Declan Hayes
February 19, 2025
© Photo: Public domain

Although non-issues like Israel and Ireland’s fake neutrality can be raised, the main non-economic bone of contention is that America does not need barking dogs or quarrelsome leprechauns telling them what to do.

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Before moving on to how POTUS Trump should treat the Irish political riff raff who rock up to the White House this St Patrick’s Day, let’s roll the clock back to this pleasant 1994 St Patrick’s Day interview between Irish state media and Mary Trump, Donald’s mother, who was in the company of legendary Irish tenor, Frank Patterson. If you care to watch the short interview, you will see that it is respectful of POTUS Trump, of his mother and of the relations that exist between Scottish Americans like the Gaelic speaking Mary Trump, formerly MacLeod, who hailed from Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis, in Scotland’s Outer Hebrides.

Now fast forward to today and these SCF articles here and here tell us how Ireland funded The Apprentice, a movie that depicts Donald as a pathological narcissist, who anally raped Ivana, his former wife, a crime both Donald and Ivana deny ever happened. If Trump is forced to have Ireland’s political leprechauns attend the White House this St Patrick’s Day with their bowl of tumbleweed, then Trump should make the Irish Prime Minister, Mícheál Martin, publicly apologise, preferably on all four of his paws, for this criminal movie which, as a movie, is not bad, but which is a horrific own goal as far as building bridges across the Atlantic go.

Simon Harris, Ireland’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister, should be left nowhere near the United States, never mind the White House. That is because this George Soros puppet called Trump all the schoolyard insults he could before Trump was re-elected as POTUS. Trump would be doing the Irish, the Irish Americans and the world at large a favour if he cut that political leprechaun down to size.

This is not so much an appeal to Donald Trump’s thin skin as it is to how Martin, Harris and the rest of the Clintons’ Irish Brigade have destroyed Ireland as part of the wider agenda of Trump’s domestic enemies. Back when Trump’s mother gave that interview, American High School bands would visit Ireland and strut their stuff in parades up and down the country. Were they to do that today, they would be taking their lives in their hands and the American Embassy in Dublin is one of a large number of delegations who have advised giving Ireland’s drug-infested, crime ridden streets a wide berth. Were Trump not to endorse those calls to give Ireland a miss, he would be complicit in the murders, which are an almost daily Dublin occurrence and which the soft regulatory touch on crime and mass illegal immigration of Harris and Martin are largely responsible for.

As well as America’s High School bands, the NYPD band and those of similar American police forces were regular fixtures of these Irish parades. But, unless they can bring their own hardware with them to defend themselves, they too should stay out of Dodge. That is because the Irish police force is no longer fit for purpose and many in their ranks are emigrating in droves to Canada and Australia, where they can build a sustainable life for themselves and their families.

This is not to say that the Irish police force lacks talent. They don’t but, as the easy money is in cocaine dealing and in swamping the country with illegal, male immigrants of military age, top cops like retired Chief Superintendent Diarmiuid O’Sullivan have teamed up with suspected white slave traffickers like Dave Mooney, who flood the country with hookers and military aged men with colourful criminal histories. Add that Ireland has its own major league organised crime gangs and there is an Irish problem with no Irish solution Trump should call Martin and Harris to account for.

This can be particularly seen in the south western county of Kerry, which is Ireland’s premier tourist site and which is the main gateway into Europe for Mexico’s Sinaloa cartel, which has extensive family and political links there. If Trump is serious about his war on those Latino cartels, he must also kick them and their enablers bag and baggage out of Ireland and their other safe havens.

Although Trump has defended VPOTUS’ speech castigating the European Union’s attack on free speech, because actions speak louder than words, he needs to clamp down on von der Leyen’s Irish dummies. Here, on the 26th of April 2023, is Irish Prime Minister Martin proposing and voting in favour of the most draconian and restrictive anti-free speech legislation in Europe to be imposed on the Irish he is busily forcing to emigrate. And here is Martin scoffing at Vance’s Munich speech by saying that Europe, Ireland included, leads the world in DEI, and that Europe is a beacon of hope as Nigeria’s Black Axe Gang and Mexico’s Sinoala cartel are forming alliances with our own criminals and laying down roots here.

