Declan Hayes
July 29, 2024
© Photo: Irish Times

This is a fight between those who have the money, the might and the media to force through their self-serving agendas at the expense of those who have nothing but primitive concepts of social justice and solidarity to sustain them.

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Ireland her own, and all therein, from the sod to the sky. The soil of Ireland for the people of Ireland, to have and hold from God alone who gave it – to have and to hold to them and their heirs forever, without suit or service, faith or fealty, rent or render, to any power under Heaven.

The above Ireland Her Own quote famously comes from James Fintan Lalor, who was deported, along with my great great great grandfather, for leading the 1848 Young Ireland Rebellion against the hated Anglican “ascendancy”. The reference is from The Sovereign People by Patrick Pearse, the leader of the 1916 Rebellion, who attended the same school as I, and who holds the same Sovereign People values as I, along with James Fintan Lalor and any and every other Irish man or woman worth their salt, do. We believe, quite simply, that the Irish people are the main stakeholders in Ireland and that they should not be, as Cromwell’s droppings have always believed them to be, mere hewers of wood and drawers of water. We salute, as the great Fenian leader Charles Kickham saluted them in Knocknagow, the Homes of Tipperary, the great Irish men, women and children, who resisted the thugs of the RIC during the Land War and, in girding our loins for the next round of that same old fight, we recall how the great Irish patriot Seán Ó Faoláin praised Knocknagow when, in 1941, he wrote that “This spirited and idealised novel, Knocknagow, written by a Fenian who had been in jail, with the whole land question running through it, came in the precise moment that demanded such a book, and it was exactly of the right spirit for a people emerging from bad times. ‘Thank God, there are happy homes in Tipperary still,’ are the last spoken words of the novel, and they measure its qualified optimism.”

And we too share Kickham’s qualified optimism, which was the qualified optimism of Kickham’s Fenians, who caused Queen Victoria, the Famine Queen, to have recurring nightmares because of their obsession with squaring accounts with her and hers. Though the Famine Queen is now gone, the Land League‘s Land War has resurfaced not only in Coolock but throughout Kickham’s Homes of Tipperary as well. Maudlin like Victor McLaglen in Rio Grande though we may get when we sing of the Fenians, the time for tears in our beer is gone and the time for the Fenians, for the Land Wars and for another article to help this seemingly eternal fight along, is here again.

Although this article springboards from our earlier article on the Coolock Pogrom, it puts that pogrom into its wider political, economic, international and sociological context, and does all that within the context of a much broader analytical framework.

Put simply, we have the white hats of the Coolock grannies and their granddaughters in strollers, and we have the RUC/Sinn Féin/NGO black hats, who want to batter them so that they can steal their community from them. Depending on how you look at it, you have the Coolock mama bears determined to protect their cubs and you have the politicians, vulture funds and their hired RUC/Sinn Féin muscle, who are determined to wrest it from them.

Although this article is necessarily long, that is because it must address those sinister and secretive forces, who not only control our Irish and other politicians from the shadows, but who also help set the policy-forming trajectory of those baboons. Their noxious toxins force us to touch on former British Prime Minister Liz Truss’ controversial mini-budget, the globalised tactics of Brazil’s neo-Pentecostalist drug cartels, Ireland’s human warehousing scammers and Europe’s ballooning HIV/AIDS rates to get a handle on this new form of predatory capitalism dominating not only Ireland, but all of Europe as well. Thus, though our focus is Ireland, we take this scenic route to get a better lie of the various lands and peoples NATO’s entrepreneurial vultures devour. We are, in short, the T in SWOT, the Fenian threat the regime must eliminate if their dystopian brave new world is to be built atop our bones. Far from being something to be feared, it is something to be immensely optimistic about now that “the cause that called you may call tomorrow In another fight for the Green again”.

Coolock Ground Zero

Although that earlier article focused on the savages of the Irish police (Garda) force going berserk in Coolock, readers should first of all understand why Coolock is only the latest battlefield in the centuries’ old war between the Dublin regime and Ireland’s democratic forces. Coolock’s Crown Paints factory has been earmarked to house up to 1,000 undocumented military aged males to help secure the vital Malahide Road into central Dublin and to begin the replacement of the local people by a more profitable human crop drawn from the demobbed ranks of ISIS,the Taliban, the Free Syrian Army and the Georgian mafia.

Though Crown Paints sits on the Malahide Road, it also forms the eastern border of the giant Coolock Industrial estate, where most of the other factories have also long ago ceased trading. Ireland’s latest batch of predatory entrepreneurs, together with their government moles and overseas high rollers, have decided that those empty factories can best be milked by turning them into giant holding cells for the tens of thousands of male migrants the regime continues to actively encourage to flood into the country.

To illustrate that point, just read this recent article, which explains that Dublin’s corrupt council previously refused planning permission to build apartments with appropriate facilities on the Crown Paints site. As Rebel News’ Ezra Levant explains in this excellent video from outside Crown Paints, and as we will also deduce from his equally excellent video from Dundrum, in Kickham’s homes of Tipperary, there is far more money to be made by providing shoddy accommodation for these foreign military aged occupation troops than there is in making Ireland livable for the Irish or, indeed, for anyone else.

Anything with an asbestos roof

Although the Crown Paints military barracks reeks of asbestos and, though much of it has leaked out due, in part, to almost nightly attacks on it by concerned locals, none of that is a concern. The purpose of this mega barracks is to enrich the factory’s overseas-based owners and to allow them to make the necessary kickbacks to the locally based decision makers. If those working or being billeted there contract asbestos-related lung cancer, such collateral damage is of little concern; the purpose of the project is primarily to make a fat profit, and not necessarily to give Azov and ISIS social welfare tourists a home away from home. That will come later for those, who survive the asbestos, as long as a profit can be made on it too. Coolock, like hundreds of other places up and down the country, is simply a quick-buck opportunity for Ireland’s morally bankrupt to avail of.

Canal Bank Walk (Beyond Coolock)

O commemorate me with no hero-courageous

Tomb – just a canal-bank seat for the passer-by.

So wrote the great Paddy Kavanagh, who hailed from South Armagh IRA’s Iniskeen, but who spent much of his time writing lines on a seat by the Grand Canal, which flows through Dublin’s affluent south and where he is commemorated by, you guessed it, a canal bank bench.

Although Kavanagh’s poems time and again capture the canal’s beauty, thousands of very angry illegal migrant males of military age have made it their home and a no go area for locals, two of whom were recently drowned in the middle of the night, when the army of illegals camped beside them neither saw nor heard anything, until ordered otherwise.

If you don’t see where that is going, consider that two ISIS refugees recently stabbed to death a 40 year old homeless Irishman in the middle of the day for the loose change in his begging cup. Russia Today’s Chay Bowes, who hails from that part of the city, recently ventured around that once-proud part of the city and, as one who is very familiar with it, I found his video scary in its dystopian emptiness. It is nothing like the Dublin I remember from only a few years ago. This change from a bustling, up market quarter to a scary African-controlled ghost town serves the vultures’ long term purpose of collapsing land prices and allowing the new venture capitalists to snap these neighbourhoods up at dimes to the dollar. Look at how the U.S. Democrats have turned south Chicago and downtown Los Angeles into crime-ridden ghost towns, and the gang rapes of Australians and the thefts from their athletes at the Paris Olympics and you will get a flavour of what they are doing to Dublin, all so they can snap it up at dimes to the dollar.

And, though Ezra Levant features no less beautiful places in north Dublin when he interviews prime Garda target Philip Dwyer, and when he visits Kickham’s own homes of Tipperary, his excellent Tipperary interview has the former owner wishing she could buy back the hotel from its current, shady American owner, who is turning it into a major army barracks to billet Somali, “Jordanian” and Nigerian irregulars. Though Ms Crowe, the former owner can, if she desires, wish upon a star or even write a letter to Santa Claus, she does not understand that the regime’s new Ireland has no need of either her or folk like her as they are the wrong type of entrepreneur. Much like a child shaking an apple tree, the regime, helped by Sinn Féin’s pretend ANTIFA soldiers, are violently refashioning Ireland and they hope she can do nothing about it to stop them stripping the place bare.

You say you want a Revolut(ion)

Although commentators have noted the Irish Garda deliberately trampling on their national flag (a court martialing offence, at a very minimum, in any army), Garda/RUC thugs brutally arresting a youngster in South Armagh IRA’s Dundalk stronghold, as a Ukrainian Nazi threatens to kill him, and as some tooled up ISIS heads laugh at those protesting Irish “hewers of wood and drawers of water” from their subsidised barracks, that is not the main show.

The main show is that American capital now rules Dublin and companies like Facebook, Google and PayPal dominate the Grand Canal area. Big Tech’s approach to Irish untermensh is best epitomised by Revolut, a predatory financial company, whose marketing works on a ponzi style pyramid scheme. Thoughts of trade union or communal solidarity or any basic empathy is as totally alien to them, as they are to Kamala Harris’ inner circle of Californian quick buck merchants. Once they get their way, the locals, who can only ever only exist for these entrepreneurs to ponce off, must lump it, as far as these fly-by-night American companies the Irish regime have pawned Ireland’s future to care.

This, importantly, is not a solely Irish phenomenon. When one thinks of English or American white privilege, one must remember Victorian London’s child chimney sweepers and the young boys who were sent down the Appalachian mines and the girls, who were sent into the cotton mills almost as soon as they could walk. The solution to such ongoing abuses in Bolivia and Bangladesh, as well as with Rio Tinto’s victims Stephen Karganovic writes about, does not lie with flooding Ireland and Paris with the flotsam of the “Global South”. It begins, as the Young Irelanders and Fenians saw it, with changing the entire system and ridding it of the fat cat vultures, who stand behind Revolut and the warehousing of ISIS veterans and Azov brides in Irish warehouses.

From Liz Truss’ Galway shawl to beyond the Galway tent

This globalised process can better be seen in the mini budget former British Prime Minister Liz Truss introduced, which forced her to resign in disgrace shortly afterwards. Say what you like about Truss’s tenure as Prime Minister, but her mini-budget shows she would have been a dream come true for Blighty’s vulture funds, who actually ghost-wrote her budget, as well as her fellow politicians, who are in hock to those same dark forces.

Sadly, vulture heaven was not to be. The British gave her the Order of the Boot and Truss, like any good hooker, trundled on to her next “date” which, in her case, was a well-paid job in Taiwan, vacuously parroting to them what assholes the Chinese are. After that, she rocked up in America, at a Trump rally no less, and thereby indicated that Kamala Harris, another empty vessel similarly in hock to these vulture funds, might have a chance of landing the Oval Office gig, given that Trump is so stupid as to have the vacuous Truss anywhere near him.

