Declan Hayes
May 29, 2024
© Photo: Public domain

The solution to Africa’s problems does not lie in being one crop countries, in hoping that a Kate Middleton will kick the bucket on the off chance they will sell a few extra flowers or whatever it is they have been contracted to grow.

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Kudos to Russia Today for reporting that “more than half of Zimbabwe’s population will require food aid this year due to a severe drought that has caused widespread crop failure, the [land-locked] southern African nation’s government has announced”. Zimbabwe, it appears, “is one of the southern African countries hardest hit by the El Nino-induced drought, which the government says is the worst it has experienced in 40 years”.

Although The UN International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is passing the begging bowl around and although Russia has previously made sizable donations of wheat to Zimbabwe, the bigger question is what can we do about these never ending bouts of drought, famine and pestilence in Africa and beyond.

The first thing, I believe, is we have to address these issues in honesty and, whatever its other faults, Russia Today is good in that respect as it concentrates on news and not, as NATO’s media do, on the latest boob jobs vacuous Hollywood starlets, who moonlight as UNESCO ambassadors, have had. All that being so, we must supplant NATO’s imprint in Africa not only because its NGOs are totally corrupt but because they all combine to fortify the Pax Americana which is every bit as repugnant as the Pax Britanica and Pax Romana which preceded it.

Although every inch of Africa has a tale of NATO induced pestilence to tell, we are best gazing northward to the Gaza salient where the Yanks, with their British poodles wagging loyally behind, are building a pontoon to ferry their relief aid into the 1.5 million or so unfortunates currently starving to death there as a result of Israel’s blockade and to ensure that no others can help relieve that siege.

Let’s just think about that for a second. Having previously killed starving Gazans by parachuting supplies in on top of their heads, the Yanks are now building a pier even though Gaza is well-connected to its hinterland by a myriad of roads. Is Gaza 2024 really the Warsaw ghetto, 1944 of Dien Bien Phu, 1954?

The BBC, predictably, thinks this is all great fun as their complicity in genocide displays the spirit of British resilience, the bulldog spirit, that we previously read about with Dunkirk, with war time Malta and with the rats of Tobruk. Just what is going on in the heads of these NATO journalists that they have such utter contempt for the children of Gaza and, I daresay, for the children of Zimbabwe too? Have all their critical faculties deserted them or do they just want to use their own inhumanity to portray such historical wretches as Goebbels and Lord Haw Haw in the best possible light?

This get rich quick humanitarianism is not confined to Zimbabwe or even the Gaza abattoir. Irish politicians, who are slaves of NATO’s NGOs, are now sending portacabins to Ukraine for refugees in the Zelensky reich to live in. All well and good but, if the Zelensky regime is, as all reports say, on the back foot, then now is not the time to start building there.

Easy for me to say but I have no business interests there like the NGOs who supply those portacabins do. If we cast our minds back to the 2005 earthquake on the Indian Pakistani border, these same criminal NGOs insisted on ferrying portacabins from Turkey to Pakistan and thence up the Himalayas to house the displaced who would then be their captive cash cows.

The Pakistani military, which has had long experience of handling similar earthquakes, instead wanted to do things the traditional tried and trusted way, which would be for their sappers to clear the roads, fix the sewage and other essential utilities and give the locals a few hundred dollars and hammers and nails to get them up and running again. Keep it simple, stupid.

Though all of that was fine by the Pakistani military, NATO’s NGOs could not run with it as there were no easy bucks to be made by them in it. The point being made here about Pakistan, Zimbabwe, Gaza and if space allowed, Uganda, Eritrea and dozens of other killing zones is that NATO’s self serving NGOs are, together with NATO’s rapacious peace keepers, designed to make things a million times worse than they might otherwise be.

There we are with Gaza where the Yanks and their poodles withheld aid because Israel’s Pinocchios said a few aid workers in Gaza, where there were few other employment opportunities, had links with Hamas and allied groups. Talk about any port in a storm or any excuse to tease starving children as they starve to death in front of our cameras.

At least I don’t have to worry about any of that as I am still grieving over the death of Princess Diana, the Queen of Hearts, whom NATO’s media were dismissing as the Queen of tarts just a week before her death, which holds a special place in my heart as I ended up watching her entire funeral on TV where, what really amazed me, were the flower bouquets, tens if not hundreds of thousands of which were thrown in front of her hearse as it was driven from London to her family home for interment.

Leaving the real or affected devotion the British had for her to one side, the question that puzzled me is from where they got all those tens of millions of dollars worth of flowers at such notice. The answer was that Dutch hucksters flew them in by the plane full from Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Kenya and other satellite nations that are economically shackled to NATO.

