Tag: Davutoglu

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America’s Ally Turkey Again Stirs Anti-Armenian Bigotry
America’s Ally Turkey Again Stirs Anti-Armenian Bigotry
March 16, 2016

On March 11th, a news-report was headlined «VIDEO: Kurds in Turkey Accuse Erdogan for Mass and Genocidal Massacre», but the resurgent fascist-nationalist, and self-righteously Sunni-Islamic, Saudi and US-allied government of Turkey doesn’t hate and despise only Kurds – as horrific as those reports are. (And those videos and pictures make clear the government’s bloody contempt of Kurds.)…

Angela Merkel’s Party Suffers Crushing Defeat in State Votes
March 14, 2016

Three of Germany's 16 states held elections on March 13. Together, they have 17 million of Germany's 81.5 million inhabitants. Some 12.7 million people were eligible to vote…

Angela Merkel’s Party Suffers Crushing Defeat in State Votes
Europe’s Faustian Pact with the Sultan
Europe’s Faustian Pact with the Sultan
March 14, 2016

Anyone who haggled about the price of a carpet in a Turkish bazaar knows these guys are more reptilian than Henry Kissinger. They always get what they want by letting you leave with the impression you got what you want for a price way higher than you were initially inclined to pay…

Will the European Union Become Part of Turkey?
March 11, 2016

The EU and Turkey have held an emergency summit amid the worsening dispute between those parties over issues such as the effectiveness of Turkey’s use of the funds allocated by the EU for the resettlement of refugees, protection from illegal migration across the EU’s external borders, and assistance to Greece – a transit point for most of these displaced people. However, as much as can be understood from Angela Merkel’s speeches and interviews, there will be no review of the migration policy of the EU as a whole…

Will the European Union Become Part of Turkey?
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Erdogan Is out of Control
Erdogan Is out of Control
February 22, 2016

On February 10 President Erdogan of Turkey insulted the United States, but it was not surprising that Washington failed to reply to his arrogant offensiveness because he is a treasured tool in its relentless anti-Russia campaign. In the context of the US-supported Kurds in the area of Kobani in northern Syria, whom Mr Erdogan’s army is illegally bombarding with massed artillery, he demanded of the US «How can we trust you? Is it me that is your partner or is it the terrorists in Kobani?»…

False Flag Bomb to Erase Erdogan’s Terror Links
January 14, 2016

It’s the deft way that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reacted to the deadly bombing in Istanbul this week that raises suspicions. Suspicions that there is much more to the incident than simply an Islamist terror attack carried out against innocent civilians. To put it bluntly: Erdogan “needed” this atrocity in order to erase mounting evidence of his own regime’s collusion in terrorism with the very same Islamist terror network alleged to have carried out the Istanbul bombing…

False Flag Bomb to Erase Erdogan’s Terror Links
Secret 2010 State Dept Report Warned of Turkey’s Neo-Ottoman Shift
Secret 2010 State Dept Report Warned of Turkey’s Neo-Ottoman Shift
December 23, 2015

In recent months, Ankara’s increasingly aggressive foreign policy has become the center of global attention. Looking back to the origins of the neo-Ottomanist ideology which drives Turkey’s risky foreign adventurism today, a classified US State Department cable from 2010 confirms that Washington saw President Erdogan’s dangerous shift in foreign policy coming, but couldn’t do anything about it – or worse, chose not to…

Ankara vs. Russia: Caucasus Turns into New Battlefront
December 8, 2015

The NATO allies have flatly refused to side with Turkey in its conflict with Russia. Now Ankara is urgently looking for new opportunities to boost its influence in the region and divert the Russia’s attention making it face other «fronts». Turkey has no time to lose as the relations with Moscow may deteriorate further. It makes Ankara hastily take steps to enhance its energy security, establish a coalition of Turkic states it has been fostering for a long time and complicate the situation in the Caucasus to make Moscow face more problems there…

Ankara vs. Russia: Caucasus Turns into New Battlefront