From an Irish context, Truss is the kind of bimbo, who belongs begging for coppers in a Galway shawl, rather than quaffing champagne in the Galway tent, which is where the financial gangster class used to congregate during the Celtic Tiger years.

Although corruption has been endemic to Ireland since the days of the Hospital Sweepstakes, Bob the Robber Briscoe and his Wicklow gold mining scam, right through to the Covid money making swindle of more recent years, it now resembles the worst tenets of nineteenth century France that Victor Hugo portrayed in Les Misérables or, for that matter, London’s child prostitution rackets the Pall Mall Gazette uncovered in Victorian London or today’s Skid Row/Hollywood dichotomy of the Democrats’ Los Angeles.

Not only does Ireland no longer possess a pioneering press but whatever honest press there was has been continually throttled since the the 1960s’ money lending corruption exposure by 7 Days. Add ill-trained, ill-mannered and almost functionally illiterate journalists on back-handers, Ireland’s draconian libel laws (which the IRA almost always use to enrich themselves) and the all-party agreement that hate speech laws are urgently needed to muzzle Irish dissidents forever, and you cannot expect anyone to effectively point any finger at Ireland’s flocks of predatory vultures.

These vultures include those with the appropriate political connections to secure multi million dollar contracts to supply these foreign leeches with accommodation, taxis, catering, tents, sleeping bags, security and so on. In the case of the 150,000 Ukrainian scroungers, who were allowed plonk their unwanted Nazi asses in Ireland, many of them have been gifted free houses and all of them have even been allowed to bring their pet cats, dogs and budgies here, all at the Irish taxpayers’ expense and all an opportunity for Irish and foreign grifters to make a killing off this trafficking in surplus to requirements Nazis.

To see how inequitable all this is, forget the Irish homeless being drowned in the Grand Canal and the Irish homeless being stabbed to death for a couple of coppers in Talbot Street. The owner of Coolock’s Crown Paints was previously bailed out by the taxpayer and still owes Irish banks millions. But hey, he lives in Switzerland, he fondly recalls his roots in rural Ireland and he wants to house a 1,000 strong foreign army in Coolock all on the taxpayers’ dime, so the Irish media write puff pieces about the well-groomed bum.

As with NATO’s wars and with the Covid scam, it is a completely unsustainable transfer of wealth from the taxpayer to armies of largely anonymous and amoral shysters, who were the scourge of the Land Leaguers and who remain scourges to Ireland and places further afield to this very day.

From the young Europeans to the old punching bags

When Irish unemployment and emigration were sky high during the 1980s, Ireland used to be marketed abroad as the land of the young Europeans, educated and eager to work. One problem then was Ireland was weighted down with an unwieldy civil service the British had cobbled together to run their vast empire. Even when the British downsized their empire, the Irish never down sized their civil service. It is still far too big and far too unfit for purpose. If you ever watch the British Yes Minister comedy series, you get a feel of how out of touch Ireland’s decision makers are, but only if you keep in mind that Ireland’s civil servants are as thick as the politicians they nominally answer to.

Thus, in little more than a generation, the Irish have gone from being the young Europeans to becoming the old Europeans, and Africans and South-East Asians are employed here, there and everywhere to take Uncle Paddy and Aunty Biddy for walkies on their frames. Hundreds of thousands of young Irish, meanwhile, have been forced to seek employment in Australia and Canada and, though they offered to come home to help during the Covid saga, they were firmly told that neither they nor their services are wanted, as their “Global South” replacements are cheaper and more docile. And, though it is nice to see the children of those immigrant folk do relatively well here, the reality is that they, like the native Irish, are in a crowded and unsustainable market and the fault lies with the over-paid politicians, their over-paid civil service partners in crime and the amoral businesses their idiotic policies facilitate.

Irish criminals emigrated everywhere

One red herring that the vulture funds and their state sponsored apologists float is that, because the Young Irelanders and Fenians were transported in chains to Australia, Ireland should exercise an open door policy for all jihadists, who collaborated with the Yanks and Brits in their wars of extermination in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Because the Irish body snatchers Burke and Hare committed heinous crimes in Scotland, ISIS should be allowed drown Irishmen in the Grand Canal, stab Irishmen in Talbot Street, castrate and behead Irish homosexuals in Sligo, and recruit Irish slappers and execute Japanese citizens in South Armagh IRA’s stronghold of Dundalk.

Because the Irish and Jewish diaspora founded organised crime in America, so their argument goes, so also must Nigeria’s Black Axe gang be given free rein to run their global scam markets from their safe havens in Ireland. Because FBI informant Whitey Bulger supplied boatloads of weapons to the IRA, their argument goes, Ireland should welcome unlimited numbers of unvetted criminals from the Colombian and other coke cartels, who want to set up shop here.

I mention Colombia as the IRA sold their expertise to Colombia’s cocaine cartels and leading Sinn Féin families are currently at the heart of major Latin American cartel related drug busts, which have very strong family connections with Sinn Féin’s rural Kerry heartland.

Got AIDS Yet?

Ireland’s medical mess shows that all of this criminality is a two way street. Forget that it is cheaper for me to fly from Dublin to Poland and stay in a mid range hotel for a week there to get some dental work done than it is to go to an Indian grifter in Coolock. Look instead at Europe’s HIV/AIDS rates.

Official statistics show here, here, here and here that Ireland has Europe’s highest HIV/AIDS rate and, equally alarmingly, that 75% of AIDS carriers are foreigners, who arrived here in the last few years; that “only 10% of those diagnosed with HIV in Ireland last year were Irish”; that “22% were from eastern and central Europe, 22% from sub-Saharan Africa and 25% from Latin America and the Caribbean”.

The situation, with AIDS in Ireland, then, is the regime is importing entire armies infected with HIV/AIDS. This is not to attribute Ireland’s Olympian AIDS rates solely to “the new Irish”. The regime, as well as Sinn Féin and their deep pocketed partners in the sodomy movement, have been advocating chemsex for decades. These are legal and illegal substances like crystal meth that stimulate the sexual organs, but which also destroy the body’s immune functions. The net result of all this diversity of modes of HIV transmission is that vulnerable communities, such as those in Coolock, Dundrum and Dundalk, are sure to suffer increased HIV rates, as the regime imports more carriers and encourages more transmissions through increased sodomy and drug use.

From South Armagh IRA to Brazilian narco-pentecostalism

Just as with South Armagh and the IRA, so also does Raphael Machado’s recent article on Brazil’s evolving evangelical narco-pentecostalism show how these threats are scaled upwards. You take over an area, Southie in Whitey Bulger’s case, Tokyo’s Kabukicho with the yakuza, West Dublin in the case of Nigeria’s Black Axe gang, the Grand Canal in the case of ISIS and their NGO allies, Parnell and Talbot Streets with the Triads, Kerry with the Sinoala coke cartels and you hire the Georgian mafia and allied groups to provide the muscle and, then, as the Irish say, you are away with the mixer. You control your own little criminal fiefdom and, from there, you can spread your criminal wings to other enterprises and other neighbourhoods.

The scenic route to political power

None of that is to castigate the genuine health workers, who come to Ireland from South-East Asia and Africa, even though it is to say that that is the model of the Irish hospitals to take mostly young women from there to here in “batches” and to thereby have to worry less about supply or HR issues made by uppity Irish nurses, who think they have rights, and who always have the arsehole of far away Australia to fall back on in any event. Many of those immigrants are a credit to their families, no matter where they travel to and they should not be confused with the Irish and other ponces who exploit them.

Chief amongst those ponces are those in cushy numbers in academia, who justify all this self-serving exploitation. Here is a rather rumbustious article in the colourful UNZ review, which I told a young Jewish correspondent I would read before banging up this article. Although all three of these self-serving Jewish foreigners have been on my radar for ages, the bigger question is why the idiotic disciplines, that give idiots like them their cushy numbers, have gained so much traction internationally in recent years.

And, on the subject of cushy numbers and scenic routes, there is the interesting case of American lesbian asset Katherine Zappone, who was gifted a dodgy academic job here, who was then gifted a dubious job as Minister in charge of vulnerable children, who augmented her outrageously high salary by claiming extra expenses for driving the scenic route to “work”, who retired to Langley on an outrageously generous pension, where she tried to force the corrupt Irish regime to make her a special UN ambassador for lesbian children (“because I am a lesbian”), who refused to answer questions to her Irish parliamentary buddies about all that, but who was quite happy to return later to Dublin to party into the early hours with them.

Simply put, Ireland and other countries should take a page out of Hungary’s book, close down all of the parasitical child grooming disciplines and make their professors and connected politicians instead pack grocery bags in the local Tesco or Walmart for a living. More, of course, should be simply deported or sent to pick seaweed off south west Kerry’s rugged coast in winter. I am here particularly thinking of Sinn Féin’s nominal leaders, whose non-answer to the Coolock and Dundalk pogroms is to bring yet more AIDS sufferers into the country and to shuffle them along from one upper class halting site to the other.

That is, at least, how Mary Lou McDonald presented Sinn Féin’s ‘final solution’ in this car crash radio interview. In fairness to that imbecile, though, she is just the latest in a long line of intellectually challenged women darker forces, such as those who prevailed in South Armagh, have used to emasculate Ireland’s Micky Mudds and Paddy Stinks.

Lap dance larpers

One of the nastiest elements of the Coolock pogrom was how the male and female police force not only battered the locals but insulted their social status, calling Coolock’s Micky Mudds and Paddy Stinks all the demeaning names under the sun, as if those poorly paid cops, who cannot land properly paid jobs in Australia or Canada, were a step above them.

This hatred is not only directed against concerned males, but against concerned and vulnerable females as well. Check out this website for Dundalk’s St Mary’s secondary school, which the Sisters of Mercy have been running since the 1850s, since shortly after the Famine Queen tried to starve the lot of us to death. Because even a cursory glance at the site shows how the young girls have been empowered by those gallant nuns, the Famine Queen’s droppings want it gone

These scum, aided and abetted by those afore-mentioned academic and sundry other mouth pieces, intend to build a giant refugee (sic) centre directly opposite it under the pretext that the wives and children of Ukrainian Azov Nazis will be housed there. But, as Dundalk has already suffered fatalities from ISIS terrorist attacks and as ISIS has been particularly successful at recruitment there, Dundalk’s Micky Mudds and Paddy Stinks, together with their sisters, are under no illusions what plans the over-sexed “refugees” have for the girls and staff of St Vincent’s.

To fully appreciate all that, you have to look at the movers and shakers, such as these ten buckos, who are pocketing hundreds of millions of euros a year for putting these schoolgirls at risk of gang rape.

But identifying all these vultures is much easier said than done. Here, for example, is an Irish journalist trying to map the maze of offshore shell companies behind this human warehousing scam. But, even though he gives it his best shot, that is a job for highly skilled, highly specialised and highly paid forensic accountants, who are seasoned in bringing organised crime to account.

