Declan Hayes
March 24, 2024
© Photo: thetimes

The rejection of the regime’s recent referenda to erase biological women from the public space shows there is hope that, as 1916 Easter Rising leader James Connolly wrote on St Patrick’s Day 1916, “we will rise again”.

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Take it down from the mast, Irish traitors
The flag we republicans claim
It can never belong to Free Staters
You’ve brought on it nothin’ but shame

Contrasting reactions to the recent deaths of IRA serial killers Pearse McAuley and Rose Dugdale, together with the release of MI6’s report into the crimes of Stakeknife, MI6’s main IRA mole, are instructive in understanding not only the Irish quagmire but others, like Ukraine, as well.

Whereas McAuley, who drank himself to death, was once hailed by Sinn Féin for his proficiency in mercilessly gunning down cops, he was later conveniently disowned when he was jailed for giving his wife, a leading Sinn Féin operative in her own right, an unmerciful beating which included stabbing her multiple times in the face.

Bad and all as McAuley may have been, Dugdale, whose crimes are now being extolled in a recently released blockbuster movie, was altogether more sinister as, leaving her no less heinous crimes to one side, this English aristocrat was, together with Terry Moore, sister of folk singer Christy, allowed impose her Cromwellian brand of English republicanism on generations of gullible Sinn Féin recruits. Terry Moore, along with Mickey the Greek, Frank Connolly (of Colombia Three and the CIA’s Chuck Feeney infamy) and other dubious characters, had previously controlled Revolutionary Struggle, a faux Marxist cell, whose terrorism and subsequent infiltration of Sinn Féin were used by MI6 to subvert the IRA and the whole concept of radical Irish politics.

Thus, whilst Stakeknife, Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness were undermining the IRA in the north of Ireland, groups like Revolutionary Struggle and individuals like the English aristocrat (and arch hypocrite) Dugdale were used to infiltrate and undermine Irish radicalism in the south. The end result of this can be seen not only in Sinn Féin’s ongoing efforts to expel Russia’s ambassador but also to rename Orwell Road, where the embassy is situated, after Stepan Bandera, the well-known cat strangler Ukraine’s Nazis idolise.

From MI6’s viewpoint, this Sinn Féin kabuki is but more cream on the cake for them in John Bull’s other island which, because it is totally adrift from its traditional moorings, is now an asset rather than a liability to NATO’s global imperialist efforts. That informed (sic) observers thought Sinn Féiners who were boozing it up in the White House for St Patrick’s Day would utter even a syllable denouncing the Gazan genocide just shows how successful MI6 have been in controlling and promoting these political leprechauns.

Whereas the Irish once honoured the ideals of the 1916 Easter Rebellion, now they live under the yoke of the Good Friday Agreement which with Stakeknife, Revolutionary Struggle and their ilk, helped kill off any notions of Yeats’ revolutionary “romantic Ireland”.

Although Yeats was one of the greatest poets the English language ever produced, his unrequited lust for Maud Gonne McBride saw him enmeshed in the same patriotic romanticism that enmeshed not only gunmen like McAuley but infinitely less gifted poets, bards and general chancers too numerous to presently adumbrate as well; Joyce had it right when he referred to Ireland as the sow that eats its farrow.

Although all of this is of historical and literary importance, it is also directly relevant to current judicial cases on both sides of the British imposed Irish border. In the British occupied north of Ireland, a Scottish based Palestinian doctor has been held on interminable remand facing charges of collaborating with an MI6 controlled Irish republican splinter group and in the south west tip of Ireland, Hezbollah, of all groups, stand accused of running mega billion dollar drug smuggling operations.

As the Sinoala cocaine cartel have the same sorts of family and political roots in the south west of Ireland as the mafia do in Sicily’s Corleone, it is fantasy to think that Hezbollah could muscle in there, without the approval and cooperation of MI6’s local Sinn Féin head honchos who have direct links with McAuley, Connolly and those recently arrested in the south west of Ireland in that country’s biggest ever crystal meth drug bust. Sinn Féin is, yet again, getting an MI6 pass. The simple explanation is that these court cases are the result of MI6, on both sides of the Irish border, using their Irish plants and useless idiots in their bigger game of smearing Middle Eastern based groups opposed to them.

Just as Dugdale, Revolutionary Struggle and the Sinoala cartel were not alone in undermining the South, so also was Stakeknife not alone in subverting the north. On the Catholic side, MI6 used him to shield more important agents like Martin McGuinness and Gerry Adams. On the Protestant side, they now admit they used him to assassinate MP Edgar Graham, who was going to expose MI6’s use of the little boys of Kincora Boys’ Home both for the sexual gratification of MI6’s own Sir Maurice Oldfield and King Charles’ uncle, Lord Mountbatten, but also to entrap others of the great and the good in their vile honey traps.

