August 9, 2024
© Photo: Public domain

Ultimately, the war in Ukraine is not just against a psychopathic NATO proxy. It is against the Western system of global domination and its NATO war machine.

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The terrorist cross-border attacks on the Kursk and Belgorod regions of the Russian Federation this week underscore that Russia must liquidate NATO’s regime in Ukraine.

The United States and European Union – the sponsors of the Nazi-adulating Kiev regime and its illegitimate self-appointed president Vladimir Zelensky – talk cynically about “Ukraine’s right to self-defense” in endorsing this week’s murderous incursion.

This is a disgraceful apology for outright terrorism. The assaults targeted civilians in Kursk and Belgorod. Apartment blocks were shelled and families fleeing in cars were shot at and killed. Even ambulances and paramedics evacuating the wounded were fatally attacked. The U.S. and EU are using the same vile, duplicitous rhetoric of self-defense that they apply to Israel’s genocidal violence in Gaza.

There is no equivalence – as the U.S. and EU shamefully make out – with Russia’s ongoing special military operation that was launched in February 2022. The Western powers claim Russia is the aggressor when the facts are that Moscow took action in response to years-long NATO-backed aggression against the ethnic Russian population of formerly eastern Ukraine. Russian forces have gone to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties. That is partly why this conflict has dragged on for so long because Russian forces are not wantonly attacking Ukrainian towns and cities in American-style shock-and-awe obliteration.

Not so the Kiev regime and its Nazi paramilitaries who have made a barbaric specialty of deliberately killing Russian civilians. The terroristic logic was candidly spelled out this week by Zelensky’s aides who brazenly said the purpose of the attacks in Kursk and Belgorod was to “instill fear in the Russian population” to destabilize the Russian government. That is the definition of terrorism.

The cross-border assaults began on Tuesday with up to 1,000 Ukrainian troops equipped with American and NATO armored vehicles and tanks. There were also reports of NATO-trained Georgian mercenaries involved in the offensive. One can also be sure that there were American, British, Polish, Baltic and other NATO special forces directing operations.

There have been previous border incursions but this week saw the largest and most determined yet. After three days of intense fighting, the Russian Ministry of Defense claimed that the Ukrainian offensive had been repelled after the assailants incurred heavy casualties.

Even Western media reports remarked on the strategic futility of the Ukrainian offensive. It seems the Kiev regime leadership threw its men into another meat-grinder suicide mission.

The strong suspicion is that this was a desperate throw of the dice by the Zelensky cabal and its NATO handlers to grab international headlines and keep the war racket stoked. After 30 months of conflict, the Kiev regime is facing military collapse. It is out of manpower and drawing on the dregs of poorly trained and demoralized conscripts.

Russia is indisputably in control of the main battlefield in the Donbass region which is now part of the Russian Federation. The original objective of the special military operation was to secure historic Russian territories. That has largely been achieved. But the other objective of deNazifying Ukraine remains.

Russian President Vladimir Putin laid out the terms in June for an end to hostilities involving the acceptance of new Russian territories, as well as the future neutrality of Ukraine whereby proposed membership of the NATO bloc is impermissible. Putin also indicated that the terms would change (that is, deteriorate for the NATO side) as time went on depending on the battlefield situation and the Kiev regime’s non-compliance.

Given the incorrigible tendency of the Kiev regime and its NATO backers to persist in aggression, Russia is entitled to revise its terms to exact a heavier price for eventual surrender.

Following the atrocities in Kursk and Belgorod this week, Dmitry Medvedev, a senior member of Russia’s national security council, commented on Moscow’s long-term military objectives, saying: “This is no longer an operation to regain our lands and punish Nazis… We should only stop when we consider it appropriate.”

That means, presumably, going all the way to demolish NATO’s Reich regime, a regime that seized power illegally in 2014 through a CIA-orchestrated coup d’état against an elected president.

Despite Western media distortions, Ukraine is merely an artificial statelet whose so-called independence in 1991 was a legacy of gerrymandering and territorial horse-trading from the Soviet times. Russia has righteous historical claims to Odessa, the city founded by Catherine the Great, Kharkov, Nikolayev, and indeed Kiev in the same way it has to Crimea, the Donbass, Kherson and Zaporozyhe regions.