The solution to Africa’s problems does not lie in being one crop countries, in hoping that a Kate Middleton, “Madam” Macron or Ursula von der Leyen (oramus) will kick the bucket on the off chance they will sell a few extra flowers or whatever it is they have been contracted to grow.

And kudos again to RT for getting Nairobi’s Dr Claire Ayuma Amuhaya to explain to us what a total financial con job the British Commonwealth is, as bad in its own way as is/was French West Africa and its sprogs. And again thanks to RT for telling us what headway Chinese media is making in Africa and how our friends at the CIA are very worried about it, which is part of the reason Irish and other NATO aligned journalists are demanding more public subsidies for their worthless work of cheerleading NATO war crimes in Gaza, Zimbabwe and back home on Europe’s home front.

Contrary to NATO’s own misinformation, Russia is not obsessed with what obsesses Hollywood’s perverts. Russia harvests wheat, extracts oil, makes caviar, plays sports, tends to its fences and tunes in to Russia Today to get a quick handle on all that, as well as Gaza, Zimbabwe and NATO’s other trouble spots. The Chinese who are, give or take a few tens of millions, about 20% of the world’s population, are doing those and other things on a much greater industrial scale, which may or may not be to the benefit of Africa, depending on how the cards fall.

But we should be working to ensure those cards fall the right way and not that the people of Africa and Gaza continue to be ravished by old or new overlords. Our job is to listen to honest and informed African voices like Kenya’s Dr Claire Ayuma Amuhaya and to call out the Yanks and the BBC for the outrageous cynicism that is their pier in Gaza and the road to the Apocalypse that is their policy in Africa.

Famine in Zimbabwe, a pier in Gaza, and Russo / Chinese “disinformation”

The solution to Africa’s problems does not lie in being one crop countries, in hoping that a Kate Middleton will kick the bucket on the off chance they will sell a few extra flowers or whatever it is they have been contracted to grow.

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Kudos to Russia Today for reporting that “more than half of Zimbabwe’s population will require food aid this year due to a severe drought that has caused widespread crop failure, the [land-locked] southern African nation’s government has announced”. Zimbabwe, it appears, “is one of the southern African countries hardest hit by the El Nino-induced drought, which the government says is the worst it has experienced in 40 years”.

Although The UN International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is passing the begging bowl around and although Russia has previously made sizable donations of wheat to Zimbabwe, the bigger question is what can we do about these never ending bouts of drought, famine and pestilence in Africa and beyond.

The first thing, I believe, is we have to address these issues in honesty and, whatever its other faults, Russia Today is good in that respect as it concentrates on news and not, as NATO’s media do, on the latest boob jobs vacuous Hollywood starlets, who moonlight as UNESCO ambassadors, have had. All that being so, we must supplant NATO’s imprint in Africa not only because its NGOs are totally corrupt but because they all combine to fortify the Pax Americana which is every bit as repugnant as the Pax Britanica and Pax Romana which preceded it.

Although every inch of Africa has a tale of NATO induced pestilence to tell, we are best gazing northward to the Gaza salient where the Yanks, with their British poodles wagging loyally behind, are building a pontoon to ferry their relief aid into the 1.5 million or so unfortunates currently starving to death there as a result of Israel’s blockade and to ensure that no others can help relieve that siege.

Let’s just think about that for a second. Having previously killed starving Gazans by parachuting supplies in on top of their heads, the Yanks are now building a pier even though Gaza is well-connected to its hinterland by a myriad of roads. Is Gaza 2024 really the Warsaw ghetto, 1944 of Dien Bien Phu, 1954?

The BBC, predictably, thinks this is all great fun as their complicity in genocide displays the spirit of British resilience, the bulldog spirit, that we previously read about with Dunkirk, with war time Malta and with the rats of Tobruk. Just what is going on in the heads of these NATO journalists that they have such utter contempt for the children of Gaza and, I daresay, for the children of Zimbabwe too? Have all their critical faculties deserted them or do they just want to use their own inhumanity to portray such historical wretches as Goebbels and Lord Haw Haw in the best possible light?

This get rich quick humanitarianism is not confined to Zimbabwe or even the Gaza abattoir. Irish politicians, who are slaves of NATO’s NGOs, are now sending portacabins to Ukraine for refugees in the Zelensky reich to live in. All well and good but, if the Zelensky regime is, as all reports say, on the back foot, then now is not the time to start building there.

Easy for me to say but I have no business interests there like the NGOs who supply those portacabins do. If we cast our minds back to the 2005 earthquake on the Indian Pakistani border, these same criminal NGOs insisted on ferrying portacabins from Turkey to Pakistan and thence up the Himalayas to house the displaced who would then be their captive cash cows.