And, though white collar organised criminals are usually camera shy, Ireland’s human warehousing entrepreneurs have their equivalents of John Gotti, the Teflon Don, who was addicted to the limelight. Take Dave Mooney, who owns a swathe of these warehouses. In a former life as a lap dance entrepreneur, poor Dave got caught up in Operation Quest, a garda effort to crack down on these entrepreneurs human trafficking hookers from Ukraine for horizontal sex work in Ireland. Because other gangsters tried to shake poor Dave down, Mooney was put into the Garda Witness Protection Programme, from where he and some equally colourful characters he met there emerged to spearhead the human warehousing industry. Given his chequered background, Mooney’s sort has no place in any industry that pretends to help the vulnerable.

Diversity, Loss of Equity, Seclusion

Our warehousing entrepreneurs, working through our government, tell us that this diversity in crime is good for us, as is the loss of equity in our homes and homelands and that the seclusion we face by being isolated and atomised is good for us, as we have more time to watch rabbi Friedman’s Pornhub and get our crack deliveries from Brazilian Deliveroo drivers. We have, they say, never had it so good, and we are blessed to have Philly’s Kensington Ave and LA’s Figuero St brought to the Emerald Isle.

Sinn Féin see all this depravity as money in the bank and that is why they have appointed printer cartridge entrepreneur Aengus Ó Snodaigh as their spokesperson for welfare tourism. His job is to sell the idea that AIDS riddled illegal immigrants, who do their utmost to hide their identity by ripping up all their documents when they arrive here, will bring health and prosperity to us all. Although that is a hard sell, it is no harder than that facing Sinn Féin nominal boss, Mary Lou McDonald when she tells us that all we need is more of these human warehousing sites to be put in more affluent areas, so that the posh kids don’t have to travel to their newly minted ghettos to score their fentanyl fixes. Good luck to Sinn Féin and the IRA flogging that corporate hellscape to any genuine tourist with a functioning brain.

Say Nothing

If someone was to bring down the Twin Towers at the World Trade Centre in Manhattan it would be a severe blow to American prestige” – South Armagh IRA following their 1992 London Baltic Exchange bombing

Patrick Keefe’s excellent Say nothing: a true story of murder and memory in Northern Ireland uses the IRA’s murder of widowed mother of ten Jean McConville as a case study to explain the depravity of the Sinn Féin/IRA nexus and of the repulsive Gerry Adams who, he claims, ordered McConville’s death and who was at the centre of both supposedly distinct and separate groups. Although McConville’s murder was their most notorious crime, it was not their only one. There is their “disappearance” of businessman Thomas Niedermayer, their kidnapping and torture of businessman Ben Dunne, their psychotic execution of thoroughbred racehorse Shergar and so very many more crimes that show their only gainful employment should be sewing mailbags with the Joker and Catwoman in Gotham City’s high security prisons for the criminally insane.

Whereas others put their efforts into business, into study, into sport or into some other useful field of endeavour, their sole focus was enriching themselves at the expense of everyone else, even though that meant closing ranks to protect the legions of paedophiles holding senior positions in their ranks.

One of the main ways they got away with all that is to insist on omerta, the same sort of whatever you say, say nothing silence that paedophiles have always used to muffle their victims. Their problem, now that they are trying to pretend to go legit, is that they are prisoners of the past that made their paedophiles and mass murderers hardly fit for life itself, never mind to freely rule over the rest of us. Thugs like these, who inspired the 9-11 thugs, have to go and, because increasingly more people are prepared to say it, the media savvy IRA has a media problem Sinn Féin’s mealy mouthed words cannot wriggle them out of.

Get Them Out

Whereas the IRA did the atrocities, the job of Sinn Féin was to make excuses for them. Although Gerry Adams has assured us that “the IRA haven’t gone away, you know”, Sinn Féin’s new job is to justify Coolock atrocities like this, this and this (in Dundalk) where their Gardai/RUC partners hospitalise law abiding pensioners on behalf of Somali and Nigerian welfare scroungers, who are fleeing these happy clappy discos in Zelensky’s drug infested Kiev.

Although Micky Mudd and Paddy Stink are not as practiced with weasel words as Sinn Féin’s spinmeisters, their core demand is to get them out, and to get Sinn Féin and the other parasitical monkeys off their backs. Sinn Féin have lost a recent referendum where they failed to convince the Irish electorate that boys, like Mary Lou McDonald’s sister/brother, can become girls with the use of life-changing drugs. They failed in that and it is essential that they fail in making Ireland a refuge for international crime gangs.

The Irish Jackboot

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever. (George Orwell, 1984)

Although Sinn Féin’s ANTIFA agents were long ago caught red handed fomenting riots in Coolock, the Battle for Coolock is far from over. The Gardai, aided, encouraged and supported by their Sinn Féin chums, are asking Sinn Féin’s RUC chums for the use of water cannons and similar heavy gear to clear Coolock of its Micky Mudds and Paddy Sticks, so that their ISIS chums can claim it. They are attacking Coolock’s working class at a time when their other ANTIFA proxies are wrecking the Grand Canal, so that their main ISIS staging camp can be re-established there.

As things currently stand, the vulture funds, their government and their Sinn Féin and ANTIFA apologists should easily win this uneven battle not only in Coolock, but throughout Ireland and much further afield as well. But, though that is how this war to once again reduce Ireland’s Micky Mudds and Paddy Stinks to vassals in their own land currently stands, there is no telling how their mercenaries will fare in this latest re-iteration of Kickham’s Land War.

Karl Marx, who wrote his Communist Manifesto in 1848 when the Young Irelanders flexed their muscles, had much to say on the collateral damage occasioned by the various revolts that rocked France from 1789 to the 1871 Paris Commune, just as he had much to say about the various risings the Irish staged over roughly the same period.

Although Marx is long gone, this very lengthy article shows that the need for in-depth political analysis is not. Starting in Coolock and spreading out to all of Ireland’s four green fields, looking at Liz Truss’ demonic plans for Britain and the sewers that are Paris, Philly and Los Angeles, it is apparent that today’s vulture capitalists are as much the same social blight as their equivalents were in those times gone by.

In binary terms, this is a fight between Sinn Féin’s haves and Coolock’s have nots, between those who have the money, the might and the media to force through their self serving agendas at the expense of those, who have nothing but primitive concepts of social justice and solidarity to sustain them. The idea that von der Leyen, Tony Blair or Irish devils in league with them are trying to help Ukrainian or any other refugees for altruistic reasons is so laughable that anybody who espouses such ideas cannot be taken seriously.

Though there may not be a solution ready to hand to solve all of this, just as our forefathers removed the pike from the thatch, so also are there updated tool kits available today to help in achieving that same goal. That tool kit is the one used by the Bargy and Shelmalier men of ’98, by Fintan Lalor and the young Irelanders of the 1840s, and by the Fenians from the 1860s to 1916. This is not a case of history’s tactics repeating themselves in Coolock and beyond as farce, but of those opposing predatory vulture capitalists to be sure of what they want and who are stopping them achieving the same simple demands that the Croppies of ’98, the young Irelanders of ‘ 48 and the Fenians of ’67 sacrificed so much for so long for.

Ireland’s incestuous cannibals never had it so good

This is a fight between those who have the money, the might and the media to force through their self-serving agendas at the expense of those who have nothing but primitive concepts of social justice and solidarity to sustain them.

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Ireland her own, and all therein, from the sod to the sky. The soil of Ireland for the people of Ireland, to have and hold from God alone who gave it – to have and to hold to them and their heirs forever, without suit or service, faith or fealty, rent or render, to any power under Heaven.

The above Ireland Her Own quote famously comes from James Fintan Lalor, who was deported, along with my great great great grandfather, for leading the 1848 Young Ireland Rebellion against the hated Anglican “ascendancy”. The reference is from The Sovereign People by Patrick Pearse, the leader of the 1916 Rebellion, who attended the same school as I, and who holds the same Sovereign People values as I, along with James Fintan Lalor and any and every other Irish man or woman worth their salt, do. We believe, quite simply, that the Irish people are the main stakeholders in Ireland and that they should not be, as Cromwell’s droppings have always believed them to be, mere hewers of wood and drawers of water. We salute, as the great Fenian leader Charles Kickham saluted them in Knocknagow, the Homes of Tipperary, the great Irish men, women and children, who resisted the thugs of the RIC during the Land War and, in girding our loins for the next round of that same old fight, we recall how the great Irish patriot Seán Ó Faoláin praised Knocknagow when, in 1941, he wrote that “This spirited and idealised novel, Knocknagow, written by a Fenian who had been in jail, with the whole land question running through it, came in the precise moment that demanded such a book, and it was exactly of the right spirit for a people emerging from bad times. ‘Thank God, there are happy homes in Tipperary still,’ are the last spoken words of the novel, and they measure its qualified optimism.”

And we too share Kickham’s qualified optimism, which was the qualified optimism of Kickham’s Fenians, who caused Queen Victoria, the Famine Queen, to have recurring nightmares because of their obsession with squaring accounts with her and hers. Though the Famine Queen is now gone, the Land League‘s Land War has resurfaced not only in Coolock but throughout Kickham’s Homes of Tipperary as well. Maudlin like Victor McLaglen in Rio Grande though we may get when we sing of the Fenians, the time for tears in our beer is gone and the time for the Fenians, for the Land Wars and for another article to help this seemingly eternal fight along, is here again.

Although this article springboards from our earlier article on the Coolock Pogrom, it puts that pogrom into its wider political, economic, international and sociological context, and does all that within the context of a much broader analytical framework.

Put simply, we have the white hats of the Coolock grannies and their granddaughters in strollers, and we have the RUC/Sinn Féin/NGO black hats, who want to batter them so that they can steal their community from them. Depending on how you look at it, you have the Coolock mama bears determined to protect their cubs and you have the politicians, vulture funds and their hired RUC/Sinn Féin muscle, who are determined to wrest it from them.

Although this article is necessarily long, that is because it must address those sinister and secretive forces, who not only control our Irish and other politicians from the shadows, but who also help set the policy-forming trajectory of those baboons. Their noxious toxins force us to touch on former British Prime Minister Liz Truss’ controversial mini-budget, the globalised tactics of Brazil’s neo-Pentecostalist drug cartels, Ireland’s human warehousing scammers and Europe’s ballooning HIV/AIDS rates to get a handle on this new form of predatory capitalism dominating not only Ireland, but all of Europe as well. Thus, though our focus is Ireland, we take this scenic route to get a better lie of the various lands and peoples NATO’s entrepreneurial vultures devour. We are, in short, the T in SWOT, the Fenian threat the regime must eliminate if their dystopian brave new world is to be built atop our bones. Far from being something to be feared, it is something to be immensely optimistic about now that “the cause that called you may call tomorrow In another fight for the Green again”.

