel and Azerbaijan.

Über alles in der Welt

Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt,
Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze
Brüderlich zusammenhält.
Von der Maas bis an die Memel,
Von der Etsch bis an den Belt,
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt!

Although Germany’s infamous national anthem has its roots in the 1840 Rhine crisis, we more associate it today with what Hitler’s armies were getting up to a century later in 1940, when they helped set the template for Trump’s future plans for us all.

But even though Hitler, like Napoleon, Nero and Deocletian before him is gone, the American Wehrmacht steam rolls on, fulfilling its traditional muscle for hire role Major General Smedley Butler described in his War is a Racket opus (freely available here and here).

Though Trump, like the Israelis, may be applauded for creating facts on the ground, because their nineteenth century Darwinian survival of the most savage imperialist approach is the antithesis of all more civilised approaches, the question is not so much should they be opposed but how can they be effectively opposed, and what will follow their most recent conquests. Although better minds than mine addressed those issues with Herr Hitler in Munich 1938, Israel, the United States and Erdoğan’s Turkish Confederation feel, like Hitler’s happy campers did in 1940, that they are on a role and no one can stop them or even make a serious attempt at stopping them. Although all that is a problem for another day, it is one that needs urgent attention and slow-sliding action by progressive forces (LOL) with better minds than mine today.

Make Anschluss great again

With Panama and Greenland firmly under the star-spangled jackboot, it will be the turn of Canada to pay the price for burning the White House in 1812.

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Although incoming warlord Donald Trump has got some undeserved stick for threatening to annex Canada, Panama and Greenland, and to bomb Mexico and some other equally irrelevant backwaters back to the Stone Age, I’m not joining that bandwagon. Not at least until the Brits pays proper compensation for invading Iceland and Uncle Sam withdraws from Cuba, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Guam and a bunch of other islands it has annexed since 1945. Far from laughing at Trump, as Denmark’s powerless politicians do, the world should be praising him, if they know what is good both for themselves and for his version of America.

Greenland and Panama are the easier ones. If Trump’s paymasters want them, who is going to stop them? Not the pathetic Danes, that is for sure. Denmark should simply name its price for Greenland or, better still, let Trump name it so the gullible Yanks are not again ripped off, throw the Faroe Islands in for free to sweeten the deal and sail back with their tails between their legs to Legoland.

Much the same applies to the Panama Canal. Why risk China or anyone else having a say in its governance when a handful of U.S. Marines, together with some cut price Latin American mercenaries, can form a sufficient tripwire to keep unwanted trespassers out, as Trump’s America prepares to go head to head with China?

With Panama and Greenland firmly under the star-spangled jackboot, it will be the turn of Canada to pay the price for burning the White House in 1812, and for “that star-spangled Banner [to] yet wave, O’er the Land of the free and the home of the brave”, Canada’s remaining braves included.

Besides famously inspiring America’s national anthem, the 1812 war is important as various Indian confederations were pivotal allies of both sides in it, with the Chocktaw, Cherokee, Lower Creek and Tuscarora throwing their lot in with Uncle Sam and the Tecumseh Confederacy, the Red Sticks, the Menominee and the Six Nations of the Grand River fighting for Canadian King and Canadian country. As those tribes are now only irrelevant historical footnotes and, as the war-like Canadians were only allowed into groups like G7 to make up the numbers, it is time to cut out the pretence that Canada is a sovereign country with independent agency. Make Anschluss great again, replace that dopey maple leaf flag with an all-white surrender monkey flag and be done with it.

As regards Mexico, they may as well go the way of the Aztecs, and a drug war is just the ticket to justify bombing their infrastructure and grabbing their oil and other resources. If annexation worked with California, Texas and New Mexico, why not thin out today’s Mexicans some more if that is what it takes to make America great again. It would be easy-peasy for NATO’s media machine to spin that one and who will stop Trump? Not NATO’s supine media and not the Pope, who “fights like a Dane”.

Although the Pope is doing a great job persecuting traditional priests like France’s Bishop Dominique Rey and acquiescing in the ethnic cleansing of Syria, Lebanon, Ukraine and Palestine, all of which combine to show that, despite these and these annoying whispers from his paid scribes, the Pope not only has no political agency but has less sway with American Presidents than his predecessors had with Hitler or Napoleon, both of whom were baptised, or Roman Emperors Diocletian and Nero, who were not. Should any Pope get notions above his station regarding lebensraum, they will be quickly cut down to size and put back in their box by using priestess jokers like this ignoramus and, if necessary, by the more direct means Canada, Panama, Mexico and Greenland have coming their way as well.

