José Goulão
December 11, 2024
© Photo: Public domain

The fall of Damascus at the hands of al-Qaida and its various heteronyms represents a victory for Western and NATO strategy

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A first warning to the reader. This is still a hot reading of what is happening in Syria, and hot readings are a risk, especially when they are done from the outside and under a flood of media nonsense that factually says the same thing, commonplaces, and then squeezes the imagination in a fight imbecile trapped in the fields of audacity, lies and, above all, ignorance.

For all this, readers will forgive me for some inaccuracies regarding the near future, because among the possible certainties there are many factual elements missing.

A first certainty: President Bashar Assad fell, essentially because he worsened the situation in recent times, since 2015, by not providing the national army with more and renewed means to resist the growth and reinforcement of military capacity, which were no secret, of the al -Qaida (renamed Hayat Tharir al-Sham – HTS – on the recommendation of Western foreign intervention forces, thus wishing to disguise its direct support for the terrorism of the organization founded by Bin Laden). Furthermore, Bashar Assad and his military commands minimized a war situation that only decreased in intensity after 2017 and in a situation where 30% of the territory remained in the hands of armed groups serving foreign interests and with the objective of overthrowing the regime.

Assad also weakened his position by rejecting a draft Constitution proposed by Russia, in the wake of the Astana process (participation of Moscow, Ankara and Tehran), drawn up with strict respect for international law and UN norms.

A second certainty: the terrorists of al-Qaida or HTS, led by the renowned follower of Bin Laden called Abu Mohammad al-Julani, got their hands on Damascus to take over the instruments of the State – the oldest in the world – and thus try to extend , when they feel the time has come (if it comes), their “Islamic law” throughout the country.

Third certainty: al-Julani and his group are still considered terrorists by the United States of America (and also by the European Union); All attempts by sectors of the American deep state to remove al-Qaida, al-Nusra or HTS, their namesakes, from the list of terrorist groups were vetoed by the United States’ own legislative bodies: Congress and the Senate.

This did not prevent, however, that al-Julani with a well-trimmed beard, a hairstyle and Western-style attire was amicably interviewed by Voice of America, the spokesperson for the CIA and the North American regime, to expose his new language and simulate distancing itself – visually and in speech – from its terrorist essence. Horrible detail: the United States still offers 10 million euros to anyone who contributes to the capture and/or death of al-Julani.

The biography of this fascist capo explains that both al-Qaida and ISIS or Islamic State fought to recruit the then young and promising al-Julani, who chose to join Bin Laden’s group. And the population of the Idlib region, permanently occupied by al-Qaida since the beginning of foreign intervention, can very well explain, from their own experience, the terror of being governed by al-Julani.

Fourth certainty: The fall of Bashar Assad and the seizure of power by al-Julani – that is what happened, no matter how much the global propaganda network tries to ensure that it is not quite like that – means a victory for the military intervention of the United States, the Union European and NATO by terrorist groups initiated in 2011 in Syria. On the other hand, it reflects a defeat for Russia, which was forced to let Assad fall when he decided to deviate from the contours of the alliance with Moscow. Furthermore, it was confirmed that Moscow’s priority is to favourably resolve the problems created by the Nazi-Banderist regime in Kiev.

Fifth certainty: now the civil war in Syria truly begins. Until now we have been faced with foreign intervention at the service of the economic, geopolitical and geostrategic interests of the Western world, with the United States at the forefront, which, through the voice of Donald Trump, in his first presidential term, admitted to stealing Syrian oil.

Everything indicates that it will be a civil war between the different factions that fought against Assad, mainly the Syrian Democratic Forces (YPG Kurds and ISIS contingents trained at the al-Tanf base, occupied by US troops), and the Syrian National Army (a branch of the armed forces of Turkey and NATO), each with its own zones of influence. Furthermore, there is a nebula of armed groups and militias, each with their own regional, religious and ethnic interests that will not be left out in the clashes that will ensue during the fallacious “transition period”.

The Syrian Democratic Forces are also militarily supported by the United States, like HTS, but persecuted by Turkey as part of its war against the Kurds wherever they are. On this specific front, there is, therefore, a military opposition between the regimes of Washington and Ankara, that is, a fratricidal war within NATO. In practice, all these organizations, including HTS, are supported by the United States and NATO, forming the so-called group of “moderate rebels” – despite the fact that there is a faction considered “terrorist” by Washington. Another example of the well-known Western coherence, “our civilization”.