Now that Vance has rapped Europe’s political leprechauns over the knuckles, these parasites are, so Irish state media reports, hoping that Martin will work his shamrock and leprechaun baloney in the White House and somehow pull the wool over Trump’s eyes. Although Zelensky, von der Leyen, Martin, Kallas and the rest of these political pygmies want Trump to pat them on the head and allow them to fleece the public till as before, they also have notions above themselves, with Kallas hoping to send Estonian paratroopers (or should that read paratrooper?) into Kursk. If Trump can, via Martin, tell the European Union, nobodies like Kallas and von der Leyen in particular, that they are irrelevant, he will be doing more for European American relations than accepting a lorry load of shamrock or tumbleweed would ever do.

This is not to denigrate shamrocks and leprechauns but to say that they represent a more pristine Ireland that Trump’s mother would have embraced much more readily than any of the Irish clowns that will be barking at Trump’s feet. The St Patrick’s Day marches began in New York and Melbourne where Irish emigrants not only pined for the Old Sod but, as evidenced in Melbourne’s 1920 parade, when the great Archbishop Daniel Mannix and 14 Victoria Cross winners on white chargers led a 100,000 strong parade marching against that colony’s rampant Hibernophobia.

Not only is the need for such marches gone but Hillary Clinton’s lot long ago hijacked all those marches and transformed them into yet another of their interminable LGBT parades. Although Trump can do little about those hijacked parades in the short term, he could ensure that Marjorie Taylor Greene is in attendance at the White House to give these political leprechauns the welcome they deserve in soldier’s language even these charlatans can understand. And, if a sure and begorrah Irish American angle is needed, who better than RFK Junior, who can ask the leprechauns why, their vast network of nepotistic Soros-funded NGO complex apart, they produce so many puberty blocker and why they send so many Irish children to England to have their testicles removed or their breasts chopped off.

After Greene (apt name) tells the leprechauns where to stuff their shamrocks, Trump can allude to Ireland’s massive trade surplus with the United States and remind the leprechauns that, because Uncle Sam has their economy by the short and curlies, quid pro quo time is here. Although non-issues like Israel and Ireland’s fake neutrality can be raised, the main non-economic bone of contention that I see and, that I am sure Mary Trump would have seen, is that America does not need barking dogs or quarrelsome leprechauns telling them what to do. Von der Leyen’s Irish puppets, like her Estonian and other puppets, should know that their place is in the servant’s quarters and Trump, Kennedy and Greene should convey that message this St Patrick’s Day to Ireland’s pathetic leprechauns in no uncertain terms.

Trump must put manners on Leprechaun Land this St Patrick’s Day

Although non-issues like Israel and Ireland’s fake neutrality can be raised, the main non-economic bone of contention is that America does not need barking dogs or quarrelsome leprechauns telling them what to do.

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Before moving on to how POTUS Trump should treat the Irish political riff raff who rock up to the White House this St Patrick’s Day, let’s roll the clock back to this pleasant 1994 St Patrick’s Day interview between Irish state media and Mary Trump, Donald’s mother, who was in the company of legendary Irish tenor, Frank Patterson. If you care to watch the short interview, you will see that it is respectful of POTUS Trump, of his mother and of the relations that exist between Scottish Americans like the Gaelic speaking Mary Trump, formerly MacLeod, who hailed from Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis, in Scotland’s Outer Hebrides.

Now fast forward to today and these SCF articles here and here tell us how Ireland funded The Apprentice, a movie that depicts Donald as a pathological narcissist, who anally raped Ivana, his former wife, a crime both Donald and Ivana deny ever happened. If Trump is forced to have Ireland’s political leprechauns attend the White House this St Patrick’s Day with their bowl of tumbleweed, then Trump should make the Irish Prime Minister, Mícheál Martin, publicly apologise, preferably on all four of his paws, for this criminal movie which, as a movie, is not bad, but which is a horrific own goal as far as building bridges across the Atlantic go.