Manifest Destiny

Come all you brave Canadians
I’d have you lend an ear
Unto a simple ditty
That will your spirits cheer,
Concerning an engagement
We had at Sandwich town―
The courage of those Yankee boys
So bravely we pulled down.
And being all united
This is the song we’ll sing
Success unto Great Britain
And may God Save the King.

Although the Canadians were cock a hoop with capturing Detroit during the 1812 campaign, that was only a hiccup in America The Beautiful’s ongoing quest to fulfil its manifest destiny from sea to shining sea and far beyond as well. Although the manifest destiny doctrine was considered too blunt to be showcased until recently, Trump, like Hitler before him, has put his backers’ cards square to on the table. It is either his way or his equivalent of Abu Ghraib or, if you prefer, Hitler’s gas chambers. No two ways about it. America must achieve its manifest destiny and no one is strong, stupid or brave enough to argue otherwise.


Of course, just as you cannot make an omelette without cracking eggs, so also can you not create living space for conquering imperialists without either enslaving or exterminating the locals. Not only have we seen that with the Chocktaw, the Cherokee, the Lower Creek, the Tuscarora and the other indigenous tribes who were each betrayed by Soldier Blue (the most savage film in history), but we see it right now, with our own eyes, in Palestine, in Armenia, in the Golan and in all of Syria, where the locals are being cleansed in much the same manner that Nero and Diocletian dealt with the uppity Christians of their era. The world is not a pleasant place if you are a hindrance to the manifest destinies of America, Israel and Azerbaijan.

Über alles in der Welt

Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt,
Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze
Brüderlich zusammenhält.
Von der Maas bis an die Memel,
Von der Etsch bis an den Belt,
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt!

Although Germany’s infamous national anthem has its roots in the 1840 Rhine crisis, we more associate it today with what Hitler’s armies were getting up to a century later in 1940, when they helped set the template for Trump’s future plans for us all.

But even though Hitler, like Napoleon, Nero and Deocletian before him is gone, the American Wehrmacht steam rolls on, fulfilling its traditional muscle for hire role Major General Smedley Butler described in his War is a Racket opus (freely available here and here).

Though Trump, like the Israelis, may be applauded for creating facts on the ground, because their nineteenth century Darwinian survival of the most savage imperialist approach is the antithesis of all more civilised approaches, the question is not so much should they be opposed but how can they be effectively opposed, and what will follow their most recent conquests. Although better minds than mine addressed those issues with Herr Hitler in Munich 1938, Israel, the United States and Erdoğan’s Turkish Confederation feel, like Hitler’s happy campers did in 1940, that they are on a role and no one can stop them or even make a serious attempt at stopping them. Although all that is a problem for another day, it is one that needs urgent attention and slow-sliding action by progressive forces (LOL) with better minds than mine today.

With Panama and Greenland firmly under the star-spangled jackboot, it will be the turn of Canada to pay the price for burning the White House in 1812.

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Although incoming warlord Donald Trump has got some undeserved stick for threatening to annex Canada, Panama and Greenland, and to bomb Mexico and some other equally irrelevant backwaters back to the Stone Age, I’m not joining that bandwagon. Not at least until the Brits pays proper compensation for invading Iceland and Uncle Sam withdraws from Cuba, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Guam and a bunch of other islands it has annexed since 1945. Far from laughing at Trump, as Denmark’s powerless politicians do, the world should be praising him, if they know what is good both for themselves and for his version of America.

Greenland and Panama are the easier ones. If Trump’s paymasters want them, who is going to stop them? Not the pathetic Danes, that is for sure. Denmark should simply name its price for Greenland or, better still, let Trump name it so the gullible Yanks are not again ripped off, throw the Faroe Islands in for free to sweeten the deal and sail back with their tails between their legs to Legoland.

Much the same applies to the Panama Canal. Why risk China or anyone else having a say in its governance when a handful of U.S. Marines, together with some cut price Latin American mercenaries, can form a sufficient tripwire to keep unwanted trespassers out, as Trump’s America prepares to go head to head with China?

With Panama and Greenland firmly under the star-spangled jackboot, it will be the turn of Canada to pay the price for burning the White House in 1812, and for “that star-spangled Banner [to] yet wave, O’er the Land of the free and the home of the brave”, Canada’s remaining braves included.