Coolock Ground Zero

Although that earlier article focused on the savages of the Irish police (Garda) force going berserk in Coolock, readers should first of all understand why Coolock is only the latest battlefield in the centuries’ old war between the Dublin regime and Ireland’s democratic forces. Coolock’s Crown Paints factory has been earmarked to house up to 1,000 undocumented military aged males to help secure the vital Malahide Road into central Dublin and to begin the replacement of the local people by a more profitable human crop drawn from the demobbed ranks of ISIS,the Taliban, the Free Syrian Army and the Georgian mafia.

Though Crown Paints sits on the Malahide Road, it also forms the eastern border of the giant Coolock Industrial estate, where most of the other factories have also long ago ceased trading. Ireland’s latest batch of predatory entrepreneurs, together with their government moles and overseas high rollers, have decided that those empty factories can best be milked by turning them into giant holding cells for the tens of thousands of male migrants the regime continues to actively encourage to flood into the country.

To illustrate that point, just read this recent article, which explains that Dublin’s corrupt council previously refused planning permission to build apartments with appropriate facilities on the Crown Paints site. As Rebel News’ Ezra Levant explains in this excellent video from outside Crown Paints, and as we will also deduce from his equally excellent video from Dundrum, in Kickham’s homes of Tipperary, there is far more money to be made by providing shoddy accommodation for these foreign military aged occupation troops than there is in making Ireland livable for the Irish or, indeed, for anyone else.

Anything with an asbestos roof

Although the Crown Paints military barracks reeks of asbestos and, though much of it has leaked out due, in part, to almost nightly attacks on it by concerned locals, none of that is a concern. The purpose of this mega barracks is to enrich the factory’s overseas-based owners and to allow them to make the necessary kickbacks to the locally based decision makers. If those working or being billeted there contract asbestos-related lung cancer, such collateral damage is of little concern; the purpose of the project is primarily to make a fat profit, and not necessarily to give Azov and ISIS social welfare tourists a home away from home. That will come later for those, who survive the asbestos, as long as a profit can be made on it too. Coolock, like hundreds of other places up and down the country, is simply a quick-buck opportunity for Ireland’s morally bankrupt to avail of.

Canal Bank Walk (Beyond Coolock)

O commemorate me with no hero-courageous

Tomb – just a canal-bank seat for the passer-by.

So wrote the great Paddy Kavanagh, who hailed from South Armagh IRA’s Iniskeen, but who spent much of his time writing lines on a seat by the Grand Canal, which flows through Dublin’s affluent south and where he is commemorated by, you guessed it, a canal bank bench.

Although Kavanagh’s poems time and again capture the canal’s beauty, thousands of very angry illegal migrant males of military age have made it their home and a no go area for locals, two of whom were recently drowned in the middle of the night, when the army of illegals camped beside them neither saw nor heard anything, until ordered otherwise.

If you don’t see where that is going, consider that two ISIS refugees recently stabbed to death a 40 year old homeless Irishman in the middle of the day for the loose change in his begging cup. Russia Today’s Chay Bowes, who hails from that part of the city, recently ventured around that once-proud part of the city and, as one who is very familiar with it, I found his video scary in its dystopian emptiness. It is nothing like the Dublin I remember from only a few years ago. This change from a bustling, up market quarter to a scary African-controlled ghost town serves the vultures’ long term purpose of collapsing land prices and allowing the new venture capitalists to snap these neighbourhoods up at dimes to the dollar. Look at how the U.S. Democrats have turned south Chicago and downtown Los Angeles into crime-ridden ghost towns, and the gang rapes of Australians and the thefts from their athletes at the Paris Olympics and you will get a flavour of what they are doing to Dublin, all so they can snap it up at dimes to the dollar.

And, though Ezra Levant features no less beautiful places in north Dublin when he interviews prime Garda target Philip Dwyer, and when he visits Kickham’s own homes of Tipperary, his excellent Tipperary interview has the former owner wishing she could buy back the hotel from its current, shady American owner, who is turning it into a major army barracks to billet Somali, “Jordanian” and Nigerian irregulars. Though Ms Crowe, the former owner can, if she desires, wish upon a star or even write a letter to Santa Claus, she does not understand that the regime’s new Ireland has no need of either her or folk like her as they are the wrong type of entrepreneur. Much like a child shaking an apple tree, the regime, helped by Sinn Féin’s pretend ANTIFA soldiers, are violently refashioning Ireland and they hope she can do nothing about it to stop them stripping the place bare.

You say you want a Revolut(ion)

Although commentators have noted the Irish Garda deliberately trampling on their national flag (a court martialing offence, at a very minimum, in any army), Garda/RUC thugs brutally arresting a youngster in South Armagh IRA’s Dundalk stronghold, as a Ukrainian Nazi threatens to kill him, and as some tooled up ISIS heads laugh at those protesting Irish “hewers of wood and drawers of water” from their subsidised barracks, that is not the main show.

The main show is that American capital now rules Dublin and companies like Facebook, Google and PayPal dominate the Grand Canal area. Big Tech’s approach to Irish untermensh is best epitomised by Revolut, a predatory financial company, whose marketing works on a ponzi style pyramid scheme. Thoughts of trade union or communal solidarity or any basic empathy is as totally alien to them, as they are to Kamala Harris’ inner circle of Californian quick buck merchants. Once they get their way, the locals, who can only ever only exist for these entrepreneurs to ponce off, must lump it, as far as these fly-by-night American companies the Irish regime have pawned Ireland’s future to care.

This, importantly, is not a solely Irish phenomenon. When one thinks of English or American white privilege, one must remember Victorian London’s child chimney sweepers and the young boys who were sent down the Appalachian mines and the girls, who were sent into the cotton mills almost as soon as they could walk. The solution to such ongoing abuses in Bolivia and Bangladesh, as well as with Rio Tinto’s victims Stephen Karganovic writes about, does not lie with flooding Ireland and Paris with the flotsam of the “Global South”. It begins, as the Young Irelanders and Fenians saw it, with changing the entire system and ridding it of the fat cat vultures, who stand behind Revolut and the warehousing of ISIS veterans and Azov brides in Irish warehouses.

From Liz Truss’ Galway shawl to beyond the Galway tent

This globalised process can better be seen in the mini budget former British Prime Minister Liz Truss introduced, which forced her to resign in disgrace shortly afterwards. Say what you like about Truss’s tenure as Prime Minister, but her mini-budget shows she would have been a dream come true for Blighty’s vulture funds, who actually ghost-wrote her budget, as well as her fellow politicians, who are in hock to those same dark forces.

Sadly, vulture heaven was not to be. The British gave her the Order of the Boot and Truss, like any good hooker, trundled on to her next “date” which, in her case, was a well-paid job in Taiwan, vacuously parroting to them what assholes the Chinese are. After that, she rocked up in America, at a Trump rally no less, and thereby indicated that Kamala Harris, another empty vessel similarly in hock to these vulture funds, might have a chance of landing the Oval Office gig, given that Trump is so stupid as to have the vacuous Truss anywhere near him.

From an Irish context, Truss is the kind of bimbo, who belongs begging for coppers in a Galway shawl, rather than quaffing champagne in the Galway tent, which is where the financial gangster class used to congregate during the Celtic Tiger years.

Although corruption has been endemic to Ireland since the days of the Hospital Sweepstakes, Bob the Robber Briscoe and his Wicklow gold mining scam, right through to the Covid money making swindle of more recent years, it now resembles the worst tenets of nineteenth century France that Victor Hugo portrayed in Les Misérables or, for that matter, London’s child prostitution rackets the Pall Mall Gazette uncovered in Victorian London or today’s Skid Row/Hollywood dichotomy of the Democrats’ Los Angeles.

Not only does Ireland no longer possess a pioneering press but whatever honest press there was has been continually throttled since the the 1960s’ money lending corruption exposure by 7 Days. Add ill-trained, ill-mannered and almost functionally illiterate journalists on back-handers, Ireland’s draconian libel laws (which the IRA almost always use to enrich themselves) and the all-party agreement that hate speech laws are urgently needed to muzzle Irish dissidents forever, and you cannot expect anyone to effectively point any finger at Ireland’s flocks of predatory vultures.

These vultures include those with the appropriate political connections to secure multi million dollar contracts to supply these foreign leeches with accommodation, taxis, catering, tents, sleeping bags, security and so on. In the case of the 150,000 Ukrainian scroungers, who were allowed plonk their unwanted Nazi asses in Ireland, many of them have been gifted free houses and all of them have even been allowed to bring their pet cats, dogs and budgies here, all at the Irish taxpayers’ expense and all an opportunity for Irish and foreign grifters to make a killing off this trafficking in surplus to requirements Nazis.

To see how inequitable all this is, forget the Irish homeless being drowned in the Grand Canal and the Irish homeless being stabbed to death for a couple of coppers in Talbot Street. The owner of Coolock’s Crown Paints was previously bailed out by the taxpayer and still owes Irish banks millions. But hey, he lives in Switzerland, he fondly recalls his roots in rural Ireland and he wants to house a 1,000 strong foreign army in Coolock all on the taxpayers’ dime, so the Irish media write puff pieces about the well-groomed bum.

As with NATO’s wars and with the Covid scam, it is a completely unsustainable transfer of wealth from the taxpayer to armies of largely anonymous and amoral shysters, who were the scourge of the Land Leaguers and who remain scourges to Ireland and places further afield to this very day.

From the young Europeans to the old punching bags

When Irish unemployment and emigration were sky high during the 1980s, Ireland used to be marketed abroad as the land of the young Europeans, educated and eager to work. One problem then was Ireland was weighted down with an unwieldy civil service the British had cobbled together to run their vast empire. Even when the British downsized their empire, the Irish never down sized their civil service. It is still far too big and far too unfit for purpose. If you ever watch the British Yes Minister comedy series, you get a feel of how out of touch Ireland’s decision makers are, but only if you keep in mind that Ireland’s civil servants are as thick as the politicians they nominally answer to.

Thus, in little more than a generation, the Irish have gone from being the young Europeans to becoming the old Europeans, and Africans and South-East Asians are employed here, there and everywhere to take Uncle Paddy and Aunty Biddy for walkies on their frames. Hundreds of thousands of young Irish, meanwhile, have been forced to seek employment in Australia and Canada and, though they offered to come home to help during the Covid saga, they were firmly told that neither they nor their services are wanted, as their “Global South” replacements are cheaper and more docile. And, though it is nice to see the children of those immigrant folk do relatively well here, the reality is that they, like the native Irish, are in a crowded and unsustainable market and the fault lies with the over-paid politicians, their over-paid civil service partners in crime and the amoral businesses their idiotic policies facilitate.