A victory for the sought-after Benjamin Netanyahu

Sixth certainty: The seizure of power by al-Julani means a huge victory for Zionism led by Benjamin Netanyahu, a known ally of Islamic terrorists, to the point of giving them rearguards in camps and hospitals in the interior of Israel and in the occupied sector of the Golan Heights. Hundreds of Israeli aerial bombings against Syrian territory in support of HTS and also as part of its war against Hezbollah and Iran are known.

This victory of Islamic terrorism and the predictable division of Syria opens another path towards achieving the greatest objective of international Zionism, the creation of Greater Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates, a river that passes through the East and North of Syrian territory.

Seventh certainty: the fall of Damascus is a great victory for Turkey within the scope of the expansionist theory of neo-Ottomanism practiced by neo-Sultan Erdogan. Ankara also has a much freer path to continue the persecution of the Kurdish people inside Syria.

Eighth certainty: the new situation created in Damascus provides conditions for another important step to be taken in the Zionist strategy of the United States, NATO and the European Union to dismember the large secular states of the Middle East; The objective is to create small ethnic and religious entities controlled from outside and harmless, thus facilitating the expansion of Zionist and imperial military and economic control over the Middle East, in addition to reinforcing economic dominance and the looting of the region’s raw materials, mainly oil and natural gas. This strategy worked in Iraq and Libya and the results are there for all to see.

A note to remember: the Syrian case demonstrates, once again, that one of the most important Western strategies on the path to globalism is the dismemberment of States and transnational organizations that defend the validity of international law and do not recognize the rules-based international order . The express intention expressed by Western circles to break up Russia into a myriad of states, following the implosion of the Soviet Union, has now had a large-scale confirmation.

Ninth certainty: the oldest State in the World, a mosaic of communities, religions, ethnicities and confessions that remained united and harmonious for centuries, until the beginning of the Western invasion in 2011, is rapidly heading towards collapse and extinction, not being difficult to foresee persecution and terror against minority communities, notably Christians still attached to rites and traditions from the time of Jesus Christ.

Since the start of Western aggression, the number of Christians in Syria has fallen from seven to three percent of the population. In numerous Christian villages such as al-Sukhna, Kanayé, Maloula, Chabadin and Bakha, the surviving populations can witness the terror and episodes of killings to which they have been subjected by so-called “rebel” and “moderate” Islamic groups in their role as prosecutors of NATO. In the last three villages mentioned, Aramaic is still spoken, a language that was used two thousand years ago, in the times of Christ.

Tenth certainty: the fall of Damascus into the hands of Sunni terrorists, objective allies of Zionism, further encourages the State of Israel to develop the much-desired war against Shiite Iran, another possible path to nuclear war. The transformation and eventual extinction of Syria profoundly weakens the so-called Axis of Resistance, the only entity that, on the international and regional scene, has stood up to the designs of international Zionism and fought consistently for the application of international law so that human rights are respected. inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.

Democracy? Don’t even see her

Eleventh certainty: in the same way, Lebanon is even more fragile in the face of Zionism because the Sunni rise in Syria is a very serious blow to Hezbollah, the Shiite-based movement responsible for the national resistance and the humiliating defeats inflicted on the State of Israel, maintained in respect regarding his ambitions in Lebanese territory. Israel intends to occupy part of southern Lebanon as a buffer for attacks against the northern region of the country, the Galilee, in addition to, from now on, having practically guaranteed free access to the oil deposits recently discovered in the Eastern Mediterranean and which it has been competing with Beirut, naturally with kleptomaniac objectives in the face of which international law and maritime law are worthless.

Twelfth certainty: the history of imperial wars, especially the most recent ones since the long and failed military intervention in Afghanistan, proves that these terrorist actions have nothing to do with the implementation of democracy and the democratization of the attacked countries – contrary to what they pray propaganda and the single opinion that subjugates us or, at least, intends to subjugate us. Let us look at the return of the Taliban to Kabul, at the chaotic situation of the fragmented regional powers in Iraq – with the official government barricaded in fortifications beyond the “green line” in Baghdad – and at the disappearance, in real terms, of the Libyan State: it remains It is clear what democracy and democratization mean in Western discourse.

