Declan Hayes
January 13, 2024
© Photo: Social media

Gonzalo Lira becomes another innocent victim of Zelensky’s draconian dictatorship.

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Is the truth propaganda? America creates chaos all around the world—and calls it the “Rules Based Order”. The more you understand, the less you forgive. (Twitter feed of the late Gonzalo Lira).

Gonzalo Lira, whom I last wrote about in August, is no more. Having previously been placed on a Ukrainian kill list, he succumbed to pneumonia brought on by deliberate and systematic neglect in a Ukrainian dungeon, another innocent victim of Zelensky’s draconian dictatorship. For more information on his demise, please go to Tucker Carlson, Defense Politics Asia, Sprinter or any other credible source. To read reports disparaging him, go to The Daily Beast, the BBC, or any other NATO site.

Although I have also recently written of Julian Assange, there must be very real fears MI6 will Gonzalo him if it suits their broader agenda because in Belmarsh, as in Kiev, there is no such thing as the rule of law as one is supposed to understand it. There is certainly no such thing as justice because, if there was, the British would, at a minimum, produce Assange as the Russians do CIA agent Navalny, whose ugly mug never seems to be off Russian TV.

Meanwhile, in the Hague, South Africa seeks justice for the Palestinians through the good offices of Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh KC, whose Irish mother inspired her to follow a legal career following the 14 August 1976 execution of 12 year old Majella O’Hare on her way to her local church by war criminal Private Micheal Williams of the 3rd Battalion, Royal Parachute Regiment, Britain’s equivalent of the Waffen SS, whose speciality was the mass murder of Catholics in Belfast, Derry and other Irish cities, atrocities for which not one of these serial war criminals or their political leaders has ever been held to account.

Just as the British and their Irish toadies argue to this day that their own Waffen SS are not cold blooded killers, so also do counsel for Israel still argue, with a straight face mind you, that the Israeli Army is the world’s most moral army. Here, for those of you who like the bizarre, is former BBC big wig Andrew Marr hosting some dude commenting on that case. And here is that same Andrew Marr creep in 2003 outside the door of war criminal Tony Blair salivating over NATO’s criminal destruction of Iraq. Andrew Marr and Tony and Cherie Blair all deserve their place in the dock and then on the gallows as do any and all other NATO parrots or paratroopers.

Briefly flit to Pakistan where the United States has vowed to “continue to support democratic suppression”, something at which they truly excel on the Indian sub-continent as they do globally.

Except in places like Lebanon where Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah found it amusing that the United States has enrolled the tiny Seychelles to help them conquer Yemen. Far from having a beef with the Seychelles, the Lebanese peace activist quipped that “to make the coalition seem powerful, they [NATO] added some country, the Seychelles or Meychelles or whatever, and I had to Google what it even was! Turns out it’s some island at the end of the world, with a population of less than 100,000,” he chuckled.

Far from disrespecting the Seychelles (whose name is confusing in Arabic), Nasrallah, like many other leaders, just had to get his head around what passes for NATO’s battle plans, which range from murdering Chilean-American dumplings, showcasing psychotic American transexuals, torturing Imran Khan and Julian Assange, swamping Western Europe with Ukrainian grifters and draft dodgers, destroying German industry by blowing up German infrastructure, robbing Russian assets, putting pregnant Ukrainian women into the front lines and doing all sorts of other silly things that make King Canute’s attack on the sea seem like the soundest of military tactics.

And even though Nasrallah, like most normal folk, likes a joke, not everyone does. Witness the fate of Fr Joseph Müller Hitler’s Nazis executed on 11 September 1944 for cracking a pretty lame joke about Hitler, variations of which we have all made. But the sad truth is Nazis, be they in Hitler’s Reich, in the British Foreign Office or in Zelensky’s rump Reich, have very stilted views on what constitutes and what does not constitute humour and what constitutes and what does not constitute a threat.

Gonzalo Lira posed no more a threat to Zelensky than Fr Müller did to Hitler. The murder of both was gratuitous and did nothing to prop up the respective Reichs Müller and Lira supposedly offended. Müller and Lira were but two innocent victims amongst far too many of very deranged and very dangerous men.

Though he died alone, Gonzalo Lira was not alone in his transgressions. There are, for starters, the Communist Kononovich twins, Ukraine’s persecuted Christians, Ukraine’s conscientious objectors and all those young girls who ended up strapped to Kiev lampposts for offending the Banderite cat stranglers in one way or another. And then, of course, there are the Palestinians the Israelis, the British Foreign Office and others liked to laugh at, just as they laughed at the Chechens before they sorted out the Nazis in Mariupol, just as they will probably sort out the Nazis in Gonzalo’s Kharkov, spurred on in part, by Gonzalo’s wanton murder, as well as that of countless others, all of whom, like poor Majella O’Hare herself, deserve remembrance.

And, in thinking of Majella O’Hare, though we should salute the work of Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh KC and those like her, just as we should pray for the Kononovich brothers, Imran Khan and those like them, we should see that, as with Majella O’Hare’s South Armagh, others, like the Houthi and Hezbollah will, sad to say, make their own points much more robustly than Ms Ní Ghrálaigh KC does, aided and abetted, it has to be said, by the sort of justice the British, Israeli and Ukrainian armies so callously dish out to young and old, strong and weak alike.

To conclude, here is Gonzalo Lira naming and shaming the self-serving oligarchs behind not only Zelensky and Hunter Biden but this entire Ukrainian war which Zelensky claimed to be fighting for “global freedom” but which was really about enriching himself and jailing and physically destroying, with the full support of the American government, truth tellers like American citizen Gonzalo Lira, who refused to buy into the rank criminality of Clown Prince Zelensky, Hunter Biden and their British, American and home grown cronies.

