Tag: De-Dollarization

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La Cina usa il dollaro contro gli Stati Uniti
La Cina usa il dollaro contro gli Stati Uniti
January 26, 2025

La storia dell’egemonia finanziaria degli Stati Uniti e le recenti tendenze al suo indebolimento a causa delle azioni della Cina.

Le idee di Lenin e l’economia moderna
January 14, 2025

L’imperialismo viceversa? Le importazioni di capitali (non solo) europei hanno impresso una forte spinta propulsiva all’economia degli Stati Uniti, i quali continuano a conseguire considerevoli ritmi di crescita a fronte di concomitanti incrementi del debito netto con l’estero.

Le idee di Lenin e l’economia moderna
Trump’s BRICS threat adds fuel to de-dollarization drive
Editor's Сhoice
Trump’s BRICS threat adds fuel to de-dollarization drive
December 23, 2024

Trump’s threat to impose 200% tariffs on de-dollarizing BRICS members will further erode trust in the weaponized buck By Nigel GREEN Join us on Telegram, Twitter, and VK. Contact us: info@strategic-culture.su Donald Trump’s return to power is bringing his characteristic bluntness back […]

Some problems regarding the monetary articulation of BRICS
November 23, 2024

The central question is this: in the case of systematic imbalances, should the deficit countries, or rather the surplus countries, make the necessary adjustments to achieve the equilibrium?

Some problems regarding the monetary articulation of BRICS
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Alguns problemas relativos à articulação monetária dos BRICS
Alguns problemas relativos à articulação monetária dos BRICS
November 22, 2024

A questão central consiste nisto: no caso de desequilíbrios sistemáticos, devem ser os países deficitários, ou em vez disso os países superavitários, a fazer os ajustamentos necessários para a obtenção do equilíbrio?

Los BRICS acumulan oro mientras el G7 convierte las finanzas en un arma
November 17, 2024

Sin duda, el oro desempeñará un papel más importante a medida que los BRICS preparen un sistema financiero postamericano.

Los BRICS acumulan oro mientras el G7 convierte las finanzas en un arma
BRJCS: a bastion of democratic power
Editor's Сhoice
BRJCS: a bastion of democratic power
October 18, 2024

The United States’ treatment of other countries is a stark reminder of the undemocratic nature of the United Nations. The US has been known to bully and coerce nations into submission, often using its military, economic, and cultural influence to get its way. For instance, the USA has prevented Germany from withdrawing its gold reserves from the US, treating the European powerhouse like a junior partner.

La caída del dólar en los mercados internacionales, ¿cuáles son sus consecuencias y tendencias?
October 18, 2024

Para comprender la actual debilidad del dólar, es esencial examinar los recientes desarrollos económicos que han influido en su valor. La inflación en Estados Unidos llevó a un aumento en las tasas de interés, lo que inicialmente causó la depreciación del dólar.

La caída del dólar en los mercados internacionales, ¿cuáles son sus consecuencias y tendencias?