Tag: Fascism

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Stepan Bandera’s sinister mi6 alliance exposed
Editor's Сhoice
Stepan Bandera’s sinister mi6 alliance exposed
March 21, 2025

The complicity of Bandera and the fascist movements he birthed during World War II is well-documented. His influence over modern-day ultranationalist and Neo-Nazi factions in Ukraine, such as the Azov Regiment, has also been acknowledged in the mainstream media.

Trump, Musk and fascism, the film industry and the Academy Awards
March 5, 2025

The 97th Academy Awards will be held at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles on Sunday night. Big questions confront the performers, filmmakers and other artists involved, as well as the rest of the population.

Trump, Musk and fascism, the film industry and the Academy Awards
Editor's Сhoice
Il saluto di Elon Musk evidenzia il contatto tra fascismo e liberalismo
Il saluto di Elon Musk evidenzia il contatto tra fascismo e liberalismo
February 4, 2025

Sia il nazifascismo che le varie sfumature del liberalismo, adottando lo Stato come istituzione suprema, finiscono per creare un vuoto culturale, riempiendolo di fantasia.

Elon Musk’s salute highlights the contact between fascism and liberalism
February 2, 2025

Both Nazi-fascism and the various shades of liberalism, by adopting the State as the supreme institution, end up creating cultural vacuum, and filling it with fantasy.

Elon Musk’s salute highlights the contact between fascism and liberalism
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A saudação de Elon Musk evidencia o contato entre fascismo e liberalismo
A saudação de Elon Musk evidencia o contato entre fascismo e liberalismo
February 1, 2025

Tanto o nazifascismo quanto as variadas matizes do liberalismo, ao adotarem o Estado como instituição suprema, terminam por criar vácuo cultural, e preenchem-no com a fantasia.

Congress revives Cold War tactics with new anti-communism school curriculum
December 14, 2024

Congress has just passed a new bill that will see the U.S. spend huge sums of money redesigning much of the public school system around the ideology of anti-communism. The “Crucial Communism Teaching Act” is now being read in the Senate, where it is all but certain to pass. The move comes amid growing public anger at the economic system and increased public support for socialism.

Congress revives Cold War tactics with new anti-communism school curriculum
Editor's Сhoice
Kamala Harris hires Hitler in his “second career”
Editor's Сhoice
Kamala Harris hires Hitler in his “second career”
October 26, 2024

One can’t help wondering what the endgame is in all this Hitler talk. Harris and her allies are playing with Trump’s life. Surely they know that.

O Ocidente dos “valores democráticos” ao lado do terror nazi-fascista
October 14, 2024

A recuperação do nazismo coloca-nos a todos, os povos ocidentais, ao lado e sob a influência nazi-fascista!

O Ocidente dos “valores democráticos” ao lado do terror nazi-fascista