The congenital treachery of the Kiev regime and its imperialist patrons make them “agreement incapable”. The betrayal and deception over the Minsk Peace Accords (2015) and the trashing of post-Cold War NATO promises of non-expansion show that any treaties that might be derived are worthless.

The terrorist nature of the Kiev regime and its ideological roots in collaboration with the Nazi Third Reich in exterminating Slavic people and the systematic warmongering of the U.S.-led NATO bloc from the early days of the post-1945 Cold War, all show that a modus vivendi is impossible. The idea of Russian territories living peacefully alongside a Ukrainian rump Reich is infeasible.

As long as a toxic entity of Ukrainian fascism resides and is sustained by NATO patronage there will always be a national security threat to Russia. The history of defeating Nazi Germany by the Soviet Union only for that enemy to be subsequently resurrected by Western imperialism with the remnants of Ukrainian fascists demonstrates that the disease must be eradicated.

Ukraine has the misfortune of being designated as the spearhead for a U.S.-led imperialist confrontation against Russia. The terrorism that was unleashed after the 2014 coup against ethnic Russian people has only metastasized. Attacking Russian civilians in pre-war Russian territory, targeting civilians on beaches with missiles, targeting nuclear power stations, and spreading the tentacles of terrorism to African nations friendly with Russia as recent attacks in Mali have evinced – all attest to the only way to deal with the Kiev regime.

It must be vanquished entirely. Its leaders are bandits with Russian blood on their hands. Russia must crush this criminal entity once and for all – and do an immense favor to the Ukrainian people by liquidating this parasitic tyranny imposed on them by Western imperial masters. Ukrainian men are hiding or fleeing en masse from the regime to escape forced conscription – and certain death on the front lines.

Ultimately, the war in Ukraine is not just against a psychopathic NATO proxy. It is against the Western system of global domination and its NATO war machine. History shows that a negotiated detente is only a stepping stone for more aggression further up the road. The Western powers incubated the Nazi virus and unleashed its mutated strain in Ukraine.

Not only does the Kiev Nazi virus have to be eradicated. So too ultimately must the Western imperialist disease that is the progenitor.

Russia’s territory is the site of a historic, world-changing confrontation. That confrontation goes all the way back to the heroic battles of the Donbass, Crimea and Kursk against the Wehrmacht in 1943-44 culminating in the present against NATO. After this climactic battle is finally won by Russia, there should be never any repetition. That entails a definitive defeat of the Western imperialism that earlier spawned Nazi Germany and today’s U.S.-led NATO.

Kiev regime’s terrorism shows Russia must go all the way to defeat NATO in Ukraine

Ultimately, the war in Ukraine is not just against a psychopathic NATO proxy. It is against the Western system of global domination and its NATO war machine.

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Contact us: info@strategic-culture.su

The terrorist cross-border attacks on the Kursk and Belgorod regions of the Russian Federation this week underscore that Russia must liquidate NATO’s regime in Ukraine.

The United States and European Union – the sponsors of the Nazi-adulating Kiev regime and its illegitimate self-appointed president Vladimir Zelensky – talk cynically about “Ukraine’s right to self-defense” in endorsing this week’s murderous incursion.

This is a disgraceful apology for outright terrorism. The assaults targeted civilians in Kursk and Belgorod. Apartment blocks were shelled and families fleeing in cars were shot at and killed. Even ambulances and paramedics evacuating the wounded were fatally attacked. The U.S. and EU are using the same vile, duplicitous rhetoric of self-defense that they apply to Israel’s genocidal violence in Gaza.

There is no equivalence – as the U.S. and EU shamefully make out – with Russia’s ongoing special military operation that was launched in February 2022. The Western powers claim Russia is the aggressor when the facts are that Moscow took action in response to years-long NATO-backed aggression against the ethnic Russian population of formerly eastern Ukraine. Russian forces have gone to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties. That is partly why this conflict has dragged on for so long because Russian forces are not wantonly attacking Ukrainian towns and cities in American-style shock-and-awe obliteration.