The Pakistani military, which has had long experience of handling similar earthquakes, instead wanted to do things the traditional tried and trusted way, which would be for their sappers to clear the roads, fix the sewage and other essential utilities and give the locals a few hundred dollars and hammers and nails to get them up and running again. Keep it simple, stupid.

Though all of that was fine by the Pakistani military, NATO’s NGOs could not run with it as there were no easy bucks to be made by them in it. The point being made here about Pakistan, Zimbabwe, Gaza and if space allowed, Uganda, Eritrea and dozens of other killing zones is that NATO’s self serving NGOs are, together with NATO’s rapacious peace keepers, designed to make things a million times worse than they might otherwise be.

There we are with Gaza where the Yanks and their poodles withheld aid because Israel’s Pinocchios said a few aid workers in Gaza, where there were few other employment opportunities, had links with Hamas and allied groups. Talk about any port in a storm or any excuse to tease starving children as they starve to death in front of our cameras.

At least I don’t have to worry about any of that as I am still grieving over the death of Princess Diana, the Queen of Hearts, whom NATO’s media were dismissing as the Queen of tarts just a week before her death, which holds a special place in my heart as I ended up watching her entire funeral on TV where, what really amazed me, were the flower bouquets, tens if not hundreds of thousands of which were thrown in front of her hearse as it was driven from London to her family home for interment.

Leaving the real or affected devotion the British had for her to one side, the question that puzzled me is from where they got all those tens of millions of dollars worth of flowers at such notice. The answer was that Dutch hucksters flew them in by the plane full from Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Kenya and other satellite nations that are economically shackled to NATO.

The solution to Africa’s problems does not lie in being one crop countries, in hoping that a Kate Middleton, “Madam” Macron or Ursula von der Leyen (oramus) will kick the bucket on the off chance they will sell a few extra flowers or whatever it is they have been contracted to grow.

And kudos again to RT for getting Nairobi’s Dr Claire Ayuma Amuhaya to explain to us what a total financial con job the British Commonwealth is, as bad in its own way as is/was French West Africa and its sprogs. And again thanks to RT for telling us what headway Chinese media is making in Africa and how our friends at the CIA are very worried about it, which is part of the reason Irish and other NATO aligned journalists are demanding more public subsidies for their worthless work of cheerleading NATO war crimes in Gaza, Zimbabwe and back home on Europe’s home front.

Contrary to NATO’s own misinformation, Russia is not obsessed with what obsesses Hollywood’s perverts. Russia harvests wheat, extracts oil, makes caviar, plays sports, tends to its fences and tunes in to Russia Today to get a quick handle on all that, as well as Gaza, Zimbabwe and NATO’s other trouble spots. The Chinese who are, give or take a few tens of millions, about 20% of the world’s population, are doing those and other things on a much greater industrial scale, which may or may not be to the benefit of Africa, depending on how the cards fall.

But we should be working to ensure those cards fall the right way and not that the people of Africa and Gaza continue to be ravished by old or new overlords. Our job is to listen to honest and informed African voices like Kenya’s Dr Claire Ayuma Amuhaya and to call out the Yanks and the BBC for the outrageous cynicism that is their pier in Gaza and the road to the Apocalypse that is their policy in Africa.

The solution to Africa’s problems does not lie in being one crop countries, in hoping that a Kate Middleton will kick the bucket on the off chance they will sell a few extra flowers or whatever it is they have been contracted to grow.

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Kudos to Russia Today for reporting that “more than half of Zimbabwe’s population will require food aid this year due to a severe drought that has caused widespread crop failure, the [land-locked] southern African nation’s government has announced”. Zimbabwe, it appears, “is one of the southern African countries hardest hit by the El Nino-induced drought, which the government says is the worst it has experienced in 40 years”.

Although The UN International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is passing the begging bowl around and although Russia has previously made sizable donations of wheat to Zimbabwe, the bigger question is what can we do about these never ending bouts of drought, famine and pestilence in Africa and beyond.

The first thing, I believe, is we have to address these issues in honesty and, whatever its other faults, Russia Today is good in that respect as it concentrates on news and not, as NATO’s media do, on the latest boob jobs vacuous Hollywood starlets, who moonlight as UNESCO ambassadors, have had. All that being so, we must supplant NATO’s imprint in Africa not only because its NGOs are totally corrupt but because they all combine to fortify the Pax Americana which is every bit as repugnant as the Pax Britanica and Pax Romana which preceded it.

Although every inch of Africa has a tale of NATO induced pestilence to tell, we are best gazing northward to the Gaza salient where the Yanks, with their British poodles wagging loyally behind, are building a pontoon to ferry their relief aid into the 1.5 million or so unfortunates currently starving to death there as a result of Israel’s blockade and to ensure that no others can help relieve that siege.