Although Ireland’s political landscape looks bleaker than it has looked at any time since the 1847 famine, the rejection of the regime’s recent referenda to erase biological women from the public space shows there is hope that, as 1916 Easter Rising leader James Connolly wrote on St Patrick’s Day 1916, “we will rise again”.

Although I and the tens of thousands of others currently protesting against the regime hope and pray that we do, I likewise pray that we can divest ourselves from the mistakes of the past and organise ourselves not only to put these Free Staters and their English aristocratic handlers and Sinn Féin fellow travellers in their place but to consign their treachery and careerism, along with the whole NATO apparatus that underscores it in Ireland as much as in Ukraine or in Palestine to the dustbin of history.

Although success, as in 1916, remains a long shot, it still is the only shot. Irish radical intellectualism was killed off around the time of the Irish civil war when Take It Down from the Mast was first penned and dopey and dishonest English aristocrats like Madam Despard and Dugdale were not then and are not now in any position to restore it.

Although events in Palestine, Ukraine and elsewhere have put countries like Ireland into the political shade, the hope has to be that such Rip van Winkel countries will eventually awake from their slumbers and divest themselves of their own Free Staters. And though the first shoots of such changes might be occurring in Ireland and elsewhere in Europe, freedom is a delicate plant that must be nurtured and protected from the sorts of noxious and invasive weeds Italy’s Red Brigades, Germany’s Red Army Faction, Sinn Féin’s Revolutionary Struggle, Dugdale and the rest of MI6’s class of ‘68 personified.

Take It Down From the Mast Irish Traitors

The rejection of the regime’s recent referenda to erase biological women from the public space shows there is hope that, as 1916 Easter Rising leader James Connolly wrote on St Patrick’s Day 1916, “we will rise again”.

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Take it down from the mast, Irish traitors
The flag we republicans claim
It can never belong to Free Staters
You’ve brought on it nothin’ but shame

Contrasting reactions to the recent deaths of IRA serial killers Pearse McAuley and Rose Dugdale, together with the release of MI6’s report into the crimes of Stakeknife, MI6’s main IRA mole, are instructive in understanding not only the Irish quagmire but others, like Ukraine, as well.

Whereas McAuley, who drank himself to death, was once hailed by Sinn Féin for his proficiency in mercilessly gunning down cops, he was later conveniently disowned when he was jailed for giving his wife, a leading Sinn Féin operative in her own right, an unmerciful beating which included stabbing her multiple times in the face.

Bad and all as McAuley may have been, Dugdale, whose crimes are now being extolled in a recently released blockbuster movie, was altogether more sinister as, leaving her no less heinous crimes to one side, this English aristocrat was, together with Terry Moore, sister of folk singer Christy, allowed impose her Cromwellian brand of English republicanism on generations of gullible Sinn Féin recruits. Terry Moore, along with Mickey the Greek, Frank Connolly (of Colombia Three and the CIA’s Chuck Feeney infamy) and other dubious characters, had previously controlled Revolutionary Struggle, a faux Marxist cell, whose terrorism and subsequent infiltration of Sinn Féin were used by MI6 to subvert the IRA and the whole concept of radical Irish politics.

Thus, whilst Stakeknife, Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness were undermining the IRA in the north of Ireland, groups like Revolutionary Struggle and individuals like the English aristocrat (and arch hypocrite) Dugdale were used to infiltrate and undermine Irish radicalism in the south. The end result of this can be seen not only in Sinn Féin’s ongoing efforts to expel Russia’s ambassador but also to rename Orwell Road, where the embassy is situated, after Stepan Bandera, the well-known cat strangler Ukraine’s Nazis idolise.

From MI6’s viewpoint, this Sinn Féin kabuki is but more cream on the cake for them in John Bull’s other island which, because it is totally adrift from its traditional moorings, is now an asset rather than a liability to NATO’s global imperialist efforts. That informed (sic) observers thought Sinn Féiners who were boozing it up in the White House for St Patrick’s Day would utter even a syllable denouncing the Gazan genocide just shows how successful MI6 have been in controlling and promoting these political leprechauns.

Whereas the Irish once honoured the ideals of the 1916 Easter Rebellion, now they live under the yoke of the Good Friday Agreement which with Stakeknife, Revolutionary Struggle and their ilk, helped kill off any notions of Yeats’ revolutionary “romantic Ireland”.

Although Yeats was one of the greatest poets the English language ever produced, his unrequited lust for Maud Gonne McBride saw him enmeshed in the same patriotic romanticism that enmeshed not only gunmen like McAuley but infinitely less gifted poets, bards and general chancers too numerous to presently adumbrate as well; Joyce had it right when he referred to Ireland as the sow that eats its farrow.