Irish criminals emigrated everywhere

One red herring that the vulture funds and their state sponsored apologists float is that, because the Young Irelanders and Fenians were transported in chains to Australia, Ireland should exercise an open door policy for all jihadists, who collaborated with the Yanks and Brits in their wars of extermination in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Because the Irish body snatchers Burke and Hare committed heinous crimes in Scotland, ISIS should be allowed drown Irishmen in the Grand Canal, stab Irishmen in Talbot Street, castrate and behead Irish homosexuals in Sligo, and recruit Irish slappers and execute Japanese citizens in South Armagh IRA’s stronghold of Dundalk.

Because the Irish and Jewish diaspora founded organised crime in America, so their argument goes, so also must Nigeria’s Black Axe gang be given free rein to run their global scam markets from their safe havens in Ireland. Because FBI informant Whitey Bulger supplied boatloads of weapons to the IRA, their argument goes, Ireland should welcome unlimited numbers of unvetted criminals from the Colombian and other coke cartels, who want to set up shop here.

I mention Colombia as the IRA sold their expertise to Colombia’s cocaine cartels and leading Sinn Féin families are currently at the heart of major Latin American cartel related drug busts, which have very strong family connections with Sinn Féin’s rural Kerry heartland.

Got AIDS Yet?

Ireland’s medical mess shows that all of this criminality is a two way street. Forget that it is cheaper for me to fly from Dublin to Poland and stay in a mid range hotel for a week there to get some dental work done than it is to go to an Indian grifter in Coolock. Look instead at Europe’s HIV/AIDS rates.

Official statistics show here, here, here and here that Ireland has Europe’s highest HIV/AIDS rate and, equally alarmingly, that 75% of AIDS carriers are foreigners, who arrived here in the last few years; that “only 10% of those diagnosed with HIV in Ireland last year were Irish”; that “22% were from eastern and central Europe, 22% from sub-Saharan Africa and 25% from Latin America and the Caribbean”.

The situation, with AIDS in Ireland, then, is the regime is importing entire armies infected with HIV/AIDS. This is not to attribute Ireland’s Olympian AIDS rates solely to “the new Irish”. The regime, as well as Sinn Féin and their deep pocketed partners in the sodomy movement, have been advocating chemsex for decades. These are legal and illegal substances like crystal meth that stimulate the sexual organs, but which also destroy the body’s immune functions. The net result of all this diversity of modes of HIV transmission is that vulnerable communities, such as those in Coolock, Dundrum and Dundalk, are sure to suffer increased HIV rates, as the regime imports more carriers and encourages more transmissions through increased sodomy and drug use.

From South Armagh IRA to Brazilian narco-pentecostalism

Just as with South Armagh and the IRA, so also does Raphael Machado’s recent article on Brazil’s evolving evangelical narco-pentecostalism show how these threats are scaled upwards. You take over an area, Southie in Whitey Bulger’s case, Tokyo’s Kabukicho with the yakuza, West Dublin in the case of Nigeria’s Black Axe gang, the Grand Canal in the case of ISIS and their NGO allies, Parnell and Talbot Streets with the Triads, Kerry with the Sinoala coke cartels and you hire the Georgian mafia and allied groups to provide the muscle and, then, as the Irish say, you are away with the mixer. You control your own little criminal fiefdom and, from there, you can spread your criminal wings to other enterprises and other neighbourhoods.

The scenic route to political power

None of that is to castigate the genuine health workers, who come to Ireland from South-East Asia and Africa, even though it is to say that that is the model of the Irish hospitals to take mostly young women from there to here in “batches” and to thereby have to worry less about supply or HR issues made by uppity Irish nurses, who think they have rights, and who always have the arsehole of far away Australia to fall back on in any event. Many of those immigrants are a credit to their families, no matter where they travel to and they should not be confused with the Irish and other ponces who exploit them.

Chief amongst those ponces are those in cushy numbers in academia, who justify all this self-serving exploitation. Here is a rather rumbustious article in the colourful UNZ review, which I told a young Jewish correspondent I would read before banging up this article. Although all three of these self-serving Jewish foreigners have been on my radar for ages, the bigger question is why the idiotic disciplines, that give idiots like them their cushy numbers, have gained so much traction internationally in recent years.

And, on the subject of cushy numbers and scenic routes, there is the interesting case of American lesbian asset Katherine Zappone, who was gifted a dodgy academic job here, who was then gifted a dubious job as Minister in charge of vulnerable children, who augmented her outrageously high salary by claiming extra expenses for driving the scenic route to “work”, who retired to Langley on an outrageously generous pension, where she tried to force the corrupt Irish regime to make her a special UN ambassador for lesbian children (“because I am a lesbian”), who refused to answer questions to her Irish parliamentary buddies about all that, but who was quite happy to return later to Dublin to party into the early hours with them.

Simply put, Ireland and other countries should take a page out of Hungary’s book, close down all of the parasitical child grooming disciplines and make their professors and connected politicians instead pack grocery bags in the local Tesco or Walmart for a living. More, of course, should be simply deported or sent to pick seaweed off south west Kerry’s rugged coast in winter. I am here particularly thinking of Sinn Féin’s nominal leaders, whose non-answer to the Coolock and Dundalk pogroms is to bring yet more AIDS sufferers into the country and to shuffle them along from one upper class halting site to the other.

That is, at least, how Mary Lou McDonald presented Sinn Féin’s ‘final solution’ in this car crash radio interview. In fairness to that imbecile, though, she is just the latest in a long line of intellectually challenged women darker forces, such as those who prevailed in South Armagh, have used to emasculate Ireland’s Micky Mudds and Paddy Stinks.

Lap dance larpers

One of the nastiest elements of the Coolock pogrom was how the male and female police force not only battered the locals but insulted their social status, calling Coolock’s Micky Mudds and Paddy Stinks all the demeaning names under the sun, as if those poorly paid cops, who cannot land properly paid jobs in Australia or Canada, were a step above them.

This hatred is not only directed against concerned males, but against concerned and vulnerable females as well. Check out this website for Dundalk’s St Mary’s secondary school, which the Sisters of Mercy have been running since the 1850s, since shortly after the Famine Queen tried to starve the lot of us to death. Because even a cursory glance at the site shows how the young girls have been empowered by those gallant nuns, the Famine Queen’s droppings want it gone

These scum, aided and abetted by those afore-mentioned academic and sundry other mouth pieces, intend to build a giant refugee (sic) centre directly opposite it under the pretext that the wives and children of Ukrainian Azov Nazis will be housed there. But, as Dundalk has already suffered fatalities from ISIS terrorist attacks and as ISIS has been particularly successful at recruitment there, Dundalk’s Micky Mudds and Paddy Stinks, together with their sisters, are under no illusions what plans the over-sexed “refugees” have for the girls and staff of St Vincent’s.

To fully appreciate all that, you have to look at the movers and shakers, such as these ten buckos, who are pocketing hundreds of millions of euros a year for putting these schoolgirls at risk of gang rape.

But identifying all these vultures is much easier said than done. Here, for example, is an Irish journalist trying to map the maze of offshore shell companies behind this human warehousing scam. But, even though he gives it his best shot, that is a job for highly skilled, highly specialised and highly paid forensic accountants, who are seasoned in bringing organised crime to account.

And, though white collar organised criminals are usually camera shy, Ireland’s human warehousing entrepreneurs have their equivalents of John Gotti, the Teflon Don, who was addicted to the limelight. Take Dave Mooney, who owns a swathe of these warehouses. In a former life as a lap dance entrepreneur, poor Dave got caught up in Operation Quest, a garda effort to crack down on these entrepreneurs human trafficking hookers from Ukraine for horizontal sex work in Ireland. Because other gangsters tried to shake poor Dave down, Mooney was put into the Garda Witness Protection Programme, from where he and some equally colourful characters he met there emerged to spearhead the human warehousing industry. Given his chequered background, Mooney’s sort has no place in any industry that pretends to help the vulnerable.

Diversity, Loss of Equity, Seclusion

Our warehousing entrepreneurs, working through our government, tell us that this diversity in crime is good for us, as is the loss of equity in our homes and homelands and that the seclusion we face by being isolated and atomised is good for us, as we have more time to watch rabbi Friedman’s Pornhub and get our crack deliveries from Brazilian Deliveroo drivers. We have, they say, never had it so good, and we are blessed to have Philly’s Kensington Ave and LA’s Figuero St brought to the Emerald Isle.

Sinn Féin see all this depravity as money in the bank and that is why they have appointed printer cartridge entrepreneur Aengus Ó Snodaigh as their spokesperson for welfare tourism. His job is to sell the idea that AIDS riddled illegal immigrants, who do their utmost to hide their identity by ripping up all their documents when they arrive here, will bring health and prosperity to us all. Although that is a hard sell, it is no harder than that facing Sinn Féin nominal boss, Mary Lou McDonald when she tells us that all we need is more of these human warehousing sites to be put in more affluent areas, so that the posh kids don’t have to travel to their newly minted ghettos to score their fentanyl fixes. Good luck to Sinn Féin and the IRA flogging that corporate hellscape to any genuine tourist with a functioning brain.

Say Nothing

If someone was to bring down the Twin Towers at the World Trade Centre in Manhattan it would be a severe blow to American prestige” – South Armagh IRA following their 1992 London Baltic Exchange bombing

Patrick Keefe’s excellent Say nothing: a true story of murder and memory in Northern Ireland uses the IRA’s murder of widowed mother of ten Jean McConville as a case study to explain the depravity of the Sinn Féin/IRA nexus and of the repulsive Gerry Adams who, he claims, ordered McConville’s death and who was at the centre of both supposedly distinct and separate groups. Although McConville’s murder was their most notorious crime, it was not their only one. There is their “disappearance” of businessman Thomas Niedermayer, their kidnapping and torture of businessman Ben Dunne, their psychotic execution of thoroughbred racehorse Shergar and so very many more crimes that show their only gainful employment should be sewing mailbags with the Joker and Catwoman in Gotham City’s high security prisons for the criminally insane.

Whereas others put their efforts into business, into study, into sport or into some other useful field of endeavour, their sole focus was enriching themselves at the expense of everyone else, even though that meant closing ranks to protect the legions of paedophiles holding senior positions in their ranks.

One of the main ways they got away with all that is to insist on omerta, the same sort of whatever you say, say nothing silence that paedophiles have always used to muffle their victims. Their problem, now that they are trying to pretend to go legit, is that they are prisoners of the past that made their paedophiles and mass murderers hardly fit for life itself, never mind to freely rule over the rest of us. Thugs like these, who inspired the 9-11 thugs, have to go and, because increasingly more people are prepared to say it, the media savvy IRA has a media problem Sinn Féin’s mealy mouthed words cannot wriggle them out of.