Thirteenth certainty: the Syrian case is yet another example of the type of respect that member states of Western organizations and alliances cultivate in relation to the agreements they sign with third parties. Turkey reached an agreement with Russia and Iran in September 2017 in Astana under which it would do everything possible to reduce the intensity of fighting in order to create conditions for establishing a political platform capable of ensuring a new, more peaceful and more inclusive Syrian national reality.

The Ankara regime, instead, took advantage of the kind of limbo created by this agreement to reinforce support for HTS and the Syrian National Army and create conditions for the armed uprising with devastating effects that has now occurred.

In relation to the Astana agreement, as with the Minsk agreements on Ukraine, it was demonstrated that NATO countries such as France, Germany and Turkey, and the alliance itself, enter into agreements with other nations and entities deliberately in bad faith, ultimately exploring the decisions aimed at seeking peaceful solutions and the guarantees given by themselves as instruments to promote a return to war with increased capacity and intensity.

This behaviour is, as demonstrated, a pillar of NATO’s essence. And the Russian regime has fallen into the trap twice in less than a decade.

Fourteenth certainty: there is a military operational alliance between the Nazi-Banderism of the Kiev regime and the fascist groups that claim Islam and have now taken power in Damascus. The Zelensky regime trained bands of “Islamic” mercenaries in Ukrainian territory to then infiltrate Syria, using the helpful services of Azov banderists and NATO advisers – in “reserve”, of course, present on the ground at least from of the Maidan Square coup in 2014. The collaboration between Ukrainian Nazi forces and so-called Islamic terrorists, especially those from territories of the former Soviet Union, dates back to at least 2009, according to independent investigations that have been published – and censored in the global media .

Terrorists in Syria received sensitive information from the GRU, the Kiev regime’s espionage and political police service, as revealed by leaders of this institution; Furthermore, the Banderista military apparatus provided drones and electronic warfare means to al-Qaida and the like, which they used in the decisive stage of foreign aggression, identifying targets and “blinding” army communications in the service of Assad.

Conclusion to be drawn immediately: the fall of Damascus at the hands of al-Qaida and its various heteronyms represents a victory for Western and NATO strategy, in particular the operational resort to so-called Islamic terrorism to destroy strong, secular states in the Middle East. This victory was achieved against the current of current history towards multipolarity and could mean a new breath of the “rules-based” imperial and colonial international order to impose itself on the global establishment of the validity of international law. However, as happened in Afghanistan, where the Taliban succeeded the Taliban twenty years later; or in Libya, where the chaos created by the Atlanticist invasion makes it difficult for the West to fully exploit the territory’s natural resources; or in Iraq, where the NATO occupation forces, among which the North American contingent predominates, do not have a moment of peace due to successive attacks by patriotic forces, it may happen that the success achieved in Damascus is nothing more than a pathetic victory Pyrrhic, although criminal, devastating and bloody, and the spell eventually turns against the sorcerer.

14 certainties about the terrorist victory in Damascus

The fall of Damascus at the hands of al-Qaida and its various heteronyms represents a victory for Western and NATO strategy

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A first warning to the reader. This is still a hot reading of what is happening in Syria, and hot readings are a risk, especially when they are done from the outside and under a flood of media nonsense that factually says the same thing, commonplaces, and then squeezes the imagination in a fight imbecile trapped in the fields of audacity, lies and, above all, ignorance.

For all this, readers will forgive me for some inaccuracies regarding the near future, because among the possible certainties there are many factual elements missing.

A first certainty: President Bashar Assad fell, essentially because he worsened the situation in recent times, since 2015, by not providing the national army with more and renewed means to resist the growth and reinforcement of military capacity, which were no secret, of the al -Qaida (renamed Hayat Tharir al-Sham – HTS – on the recommendation of Western foreign intervention forces, thus wishing to disguise its direct support for the terrorism of the organization founded by Bin Laden). Furthermore, Bashar Assad and his military commands minimized a war situation that only decreased in intensity after 2017 and in a situation where 30% of the territory remained in the hands of armed groups serving foreign interests and with the objective of overthrowing the regime.

Assad also weakened his position by rejecting a draft Constitution proposed by Russia, in the wake of the Astana process (participation of Moscow, Ankara and Tehran), drawn up with strict respect for international law and UN norms.

