Though von der Leyen, Jolani and those other flawed specimens of humanity must answer for their own crimes, so also must we answer for our own sins of omission and commission.
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Before pronouncing on the current genocide in Syria (and let’s not forget the Congo either), we must first detour through Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich, Zelensky’s Bandera-tinged Ukrainian rump Reich and the complicity of the European Union and NATO in all of this.
Hannah Reitsch, the famous aviator, test pilot and die hard Nazi, who had offered to fly Hitler out of Berlin the day before his suicide proclaimed, in her final interview before shuffling off her mortal coil on 24 August 1979 that, in the years after Germany’s surrender, she had never met anyone who had voted for Hitler. She attributed this collective amnesia due to the fact that “we lost [the war]”.
Though Zelensky’s Banderites also lost their voice following Hitler’s defeat, Russia Today keeps reminding us, because we need to be constantly reminded, that the Banderites have recently found their voice again. In this most recent report, one of a never-ending series, RT informs us that Roman Shukhevych is their latest major league Nazi collaborator to be honoured and, indeed, venerated. Without putting too fine a point on it, Ukraine’s Einsatzgruppen topped the league for dispatching Jews, Poles and other undesirables by machine gun and rifle fire. That said, the first point to note with Shukhevich and his fellow collaborators is that they were devoid of any moral compass and the second thing to note is, because the current Ukrainian regime and the European Union are fine with that, they are at least as vile as the worst of Hitler’s henchmen.
That is present-day Syria in a nutshell. If you read these accounts by Irish state controlled media and by British state controlled media, you would think that the victims of these atrocities, the babies, who were beheaded and the young women who were gang raped before being murdered, are the culprits. Von der Leyen’s EU regime have released a statement declaring that they stand with the “government of Syria”, by which they mean the al Qaeda terrorists who have taken over the government, who are indiscriminately slaughtering civilians and who are fronted by Jolani, a notorious mass murderer who had a $10 million bounty on his ugly head until Genocide Joe Biden got his Road to Damascus moment just a few days before Christmas and rescinded the bounty for reasons of political expediency.
Just as with Der Stürmer and with Krakivs’ki Visti (Kraków News) and the other papers the Banderites published, the usual suspects are to blame and so Jewish chimpanzees, Poles but especially Armenians and Alawites are to be exterminated. And Ursula von der Leyen, Kaja Kallas and that Annalena Baerbock idiot are fine with all that because they stand with Jolani’s forces of law and order (sic) in Syria, just as they do with the goose stepping Banderites in Ukraine. And, as George Galloway’s excellent monologue from 10:50 onwards in this video shows, those three muppets are far from the only ones who belong in a Nuremberg-style dock; Galloway lists the practical aid the British government and other Western proponents of the rules based order are giving these Syrian-based criminals.
For my own part, I am like another emasculated mini Caesar having long ago crossed my own moral Rubicon or a cut price Macbeth, “stepped in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o’er”. By this, I mean, not that we have blood on our hands but that we have rightly called out Jolani and his fellow savages for over ten years now and, though the EU can deny their serial complicity with Syria’s head choppers, the Syrian body bag count once again shows them up for the criminal liars that they are and why we must soldier on no matter what.
I am in a virtual Schindler’s List or with Scarlett O’Hara in Atlanta’s train station, where the relatives of the slaughtered approach me from all sides hoping, in forlorn hope that someone, anyone will listen to their cries. But this is not the night they drove Old Dixie Down and nor is it some Hollywood interpretation of what the Banderiites got up in Kraków more than 80 years ago. This is happening in Syria (and the Congo) this very day and all with the full complicity of our masters and the media they control, which blame the pogroms being meted out to all of Syria’s minority groups on some phantom “5,000 pro-Assad insurgents…..belonging to Assad’s Alawite sect”.
First off, there is not and never was any such thing as an Assadist sect. Assad came from one of the many micro Alawite tribes, which populate the mountains of northern Syria, to where their ancestors fled in centuries past to avoid earlier pogroms my former articles have alluded to.The “5,000 pro-Assad insurgents” they speak of to camouflage their own complicity are a few hundred mostly Alawite men who struck back, having seen their villages razed house by house and all therein massacred, robbed and raped. Not only do countless videos attest to all that but the perpetrators, with von der Leyen’s blessing, filmed themselves committing those crimes and laughing, high fiving and joking with each other afterwards on “a job well done” as they divided the “spoils of battle” between themselves.
