Tag: Rodrigo Duterte

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A Dream Deferred? Manila Renews the Visiting Forces Agreement With the U.S. – BRI vs. B3W
A Dream Deferred? Manila Renews the Visiting Forces Agreement With the U.S. – BRI vs. B3W
August 5, 2021

The renewed VFA may be among the last that the Philippines signs, because the U.S. may not desire to sustain a presence as a part of its regional policy, Joaquin Flores writes.

China Quietly Filling U.S. Vacuum in the Philippines
March 11, 2020

As President Rodrigo Duterte moves to boot US troops from Philippine soil through the cancellation of a key defense pact, China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is quietly moving in to take their place.

China Quietly Filling U.S. Vacuum in the Philippines
Editor's Сhoice
Philippine Patriots Say ‘No to WWIII’ and ‘Yes to the New Silk Road’
Philippine Patriots Say ‘No to WWIII’ and ‘Yes to the New Silk Road’
February 23, 2020

As long as true economic development and long-term thinking drives all discussion of bilateral relationships, then a new age of peace and cooperation for all nations under a multipolar world order may yet occur.

The End of Modern Diplomacy
September 11, 2019

Aristotle defined a tyrant as someone who rules solely for his own benefit and pleasure. The world has seen the steady rise of such tyrants over the past few decades.

The End of Modern Diplomacy
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Urgent Action Required Against Environmental Pirates
Urgent Action Required Against Environmental Pirates
August 26, 2019

The rise to power of the eco-nihilists will intrigue future historians. They will ponder why, faced with sound scientific data, certain world leaders insisted on doing nothing to prevent the demise of their nations as well as global civilization.