Get Them Out

Whereas the IRA did the atrocities, the job of Sinn Féin was to make excuses for them. Although Gerry Adams has assured us that “the IRA haven’t gone away, you know”, Sinn Féin’s new job is to justify Coolock atrocities like this, this and this (in Dundalk) where their Gardai/RUC partners hospitalise law abiding pensioners on behalf of Somali and Nigerian welfare scroungers, who are fleeing these happy clappy discos in Zelensky’s drug infested Kiev.

Although Micky Mudd and Paddy Stink are not as practiced with weasel words as Sinn Féin’s spinmeisters, their core demand is to get them out, and to get Sinn Féin and the other parasitical monkeys off their backs. Sinn Féin have lost a recent referendum where they failed to convince the Irish electorate that boys, like Mary Lou McDonald’s sister/brother, can become girls with the use of life-changing drugs. They failed in that and it is essential that they fail in making Ireland a refuge for international crime gangs.

The Irish Jackboot

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever. (George Orwell, 1984)

Although Sinn Féin’s ANTIFA agents were long ago caught red handed fomenting riots in Coolock, the Battle for Coolock is far from over. The Gardai, aided, encouraged and supported by their Sinn Féin chums, are asking Sinn Féin’s RUC chums for the use of water cannons and similar heavy gear to clear Coolock of its Micky Mudds and Paddy Sticks, so that their ISIS chums can claim it. They are attacking Coolock’s working class at a time when their other ANTIFA proxies are wrecking the Grand Canal, so that their main ISIS staging camp can be re-established there.

As things currently stand, the vulture funds, their government and their Sinn Féin and ANTIFA apologists should easily win this uneven battle not only in Coolock, but throughout Ireland and much further afield as well. But, though that is how this war to once again reduce Ireland’s Micky Mudds and Paddy Stinks to vassals in their own land currently stands, there is no telling how their mercenaries will fare in this latest re-iteration of Kickham’s Land War.

Karl Marx, who wrote his Communist Manifesto in 1848 when the Young Irelanders flexed their muscles, had much to say on the collateral damage occasioned by the various revolts that rocked France from 1789 to the 1871 Paris Commune, just as he had much to say about the various risings the Irish staged over roughly the same period.

Although Marx is long gone, this very lengthy article shows that the need for in-depth political analysis is not. Starting in Coolock and spreading out to all of Ireland’s four green fields, looking at Liz Truss’ demonic plans for Britain and the sewers that are Paris, Philly and Los Angeles, it is apparent that today’s vulture capitalists are as much the same social blight as their equivalents were in those times gone by.

In binary terms, this is a fight between Sinn Féin’s haves and Coolock’s have nots, between those who have the money, the might and the media to force through their self serving agendas at the expense of those, who have nothing but primitive concepts of social justice and solidarity to sustain them. The idea that von der Leyen, Tony Blair or Irish devils in league with them are trying to help Ukrainian or any other refugees for altruistic reasons is so laughable that anybody who espouses such ideas cannot be taken seriously.

Though there may not be a solution ready to hand to solve all of this, just as our forefathers removed the pike from the thatch, so also are there updated tool kits available today to help in achieving that same goal. That tool kit is the one used by the Bargy and Shelmalier men of ’98, by Fintan Lalor and the young Irelanders of the 1840s, and by the Fenians from the 1860s to 1916. This is not a case of history’s tactics repeating themselves in Coolock and beyond as farce, but of those opposing predatory vulture capitalists to be sure of what they want and who are stopping them achieving the same simple demands that the Croppies of ’98, the young Irelanders of ‘ 48 and the Fenians of ’67 sacrificed so much for so long for.

This is a fight between those who have the money, the might and the media to force through their self-serving agendas at the expense of those who have nothing but primitive concepts of social justice and solidarity to sustain them.

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Ireland her own, and all therein, from the sod to the sky. The soil of Ireland for the people of Ireland, to have and hold from God alone who gave it – to have and to hold to them and their heirs forever, without suit or service, faith or fealty, rent or render, to any power under Heaven.

The above Ireland Her Own quote famously comes from James Fintan Lalor, who was deported, along with my great great great grandfather, for leading the 1848 Young Ireland Rebellion against the hated Anglican “ascendancy”. The reference is from The Sovereign People by Patrick Pearse, the leader of the 1916 Rebellion, who attended the same school as I, and who holds the same Sovereign People values as I, along with James Fintan Lalor and any and every other Irish man or woman worth their salt, do. We believe, quite simply, that the Irish people are the main stakeholders in Ireland and that they should not be, as Cromwell’s droppings have always believed them to be, mere hewers of wood and drawers of water. We salute, as the great Fenian leader Charles Kickham saluted them in Knocknagow, the Homes of Tipperary, the great Irish men, women and children, who resisted the thugs of the RIC during the Land War and, in girding our loins for the next round of that same old fight, we recall how the great Irish patriot Seán Ó Faoláin praised Knocknagow when, in 1941, he wrote that “This spirited and idealised novel, Knocknagow, written by a Fenian who had been in jail, with the whole land question running through it, came in the precise moment that demanded such a book, and it was exactly of the right spirit for a people emerging from bad times. ‘Thank God, there are happy homes in Tipperary still,’ are the last spoken words of the novel, and they measure its qualified optimism.”

And we too share Kickham’s qualified optimism, which was the qualified optimism of Kickham’s Fenians, who caused Queen Victoria, the Famine Queen, to have recurring nightmares because of their obsession with squaring accounts with her and hers. Though the Famine Queen is now gone, the Land League‘s Land War has resurfaced not only in Coolock but throughout Kickham’s Homes of Tipperary as well. Maudlin like Victor McLaglen in Rio Grande though we may get when we sing of the Fenians, the time for tears in our beer is gone and the time for the Fenians, for the Land Wars and for another article to help this seemingly eternal fight along, is here again.

Although this article springboards from our earlier article on the Coolock Pogrom, it puts that pogrom into its wider political, economic, international and sociological context, and does all that within the context of a much broader analytical framework.

Put simply, we have the white hats of the Coolock grannies and their granddaughters in strollers, and we have the RUC/Sinn Féin/NGO black hats, who want to batter them so that they can steal their community from them. Depending on how you look at it, you have the Coolock mama bears determined to protect their cubs and you have the politicians, vulture funds and their hired RUC/Sinn Féin muscle, who are determined to wrest it from them.

Although this article is necessarily long, that is because it must address those sinister and secretive forces, who not only control our Irish and other politicians from the shadows, but who also help set the policy-forming trajectory of those baboons. Their noxious toxins force us to touch on former British Prime Minister Liz Truss’ controversial mini-budget, the globalised tactics of Brazil’s neo-Pentecostalist drug cartels, Ireland’s human warehousing scammers and Europe’s ballooning HIV/AIDS rates to get a handle on this new form of predatory capitalism dominating not only Ireland, but all of Europe as well. Thus, though our focus is Ireland, we take this scenic route to get a better lie of the various lands and peoples NATO’s entrepreneurial vultures devour. We are, in short, the T in SWOT, the Fenian threat the regime must eliminate if their dystopian brave new world is to be built atop our bones. Far from being something to be feared, it is something to be immensely optimistic about now that “the cause that called you may call tomorrow In another fight for the Green again”.

Coolock Ground Zero

Although that earlier article focused on the savages of the Irish police (Garda) force going berserk in Coolock, readers should first of all understand why Coolock is only the latest battlefield in the centuries’ old war between the Dublin regime and Ireland’s democratic forces. Coolock’s Crown Paints factory has been earmarked to house up to 1,000 undocumented military aged males to help secure the vital Malahide Road into central Dublin and to begin the replacement of the local people by a more profitable human crop drawn from the demobbed ranks of ISIS,the Taliban, the Free Syrian Army and the Georgian mafia.

Though Crown Paints sits on the Malahide Road, it also forms the eastern border of the giant Coolock Industrial estate, where most of the other factories have also long ago ceased trading. Ireland’s latest batch of predatory entrepreneurs, together with their government moles and overseas high rollers, have decided that those empty factories can best be milked by turning them into giant holding cells for the tens of thousands of male migrants the regime continues to actively encourage to flood into the country.

To illustrate that point, just read this recent article, which explains that Dublin’s corrupt council previously refused planning permission to build apartments with appropriate facilities on the Crown Paints site. As Rebel News’ Ezra Levant explains in this excellent video from outside Crown Paints, and as we will also deduce from his equally excellent video from Dundrum, in Kickham’s homes of Tipperary, there is far more money to be made by providing shoddy accommodation for these foreign military aged occupation troops than there is in making Ireland livable for the Irish or, indeed, for anyone else.

Anything with an asbestos roof

Although the Crown Paints military barracks reeks of asbestos and, though much of it has leaked out due, in part, to almost nightly attacks on it by concerned locals, none of that is a concern. The purpose of this mega barracks is to enrich the factory’s overseas-based owners and to allow them to make the necessary kickbacks to the locally based decision makers. If those working or being billeted there contract asbestos-related lung cancer, such collateral damage is of little concern; the purpose of the project is primarily to make a fat profit, and not necessarily to give Azov and ISIS social welfare tourists a home away from home. That will come later for those, who survive the asbestos, as long as a profit can be made on it too. Coolock, like hundreds of other places up and down the country, is simply a quick-buck opportunity for Ireland’s morally bankrupt to avail of.

Canal Bank Walk (Beyond Coolock)

O commemorate me with no hero-courageous

Tomb – just a canal-bank seat for the passer-by.

So wrote the great Paddy Kavanagh, who hailed from South Armagh IRA’s Iniskeen, but who spent much of his time writing lines on a seat by the Grand Canal, which flows through Dublin’s affluent south and where he is commemorated by, you guessed it, a canal bank bench.

Although Kavanagh’s poems time and again capture the canal’s beauty, thousands of very angry illegal migrant males of military age have made it their home and a no go area for locals, two of whom were recently drowned in the middle of the night, when the army of illegals camped beside them neither saw nor heard anything, until ordered otherwise.

If you don’t see where that is going, consider that two ISIS refugees recently stabbed to death a 40 year old homeless Irishman in the middle of the day for the loose change in his begging cup. Russia Today’s Chay Bowes, who hails from that part of the city, recently ventured around that once-proud part of the city and, as one who is very familiar with it, I found his video scary in its dystopian emptiness. It is nothing like the Dublin I remember from only a few years ago. This change from a bustling, up market quarter to a scary African-controlled ghost town serves the vultures’ long term purpose of collapsing land prices and allowing the new venture capitalists to snap these neighbourhoods up at dimes to the dollar. Look at how the U.S. Democrats have turned south Chicago and downtown Los Angeles into crime-ridden ghost towns, and the gang rapes of Australians and the thefts from their athletes at the Paris Olympics and you will get a flavour of what they are doing to Dublin, all so they can snap it up at dimes to the dollar.

