Tag: Journalism

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Canadian journalist survives Israeli assassination attempt
Canadian journalist survives Israeli assassination attempt
July 15, 2024

Canadian citizen and journalist, Laith Marouf, along with Hadi Hotait, were reporting for Free Palestine TV (FPTV) in the south of Lebanon, when the Israeli military attempted to assassinate them.

Ainda serão os Direitos Humanos um pilar da Europa?
July 11, 2024

O jornalista André Carvalho Ramos é um rosto conhecido da televisão, mas o que aqui nos move é o livro onde nos conta histórias que recolheu no terreno, nas reportagens que fez nos últimos oito anos, e no qual denuncia o racismo objetivo que a Europa pratica nas suas políticas de acolhimento. “Não podemos ser imparciais em matéria de Direitos Humanos”, afirma.

Ainda serão os Direitos Humanos um pilar da Europa?
Russia reacts to EU media sanctions – but at what cost to European journalists?
Russia reacts to EU media sanctions – but at what cost to European journalists?
June 30, 2024

Brussels’ stance against so-called disinformation smacks of hypocrisy, Martin Jay writes.

Assange: I Broke the Law But the Law Is Wrong
June 28, 2024

Julian Assange’s plea deal with the United States was completed before a U.S. federal judge Wednesday on the U.S. possession of the Mariana Islands, reports Joe Lauria.

Assange: I Broke the Law But the Law Is Wrong
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Julian Assange: Libre por fin, pero culpable de ejercer el periodismo
Julian Assange: Libre por fin, pero culpable de ejercer el periodismo
June 27, 2024

El despiadado y todopoderoso aparato de inteligencia estadounidense no se andará con rodeos y no hará prisioneros para castigar a cualquiera, en cualquier lugar, que se atreva a sacar a la luz los crímenes imperiales.

Assange freedom is not something we should celebrate. Here’s why
June 27, 2024

The release of Assange is hardly something worth celebrating as the point that the West – in particular Washington – wanted to make was made.

Assange freedom is not something we should celebrate. Here’s why
It was the media, led by the Guardian, that kept Julian Assange behind bars
Editor's Сhoice
It was the media, led by the Guardian, that kept Julian Assange behind bars
June 27, 2024

The media’s villainy will soon be erased because it writes the script telling us what’s going on in the world

Julian Assange: free at last, but guilty of practicing journalism
June 26, 2024

The ruthless, all-powerful U.S. Intel Apparatus will go no holds barred and take no prisoners to punish anyone, anywhere, who dares to expose imperial crimes.

Julian Assange: free at last, but guilty of practicing journalism