Although all of this is of historical and literary importance, it is also directly relevant to current judicial cases on both sides of the British imposed Irish border. In the British occupied north of Ireland, a Scottish based Palestinian doctor has been held on interminable remand facing charges of collaborating with an MI6 controlled Irish republican splinter group and in the south west tip of Ireland, Hezbollah, of all groups, stand accused of running mega billion dollar drug smuggling operations.

As the Sinoala cocaine cartel have the same sorts of family and political roots in the south west of Ireland as the mafia do in Sicily’s Corleone, it is fantasy to think that Hezbollah could muscle in there, without the approval and cooperation of MI6’s local Sinn Féin head honchos who have direct links with McAuley, Connolly and those recently arrested in the south west of Ireland in that country’s biggest ever crystal meth drug bust. Sinn Féin is, yet again, getting an MI6 pass. The simple explanation is that these court cases are the result of MI6, on both sides of the Irish border, using their Irish plants and useless idiots in their bigger game of smearing Middle Eastern based groups opposed to them.

Just as Dugdale, Revolutionary Struggle and the Sinoala cartel were not alone in undermining the South, so also was Stakeknife not alone in subverting the north. On the Catholic side, MI6 used him to shield more important agents like Martin McGuinness and Gerry Adams. On the Protestant side, they now admit they used him to assassinate MP Edgar Graham, who was going to expose MI6’s use of the little boys of Kincora Boys’ Home both for the sexual gratification of MI6’s own Sir Maurice Oldfield and King Charles’ uncle, Lord Mountbatten, but also to entrap others of the great and the good in their vile honey traps.

Although Ireland’s political landscape looks bleaker than it has looked at any time since the 1847 famine, the rejection of the regime’s recent referenda to erase biological women from the public space shows there is hope that, as 1916 Easter Rising leader James Connolly wrote on St Patrick’s Day 1916, “we will rise again”.

Although I and the tens of thousands of others currently protesting against the regime hope and pray that we do, I likewise pray that we can divest ourselves from the mistakes of the past and organise ourselves not only to put these Free Staters and their English aristocratic handlers and Sinn Féin fellow travellers in their place but to consign their treachery and careerism, along with the whole NATO apparatus that underscores it in Ireland as much as in Ukraine or in Palestine to the dustbin of history.

Although success, as in 1916, remains a long shot, it still is the only shot. Irish radical intellectualism was killed off around the time of the Irish civil war when Take It Down from the Mast was first penned and dopey and dishonest English aristocrats like Madam Despard and Dugdale were not then and are not now in any position to restore it.

Although events in Palestine, Ukraine and elsewhere have put countries like Ireland into the political shade, the hope has to be that such Rip van Winkel countries will eventually awake from their slumbers and divest themselves of their own Free Staters. And though the first shoots of such changes might be occurring in Ireland and elsewhere in Europe, freedom is a delicate plant that must be nurtured and protected from the sorts of noxious and invasive weeds Italy’s Red Brigades, Germany’s Red Army Faction, Sinn Féin’s Revolutionary Struggle, Dugdale and the rest of MI6’s class of ‘68 personified.

The rejection of the regime’s recent referenda to erase biological women from the public space shows there is hope that, as 1916 Easter Rising leader James Connolly wrote on St Patrick’s Day 1916, “we will rise again”.

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Take it down from the mast, Irish traitors
The flag we republicans claim
It can never belong to Free Staters
You’ve brought on it nothin’ but shame

Contrasting reactions to the recent deaths of IRA serial killers Pearse McAuley and Rose Dugdale, together with the release of MI6’s report into the crimes of Stakeknife, MI6’s main IRA mole, are instructive in understanding not only the Irish quagmire but others, like Ukraine, as well.

Whereas McAuley, who drank himself to death, was once hailed by Sinn Féin for his proficiency in mercilessly gunning down cops, he was later conveniently disowned when he was jailed for giving his wife, a leading Sinn Féin operative in her own right, an unmerciful beating which included stabbing her multiple times in the face.

Bad and all as McAuley may have been, Dugdale, whose crimes are now being extolled in a recently released blockbuster movie, was altogether more sinister as, leaving her no less heinous crimes to one side, this English aristocrat was, together with Terry Moore, sister of folk singer Christy, allowed impose her Cromwellian brand of English republicanism on generations of gullible Sinn Féin recruits. Terry Moore, along with Mickey the Greek, Frank Connolly (of Colombia Three and the CIA’s Chuck Feeney infamy) and other dubious characters, had previously controlled Revolutionary Struggle, a faux Marxist cell, whose terrorism and subsequent infiltration of Sinn Féin were used by MI6 to subvert the IRA and the whole concept of radical Irish politics.