Not so the Kiev regime and its Nazi paramilitaries who have made a barbaric specialty of deliberately killing Russian civilians. The terroristic logic was candidly spelled out this week by Zelensky’s aides who brazenly said the purpose of the attacks in Kursk and Belgorod was to “instill fear in the Russian population” to destabilize the Russian government. That is the definition of terrorism.

The cross-border assaults began on Tuesday with up to 1,000 Ukrainian troops equipped with American and NATO armored vehicles and tanks. There were also reports of NATO-trained Georgian mercenaries involved in the offensive. One can also be sure that there were American, British, Polish, Baltic and other NATO special forces directing operations.

There have been previous border incursions but this week saw the largest and most determined yet. After three days of intense fighting, the Russian Ministry of Defense claimed that the Ukrainian offensive had been repelled after the assailants incurred heavy casualties.

Even Western media reports remarked on the strategic futility of the Ukrainian offensive. It seems the Kiev regime leadership threw its men into another meat-grinder suicide mission.

The strong suspicion is that this was a desperate throw of the dice by the Zelensky cabal and its NATO handlers to grab international headlines and keep the war racket stoked. After 30 months of conflict, the Kiev regime is facing military collapse. It is out of manpower and drawing on the dregs of poorly trained and demoralized conscripts.

Russia is indisputably in control of the main battlefield in the Donbass region which is now part of the Russian Federation. The original objective of the special military operation was to secure historic Russian territories. That has largely been achieved. But the other objective of deNazifying Ukraine remains.

Russian President Vladimir Putin laid out the terms in June for an end to hostilities involving the acceptance of new Russian territories, as well as the future neutrality of Ukraine whereby proposed membership of the NATO bloc is impermissible. Putin also indicated that the terms would change (that is, deteriorate for the NATO side) as time went on depending on the battlefield situation and the Kiev regime’s non-compliance.

Given the incorrigible tendency of the Kiev regime and its NATO backers to persist in aggression, Russia is entitled to revise its terms to exact a heavier price for eventual surrender.

Following the atrocities in Kursk and Belgorod this week, Dmitry Medvedev, a senior member of Russia’s national security council, commented on Moscow’s long-term military objectives, saying: “This is no longer an operation to regain our lands and punish Nazis… We should only stop when we consider it appropriate.”

That means, presumably, going all the way to demolish NATO’s Reich regime, a regime that seized power illegally in 2014 through a CIA-orchestrated coup d’état against an elected president.

Despite Western media distortions, Ukraine is merely an artificial statelet whose so-called independence in 1991 was a legacy of gerrymandering and territorial horse-trading from the Soviet times. Russia has righteous historical claims to Odessa, the city founded by Catherine the Great, Kharkov, Nikolayev, and indeed Kiev in the same way it has to Crimea, the Donbass, Kherson and Zaporozyhe regions.

The congenital treachery of the Kiev regime and its imperialist patrons make them “agreement incapable”. The betrayal and deception over the Minsk Peace Accords (2015) and the trashing of post-Cold War NATO promises of non-expansion show that any treaties that might be derived are worthless.

The terrorist nature of the Kiev regime and its ideological roots in collaboration with the Nazi Third Reich in exterminating Slavic people and the systematic warmongering of the U.S.-led NATO bloc from the early days of the post-1945 Cold War, all show that a modus vivendi is impossible. The idea of Russian territories living peacefully alongside a Ukrainian rump Reich is infeasible.

As long as a toxic entity of Ukrainian fascism resides and is sustained by NATO patronage there will always be a national security threat to Russia. The history of defeating Nazi Germany by the Soviet Union only for that enemy to be subsequently resurrected by Western imperialism with the remnants of Ukrainian fascists demonstrates that the disease must be eradicated.

Ukraine has the misfortune of being designated as the spearhead for a U.S.-led imperialist confrontation against Russia. The terrorism that was unleashed after the 2014 coup against ethnic Russian people has only metastasized. Attacking Russian civilians in pre-war Russian territory, targeting civilians on beaches with missiles, targeting nuclear power stations, and spreading the tentacles of terrorism to African nations friendly with Russia as recent attacks in Mali have evinced – all attest to the only way to deal with the Kiev regime.

