The most logical way of looking at the fire at the busiest airport hub in the world, is to ask who benefits the most from it. Clue: it isn’t Russia
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The Heathrow airport fire took everyone by surprise as such events are not supposed to happen, given the safeguards in place in and round airports. Heathrow has its own electricity supply from the grid, which, on the day failed and so a seamless switch to a massive Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) which it owns – a ‘substation’ should have gone practically unnoticed. But this is where poor installation or maintenance caused a fire to start and to make the headlines when the busiest airport hub in the world had to be shut down and hundreds of thousands of passengers faced a logistical nightmare travelling to their intended destination.
So far no one is able to determine the cause of the fire as such investigations can take weeks, if not months. Yet it’s interesting to note that the deep state in the UK has already capitalized on the event to kill a few birds with the one stone. Barely a couple of days passed before we read in the mainstream press that Russia is the culprit and that the fire was a deliberate attack carried out by Moscow, in line with other ‘state sponsored acts of terrorism’.
The Daily Telegraph, once a decent newspaper which was regarded well not only in the UK but around the world, has reached a new low in its reporting apparently opting for fake news and doing its utmost to serve Britain’s security services and the deep state. An ‘analysis’ piece broke all conventional records in that it didn’t offer a single shred of evidence, nor even quote one expert to support its fanciful assertion that Moscow carried out the attack, but laid out its theory in longhand form. Given that Ed Milliband, a government minister, had earlier on been quoted by the British press as clearly stating that there were ‘no signs of foul play’ it is somewhat odd that Britain’s conservative broadsheet would dabble in such amateurism which many might call ‘fake news’.
But there are reasons why it might be serving the interests of the deep state or even the Labour Party itself. Was the piece designed to lead the other journalists with the same theme. It is certainly true that once a lie is repeated over and over again at a certain point it becomes the truth. The security services, as well as the MOD, in the UK certainly have played a major role in feeding journalists a false narrative about the Ukraine war and so would be happy with the journalist who wrote such a piece, especially if it were to have the desired knock-on effect and others repeated the theme.
There are other reasons, though, which explain such a stunt.
Britain is leading a coalition of willing EU partners to support Ukraine further with cash and military hardware, even to the point of making the country bankrupt in the process. This particular ruse is designed to support Zelensky politically as it believes that part of Trump’s plans is to topple the caretaker President of Ukraine and that having such support – even a token military show of, say, tanks in Kiev, will not only beef up Zelensky’s political base but also make negotiations harder between Trump and Putin. London believes, erroneously, that raising Zelensky’s profile will factor into the present negotiations and give Europe an edge. Part of this bat shit mad plan by Sir Keir Starmer is to even send British troops to Ukraine in the deluded if not idiotic view that Russia wouldn’t dare attack them.
And so, it is in Britain’s interest to keep this “The Russians are coming” narrative alive and well, despite there being no evidence, nor intelligence, to support it. Most grey-haired analysts know its BS anyway but mainstream media are happy to keep the lies circulated to serve what they might believe to be an act of benign patriotism. Starmer wants to prepare the British people for more hardship and conscription of its youth to the army. Like a South American dictator who knows hyperinflation is only a matter of days away, he desperately needs a major distraction.
The other reason why the deep state wants to invent stories about Russia being behind such events is closer to home. Britain under Sir Keir Starmer, is coming apart at the seams. The economy is imploding at a fast rate with cuts soon to be announced for benefits given to the disabled and a recession which is spiralling so fast that some believe soon the UK won’t be even to call itself a G7 country for much longer.
What better distraction therefore than to throw the media spotlight away from holding the present government to account for the entire country plunging into the abyss that create a new threat: fear.
Raising the fear level of millions of people is very effective and has been used by the U.S. for decades brilliantly portrayed in Adam Curtis’s documentary ‘The Power of Nightmares’ which, among many examples, showed how a string of U.S. presidents found it very useful to use fake news to install fear in people that the Soviets were, in fact, a much bigger threat to the U.S. than the reality. The policy of fake news to install fear in the UK is gaining ground and will continue to be cranked up the more the economy nosedives when the economy can no longer support 1.2m fake asylum seekers for example on benefits to pick just one example of out of control spending. The Ukraine war is of course another one as recently Starmer raided the coffers of the UK foreign export fund which used to give grants to British companies wanting to expand their operations around the world.
What is inevitable is when public services fall apart or grind to a halt, like the trains for example, a media campaign will be ready, at a moment’s notice, to provide the reasons why. Russian acts of terrorism. This mechanism has no limits and will even be used to justify the inevitable break down in law and order and so even ‘car ramming’ incidents will be blamed on Russian agents on the Putin payroll in the UK. There is literally no limit to how preposterous or fanciful the incident of a failed state can be, which can be blamed on Russia and the Telegraph piece, which is packed full of conditional tenses and caveats is the template model for younger journalists on tabloids to take the lead from. Just as the masses in the UK were lied to about the Iraq war as newspaper editors went overboard with a massive lie which they knew was based on false intel, the new lie will be “Russia attacks”. It wouldn’t surprise me to discover in years to come that it was actually MI5 who started the fire at Heathrow as western governments are not exactly squeaky clean when it comes to staging acts of terrorism on their own turf just to serve their own purposes, especially during a crisis. The sheer speed of the Telegraph article being written is somewhat impressive, no?