A second certainty: the terrorists of al-Qaida or HTS, led by the renowned follower of Bin Laden called Abu Mohammad al-Julani, got their hands on Damascus to take over the instruments of the State – the oldest in the world – and thus try to extend , when they feel the time has come (if it comes), their “Islamic law” throughout the country.

Third certainty: al-Julani and his group are still considered terrorists by the United States of America (and also by the European Union); All attempts by sectors of the American deep state to remove al-Qaida, al-Nusra or HTS, their namesakes, from the list of terrorist groups were vetoed by the United States’ own legislative bodies: Congress and the Senate.

This did not prevent, however, that al-Julani with a well-trimmed beard, a hairstyle and Western-style attire was amicably interviewed by Voice of America, the spokesperson for the CIA and the North American regime, to expose his new language and simulate distancing itself – visually and in speech – from its terrorist essence. Horrible detail: the United States still offers 10 million euros to anyone who contributes to the capture and/or death of al-Julani.

The biography of this fascist capo explains that both al-Qaida and ISIS or Islamic State fought to recruit the then young and promising al-Julani, who chose to join Bin Laden’s group. And the population of the Idlib region, permanently occupied by al-Qaida since the beginning of foreign intervention, can very well explain, from their own experience, the terror of being governed by al-Julani.

Fourth certainty: The fall of Bashar Assad and the seizure of power by al-Julani – that is what happened, no matter how much the global propaganda network tries to ensure that it is not quite like that – means a victory for the military intervention of the United States, the Union European and NATO by terrorist groups initiated in 2011 in Syria. On the other hand, it reflects a defeat for Russia, which was forced to let Assad fall when he decided to deviate from the contours of the alliance with Moscow. Furthermore, it was confirmed that Moscow’s priority is to favourably resolve the problems created by the Nazi-Banderist regime in Kiev.

Fifth certainty: now the civil war in Syria truly begins. Until now we have been faced with foreign intervention at the service of the economic, geopolitical and geostrategic interests of the Western world, with the United States at the forefront, which, through the voice of Donald Trump, in his first presidential term, admitted to stealing Syrian oil.

Everything indicates that it will be a civil war between the different factions that fought against Assad, mainly the Syrian Democratic Forces (YPG Kurds and ISIS contingents trained at the al-Tanf base, occupied by US troops), and the Syrian National Army (a branch of the armed forces of Turkey and NATO), each with its own zones of influence. Furthermore, there is a nebula of armed groups and militias, each with their own regional, religious and ethnic interests that will not be left out in the clashes that will ensue during the fallacious “transition period”.

The Syrian Democratic Forces are also militarily supported by the United States, like HTS, but persecuted by Turkey as part of its war against the Kurds wherever they are. On this specific front, there is, therefore, a military opposition between the regimes of Washington and Ankara, that is, a fratricidal war within NATO. In practice, all these organizations, including HTS, are supported by the United States and NATO, forming the so-called group of “moderate rebels” – despite the fact that there is a faction considered “terrorist” by Washington. Another example of the well-known Western coherence, “our civilization”.

A victory for the sought-after Benjamin Netanyahu

Sixth certainty: The seizure of power by al-Julani means a huge victory for Zionism led by Benjamin Netanyahu, a known ally of Islamic terrorists, to the point of giving them rearguards in camps and hospitals in the interior of Israel and in the occupied sector of the Golan Heights. Hundreds of Israeli aerial bombings against Syrian territory in support of HTS and also as part of its war against Hezbollah and Iran are known.

This victory of Islamic terrorism and the predictable division of Syria opens another path towards achieving the greatest objective of international Zionism, the creation of Greater Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates, a river that passes through the East and North of Syrian territory.

Seventh certainty: the fall of Damascus is a great victory for Turkey within the scope of the expansionist theory of neo-Ottomanism practiced by neo-Sultan Erdogan. Ankara also has a much freer path to continue the persecution of the Kurdish people inside Syria.

Eighth certainty: the new situation created in Damascus provides conditions for another important step to be taken in the Zionist strategy of the United States, NATO and the European Union to dismember the large secular states of the Middle East; The objective is to create small ethnic and religious entities controlled from outside and harmless, thus facilitating the expansion of Zionist and imperial military and economic control over the Middle East, in addition to reinforcing economic dominance and the looting of the region’s raw materials, mainly oil and natural gas. This strategy worked in Iraq and Libya and the results are there for all to see.