Simon Harris, Ireland’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister, should be left nowhere near the United States, never mind the White House. That is because this George Soros puppet called Trump all the schoolyard insults he could before Trump was re-elected as POTUS. Trump would be doing the Irish, the Irish Americans and the world at large a favour if he cut that political leprechaun down to size.

This is not so much an appeal to Donald Trump’s thin skin as it is to how Martin, Harris and the rest of the Clintons’ Irish Brigade have destroyed Ireland as part of the wider agenda of Trump’s domestic enemies. Back when Trump’s mother gave that interview, American High School bands would visit Ireland and strut their stuff in parades up and down the country. Were they to do that today, they would be taking their lives in their hands and the American Embassy in Dublin is one of a large number of delegations who have advised giving Ireland’s drug-infested, crime ridden streets a wide berth. Were Trump not to endorse those calls to give Ireland a miss, he would be complicit in the murders, which are an almost daily Dublin occurrence and which the soft regulatory touch on crime and mass illegal immigration of Harris and Martin are largely responsible for.

As well as America’s High School bands, the NYPD band and those of similar American police forces were regular fixtures of these Irish parades. But, unless they can bring their own hardware with them to defend themselves, they too should stay out of Dodge. That is because the Irish police force is no longer fit for purpose and many in their ranks are emigrating in droves to Canada and Australia, where they can build a sustainable life for themselves and their families.

This is not to say that the Irish police force lacks talent. They don’t but, as the easy money is in cocaine dealing and in swamping the country with illegal, male immigrants of military age, top cops like retired Chief Superintendent Diarmiuid O’Sullivan have teamed up with suspected white slave traffickers like Dave Mooney, who flood the country with hookers and military aged men with colourful criminal histories. Add that Ireland has its own major league organised crime gangs and there is an Irish problem with no Irish solution Trump should call Martin and Harris to account for.

This can be particularly seen in the south western county of Kerry, which is Ireland’s premier tourist site and which is the main gateway into Europe for Mexico’s Sinaloa cartel, which has extensive family and political links there. If Trump is serious about his war on those Latino cartels, he must also kick them and their enablers bag and baggage out of Ireland and their other safe havens.

Although Trump has defended VPOTUS’ speech castigating the European Union’s attack on free speech, because actions speak louder than words, he needs to clamp down on von der Leyen’s Irish dummies. Here, on the 26th of April 2023, is Irish Prime Minister Martin proposing and voting in favour of the most draconian and restrictive anti-free speech legislation in Europe to be imposed on the Irish he is busily forcing to emigrate. And here is Martin scoffing at Vance’s Munich speech by saying that Europe, Ireland included, leads the world in DEI, and that Europe is a beacon of hope as Nigeria’s Black Axe Gang and Mexico’s Sinoala cartel are forming alliances with our own criminals and laying down roots here.

Now that Vance has rapped Europe’s political leprechauns over the knuckles, these parasites are, so Irish state media reports, hoping that Martin will work his shamrock and leprechaun baloney in the White House and somehow pull the wool over Trump’s eyes. Although Zelensky, von der Leyen, Martin, Kallas and the rest of these political pygmies want Trump to pat them on the head and allow them to fleece the public till as before, they also have notions above themselves, with Kallas hoping to send Estonian paratroopers (or should that read paratrooper?) into Kursk. If Trump can, via Martin, tell the European Union, nobodies like Kallas and von der Leyen in particular, that they are irrelevant, he will be doing more for European American relations than accepting a lorry load of shamrock or tumbleweed would ever do.

This is not to denigrate shamrocks and leprechauns but to say that they represent a more pristine Ireland that Trump’s mother would have embraced much more readily than any of the Irish clowns that will be barking at Trump’s feet. The St Patrick’s Day marches began in New York and Melbourne where Irish emigrants not only pined for the Old Sod but, as evidenced in Melbourne’s 1920 parade, when the great Archbishop Daniel Mannix and 14 Victoria Cross winners on white chargers led a 100,000 strong parade marching against that colony’s rampant Hibernophobia.

