Alex Gorka

Defense and diplomatic analyst
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The Ukraine’s goal has always been to internationalize the situation in the Azov Sea. Poroshenko’s recent call for other countries’ involvement was immediately rejected by German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

When rebel-controlled areas came under chemical attacks, Western leaders raised a hue and cry, but they shrugged it off when civilians living in government-controlled areas became the targets.

Keeping its activities out of the public eye, the UK government is doing exactly what it has so indignantly accused Russia of. The pot is calling the kettle black.

An agency of critical importance to the international community has been turned into an instrument for playing political games instead of doing the job it was initially created for.

The time is right for the UN to adopt a special resolution to condemn Ukraine as a state where neo-Nazism is thriving while the US and some other states, who sponsor the Ukrainian government, hush up the burning problem.

Dissatisfaction with migrants and other problems are fueling popular anger, which is the underlying cause of far-right and far-left populism and the formation of armed militias.

The EII members will maintain readiness to carry out missions together independently from the United States, the EU or NATO.

Now that this new US policy is in place, Moscow and Washington appear to have another divisive issue clouding their relationship. The “troika of tyranny” against which Washington has declared war enjoys friendly relations with Russia.

The United States is posing a threat to itself. Beset by aggravating domestic problems, it is trying to fix them by artificially creating outside enemies instead of trying to go to the bottom of it and understand what causes the woes and how to fix things.

Germany has a special role to play. Acting as a loyal ally of the United States, it stays in constant contact with Russia, as an unofficial representative of the “collective West.”