A note to remember: the Syrian case demonstrates, once again, that one of the most important Western strategies on the path to globalism is the dismemberment of States and transnational organizations that defend the validity of international law and do not recognize the rules-based international order . The express intention expressed by Western circles to break up Russia into a myriad of states, following the implosion of the Soviet Union, has now had a large-scale confirmation.

Ninth certainty: the oldest State in the World, a mosaic of communities, religions, ethnicities and confessions that remained united and harmonious for centuries, until the beginning of the Western invasion in 2011, is rapidly heading towards collapse and extinction, not being difficult to foresee persecution and terror against minority communities, notably Christians still attached to rites and traditions from the time of Jesus Christ.

Since the start of Western aggression, the number of Christians in Syria has fallen from seven to three percent of the population. In numerous Christian villages such as al-Sukhna, Kanayé, Maloula, Chabadin and Bakha, the surviving populations can witness the terror and episodes of killings to which they have been subjected by so-called “rebel” and “moderate” Islamic groups in their role as prosecutors of NATO. In the last three villages mentioned, Aramaic is still spoken, a language that was used two thousand years ago, in the times of Christ.

Tenth certainty: the fall of Damascus into the hands of Sunni terrorists, objective allies of Zionism, further encourages the State of Israel to develop the much-desired war against Shiite Iran, another possible path to nuclear war. The transformation and eventual extinction of Syria profoundly weakens the so-called Axis of Resistance, the only entity that, on the international and regional scene, has stood up to the designs of international Zionism and fought consistently for the application of international law so that human rights are respected. inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.

Democracy? Don’t even see her

Eleventh certainty: in the same way, Lebanon is even more fragile in the face of Zionism because the Sunni rise in Syria is a very serious blow to Hezbollah, the Shiite-based movement responsible for the national resistance and the humiliating defeats inflicted on the State of Israel, maintained in respect regarding his ambitions in Lebanese territory. Israel intends to occupy part of southern Lebanon as a buffer for attacks against the northern region of the country, the Galilee, in addition to, from now on, having practically guaranteed free access to the oil deposits recently discovered in the Eastern Mediterranean and which it has been competing with Beirut, naturally with kleptomaniac objectives in the face of which international law and maritime law are worthless.

Twelfth certainty: the history of imperial wars, especially the most recent ones since the long and failed military intervention in Afghanistan, proves that these terrorist actions have nothing to do with the implementation of democracy and the democratization of the attacked countries – contrary to what they pray propaganda and the single opinion that subjugates us or, at least, intends to subjugate us. Let us look at the return of the Taliban to Kabul, at the chaotic situation of the fragmented regional powers in Iraq – with the official government barricaded in fortifications beyond the “green line” in Baghdad – and at the disappearance, in real terms, of the Libyan State: it remains It is clear what democracy and democratization mean in Western discourse.

Thirteenth certainty: the Syrian case is yet another example of the type of respect that member states of Western organizations and alliances cultivate in relation to the agreements they sign with third parties. Turkey reached an agreement with Russia and Iran in September 2017 in Astana under which it would do everything possible to reduce the intensity of fighting in order to create conditions for establishing a political platform capable of ensuring a new, more peaceful and more inclusive Syrian national reality.

The Ankara regime, instead, took advantage of the kind of limbo created by this agreement to reinforce support for HTS and the Syrian National Army and create conditions for the armed uprising with devastating effects that has now occurred.

In relation to the Astana agreement, as with the Minsk agreements on Ukraine, it was demonstrated that NATO countries such as France, Germany and Turkey, and the alliance itself, enter into agreements with other nations and entities deliberately in bad faith, ultimately exploring the decisions aimed at seeking peaceful solutions and the guarantees given by themselves as instruments to promote a return to war with increased capacity and intensity.

This behaviour is, as demonstrated, a pillar of NATO’s essence. And the Russian regime has fallen into the trap twice in less than a decade.

Fourteenth certainty: there is a military operational alliance between the Nazi-Banderism of the Kiev regime and the fascist groups that claim Islam and have now taken power in Damascus. The Zelensky regime trained bands of “Islamic” mercenaries in Ukrainian territory to then infiltrate Syria, using the helpful services of Azov banderists and NATO advisers – in “reserve”, of course, present on the ground at least from of the Maidan Square coup in 2014. The collaboration between Ukrainian Nazi forces and so-called Islamic terrorists, especially those from territories of the former Soviet Union, dates back to at least 2009, according to independent investigations that have been published – and censored in the global media .