Besides famously inspiring America’s national anthem, the 1812 war is important as various Indian confederations were pivotal allies of both sides in it, with the Chocktaw, Cherokee, Lower Creek and Tuscarora throwing their lot in with Uncle Sam and the Tecumseh Confederacy, the Red Sticks, the Menominee and the Six Nations of the Grand River fighting for Canadian King and Canadian country. As those tribes are now only irrelevant historical footnotes and, as the war-like Canadians were only allowed into groups like G7 to make up the numbers, it is time to cut out the pretence that Canada is a sovereign country with independent agency. Make Anschluss great again, replace that dopey maple leaf flag with an all-white surrender monkey flag and be done with it.

As regards Mexico, they may as well go the way of the Aztecs, and a drug war is just the ticket to justify bombing their infrastructure and grabbing their oil and other resources. If annexation worked with California, Texas and New Mexico, why not thin out today’s Mexicans some more if that is what it takes to make America great again. It would be easy-peasy for NATO’s media machine to spin that one and who will stop Trump? Not NATO’s supine media and not the Pope, who “fights like a Dane”.

Although the Pope is doing a great job persecuting traditional priests like France’s Bishop Dominique Rey and acquiescing in the ethnic cleansing of Syria, Lebanon, Ukraine and Palestine, all of which combine to show that, despite these and these annoying whispers from his paid scribes, the Pope not only has no political agency but has less sway with American Presidents than his predecessors had with Hitler or Napoleon, both of whom were baptised, or Roman Emperors Diocletian and Nero, who were not. Should any Pope get notions above his station regarding lebensraum, they will be quickly cut down to size and put back in their box by using priestess jokers like this ignoramus and, if necessary, by the more direct means Canada, Panama, Mexico and Greenland have coming their way as well.

Manifest Destiny

Come all you brave Canadians
I’d have you lend an ear
Unto a simple ditty
That will your spirits cheer,
Concerning an engagement
We had at Sandwich town―
The courage of those Yankee boys
So bravely we pulled down.
And being all united
This is the song we’ll sing
Success unto Great Britain
And may God Save the King.

Although the Canadians were cock a hoop with capturing Detroit during the 1812 campaign, that was only a hiccup in America The Beautiful’s ongoing quest to fulfil its manifest destiny from sea to shining sea and far beyond as well. Although the manifest destiny doctrine was considered too blunt to be showcased until recently, Trump, like Hitler before him, has put his backers’ cards square to on the table. It is either his way or his equivalent of Abu Ghraib or, if you prefer, Hitler’s gas chambers. No two ways about it. America must achieve its manifest destiny and no one is strong, stupid or brave enough to argue otherwise.


Of course, just as you cannot make an omelette without cracking eggs, so also can you not create living space for conquering imperialists without either enslaving or exterminating the locals. Not only have we seen that with the Chocktaw, the Cherokee, the Lower Creek, the Tuscarora and the other indigenous tribes who were each betrayed by Soldier Blue (the most savage film in history), but we see it right now, with our own eyes, in Palestine, in Armenia, in the Golan and in all of Syria, where the locals are being cleansed in much the same manner that Nero and Diocletian dealt with the uppity Christians of their era. The world is not a pleasant place if you are a hindrance to the manifest destinies of America, Israel and Azerbaijan.

Über alles in der Welt

Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt,
Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze
Brüderlich zusammenhält.
Von der Maas bis an die Memel,
Von der Etsch bis an den Belt,
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt!

Although Germany’s infamous national anthem has its roots in the 1840 Rhine crisis, we more associate it today with what Hitler’s armies were getting up to a century later in 1940, when they helped set the template for Trump’s future plans for us all.

But even though Hitler, like Napoleon, Nero and Deocletian before him is gone, the American Wehrmacht steam rolls on, fulfilling its traditional muscle for hire role Major General Smedley Butler described in his War is a Racket opus (freely available here and here).

Though Trump, like the Israelis, may be applauded for creating facts on the ground, because their nineteenth century Darwinian survival of the most savage imperialist approach is the antithesis of all more civilised approaches, the question is not so much should they be opposed but how can they be effectively opposed, and what will follow their most recent conquests. Although better minds than mine addressed those issues with Herr Hitler in Munich 1938, Israel, the United States and Erdoğan’s Turkish Confederation feel, like Hitler’s happy campers did in 1940, that they are on a role and no one can stop them or even make a serious attempt at stopping them. Although all that is a problem for another day, it is one that needs urgent attention and slow-sliding action by progressive forces (LOL) with better minds than mine today.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

February 11, 2025
January 29, 2025
February 13, 2025

See also

February 11, 2025
January 29, 2025
February 13, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.