And, though Ezra Levant features no less beautiful places in north Dublin when he interviews prime Garda target Philip Dwyer, and when he visits Kickham’s own homes of Tipperary, his excellent Tipperary interview has the former owner wishing she could buy back the hotel from its current, shady American owner, who is turning it into a major army barracks to billet Somali, “Jordanian” and Nigerian irregulars. Though Ms Crowe, the former owner can, if she desires, wish upon a star or even write a letter to Santa Claus, she does not understand that the regime’s new Ireland has no need of either her or folk like her as they are the wrong type of entrepreneur. Much like a child shaking an apple tree, the regime, helped by Sinn Féin’s pretend ANTIFA soldiers, are violently refashioning Ireland and they hope she can do nothing about it to stop them stripping the place bare.

You say you want a Revolut(ion)

Although commentators have noted the Irish Garda deliberately trampling on their national flag (a court martialing offence, at a very minimum, in any army), Garda/RUC thugs brutally arresting a youngster in South Armagh IRA’s Dundalk stronghold, as a Ukrainian Nazi threatens to kill him, and as some tooled up ISIS heads laugh at those protesting Irish “hewers of wood and drawers of water” from their subsidised barracks, that is not the main show.

The main show is that American capital now rules Dublin and companies like Facebook, Google and PayPal dominate the Grand Canal area. Big Tech’s approach to Irish untermensh is best epitomised by Revolut, a predatory financial company, whose marketing works on a ponzi style pyramid scheme. Thoughts of trade union or communal solidarity or any basic empathy is as totally alien to them, as they are to Kamala Harris’ inner circle of Californian quick buck merchants. Once they get their way, the locals, who can only ever only exist for these entrepreneurs to ponce off, must lump it, as far as these fly-by-night American companies the Irish regime have pawned Ireland’s future to care.

This, importantly, is not a solely Irish phenomenon. When one thinks of English or American white privilege, one must remember Victorian London’s child chimney sweepers and the young boys who were sent down the Appalachian mines and the girls, who were sent into the cotton mills almost as soon as they could walk. The solution to such ongoing abuses in Bolivia and Bangladesh, as well as with Rio Tinto’s victims Stephen Karganovic writes about, does not lie with flooding Ireland and Paris with the flotsam of the “Global South”. It begins, as the Young Irelanders and Fenians saw it, with changing the entire system and ridding it of the fat cat vultures, who stand behind Revolut and the warehousing of ISIS veterans and Azov brides in Irish warehouses.

From Liz Truss’ Galway shawl to beyond the Galway tent

This globalised process can better be seen in the mini budget former British Prime Minister Liz Truss introduced, which forced her to resign in disgrace shortly afterwards. Say what you like about Truss’s tenure as Prime Minister, but her mini-budget shows she would have been a dream come true for Blighty’s vulture funds, who actually ghost-wrote her budget, as well as her fellow politicians, who are in hock to those same dark forces.

Sadly, vulture heaven was not to be. The British gave her the Order of the Boot and Truss, like any good hooker, trundled on to her next “date” which, in her case, was a well-paid job in Taiwan, vacuously parroting to them what assholes the Chinese are. After that, she rocked up in America, at a Trump rally no less, and thereby indicated that Kamala Harris, another empty vessel similarly in hock to these vulture funds, might have a chance of landing the Oval Office gig, given that Trump is so stupid as to have the vacuous Truss anywhere near him.

From an Irish context, Truss is the kind of bimbo, who belongs begging for coppers in a Galway shawl, rather than quaffing champagne in the Galway tent, which is where the financial gangster class used to congregate during the Celtic Tiger years.

Although corruption has been endemic to Ireland since the days of the Hospital Sweepstakes, Bob the Robber Briscoe and his Wicklow gold mining scam, right through to the Covid money making swindle of more recent years, it now resembles the worst tenets of nineteenth century France that Victor Hugo portrayed in Les Misérables or, for that matter, London’s child prostitution rackets the Pall Mall Gazette uncovered in Victorian London or today’s Skid Row/Hollywood dichotomy of the Democrats’ Los Angeles.

Not only does Ireland no longer possess a pioneering press but whatever honest press there was has been continually throttled since the the 1960s’ money lending corruption exposure by 7 Days. Add ill-trained, ill-mannered and almost functionally illiterate journalists on back-handers, Ireland’s draconian libel laws (which the IRA almost always use to enrich themselves) and the all-party agreement that hate speech laws are urgently needed to muzzle Irish dissidents forever, and you cannot expect anyone to effectively point any finger at Ireland’s flocks of predatory vultures.

These vultures include those with the appropriate political connections to secure multi million dollar contracts to supply these foreign leeches with accommodation, taxis, catering, tents, sleeping bags, security and so on. In the case of the 150,000 Ukrainian scroungers, who were allowed plonk their unwanted Nazi asses in Ireland, many of them have been gifted free houses and all of them have even been allowed to bring their pet cats, dogs and budgies here, all at the Irish taxpayers’ expense and all an opportunity for Irish and foreign grifters to make a killing off this trafficking in surplus to requirements Nazis.

To see how inequitable all this is, forget the Irish homeless being drowned in the Grand Canal and the Irish homeless being stabbed to death for a couple of coppers in Talbot Street. The owner of Coolock’s Crown Paints was previously bailed out by the taxpayer and still owes Irish banks millions. But hey, he lives in Switzerland, he fondly recalls his roots in rural Ireland and he wants to house a 1,000 strong foreign army in Coolock all on the taxpayers’ dime, so the Irish media write puff pieces about the well-groomed bum.

As with NATO’s wars and with the Covid scam, it is a completely unsustainable transfer of wealth from the taxpayer to armies of largely anonymous and amoral shysters, who were the scourge of the Land Leaguers and who remain scourges to Ireland and places further afield to this very day.

From the young Europeans to the old punching bags

When Irish unemployment and emigration were sky high during the 1980s, Ireland used to be marketed abroad as the land of the young Europeans, educated and eager to work. One problem then was Ireland was weighted down with an unwieldy civil service the British had cobbled together to run their vast empire. Even when the British downsized their empire, the Irish never down sized their civil service. It is still far too big and far too unfit for purpose. If you ever watch the British Yes Minister comedy series, you get a feel of how out of touch Ireland’s decision makers are, but only if you keep in mind that Ireland’s civil servants are as thick as the politicians they nominally answer to.

Thus, in little more than a generation, the Irish have gone from being the young Europeans to becoming the old Europeans, and Africans and South-East Asians are employed here, there and everywhere to take Uncle Paddy and Aunty Biddy for walkies on their frames. Hundreds of thousands of young Irish, meanwhile, have been forced to seek employment in Australia and Canada and, though they offered to come home to help during the Covid saga, they were firmly told that neither they nor their services are wanted, as their “Global South” replacements are cheaper and more docile. And, though it is nice to see the children of those immigrant folk do relatively well here, the reality is that they, like the native Irish, are in a crowded and unsustainable market and the fault lies with the over-paid politicians, their over-paid civil service partners in crime and the amoral businesses their idiotic policies facilitate.

Irish criminals emigrated everywhere

One red herring that the vulture funds and their state sponsored apologists float is that, because the Young Irelanders and Fenians were transported in chains to Australia, Ireland should exercise an open door policy for all jihadists, who collaborated with the Yanks and Brits in their wars of extermination in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Because the Irish body snatchers Burke and Hare committed heinous crimes in Scotland, ISIS should be allowed drown Irishmen in the Grand Canal, stab Irishmen in Talbot Street, castrate and behead Irish homosexuals in Sligo, and recruit Irish slappers and execute Japanese citizens in South Armagh IRA’s stronghold of Dundalk.

Because the Irish and Jewish diaspora founded organised crime in America, so their argument goes, so also must Nigeria’s Black Axe gang be given free rein to run their global scam markets from their safe havens in Ireland. Because FBI informant Whitey Bulger supplied boatloads of weapons to the IRA, their argument goes, Ireland should welcome unlimited numbers of unvetted criminals from the Colombian and other coke cartels, who want to set up shop here.

I mention Colombia as the IRA sold their expertise to Colombia’s cocaine cartels and leading Sinn Féin families are currently at the heart of major Latin American cartel related drug busts, which have very strong family connections with Sinn Féin’s rural Kerry heartland.

Got AIDS Yet?

Ireland’s medical mess shows that all of this criminality is a two way street. Forget that it is cheaper for me to fly from Dublin to Poland and stay in a mid range hotel for a week there to get some dental work done than it is to go to an Indian grifter in Coolock. Look instead at Europe’s HIV/AIDS rates.

Official statistics show here, here, here and here that Ireland has Europe’s highest HIV/AIDS rate and, equally alarmingly, that 75% of AIDS carriers are foreigners, who arrived here in the last few years; that “only 10% of those diagnosed with HIV in Ireland last year were Irish”; that “22% were from eastern and central Europe, 22% from sub-Saharan Africa and 25% from Latin America and the Caribbean”.

The situation, with AIDS in Ireland, then, is the regime is importing entire armies infected with HIV/AIDS. This is not to attribute Ireland’s Olympian AIDS rates solely to “the new Irish”. The regime, as well as Sinn Féin and their deep pocketed partners in the sodomy movement, have been advocating chemsex for decades. These are legal and illegal substances like crystal meth that stimulate the sexual organs, but which also destroy the body’s immune functions. The net result of all this diversity of modes of HIV transmission is that vulnerable communities, such as those in Coolock, Dundrum and Dundalk, are sure to suffer increased HIV rates, as the regime imports more carriers and encourages more transmissions through increased sodomy and drug use.

From South Armagh IRA to Brazilian narco-pentecostalism

Just as with South Armagh and the IRA, so also does Raphael Machado’s recent article on Brazil’s evolving evangelical narco-pentecostalism show how these threats are scaled upwards. You take over an area, Southie in Whitey Bulger’s case, Tokyo’s Kabukicho with the yakuza, West Dublin in the case of Nigeria’s Black Axe gang, the Grand Canal in the case of ISIS and their NGO allies, Parnell and Talbot Streets with the Triads, Kerry with the Sinoala coke cartels and you hire the Georgian mafia and allied groups to provide the muscle and, then, as the Irish say, you are away with the mixer. You control your own little criminal fiefdom and, from there, you can spread your criminal wings to other enterprises and other neighbourhoods.

The scenic route to political power

None of that is to castigate the genuine health workers, who come to Ireland from South-East Asia and Africa, even though it is to say that that is the model of the Irish hospitals to take mostly young women from there to here in “batches” and to thereby have to worry less about supply or HR issues made by uppity Irish nurses, who think they have rights, and who always have the arsehole of far away Australia to fall back on in any event. Many of those immigrants are a credit to their families, no matter where they travel to and they should not be confused with the Irish and other ponces who exploit them.