It must be vanquished entirely. Its leaders are bandits with Russian blood on their hands. Russia must crush this criminal entity once and for all – and do an immense favor to the Ukrainian people by liquidating this parasitic tyranny imposed on them by Western imperial masters. Ukrainian men are hiding or fleeing en masse from the regime to escape forced conscription – and certain death on the front lines.

Ultimately, the war in Ukraine is not just against a psychopathic NATO proxy. It is against the Western system of global domination and its NATO war machine. History shows that a negotiated detente is only a stepping stone for more aggression further up the road. The Western powers incubated the Nazi virus and unleashed its mutated strain in Ukraine.

Not only does the Kiev Nazi virus have to be eradicated. So too ultimately must the Western imperialist disease that is the progenitor.

Russia’s territory is the site of a historic, world-changing confrontation. That confrontation goes all the way back to the heroic battles of the Donbass, Crimea and Kursk against the Wehrmacht in 1943-44 culminating in the present against NATO. After this climactic battle is finally won by Russia, there should be never any repetition. That entails a definitive defeat of the Western imperialism that earlier spawned Nazi Germany and today’s U.S.-led NATO.

Ultimately, the war in Ukraine is not just against a psychopathic NATO proxy. It is against the Western system of global domination and its NATO war machine.

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Contact us: info@strategic-culture.su

The terrorist cross-border attacks on the Kursk and Belgorod regions of the Russian Federation this week underscore that Russia must liquidate NATO’s regime in Ukraine.

The United States and European Union – the sponsors of the Nazi-adulating Kiev regime and its illegitimate self-appointed president Vladimir Zelensky – talk cynically about “Ukraine’s right to self-defense” in endorsing this week’s murderous incursion.

This is a disgraceful apology for outright terrorism. The assaults targeted civilians in Kursk and Belgorod. Apartment blocks were shelled and families fleeing in cars were shot at and killed. Even ambulances and paramedics evacuating the wounded were fatally attacked. The U.S. and EU are using the same vile, duplicitous rhetoric of self-defense that they apply to Israel’s genocidal violence in Gaza.

There is no equivalence – as the U.S. and EU shamefully make out – with Russia’s ongoing special military operation that was launched in February 2022. The Western powers claim Russia is the aggressor when the facts are that Moscow took action in response to years-long NATO-backed aggression against the ethnic Russian population of formerly eastern Ukraine. Russian forces have gone to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties. That is partly why this conflict has dragged on for so long because Russian forces are not wantonly attacking Ukrainian towns and cities in American-style shock-and-awe obliteration.

Not so the Kiev regime and its Nazi paramilitaries who have made a barbaric specialty of deliberately killing Russian civilians. The terroristic logic was candidly spelled out this week by Zelensky’s aides who brazenly said the purpose of the attacks in Kursk and Belgorod was to “instill fear in the Russian population” to destabilize the Russian government. That is the definition of terrorism.

The cross-border assaults began on Tuesday with up to 1,000 Ukrainian troops equipped with American and NATO armored vehicles and tanks. There were also reports of NATO-trained Georgian mercenaries involved in the offensive. One can also be sure that there were American, British, Polish, Baltic and other NATO special forces directing operations.

There have been previous border incursions but this week saw the largest and most determined yet. After three days of intense fighting, the Russian Ministry of Defense claimed that the Ukrainian offensive had been repelled after the assailants incurred heavy casualties.

Even Western media reports remarked on the strategic futility of the Ukrainian offensive. It seems the Kiev regime leadership threw its men into another meat-grinder suicide mission.

The strong suspicion is that this was a desperate throw of the dice by the Zelensky cabal and its NATO handlers to grab international headlines and keep the war racket stoked. After 30 months of conflict, the Kiev regime is facing military collapse. It is out of manpower and drawing on the dregs of poorly trained and demoralized conscripts.