Terrorists in Syria received sensitive information from the GRU, the Kiev regime’s espionage and political police service, as revealed by leaders of this institution; Furthermore, the Banderista military apparatus provided drones and electronic warfare means to al-Qaida and the like, which they used in the decisive stage of foreign aggression, identifying targets and “blinding” army communications in the service of Assad.

Conclusion to be drawn immediately: the fall of Damascus at the hands of al-Qaida and its various heteronyms represents a victory for Western and NATO strategy, in particular the operational resort to so-called Islamic terrorism to destroy strong, secular states in the Middle East. This victory was achieved against the current of current history towards multipolarity and could mean a new breath of the “rules-based” imperial and colonial international order to impose itself on the global establishment of the validity of international law. However, as happened in Afghanistan, where the Taliban succeeded the Taliban twenty years later; or in Libya, where the chaos created by the Atlanticist invasion makes it difficult for the West to fully exploit the territory’s natural resources; or in Iraq, where the NATO occupation forces, among which the North American contingent predominates, do not have a moment of peace due to successive attacks by patriotic forces, it may happen that the success achieved in Damascus is nothing more than a pathetic victory Pyrrhic, although criminal, devastating and bloody, and the spell eventually turns against the sorcerer.

The fall of Damascus at the hands of al-Qaida and its various heteronyms represents a victory for Western and NATO strategy

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A first warning to the reader. This is still a hot reading of what is happening in Syria, and hot readings are a risk, especially when they are done from the outside and under a flood of media nonsense that factually says the same thing, commonplaces, and then squeezes the imagination in a fight imbecile trapped in the fields of audacity, lies and, above all, ignorance.

For all this, readers will forgive me for some inaccuracies regarding the near future, because among the possible certainties there are many factual elements missing.

A first certainty: President Bashar Assad fell, essentially because he worsened the situation in recent times, since 2015, by not providing the national army with more and renewed means to resist the growth and reinforcement of military capacity, which were no secret, of the al -Qaida (renamed Hayat Tharir al-Sham – HTS – on the recommendation of Western foreign intervention forces, thus wishing to disguise its direct support for the terrorism of the organization founded by Bin Laden). Furthermore, Bashar Assad and his military commands minimized a war situation that only decreased in intensity after 2017 and in a situation where 30% of the territory remained in the hands of armed groups serving foreign interests and with the objective of overthrowing the regime.

Assad also weakened his position by rejecting a draft Constitution proposed by Russia, in the wake of the Astana process (participation of Moscow, Ankara and Tehran), drawn up with strict respect for international law and UN norms.

A second certainty: the terrorists of al-Qaida or HTS, led by the renowned follower of Bin Laden called Abu Mohammad al-Julani, got their hands on Damascus to take over the instruments of the State – the oldest in the world – and thus try to extend , when they feel the time has come (if it comes), their “Islamic law” throughout the country.

Third certainty: al-Julani and his group are still considered terrorists by the United States of America (and also by the European Union); All attempts by sectors of the American deep state to remove al-Qaida, al-Nusra or HTS, their namesakes, from the list of terrorist groups were vetoed by the United States’ own legislative bodies: Congress and the Senate.

This did not prevent, however, that al-Julani with a well-trimmed beard, a hairstyle and Western-style attire was amicably interviewed by Voice of America, the spokesperson for the CIA and the North American regime, to expose his new language and simulate distancing itself – visually and in speech – from its terrorist essence. Horrible detail: the United States still offers 10 million euros to anyone who contributes to the capture and/or death of al-Julani.

The biography of this fascist capo explains that both al-Qaida and ISIS or Islamic State fought to recruit the then young and promising al-Julani, who chose to join Bin Laden’s group. And the population of the Idlib region, permanently occupied by al-Qaida since the beginning of foreign intervention, can very well explain, from their own experience, the terror of being governed by al-Julani.

