Tag: Brzezinski

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Can Trump save America from itself?
Can Trump save America from itself?
January 10, 2025

Trump might simply escalate the metaphysical staircase to simply say that he alone has the vision to save America from WWIII.

Las contradicciones fundamentales y acumulativas de Occidente
November 16, 2024

Occidente no tiene la influencia financiera necesaria para perseguir la primacía mundial, si es que alguna vez la tuvo.

Las contradicciones fundamentales y acumulativas de Occidente
The West’s very fundamental accumulating contradictions
The West’s very fundamental accumulating contradictions
November 11, 2024

The West doesn’t have the financial clout to pursue global primacy – if it ever did.

Carter 1 – Biden 0
October 4, 2023

Embora com atraso, ainda é tempo de os europeus pensarem seriamente numa nova arquitetura de segurança na Europa, que integre e concilie os legítimos interesses securitários de todos os atores.

Carter 1 – Biden 0
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Mackinder, a “Biblia” Estrategica, reconsiderada
Mackinder, a “Biblia” Estrategica, reconsiderada
September 18, 2023

Já faz tanto tempo que Brzezinski formulou originalmente a concepção de Mackinder que a diplomacia clássica murchou.

The Mackinder Strategic ‘Bible’ Reconsidered
September 11, 2023

It is so long since Brzezinski originally formulated the Mackinder notion, that classical diplomacy has become etiolated.

The Mackinder Strategic ‘Bible’ Reconsidered
How German Chancellor Angela Merkel Subjected Germany to the U.S.
How German Chancellor Angela Merkel Subjected Germany to the U.S.
April 25, 2023

For the preservation of peace, freedom and prosperity, one thing is needed: liberation of Europe from the USA, Werner Rügemer writes.

Geo-Politics Is Metamorphosing at Every Moment
March 28, 2022

Whilst Europe and the U.S. never have been more closely aligned, the ‘West’ paradoxically has also never been more alone.

Geo-Politics Is Metamorphosing at Every Moment