Tag: Latin America
O ano de 2025 apresentará uma nova fase de desafios, na medida em que é possível esperar novas formas de pressão sob o governo Trump.
With Panama and Greenland firmly under the star-spangled jackboot, it will be the turn of Canada to pay the price for burning the White House in 1812.
O’Grady also also points out that Cuba is a supporter of the dictatorial regime of Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro, who has ruthlessly tyrannized the Venezuelan people, not only politically but also economically with the same type of socialist economic system that exists in Cuba. Harkening back to the popular post-9/11 U.S. “war on terrorism,” which replaced the previously popular “war on communism,” she points out that Venezuela is as big a supporter of terrorism as Cuba is.
Vi ricordate il Donald Trump nel suo primo mandato presidenziale, che non aveva iniziato nuove guerre? Tranquilli, è solo un brutto ricordo. L’America del 2025 torna alla conquista.