According to a recent report, Washington is currently looking for funds to back new biomilitary projects.
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Apparently, the U.S. continues to be interested in acquiring biological weapons, disrespecting international law and generating unnecessary risks for thousands of innocent people. According to a recent report from the Russian Ministry of Defense, the American government is currently seeking new forms of financing for its biological research abroad, contacting “philanthropic” and “scientific” institutions to ask for help with the projects.
The information was announced by Russia’s Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defense (RCBD) troops. According to the commander of this Russian unit, Igor Kirillov, institutions such as the Clinton, Rockefeller, Biden and Soros foundations have received requests from the American government to send funds to advance biomilitary research. Not only that, but also political mechanisms are allegedly being created to formalize such projects, making biological research one of the main activities of the American defense forces.
“Based on an analysis of documents received in the course of the special military operation, the structure of the system created by the U.S. administration for the global management of biological risks has become clear (…) It consists of government agencies and private contractors, including representatives of Big Pharma. Through the organs of the executive branch, a legislative framework is being created to finance military-biological research directly from the federal budget. Guarantees provided by the state attract funds from non-governmental organizations controlled by the Democratic Party leadership, including the Clinton, Rockefeller, Soros and Biden Foundations”, he said.
In the report recently published by RCBD it is said that currently the Pentagon’s biological program has groups such as Metabiota, Black & Veatch and CH2M as its main investors. Furthermore, Big Pharma’s companies, such as Pfizer and Moderna, are linked to the biological risk reduction sector of the Department of Defense and also have an active participation in the development of biomilitary projects.
Obviously, the U.S. official excuse for operating this type of research is the alleged need to investigate pathogens and achieve treatments for various diseases. However, it is known that the military nature of the projects indicates that illegal activities could be the real reason for the research. It is necessary to remember that previously a Russian investigative committee had already published a final report on American biolaboratories in Ukraine, concluding that the objective of the Pentagon’s activities was to develop a kind of “universal biological weapon“, creating pathogens capable of affecting agriculture, the livestock and the ethnic Russian people.
Certainly, this objective remains central to the Pentagon’s biological plans. Moscow was able to neutralize the threat by launching its special military operation, destroying the biolabs and capturing the documents that exposed the research’s results, but American plans have not changed and there is still an interest in producing biological weapons to threaten many countries.
According to Kirollov, the Pentagon is currently interested in advancing biological research in the Middle East, Central Asia and in specific territories close to countries such as China and Turkey. The expansion of biomilitary networks increases the offensive potential of American forces abroad, threatening a greater number of countries. States that do not have military and intelligence power as strong as Russia (which was able to prevent a biological attack on its territory) can become targets of illegal American activities more easily, posing great risk to local populations.
“Materials received have confirmed that the U.S. military was set the task of monitoring the biological situation in the Middle East and Central Asia, territories bordering China, Turkiye, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia (…) Over the past year, the Pentagon developed and adopted a number of conceptual documents involving the expansion of the foreign network of U.S.-controlled biological laboratories, and continuing military biological research beyond America’s national jurisdiction (…) While the stated goals include ‘monitoring infectious diseases’ and providing assistance to developing countries, the example of Ukraine makes clear how the military-biological potential of the United States is being built up”, he added.
Undoubtedly, American research has already violated all possible red lines regarding international norms. Biological weapons are absolutely prohibited by the 1972 Convention, and there is no reason for international organizations to remain silent on the issue. Russian representatives at the UN have already demand measures against the American biomilitary program within the Security Council, however, there currently appears to be inertia on the part of international institutions with regard to crimes committed by the U.S. and its allies.
It is time to radically change the international stance on biological risks. The Russian discoveries about biolabs in Ukraine should be seen as a paradigm shift on the topic. The current system for regulating biomilitary activities is outdated, failing to prevent the proliferation of risks. New treaties need to be signed, prohibiting the creation of facilities for any type of military-led biological research on foreign soil – even those publicly claimed to have “peaceful purposes”.
Furthermore, institutions that care for international law, such as the UN, must prepare to deal with these cases severely, punishing through sanctions the countries responsible for violating treaties and conventions – even if they are major geopolitical powers like the U.S. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to prevent a health tragedy from occurring in the future as a result of illegal military activities.