Tag: Balkans

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In Serbia vedremo una nuova Maidan?
In Serbia vedremo una nuova Maidan?
March 24, 2025

Le proteste che durano da mesi in Serbia sembrano avvicinarsi a un punto di svolta.

Serbia between political destabilization and a new military front in the Balkans
March 24, 2025

In Europe, there has been a saying since the time of the First World War that “the Balkans are the powder keg of Europe”. Unfortunately, those words still contain some truth.

Serbia between political destabilization and a new military front in the Balkans
La NATO cerca di aprire il secondo fronte nei Balcani?
La NATO cerca di aprire il secondo fronte nei Balcani?
March 19, 2025

La NATO sta gradualmente ma sempre più velocemente avvicinandosi all’idea di aprire un secondo fronte in Europa contro Mosca nei Balcani, In particolare, in Bosnia-Erzegovina

Will we see a new Maidan in Serbia?
March 17, 2025

The protests that have been going on for months in Serbia seem to be approaching a turning point.

Will we see a new Maidan in Serbia?
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Who breached promises – NATO or Russia?
Editor's Сhoice
Who breached promises – NATO or Russia?
March 15, 2025

Albania and Croatia became official members in April 2009, followed by Montenegro in June 2017.

Balkans in turmoil, in Belgrade a St. Bartholomew’s Night is in the works
March 14, 2025

Even an ordinary cui bono analysis should suffice to impart credibility to some very dark forebodings.

Balkans in turmoil, in Belgrade a St. Bartholomew’s Night is in the works
Le elezioni in Kosovo e i negoziati con la Serbia
Le elezioni in Kosovo e i negoziati con la Serbia
March 7, 2025

Le elezioni kosovare dello scorso 9 febbraio rivelano un sistema segnato da ingerenze occidentali e politiche marginalizzanti, che isolano la comunità serba. Belgrado denuncia decisa questa deriva destabilizzante e, con il sostegno di Mosca, lotta per salvaguardare diritti e identità storica.

A “Balkan Spring” is in the making
February 18, 2025

Pieces of the puzzle of Serbian student protests, which are acquiring the character of a full-scale social rebellion, are finally falling into place.

A “Balkan Spring” is in the making