Chief amongst those ponces are those in cushy numbers in academia, who justify all this self-serving exploitation. Here is a rather rumbustious article in the colourful UNZ review, which I told a young Jewish correspondent I would read before banging up this article. Although all three of these self-serving Jewish foreigners have been on my radar for ages, the bigger question is why the idiotic disciplines, that give idiots like them their cushy numbers, have gained so much traction internationally in recent years.

And, on the subject of cushy numbers and scenic routes, there is the interesting case of American lesbian asset Katherine Zappone, who was gifted a dodgy academic job here, who was then gifted a dubious job as Minister in charge of vulnerable children, who augmented her outrageously high salary by claiming extra expenses for driving the scenic route to “work”, who retired to Langley on an outrageously generous pension, where she tried to force the corrupt Irish regime to make her a special UN ambassador for lesbian children (“because I am a lesbian”), who refused to answer questions to her Irish parliamentary buddies about all that, but who was quite happy to return later to Dublin to party into the early hours with them.

Simply put, Ireland and other countries should take a page out of Hungary’s book, close down all of the parasitical child grooming disciplines and make their professors and connected politicians instead pack grocery bags in the local Tesco or Walmart for a living. More, of course, should be simply deported or sent to pick seaweed off south west Kerry’s rugged coast in winter. I am here particularly thinking of Sinn Féin’s nominal leaders, whose non-answer to the Coolock and Dundalk pogroms is to bring yet more AIDS sufferers into the country and to shuffle them along from one upper class halting site to the other.

That is, at least, how Mary Lou McDonald presented Sinn Féin’s ‘final solution’ in this car crash radio interview. In fairness to that imbecile, though, she is just the latest in a long line of intellectually challenged women darker forces, such as those who prevailed in South Armagh, have used to emasculate Ireland’s Micky Mudds and Paddy Stinks.

Lap dance larpers

One of the nastiest elements of the Coolock pogrom was how the male and female police force not only battered the locals but insulted their social status, calling Coolock’s Micky Mudds and Paddy Stinks all the demeaning names under the sun, as if those poorly paid cops, who cannot land properly paid jobs in Australia or Canada, were a step above them.

This hatred is not only directed against concerned males, but against concerned and vulnerable females as well. Check out this website for Dundalk’s St Mary’s secondary school, which the Sisters of Mercy have been running since the 1850s, since shortly after the Famine Queen tried to starve the lot of us to death. Because even a cursory glance at the site shows how the young girls have been empowered by those gallant nuns, the Famine Queen’s droppings want it gone

These scum, aided and abetted by those afore-mentioned academic and sundry other mouth pieces, intend to build a giant refugee (sic) centre directly opposite it under the pretext that the wives and children of Ukrainian Azov Nazis will be housed there. But, as Dundalk has already suffered fatalities from ISIS terrorist attacks and as ISIS has been particularly successful at recruitment there, Dundalk’s Micky Mudds and Paddy Stinks, together with their sisters, are under no illusions what plans the over-sexed “refugees” have for the girls and staff of St Vincent’s.

To fully appreciate all that, you have to look at the movers and shakers, such as these ten buckos, who are pocketing hundreds of millions of euros a year for putting these schoolgirls at risk of gang rape.

But identifying all these vultures is much easier said than done. Here, for example, is an Irish journalist trying to map the maze of offshore shell companies behind this human warehousing scam. But, even though he gives it his best shot, that is a job for highly skilled, highly specialised and highly paid forensic accountants, who are seasoned in bringing organised crime to account.

And, though white collar organised criminals are usually camera shy, Ireland’s human warehousing entrepreneurs have their equivalents of John Gotti, the Teflon Don, who was addicted to the limelight. Take Dave Mooney, who owns a swathe of these warehouses. In a former life as a lap dance entrepreneur, poor Dave got caught up in Operation Quest, a garda effort to crack down on these entrepreneurs human trafficking hookers from Ukraine for horizontal sex work in Ireland. Because other gangsters tried to shake poor Dave down, Mooney was put into the Garda Witness Protection Programme, from where he and some equally colourful characters he met there emerged to spearhead the human warehousing industry. Given his chequered background, Mooney’s sort has no place in any industry that pretends to help the vulnerable.

Diversity, Loss of Equity, Seclusion

Our warehousing entrepreneurs, working through our government, tell us that this diversity in crime is good for us, as is the loss of equity in our homes and homelands and that the seclusion we face by being isolated and atomised is good for us, as we have more time to watch rabbi Friedman’s Pornhub and get our crack deliveries from Brazilian Deliveroo drivers. We have, they say, never had it so good, and we are blessed to have Philly’s Kensington Ave and LA’s Figuero St brought to the Emerald Isle.

Sinn Féin see all this depravity as money in the bank and that is why they have appointed printer cartridge entrepreneur Aengus Ó Snodaigh as their spokesperson for welfare tourism. His job is to sell the idea that AIDS riddled illegal immigrants, who do their utmost to hide their identity by ripping up all their documents when they arrive here, will bring health and prosperity to us all. Although that is a hard sell, it is no harder than that facing Sinn Féin nominal boss, Mary Lou McDonald when she tells us that all we need is more of these human warehousing sites to be put in more affluent areas, so that the posh kids don’t have to travel to their newly minted ghettos to score their fentanyl fixes. Good luck to Sinn Féin and the IRA flogging that corporate hellscape to any genuine tourist with a functioning brain.

Say Nothing

If someone was to bring down the Twin Towers at the World Trade Centre in Manhattan it would be a severe blow to American prestige” – South Armagh IRA following their 1992 London Baltic Exchange bombing

Patrick Keefe’s excellent Say nothing: a true story of murder and memory in Northern Ireland uses the IRA’s murder of widowed mother of ten Jean McConville as a case study to explain the depravity of the Sinn Féin/IRA nexus and of the repulsive Gerry Adams who, he claims, ordered McConville’s death and who was at the centre of both supposedly distinct and separate groups. Although McConville’s murder was their most notorious crime, it was not their only one. There is their “disappearance” of businessman Thomas Niedermayer, their kidnapping and torture of businessman Ben Dunne, their psychotic execution of thoroughbred racehorse Shergar and so very many more crimes that show their only gainful employment should be sewing mailbags with the Joker and Catwoman in Gotham City’s high security prisons for the criminally insane.

Whereas others put their efforts into business, into study, into sport or into some other useful field of endeavour, their sole focus was enriching themselves at the expense of everyone else, even though that meant closing ranks to protect the legions of paedophiles holding senior positions in their ranks.

One of the main ways they got away with all that is to insist on omerta, the same sort of whatever you say, say nothing silence that paedophiles have always used to muffle their victims. Their problem, now that they are trying to pretend to go legit, is that they are prisoners of the past that made their paedophiles and mass murderers hardly fit for life itself, never mind to freely rule over the rest of us. Thugs like these, who inspired the 9-11 thugs, have to go and, because increasingly more people are prepared to say it, the media savvy IRA has a media problem Sinn Féin’s mealy mouthed words cannot wriggle them out of.

Get Them Out

Whereas the IRA did the atrocities, the job of Sinn Féin was to make excuses for them. Although Gerry Adams has assured us that “the IRA haven’t gone away, you know”, Sinn Féin’s new job is to justify Coolock atrocities like this, this and this (in Dundalk) where their Gardai/RUC partners hospitalise law abiding pensioners on behalf of Somali and Nigerian welfare scroungers, who are fleeing these happy clappy discos in Zelensky’s drug infested Kiev.

Although Micky Mudd and Paddy Stink are not as practiced with weasel words as Sinn Féin’s spinmeisters, their core demand is to get them out, and to get Sinn Féin and the other parasitical monkeys off their backs. Sinn Féin have lost a recent referendum where they failed to convince the Irish electorate that boys, like Mary Lou McDonald’s sister/brother, can become girls with the use of life-changing drugs. They failed in that and it is essential that they fail in making Ireland a refuge for international crime gangs.

The Irish Jackboot

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever. (George Orwell, 1984)

Although Sinn Féin’s ANTIFA agents were long ago caught red handed fomenting riots in Coolock, the Battle for Coolock is far from over. The Gardai, aided, encouraged and supported by their Sinn Féin chums, are asking Sinn Féin’s RUC chums for the use of water cannons and similar heavy gear to clear Coolock of its Micky Mudds and Paddy Sticks, so that their ISIS chums can claim it. They are attacking Coolock’s working class at a time when their other ANTIFA proxies are wrecking the Grand Canal, so that their main ISIS staging camp can be re-established there.

As things currently stand, the vulture funds, their government and their Sinn Féin and ANTIFA apologists should easily win this uneven battle not only in Coolock, but throughout Ireland and much further afield as well. But, though that is how this war to once again reduce Ireland’s Micky Mudds and Paddy Stinks to vassals in their own land currently stands, there is no telling how their mercenaries will fare in this latest re-iteration of Kickham’s Land War.

Karl Marx, who wrote his Communist Manifesto in 1848 when the Young Irelanders flexed their muscles, had much to say on the collateral damage occasioned by the various revolts that rocked France from 1789 to the 1871 Paris Commune, just as he had much to say about the various risings the Irish staged over roughly the same period.

Although Marx is long gone, this very lengthy article shows that the need for in-depth political analysis is not. Starting in Coolock and spreading out to all of Ireland’s four green fields, looking at Liz Truss’ demonic plans for Britain and the sewers that are Paris, Philly and Los Angeles, it is apparent that today’s vulture capitalists are as much the same social blight as their equivalents were in those times gone by.

In binary terms, this is a fight between Sinn Féin’s haves and Coolock’s have nots, between those who have the money, the might and the media to force through their self serving agendas at the expense of those, who have nothing but primitive concepts of social justice and solidarity to sustain them. The idea that von der Leyen, Tony Blair or Irish devils in league with them are trying to help Ukrainian or any other refugees for altruistic reasons is so laughable that anybody who espouses such ideas cannot be taken seriously.

Though there may not be a solution ready to hand to solve all of this, just as our forefathers removed the pike from the thatch, so also are there updated tool kits available today to help in achieving that same goal. That tool kit is the one used by the Bargy and Shelmalier men of ’98, by Fintan Lalor and the young Irelanders of the 1840s, and by the Fenians from the 1860s to 1916. This is not a case of history’s tactics repeating themselves in Coolock and beyond as farce, but of those opposing predatory vulture capitalists to be sure of what they want and who are stopping them achieving the same simple demands that the Croppies of ’98, the young Irelanders of ‘ 48 and the Fenians of ’67 sacrificed so much for so long for.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

See also

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.