Not only is the need for such marches gone but Hillary Clinton’s lot long ago hijacked all those marches and transformed them into yet another of their interminable LGBT parades. Although Trump can do little about those hijacked parades in the short term, he could ensure that Marjorie Taylor Greene is in attendance at the White House to give these political leprechauns the welcome they deserve in soldier’s language even these charlatans can understand. And, if a sure and begorrah Irish American angle is needed, who better than RFK Junior, who can ask the leprechauns why, their vast network of nepotistic Soros-funded NGO complex apart, they produce so many puberty blocker and why they send so many Irish children to England to have their testicles removed or their breasts chopped off.

After Greene (apt name) tells the leprechauns where to stuff their shamrocks, Trump can allude to Ireland’s massive trade surplus with the United States and remind the leprechauns that, because Uncle Sam has their economy by the short and curlies, quid pro quo time is here. Although non-issues like Israel and Ireland’s fake neutrality can be raised, the main non-economic bone of contention that I see and, that I am sure Mary Trump would have seen, is that America does not need barking dogs or quarrelsome leprechauns telling them what to do. Von der Leyen’s Irish puppets, like her Estonian and other puppets, should know that their place is in the servant’s quarters and Trump, Kennedy and Greene should convey that message this St Patrick’s Day to Ireland’s pathetic leprechauns in no uncertain terms.

Although non-issues like Israel and Ireland’s fake neutrality can be raised, the main non-economic bone of contention is that America does not need barking dogs or quarrelsome leprechauns telling them what to do.

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Before moving on to how POTUS Trump should treat the Irish political riff raff who rock up to the White House this St Patrick’s Day, let’s roll the clock back to this pleasant 1994 St Patrick’s Day interview between Irish state media and Mary Trump, Donald’s mother, who was in the company of legendary Irish tenor, Frank Patterson. If you care to watch the short interview, you will see that it is respectful of POTUS Trump, of his mother and of the relations that exist between Scottish Americans like the Gaelic speaking Mary Trump, formerly MacLeod, who hailed from Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis, in Scotland’s Outer Hebrides.

Now fast forward to today and these SCF articles here and here tell us how Ireland funded The Apprentice, a movie that depicts Donald as a pathological narcissist, who anally raped Ivana, his former wife, a crime both Donald and Ivana deny ever happened. If Trump is forced to have Ireland’s political leprechauns attend the White House this St Patrick’s Day with their bowl of tumbleweed, then Trump should make the Irish Prime Minister, Mícheál Martin, publicly apologise, preferably on all four of his paws, for this criminal movie which, as a movie, is not bad, but which is a horrific own goal as far as building bridges across the Atlantic go.

Simon Harris, Ireland’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister, should be left nowhere near the United States, never mind the White House. That is because this George Soros puppet called Trump all the schoolyard insults he could before Trump was re-elected as POTUS. Trump would be doing the Irish, the Irish Americans and the world at large a favour if he cut that political leprechaun down to size.

This is not so much an appeal to Donald Trump’s thin skin as it is to how Martin, Harris and the rest of the Clintons’ Irish Brigade have destroyed Ireland as part of the wider agenda of Trump’s domestic enemies. Back when Trump’s mother gave that interview, American High School bands would visit Ireland and strut their stuff in parades up and down the country. Were they to do that today, they would be taking their lives in their hands and the American Embassy in Dublin is one of a large number of delegations who have advised giving Ireland’s drug-infested, crime ridden streets a wide berth. Were Trump not to endorse those calls to give Ireland a miss, he would be complicit in the murders, which are an almost daily Dublin occurrence and which the soft regulatory touch on crime and mass illegal immigration of Harris and Martin are largely responsible for.

As well as America’s High School bands, the NYPD band and those of similar American police forces were regular fixtures of these Irish parades. But, unless they can bring their own hardware with them to defend themselves, they too should stay out of Dodge. That is because the Irish police force is no longer fit for purpose and many in their ranks are emigrating in droves to Canada and Australia, where they can build a sustainable life for themselves and their families.

