Tag: West Bank

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Plan israelí para impedir un Estado palestino
Plan israelí para impedir un Estado palestino
July 16, 2024

El plan para el robo de la Cisjordania es totalmente apoyado por Netanyahu y conforma la base para la actual coalición extremista de derecha judía que mantiene a Netanyahu en el poder – y fuera de la cárcel.

Israeli plan to prevent a Palestinian state
July 1, 2024

The plan to steal the West Bank is fully supported by Netanyahu, and forms a basis for the current right-wing Jewish extremist coalition keeping Netanyahu in power, and out of jail.

Israeli plan to prevent a Palestinian state
The Gaza genocide as explicit policy: Michael Hudson names all names
The Gaza genocide as explicit policy: Michael Hudson names all names
April 15, 2024

Israel, Gaza and West Bank should be seen as an opening of the New Cold War.

How Palestinians View the Role of Regional and International Players in the Current War
January 18, 2024

Palestinians have strong views about regional and international players, who they largely feel have left Gaza unprotected from Israel’s unprecedented violations of international law, a recent survey of the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research has demonstrated.

How Palestinians View the Role of Regional and International Players in the Current War
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Analysis: Has Israel Weakened Hamas Enough to Win the War on Gaza?
Editor's Сhoice
Analysis: Has Israel Weakened Hamas Enough to Win the War on Gaza?
January 1, 2024

As 2023 draws to a close, how strong is Hamas after nearly three months of bombardment and ground invasion?

They Can Wait at Leisure, Whilst Netanyahu Labours – and Errs
December 18, 2023

Netanyahu is in the midst of ‘a campaign’. It’s not an election campaign, because he has no real chance of surviving an election.

They Can Wait at Leisure, Whilst Netanyahu Labours – and Errs
Darkness in Bethlehem as Christmas 2023 Is Cancelled
Darkness in Bethlehem as Christmas 2023 Is Cancelled
December 16, 2023

This Christmas, the rooms of all the hotels in Bethlehem are empty, and local businesses are suffering because no Christian pilgrims wanted to travel to what is increasingly looking like a war-zone.

When Britain Aided Israel’s ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ of Palestine
November 10, 2023

The UK’s responsibility for helping to resolve the current war in Gaza stems partly from its imperial past – when in 1948 it contributed to Israeli forces’ takeover of most of Palestine.

When Britain Aided Israel’s ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ of Palestine
Editor's Сhoice