Tag: Spying

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British meddling in Macedonia backfires, exposing coup machinations
Editor's Сhoice
British meddling in Macedonia backfires, exposing coup machinations
June 15, 2024

Charles Garrett, an apparent British intel agent, teamed up with a local prosecutor to wrongfully indict Macedonian public figures and topple the country’s government. Everywhere Garrett goes in the region, coups seem to follow.

Is your car spying on you?
May 10, 2024

Last week, Sens. Ron Wyden of Oregon and Edward Markey of Massachusetts revealed that automobiles sold in the United States with a GPS or emergency call system accumulate the travel data of the vehicle on computer chips located in the vehicle and the vehicle manufacturers have remote access to the computer chips.

Is your car spying on you?
Editor's Сhoice
FISA exchanges real liberty for phantom security
Editor's Сhoice
FISA exchanges real liberty for phantom security
April 18, 2024

House Speaker Mike Johnson betrayed liberty and the Constitution by making a full-court press to get a “clean” reauthorization of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) Act through the House.

Did British intelligence create a Neo-Nazi militia?
April 15, 2024

Kiev’s collapse cannot be far away. When that day comes to pass, Centuria will be lying in wait throughout Europe, ready to deliver retribution to the people and governments who allowed it to happen.

Did British intelligence create a Neo-Nazi militia?
Editor's Сhoice
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Take It Down From the Mast Irish Traitors
Take It Down From the Mast Irish Traitors
March 24, 2024

The rejection of the regime’s recent referenda to erase biological women from the public space shows there is hope that, as 1916 Easter Rising leader James Connolly wrote on St Patrick’s Day 1916, “we will rise again”.

La OTAN y la CIA hacen una guerra secreta en Rusia
March 3, 2024

Pareciera que la guerra secreta de la OTAN contra Rusia se está tornando más abierta a través de sus diferentes redes.

La OTAN y la CIA hacen una guerra secreta en Rusia
Cómo la CIA desestabiliza el mundo
Cómo la CIA desestabiliza el mundo
February 29, 2024

Jeffrey Sachs lamenta que las operaciones deshonestas de la CIA no terminaran tras los crímenes sacados a la luz por el Comité Church de 1975.

NATO and the CIA Are Waging a Secret War in Russia
February 11, 2024

The Special Military Operation is still going on, but in addition there is another real war being waged by the West, a “war in the dark.”

NATO and the CIA Are Waging a Secret War in Russia