Let’s just think about that for a second. Having previously killed starving Gazans by parachuting supplies in on top of their heads, the Yanks are now building a pier even though Gaza is well-connected to its hinterland by a myriad of roads. Is Gaza 2024 really the Warsaw ghetto, 1944 of Dien Bien Phu, 1954?

The BBC, predictably, thinks this is all great fun as their complicity in genocide displays the spirit of British resilience, the bulldog spirit, that we previously read about with Dunkirk, with war time Malta and with the rats of Tobruk. Just what is going on in the heads of these NATO journalists that they have such utter contempt for the children of Gaza and, I daresay, for the children of Zimbabwe too? Have all their critical faculties deserted them or do they just want to use their own inhumanity to portray such historical wretches as Goebbels and Lord Haw Haw in the best possible light?

This get rich quick humanitarianism is not confined to Zimbabwe or even the Gaza abattoir. Irish politicians, who are slaves of NATO’s NGOs, are now sending portacabins to Ukraine for refugees in the Zelensky reich to live in. All well and good but, if the Zelensky regime is, as all reports say, on the back foot, then now is not the time to start building there.

Easy for me to say but I have no business interests there like the NGOs who supply those portacabins do. If we cast our minds back to the 2005 earthquake on the Indian Pakistani border, these same criminal NGOs insisted on ferrying portacabins from Turkey to Pakistan and thence up the Himalayas to house the displaced who would then be their captive cash cows.

The Pakistani military, which has had long experience of handling similar earthquakes, instead wanted to do things the traditional tried and trusted way, which would be for their sappers to clear the roads, fix the sewage and other essential utilities and give the locals a few hundred dollars and hammers and nails to get them up and running again. Keep it simple, stupid.

Though all of that was fine by the Pakistani military, NATO’s NGOs could not run with it as there were no easy bucks to be made by them in it. The point being made here about Pakistan, Zimbabwe, Gaza and if space allowed, Uganda, Eritrea and dozens of other killing zones is that NATO’s self serving NGOs are, together with NATO’s rapacious peace keepers, designed to make things a million times worse than they might otherwise be.

There we are with Gaza where the Yanks and their poodles withheld aid because Israel’s Pinocchios said a few aid workers in Gaza, where there were few other employment opportunities, had links with Hamas and allied groups. Talk about any port in a storm or any excuse to tease starving children as they starve to death in front of our cameras.

At least I don’t have to worry about any of that as I am still grieving over the death of Princess Diana, the Queen of Hearts, whom NATO’s media were dismissing as the Queen of tarts just a week before her death, which holds a special place in my heart as I ended up watching her entire funeral on TV where, what really amazed me, were the flower bouquets, tens if not hundreds of thousands of which were thrown in front of her hearse as it was driven from London to her family home for interment.

Leaving the real or affected devotion the British had for her to one side, the question that puzzled me is from where they got all those tens of millions of dollars worth of flowers at such notice. The answer was that Dutch hucksters flew them in by the plane full from Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Kenya and other satellite nations that are economically shackled to NATO.

The solution to Africa’s problems does not lie in being one crop countries, in hoping that a Kate Middleton, “Madam” Macron or Ursula von der Leyen (oramus) will kick the bucket on the off chance they will sell a few extra flowers or whatever it is they have been contracted to grow.

And kudos again to RT for getting Nairobi’s Dr Claire Ayuma Amuhaya to explain to us what a total financial con job the British Commonwealth is, as bad in its own way as is/was French West Africa and its sprogs. And again thanks to RT for telling us what headway Chinese media is making in Africa and how our friends at the CIA are very worried about it, which is part of the reason Irish and other NATO aligned journalists are demanding more public subsidies for their worthless work of cheerleading NATO war crimes in Gaza, Zimbabwe and back home on Europe’s home front.

Contrary to NATO’s own misinformation, Russia is not obsessed with what obsesses Hollywood’s perverts. Russia harvests wheat, extracts oil, makes caviar, plays sports, tends to its fences and tunes in to Russia Today to get a quick handle on all that, as well as Gaza, Zimbabwe and NATO’s other trouble spots. The Chinese who are, give or take a few tens of millions, about 20% of the world’s population, are doing those and other things on a much greater industrial scale, which may or may not be to the benefit of Africa, depending on how the cards fall.

But we should be working to ensure those cards fall the right way and not that the people of Africa and Gaza continue to be ravished by old or new overlords. Our job is to listen to honest and informed African voices like Kenya’s Dr Claire Ayuma Amuhaya and to call out the Yanks and the BBC for the outrageous cynicism that is their pier in Gaza and the road to the Apocalypse that is their policy in Africa.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

October 2, 2024

See also

October 2, 2024
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.