Russia is indisputably in control of the main battlefield in the Donbass region which is now part of the Russian Federation. The original objective of the special military operation was to secure historic Russian territories. That has largely been achieved. But the other objective of deNazifying Ukraine remains.

Russian President Vladimir Putin laid out the terms in June for an end to hostilities involving the acceptance of new Russian territories, as well as the future neutrality of Ukraine whereby proposed membership of the NATO bloc is impermissible. Putin also indicated that the terms would change (that is, deteriorate for the NATO side) as time went on depending on the battlefield situation and the Kiev regime’s non-compliance.

Given the incorrigible tendency of the Kiev regime and its NATO backers to persist in aggression, Russia is entitled to revise its terms to exact a heavier price for eventual surrender.

Following the atrocities in Kursk and Belgorod this week, Dmitry Medvedev, a senior member of Russia’s national security council, commented on Moscow’s long-term military objectives, saying: “This is no longer an operation to regain our lands and punish Nazis… We should only stop when we consider it appropriate.”

That means, presumably, going all the way to demolish NATO’s Reich regime, a regime that seized power illegally in 2014 through a CIA-orchestrated coup d’état against an elected president.

Despite Western media distortions, Ukraine is merely an artificial statelet whose so-called independence in 1991 was a legacy of gerrymandering and territorial horse-trading from the Soviet times. Russia has righteous historical claims to Odessa, the city founded by Catherine the Great, Kharkov, Nikolayev, and indeed Kiev in the same way it has to Crimea, the Donbass, Kherson and Zaporozyhe regions.

The congenital treachery of the Kiev regime and its imperialist patrons make them “agreement incapable”. The betrayal and deception over the Minsk Peace Accords (2015) and the trashing of post-Cold War NATO promises of non-expansion show that any treaties that might be derived are worthless.

The terrorist nature of the Kiev regime and its ideological roots in collaboration with the Nazi Third Reich in exterminating Slavic people and the systematic warmongering of the U.S.-led NATO bloc from the early days of the post-1945 Cold War, all show that a modus vivendi is impossible. The idea of Russian territories living peacefully alongside a Ukrainian rump Reich is infeasible.

As long as a toxic entity of Ukrainian fascism resides and is sustained by NATO patronage there will always be a national security threat to Russia. The history of defeating Nazi Germany by the Soviet Union only for that enemy to be subsequently resurrected by Western imperialism with the remnants of Ukrainian fascists demonstrates that the disease must be eradicated.

Ukraine has the misfortune of being designated as the spearhead for a U.S.-led imperialist confrontation against Russia. The terrorism that was unleashed after the 2014 coup against ethnic Russian people has only metastasized. Attacking Russian civilians in pre-war Russian territory, targeting civilians on beaches with missiles, targeting nuclear power stations, and spreading the tentacles of terrorism to African nations friendly with Russia as recent attacks in Mali have evinced – all attest to the only way to deal with the Kiev regime.

It must be vanquished entirely. Its leaders are bandits with Russian blood on their hands. Russia must crush this criminal entity once and for all – and do an immense favor to the Ukrainian people by liquidating this parasitic tyranny imposed on them by Western imperial masters. Ukrainian men are hiding or fleeing en masse from the regime to escape forced conscription – and certain death on the front lines.

Ultimately, the war in Ukraine is not just against a psychopathic NATO proxy. It is against the Western system of global domination and its NATO war machine. History shows that a negotiated detente is only a stepping stone for more aggression further up the road. The Western powers incubated the Nazi virus and unleashed its mutated strain in Ukraine.

Not only does the Kiev Nazi virus have to be eradicated. So too ultimately must the Western imperialist disease that is the progenitor.

Russia’s territory is the site of a historic, world-changing confrontation. That confrontation goes all the way back to the heroic battles of the Donbass, Crimea and Kursk against the Wehrmacht in 1943-44 culminating in the present against NATO. After this climactic battle is finally won by Russia, there should be never any repetition. That entails a definitive defeat of the Western imperialism that earlier spawned Nazi Germany and today’s U.S.-led NATO.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 7, 2025

See also

March 7, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.