Editor's Сhoice
September 26, 2024
© Photo: Public domain

Israel keeps attacking Al Jazeera, assassinating journalists and bombing press offices for the same reason the mafia kills witnesses. They want to commit their crimes in the dark.


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Israel has continued its war on journalism with another attack on Al Jazeera, this time with a raid on the outlet’s office in the West Bank and an order to shut down for 45 days.

The shuttering occurred despite the office being legally under Palestinian control per the Oslo Accords.

This move comes as Israel and Hezbollah exchange heavy fire and step closer to the brink of full-scale war, and as Israel continues its daily massacres in Gaza and keeps ramping up its brutality toward Palestinians in the West Bank.

Israel keeps attacking Al Jazeera, assassinating journalists and bombing press offices for the same reason the mafia kills witnesses. They want to commit their crimes in the dark.

Journalist Jonathan Cook writes of the news:

“Having destroyed Al Jazeera’s office in Gaza, and killed much of its staff there,

having outlawed Al Jazeera from broadcasting in Israel,

having admitted executing Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh (after lying that Palestinians did it),

Israeli troops have now invaded Al Jazeera’s office in the West Bank city of Ramallah, supposedly under the control of the Palestinian Authority, and shuttered the channel’s operations.

This is the latest attack on journalism by Israel: over the past year, it has killed more than 170 journalists, most of them Palestinians, and barred all foreign correspondents from reporting from Gaza.

When will the US and UK proscribe Israel as a terrorist state?

When will western media organisations and western journalists speak up in solidarity with their terrorised colleagues in occupied Palestine?”

Israel hates truth.

Israel hates truth for the same reason anyone has ever hated truth: because the truth about them is ugly.

The more I live and learn the more convinced I am that everything ultimately comes down to seeing. Clear perception is what moves things toward health, and the lack of clear perception is what keeps things in dysfunction.

The more clear perception there is, the more things move out of dysfunction and toward health. This is true whether you’re talking about your own personal psychology, or the largest power dynamics in the world.

This is why profoundly ugly governments like Israel and the United States constantly attack the press, churn out propaganda, manipulate narratives, participate in online information ops, use censorship, and obstruct visibility via government secrecy.

The truth about them is so ugly, that they devote a lot of work to preventing the truth from being seen.

Original article: CaitlinJohnstone.com.au via consortiumnews.com

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.
Israel’s War on Journalism

Israel keeps attacking Al Jazeera, assassinating journalists and bombing press offices for the same reason the mafia kills witnesses. They want to commit their crimes in the dark.


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Contact us: info@strategic-culture.su

Israel has continued its war on journalism with another attack on Al Jazeera, this time with a raid on the outlet’s office in the West Bank and an order to shut down for 45 days.

The shuttering occurred despite the office being legally under Palestinian control per the Oslo Accords.

This move comes as Israel and Hezbollah exchange heavy fire and step closer to the brink of full-scale war, and as Israel continues its daily massacres in Gaza and keeps ramping up its brutality toward Palestinians in the West Bank.

Israel keeps attacking Al Jazeera, assassinating journalists and bombing press offices for the same reason the mafia kills witnesses. They want to commit their crimes in the dark.

Journalist Jonathan Cook writes of the news:

“Having destroyed Al Jazeera’s office in Gaza, and killed much of its staff there,

having outlawed Al Jazeera from broadcasting in Israel,

having admitted executing Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh (after lying that Palestinians did it),

Israeli troops have now invaded Al Jazeera’s office in the West Bank city of Ramallah, supposedly under the control of the Palestinian Authority, and shuttered the channel’s operations.

This is the latest attack on journalism by Israel: over the past year, it has killed more than 170 journalists, most of them Palestinians, and barred all foreign correspondents from reporting from Gaza.

When will the US and UK proscribe Israel as a terrorist state?

When will western media organisations and western journalists speak up in solidarity with their terrorised colleagues in occupied Palestine?”

Israel hates truth.

Israel hates truth for the same reason anyone has ever hated truth: because the truth about them is ugly.

The more I live and learn the more convinced I am that everything ultimately comes down to seeing. Clear perception is what moves things toward health, and the lack of clear perception is what keeps things in dysfunction.

The more clear perception there is, the more things move out of dysfunction and toward health. This is true whether you’re talking about your own personal psychology, or the largest power dynamics in the world.

This is why profoundly ugly governments like Israel and the United States constantly attack the press, churn out propaganda, manipulate narratives, participate in online information ops, use censorship, and obstruct visibility via government secrecy.

The truth about them is so ugly, that they devote a lot of work to preventing the truth from being seen.

Original article: CaitlinJohnstone.com.au via consortiumnews.com