Fourth certainty: The fall of Bashar Assad and the seizure of power by al-Julani – that is what happened, no matter how much the global propaganda network tries to ensure that it is not quite like that – means a victory for the military intervention of the United States, the Union European and NATO by terrorist groups initiated in 2011 in Syria. On the other hand, it reflects a defeat for Russia, which was forced to let Assad fall when he decided to deviate from the contours of the alliance with Moscow. Furthermore, it was confirmed that Moscow’s priority is to favourably resolve the problems created by the Nazi-Banderist regime in Kiev.

Fifth certainty: now the civil war in Syria truly begins. Until now we have been faced with foreign intervention at the service of the economic, geopolitical and geostrategic interests of the Western world, with the United States at the forefront, which, through the voice of Donald Trump, in his first presidential term, admitted to stealing Syrian oil.

Everything indicates that it will be a civil war between the different factions that fought against Assad, mainly the Syrian Democratic Forces (YPG Kurds and ISIS contingents trained at the al-Tanf base, occupied by US troops), and the Syrian National Army (a branch of the armed forces of Turkey and NATO), each with its own zones of influence. Furthermore, there is a nebula of armed groups and militias, each with their own regional, religious and ethnic interests that will not be left out in the clashes that will ensue during the fallacious “transition period”.

The Syrian Democratic Forces are also militarily supported by the United States, like HTS, but persecuted by Turkey as part of its war against the Kurds wherever they are. On this specific front, there is, therefore, a military opposition between the regimes of Washington and Ankara, that is, a fratricidal war within NATO. In practice, all these organizations, including HTS, are supported by the United States and NATO, forming the so-called group of “moderate rebels” – despite the fact that there is a faction considered “terrorist” by Washington. Another example of the well-known Western coherence, “our civilization”.

A victory for the sought-after Benjamin Netanyahu

Sixth certainty: The seizure of power by al-Julani means a huge victory for Zionism led by Benjamin Netanyahu, a known ally of Islamic terrorists, to the point of giving them rearguards in camps and hospitals in the interior of Israel and in the occupied sector of the Golan Heights. Hundreds of Israeli aerial bombings against Syrian territory in support of HTS and also as part of its war against Hezbollah and Iran are known.

This victory of Islamic terrorism and the predictable division of Syria opens another path towards achieving the greatest objective of international Zionism, the creation of Greater Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates, a river that passes through the East and North of Syrian territory.

Seventh certainty: the fall of Damascus is a great victory for Turkey within the scope of the expansionist theory of neo-Ottomanism practiced by neo-Sultan Erdogan. Ankara also has a much freer path to continue the persecution of the Kurdish people inside Syria.

Eighth certainty: the new situation created in Damascus provides conditions for another important step to be taken in the Zionist strategy of the United States, NATO and the European Union to dismember the large secular states of the Middle East; The objective is to create small ethnic and religious entities controlled from outside and harmless, thus facilitating the expansion of Zionist and imperial military and economic control over the Middle East, in addition to reinforcing economic dominance and the looting of the region’s raw materials, mainly oil and natural gas. This strategy worked in Iraq and Libya and the results are there for all to see.

A note to remember: the Syrian case demonstrates, once again, that one of the most important Western strategies on the path to globalism is the dismemberment of States and transnational organizations that defend the validity of international law and do not recognize the rules-based international order . The express intention expressed by Western circles to break up Russia into a myriad of states, following the implosion of the Soviet Union, has now had a large-scale confirmation.

Ninth certainty: the oldest State in the World, a mosaic of communities, religions, ethnicities and confessions that remained united and harmonious for centuries, until the beginning of the Western invasion in 2011, is rapidly heading towards collapse and extinction, not being difficult to foresee persecution and terror against minority communities, notably Christians still attached to rites and traditions from the time of Jesus Christ.

Since the start of Western aggression, the number of Christians in Syria has fallen from seven to three percent of the population. In numerous Christian villages such as al-Sukhna, Kanayé, Maloula, Chabadin and Bakha, the surviving populations can witness the terror and episodes of killings to which they have been subjected by so-called “rebel” and “moderate” Islamic groups in their role as prosecutors of NATO. In the last three villages mentioned, Aramaic is still spoken, a language that was used two thousand years ago, in the times of Christ.

Tenth certainty: the fall of Damascus into the hands of Sunni terrorists, objective allies of Zionism, further encourages the State of Israel to develop the much-desired war against Shiite Iran, another possible path to nuclear war. The transformation and eventual extinction of Syria profoundly weakens the so-called Axis of Resistance, the only entity that, on the international and regional scene, has stood up to the designs of international Zionism and fought consistently for the application of international law so that human rights are respected. inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.

