Tag: De-Dollarization
The central question is this: in the case of systematic imbalances, should the deficit countries, or rather the surplus countries, make the necessary adjustments to achieve the equilibrium?
A questão central consiste nisto: no caso de desequilíbrios sistemáticos, devem ser os países deficitários, ou em vez disso os países superavitários, a fazer os ajustamentos necessários para a obtenção do equilíbrio?
Sin duda, el oro desempeñará un papel más importante a medida que los BRICS preparen un sistema financiero postamericano.
The United States’ treatment of other countries is a stark reminder of the undemocratic nature of the United Nations. The US has been known to bully and coerce nations into submission, often using its military, economic, and cultural influence to get its way. For instance, the USA has prevented Germany from withdrawing its gold reserves from the US, treating the European powerhouse like a junior partner.