This is not to say that the Irish police force lacks talent. They don’t but, as the easy money is in cocaine dealing and in swamping the country with illegal, male immigrants of military age, top cops like retired Chief Superintendent Diarmiuid O’Sullivan have teamed up with suspected white slave traffickers like Dave Mooney, who flood the country with hookers and military aged men with colourful criminal histories. Add that Ireland has its own major league organised crime gangs and there is an Irish problem with no Irish solution Trump should call Martin and Harris to account for.

This can be particularly seen in the south western county of Kerry, which is Ireland’s premier tourist site and which is the main gateway into Europe for Mexico’s Sinaloa cartel, which has extensive family and political links there. If Trump is serious about his war on those Latino cartels, he must also kick them and their enablers bag and baggage out of Ireland and their other safe havens.

Although Trump has defended VPOTUS’ speech castigating the European Union’s attack on free speech, because actions speak louder than words, he needs to clamp down on von der Leyen’s Irish dummies. Here, on the 26th of April 2023, is Irish Prime Minister Martin proposing and voting in favour of the most draconian and restrictive anti-free speech legislation in Europe to be imposed on the Irish he is busily forcing to emigrate. And here is Martin scoffing at Vance’s Munich speech by saying that Europe, Ireland included, leads the world in DEI, and that Europe is a beacon of hope as Nigeria’s Black Axe Gang and Mexico’s Sinoala cartel are forming alliances with our own criminals and laying down roots here.

Now that Vance has rapped Europe’s political leprechauns over the knuckles, these parasites are, so Irish state media reports, hoping that Martin will work his shamrock and leprechaun baloney in the White House and somehow pull the wool over Trump’s eyes. Although Zelensky, von der Leyen, Martin, Kallas and the rest of these political pygmies want Trump to pat them on the head and allow them to fleece the public till as before, they also have notions above themselves, with Kallas hoping to send Estonian paratroopers (or should that read paratrooper?) into Kursk. If Trump can, via Martin, tell the European Union, nobodies like Kallas and von der Leyen in particular, that they are irrelevant, he will be doing more for European American relations than accepting a lorry load of shamrock or tumbleweed would ever do.

This is not to denigrate shamrocks and leprechauns but to say that they represent a more pristine Ireland that Trump’s mother would have embraced much more readily than any of the Irish clowns that will be barking at Trump’s feet. The St Patrick’s Day marches began in New York and Melbourne where Irish emigrants not only pined for the Old Sod but, as evidenced in Melbourne’s 1920 parade, when the great Archbishop Daniel Mannix and 14 Victoria Cross winners on white chargers led a 100,000 strong parade marching against that colony’s rampant Hibernophobia.

Not only is the need for such marches gone but Hillary Clinton’s lot long ago hijacked all those marches and transformed them into yet another of their interminable LGBT parades. Although Trump can do little about those hijacked parades in the short term, he could ensure that Marjorie Taylor Greene is in attendance at the White House to give these political leprechauns the welcome they deserve in soldier’s language even these charlatans can understand. And, if a sure and begorrah Irish American angle is needed, who better than RFK Junior, who can ask the leprechauns why, their vast network of nepotistic Soros-funded NGO complex apart, they produce so many puberty blocker and why they send so many Irish children to England to have their testicles removed or their breasts chopped off.

After Greene (apt name) tells the leprechauns where to stuff their shamrocks, Trump can allude to Ireland’s massive trade surplus with the United States and remind the leprechauns that, because Uncle Sam has their economy by the short and curlies, quid pro quo time is here. Although non-issues like Israel and Ireland’s fake neutrality can be raised, the main non-economic bone of contention that I see and, that I am sure Mary Trump would have seen, is that America does not need barking dogs or quarrelsome leprechauns telling them what to do. Von der Leyen’s Irish puppets, like her Estonian and other puppets, should know that their place is in the servant’s quarters and Trump, Kennedy and Greene should convey that message this St Patrick’s Day to Ireland’s pathetic leprechauns in no uncertain terms.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

See also

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.