Tag: Eastern Europe

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European Union: From peace to bellicosity
European Union: From peace to bellicosity
June 7, 2024

Belonging to the European Union begins to resemble those dreams that delight us while we sleep, but when we wake up, we realize that they are just that, dreams.

Macron Doubles Down on Unlimited Ukraine Support at Meeting With Party Leaders
March 9, 2024

“We’ll see who’s for Zelensky and who’s for Putin,” majority leader said ahead of gathering

Macron Doubles Down on Unlimited Ukraine Support at Meeting With Party Leaders
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Who Arms the Regime in Kiev?
Who Arms the Regime in Kiev?
December 30, 2023

This infographic shows bilateral aid commitments from the top donor countries as of October 31, 2023. These include both lethal and non-lethal aid (Slovakia announced it ceases to supply military aid to Ukraine). U.S. aid to Ukraine visibly exceeds that from other countries.

Government Rejects Political Pressure to Secure Energy Supplies, Says Minister
November 28, 2023

Hungary rejects any political pressure in the field of energy security, and the European Union must return to common sense in order to tackle the crisis, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said in Bucharest on Wednesday.

Government Rejects Political Pressure to Secure Energy Supplies, Says Minister
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Russia’s Battle for the Black Sea Is Over. The Battle for the South China Sea Is About to Begin
Russia’s Battle for the Black Sea Is Over. The Battle for the South China Sea Is About to Begin
July 25, 2023

Russia and her allies have won the weapons’ war. Although NATO’s arms companies have made a literal killing in Ukraine, their systems have proved no match for those of Russia.

Nicholas Kristof: A Faulty Prophet
July 20, 2023

New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof has amassed a long record of faulty, overly optimistic predictions about international affairs. His latest effort is likely to continue that embarrassing trend.

Nicholas Kristof: A Faulty Prophet
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Vilnius NATO Summit Unveils Plans for Global Domination
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Vilnius NATO Summit Unveils Plans for Global Domination
July 14, 2023

Statement of the WSWS International Editorial Board ❗️Join us on Telegram , Twitter , and VK . The declaration adopted this week by the heads of state and government of the 31 NATO members in Vilnius, Lithuania is a blueprint for global war. Only a fraction […]

EU’s Withdrawal of Tariffs on Ukrainian Grain Backfires as Eastern European Countries Rise in Opposition
April 22, 2023

The European Union and five countries in eastern Europe at are loggerheads over the tariff-free import of grain from Ukraine. The five countries say that the removal of tariffs has affected their internal markets and their farmers

EU’s Withdrawal of Tariffs on Ukrainian Grain Backfires as Eastern European Countries Rise in Opposition
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