Tag: Davos

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EU plays Trump card to advance its globalist agenda
Editor's Сhoice
EU plays Trump card to advance its globalist agenda
February 6, 2025

What we are witnessing is a perfect excuse to push forward a project of forced integration that Europeans have neither voted for nor approved.

Anche l’Italia a Davos per svendere la sanità
February 2, 2025

Non poteva mancare una rappresentanza dall’Italia all’annuale Forum Economico Mondiale, ove il gotha della finanza transnazionale si riunisce per decidere come soggiogare i popoli.

Anche l’Italia a Davos per svendere la sanità
The green agenda is about getting rid of as many humans as possible
Editor's Сhoice
The green agenda is about getting rid of as many humans as possible
January 27, 2025

For those that are attempting to fight climate change, fighting population growth is one of their number one goals.  They tell us that on average each additional human produces approximately 4 tons of carbon dioxide per year.  So many true believers in this agenda are convinced that reducing population growth is the most important thing that they can do for the environment.

Davos Is a Living Fossil of an Empire at War With Itself and the World
January 29, 2024

The World Economic Forum gives us the exceptional privilege of a study that only living fossils can give.

Davos Is a Living Fossil of an Empire at War With Itself and the World
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Davos é um fóssil vivo de um império em guerra consigo e com os outros
Davos é um fóssil vivo de um império em guerra consigo e com os outros
January 28, 2024

O Fórum Económico Mundial dá-nos o privilégio excepcional de estudo que só os fósseis vivos nos podem dar.

Milei in Davos: A Contentious Divorce From Reality
January 22, 2024

Milei forgets the basics: there is no fascist constitution, whether by Franco, Salazar, Mussolini or Pinochet that doesn’t mention freedom, the fundamental structure of the regime.

Milei in Davos: A Contentious Divorce From Reality
Clown Prince Zelensky Gives China the Finger
Clown Prince Zelensky Gives China the Finger
January 21, 2024

Zelensky is not a political leader, as Xi or Li are or as Hollywood actor Reagan was; he is cut from a far inferior cloth.

The Rise and Fall of Davos Man
January 20, 2024

By now the World Economic Forum (WEF) at Davos is such a stereotype—Globalist conspiracy! Hypocrites in their private jets!—that participants realize their attendance puts them on the populist watch list.

The Rise and Fall of Davos Man
Editor's Сhoice