Thus, whilst Stakeknife, Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness were undermining the IRA in the north of Ireland, groups like Revolutionary Struggle and individuals like the English aristocrat (and arch hypocrite) Dugdale were used to infiltrate and undermine Irish radicalism in the south. The end result of this can be seen not only in Sinn Féin’s ongoing efforts to expel Russia’s ambassador but also to rename Orwell Road, where the embassy is situated, after Stepan Bandera, the well-known cat strangler Ukraine’s Nazis idolise.

From MI6’s viewpoint, this Sinn Féin kabuki is but more cream on the cake for them in John Bull’s other island which, because it is totally adrift from its traditional moorings, is now an asset rather than a liability to NATO’s global imperialist efforts. That informed (sic) observers thought Sinn Féiners who were boozing it up in the White House for St Patrick’s Day would utter even a syllable denouncing the Gazan genocide just shows how successful MI6 have been in controlling and promoting these political leprechauns.

Whereas the Irish once honoured the ideals of the 1916 Easter Rebellion, now they live under the yoke of the Good Friday Agreement which with Stakeknife, Revolutionary Struggle and their ilk, helped kill off any notions of Yeats’ revolutionary “romantic Ireland”.

Although Yeats was one of the greatest poets the English language ever produced, his unrequited lust for Maud Gonne McBride saw him enmeshed in the same patriotic romanticism that enmeshed not only gunmen like McAuley but infinitely less gifted poets, bards and general chancers too numerous to presently adumbrate as well; Joyce had it right when he referred to Ireland as the sow that eats its farrow.

Although all of this is of historical and literary importance, it is also directly relevant to current judicial cases on both sides of the British imposed Irish border. In the British occupied north of Ireland, a Scottish based Palestinian doctor has been held on interminable remand facing charges of collaborating with an MI6 controlled Irish republican splinter group and in the south west tip of Ireland, Hezbollah, of all groups, stand accused of running mega billion dollar drug smuggling operations.

As the Sinoala cocaine cartel have the same sorts of family and political roots in the south west of Ireland as the mafia do in Sicily’s Corleone, it is fantasy to think that Hezbollah could muscle in there, without the approval and cooperation of MI6’s local Sinn Féin head honchos who have direct links with McAuley, Connolly and those recently arrested in the south west of Ireland in that country’s biggest ever crystal meth drug bust. Sinn Féin is, yet again, getting an MI6 pass. The simple explanation is that these court cases are the result of MI6, on both sides of the Irish border, using their Irish plants and useless idiots in their bigger game of smearing Middle Eastern based groups opposed to them.

Just as Dugdale, Revolutionary Struggle and the Sinoala cartel were not alone in undermining the South, so also was Stakeknife not alone in subverting the north. On the Catholic side, MI6 used him to shield more important agents like Martin McGuinness and Gerry Adams. On the Protestant side, they now admit they used him to assassinate MP Edgar Graham, who was going to expose MI6’s use of the little boys of Kincora Boys’ Home both for the sexual gratification of MI6’s own Sir Maurice Oldfield and King Charles’ uncle, Lord Mountbatten, but also to entrap others of the great and the good in their vile honey traps.

Although Ireland’s political landscape looks bleaker than it has looked at any time since the 1847 famine, the rejection of the regime’s recent referenda to erase biological women from the public space shows there is hope that, as 1916 Easter Rising leader James Connolly wrote on St Patrick’s Day 1916, “we will rise again”.

Although I and the tens of thousands of others currently protesting against the regime hope and pray that we do, I likewise pray that we can divest ourselves from the mistakes of the past and organise ourselves not only to put these Free Staters and their English aristocratic handlers and Sinn Féin fellow travellers in their place but to consign their treachery and careerism, along with the whole NATO apparatus that underscores it in Ireland as much as in Ukraine or in Palestine to the dustbin of history.

Although success, as in 1916, remains a long shot, it still is the only shot. Irish radical intellectualism was killed off around the time of the Irish civil war when Take It Down from the Mast was first penned and dopey and dishonest English aristocrats like Madam Despard and Dugdale were not then and are not now in any position to restore it.

Although events in Palestine, Ukraine and elsewhere have put countries like Ireland into the political shade, the hope has to be that such Rip van Winkel countries will eventually awake from their slumbers and divest themselves of their own Free Staters. And though the first shoots of such changes might be occurring in Ireland and elsewhere in Europe, freedom is a delicate plant that must be nurtured and protected from the sorts of noxious and invasive weeds Italy’s Red Brigades, Germany’s Red Army Faction, Sinn Féin’s Revolutionary Struggle, Dugdale and the rest of MI6’s class of ‘68 personified.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 12, 2025
March 7, 2025

See also

March 12, 2025
March 7, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.