Democracy? Don’t even see her

Eleventh certainty: in the same way, Lebanon is even more fragile in the face of Zionism because the Sunni rise in Syria is a very serious blow to Hezbollah, the Shiite-based movement responsible for the national resistance and the humiliating defeats inflicted on the State of Israel, maintained in respect regarding his ambitions in Lebanese territory. Israel intends to occupy part of southern Lebanon as a buffer for attacks against the northern region of the country, the Galilee, in addition to, from now on, having practically guaranteed free access to the oil deposits recently discovered in the Eastern Mediterranean and which it has been competing with Beirut, naturally with kleptomaniac objectives in the face of which international law and maritime law are worthless.

Twelfth certainty: the history of imperial wars, especially the most recent ones since the long and failed military intervention in Afghanistan, proves that these terrorist actions have nothing to do with the implementation of democracy and the democratization of the attacked countries – contrary to what they pray propaganda and the single opinion that subjugates us or, at least, intends to subjugate us. Let us look at the return of the Taliban to Kabul, at the chaotic situation of the fragmented regional powers in Iraq – with the official government barricaded in fortifications beyond the “green line” in Baghdad – and at the disappearance, in real terms, of the Libyan State: it remains It is clear what democracy and democratization mean in Western discourse.

Thirteenth certainty: the Syrian case is yet another example of the type of respect that member states of Western organizations and alliances cultivate in relation to the agreements they sign with third parties. Turkey reached an agreement with Russia and Iran in September 2017 in Astana under which it would do everything possible to reduce the intensity of fighting in order to create conditions for establishing a political platform capable of ensuring a new, more peaceful and more inclusive Syrian national reality.

The Ankara regime, instead, took advantage of the kind of limbo created by this agreement to reinforce support for HTS and the Syrian National Army and create conditions for the armed uprising with devastating effects that has now occurred.

In relation to the Astana agreement, as with the Minsk agreements on Ukraine, it was demonstrated that NATO countries such as France, Germany and Turkey, and the alliance itself, enter into agreements with other nations and entities deliberately in bad faith, ultimately exploring the decisions aimed at seeking peaceful solutions and the guarantees given by themselves as instruments to promote a return to war with increased capacity and intensity.

This behaviour is, as demonstrated, a pillar of NATO’s essence. And the Russian regime has fallen into the trap twice in less than a decade.

Fourteenth certainty: there is a military operational alliance between the Nazi-Banderism of the Kiev regime and the fascist groups that claim Islam and have now taken power in Damascus. The Zelensky regime trained bands of “Islamic” mercenaries in Ukrainian territory to then infiltrate Syria, using the helpful services of Azov banderists and NATO advisers – in “reserve”, of course, present on the ground at least from of the Maidan Square coup in 2014. The collaboration between Ukrainian Nazi forces and so-called Islamic terrorists, especially those from territories of the former Soviet Union, dates back to at least 2009, according to independent investigations that have been published – and censored in the global media .

Terrorists in Syria received sensitive information from the GRU, the Kiev regime’s espionage and political police service, as revealed by leaders of this institution; Furthermore, the Banderista military apparatus provided drones and electronic warfare means to al-Qaida and the like, which they used in the decisive stage of foreign aggression, identifying targets and “blinding” army communications in the service of Assad.

Conclusion to be drawn immediately: the fall of Damascus at the hands of al-Qaida and its various heteronyms represents a victory for Western and NATO strategy, in particular the operational resort to so-called Islamic terrorism to destroy strong, secular states in the Middle East. This victory was achieved against the current of current history towards multipolarity and could mean a new breath of the “rules-based” imperial and colonial international order to impose itself on the global establishment of the validity of international law. However, as happened in Afghanistan, where the Taliban succeeded the Taliban twenty years later; or in Libya, where the chaos created by the Atlanticist invasion makes it difficult for the West to fully exploit the territory’s natural resources; or in Iraq, where the NATO occupation forces, among which the North American contingent predominates, do not have a moment of peace due to successive attacks by patriotic forces, it may happen that the success achieved in Damascus is nothing more than a pathetic victory Pyrrhic, although criminal, devastating and bloody, and the spell eventually turns against the sorcerer.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 7, 2025

See also

March 7, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.