Although the passage of time is used outside of Belarus and Russia as an excuse to water down the Nazis’ crimes of 80 years ago, no such excuses can be used to justify, water down or excuse what is happening in Syria this very day, as the criminals some of us have been opposing for the last ten and more years are openly boasting about their ongoing war crimes. Like the Banderites before them, they are proud of their handiwork, secure in the knowledge that their paymasters will not desert them just yet.
The best efforts of British and Irish state media notwithstanding, there is no excuse for these war crimes and those, like Jolani and von der Leyen responsible for them should answer in Nuremberg style courts for them as should the media for their complicity and their lack of any journalistic ethics or standards.
Take the coastal town of Baniyas, which has seen some of the worst of the atrocities. Forget the mass rapes, the mass executions and all of that. Baniyas was approximately 50% Sunni and 50% Alawite, with the latter supplying all of the doctors in its hospital. Von der Leyen’s Chechens, Uzbeks and Uyghurs went through every ward of the hospital and murdered every single doctor for no other reason than they were Alawites, with the result that Baniyas now has no doctors.
Or, I would wager, any nurses or pharmacists because Alawites and other professionals have been massacred left, right and centre. And, although the Irish and British state sponsored media claim this was in retaliation (nice, resonating word that) for the earlier deaths of Sunnis in the Syrian Arab Army, the fact is that Alawites suffered disproportionately higher losses than anyone else during those years of lead.
And, as regards blaming Assad for the retaliation (nice, resonating word that), that is as lame as the Banderites still blaming Pushkin, Tolstoy and Chekhov for their current and past war crimes. And, the propaganda of the BBC notwithstanding, there are no goodies on Jolani’s side. Every last one of them has committed war crimes in both Iraq and Syria as atrocious as what is currently occurring in Baniyas and in all of Jableh.
Jablah is a small town of about 80,000 inhabitants, surrounded by a large number of villages, near the Russian Khmeimim air base, to where tens of thousands of Alawites have fled as a result of the Chechens, Uyghurs, Uzbeks and the rest of Jolani’s shock troops going door to door slaughtering them. Those women and children, who did not make it to the air base and are still alive are hiding out in the woods and, again, there is huge social media testimony to verify all of that.
Although Assad’s home village of Qardaha has suffered much the same fate, the situation is replicated all over northern Syria. We are again witnessing in real time war crimes in Jolani’s Iraqi/Syrian stomping ground that is on a par with anything Zelensky’s Banderite heroes got up to, and the civilised (sic) world is silent.
Or almost silent, just as Hitler’s willing executioners were all those years ago. Here is an excellent analysis by The New Atlas. And here is one of many Wattsapp channels detailing some of Jolani’s war criminals, who get their rocks off on such things as executing children and babies in front of their mothers and executing any and all medics they come across to ensure they cannot save their other victims. Here is the British Sun newspaper telling us how Jolani’s finest murdered thousands of civilians and how ‘naked women were paraded’ through streets before being shot in Syria, just as the Banderites infamously did all those years ago.
Though the old NATO excuse has it that this is just a few rotten apples, a few bad eggs blackening the name of all the other war criminals, the names of Jolani and von der Leyen cannot be blackened as not only is all of this on their watch, but they have encouraged these crimes every step of the way.
Von der Leyen, Baerbock, Kallas and the rest of NATO’s amoral enforcers play on the out of sight, out of mind ruse, that if they or their media do not highlight it, it does not matter. SS hard man Heinrich Himmler thought the same way. Here is one of countless condensed summaries of the role that flawed specimen of Aryan manhood played in Hitler’s Final Solution, a process of extermination that is still fondly remembered in Zekensky’s rump Reich, where the Banderites had the stomach to do the dirtiest of work Jolani’s Einsatzgruppen storm troopers are currently conducting in Syria, as von der Leyen, Kallas, Baerbock and their own Der Stürmers slip them a few bob before looking the other way. Not only must we not look the other way but we must try to lobby that tiny minority of politicians on both sides of the aisles to do the right thing and stand with Syria’s victims on the right side of history and of the moral line Jolani, von der Leyen and the rest of them long ago transgressed as, like the Banderites before them, they surrendered any moral instincts they once might have had.
Though von der Leyen, Jolani and those other flawed specimens of humanity must answer for their own crimes, so also must we answer for our own sins of omission and commission, which are best ameliorated by lobbying, as a united body, those politicians in Belgium, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Romania, Sweden and the United States who have it in their power to ameliorate the sufferings of Syria’s innocent and to muffle those fake news media outlets, who amplify Jolani’s calls for innocent Alawite and Armenian blood. That is how I am spending my time. How about you?