The more you understand, the less you forgive. So wrote the late Gonzalo Lira, whose passing is one more reason why the rump Ukrainian Reich and all it stands for must be totally and utterly destroyed.

Goodbye, Gonzalo Lira. Try to Rest in Peace

Gonzalo Lira becomes another innocent victim of Zelensky’s draconian dictatorship.

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Is the truth propaganda? America creates chaos all around the world—and calls it the “Rules Based Order”. The more you understand, the less you forgive. (Twitter feed of the late Gonzalo Lira).

Gonzalo Lira, whom I last wrote about in August, is no more. Having previously been placed on a Ukrainian kill list, he succumbed to pneumonia brought on by deliberate and systematic neglect in a Ukrainian dungeon, another innocent victim of Zelensky’s draconian dictatorship. For more information on his demise, please go to Tucker Carlson, Defense Politics Asia, Sprinter or any other credible source. To read reports disparaging him, go to The Daily Beast, the BBC, or any other NATO site.

Although I have also recently written of Julian Assange, there must be very real fears MI6 will Gonzalo him if it suits their broader agenda because in Belmarsh, as in Kiev, there is no such thing as the rule of law as one is supposed to understand it. There is certainly no such thing as justice because, if there was, the British would, at a minimum, produce Assange as the Russians do CIA agent Navalny, whose ugly mug never seems to be off Russian TV.

Meanwhile, in the Hague, South Africa seeks justice for the Palestinians through the good offices of Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh KC, whose Irish mother inspired her to follow a legal career following the 14 August 1976 execution of 12 year old Majella O’Hare on her way to her local church by war criminal Private Micheal Williams of the 3rd Battalion, Royal Parachute Regiment, Britain’s equivalent of the Waffen SS, whose speciality was the mass murder of Catholics in Belfast, Derry and other Irish cities, atrocities for which not one of these serial war criminals or their political leaders has ever been held to account.

Just as the British and their Irish toadies argue to this day that their own Waffen SS are not cold blooded killers, so also do counsel for Israel still argue, with a straight face mind you, that the Israeli Army is the world’s most moral army. Here, for those of you who like the bizarre, is former BBC big wig Andrew Marr hosting some dude commenting on that case. And here is that same Andrew Marr creep in 2003 outside the door of war criminal Tony Blair salivating over NATO’s criminal destruction of Iraq. Andrew Marr and Tony and Cherie Blair all deserve their place in the dock and then on the gallows as do any and all other NATO parrots or paratroopers.

Briefly flit to Pakistan where the United States has vowed to “continue to support democratic suppression”, something at which they truly excel on the Indian sub-continent as they do globally.

Except in places like Lebanon where Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah found it amusing that the United States has enrolled the tiny Seychelles to help them conquer Yemen. Far from having a beef with the Seychelles, the Lebanese peace activist quipped that “to make the coalition seem powerful, they [NATO] added some country, the Seychelles or Meychelles or whatever, and I had to Google what it even was! Turns out it’s some island at the end of the world, with a population of less than 100,000,” he chuckled.

Far from disrespecting the Seychelles (whose name is confusing in Arabic), Nasrallah, like many other leaders, just had to get his head around what passes for NATO’s battle plans, which range from murdering Chilean-American dumplings, showcasing psychotic American transexuals, torturing Imran Khan and Julian Assange, swamping Western Europe with Ukrainian grifters and draft dodgers, destroying German industry by blowing up German infrastructure, robbing Russian assets, putting pregnant Ukrainian women into the front lines and doing all sorts of other silly things that make King Canute’s attack on the sea seem like the soundest of military tactics.

And even though Nasrallah, like most normal folk, likes a joke, not everyone does. Witness the fate of Fr Joseph Müller Hitler’s Nazis executed on 11 September 1944 for cracking a pretty lame joke about Hitler, variations of which we have all made. But the sad truth is Nazis, be they in Hitler’s Reich, in the British Foreign Office or in Zelensky’s rump Reich, have very stilted views on what constitutes and what does not constitute humour and what constitutes and what does not constitute a threat.

Gonzalo Lira posed no more a threat to Zelensky than Fr Müller did to Hitler. The murder of both was gratuitous and did nothing to prop up the respective Reichs Müller and Lira supposedly offended. Müller and Lira were but two innocent victims amongst far too many of very deranged and very dangerous men.

Though he died alone, Gonzalo Lira was not alone in his transgressions. There are, for starters, the Communist Kononovich twins, Ukraine’s persecuted Christians, Ukraine’s conscientious objectors and all those young girls who ended up strapped to Kiev lampposts for offending the Banderite cat stranglers in one way or another. And then, of course, there are the Palestinians the Israelis, the British Foreign Office and others liked to laugh at, just as they laughed at the Chechens before they sorted out the Nazis in Mariupol, just as they will probably sort out the Nazis in Gonzalo’s Kharkov, spurred on in part, by Gonzalo’s wanton murder, as well as that of countless others, all of whom, like poor Majella O’Hare herself, deserve remembrance.

And, in thinking of Majella O’Hare, though we should salute the work of Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh KC and those like her, just as we should pray for the Kononovich brothers, Imran Khan and those like them, we should see that, as with Majella O’Hare’s South Armagh, others, like the Houthi and Hezbollah will, sad to say, make their own points much more robustly than Ms Ní Ghrálaigh KC does, aided and abetted, it has to be said, by the sort of justice the British, Israeli and Ukrainian armies so callously dish out to young and old, strong and weak alike.

To conclude, here is Gonzalo Lira naming and shaming the self-serving oligarchs behind not only Zelensky and Hunter Biden but this entire Ukrainian war which Zelensky claimed to be fighting for “global freedom” but which was really about enriching himself and jailing and physically destroying, with the full support of the American government, truth tellers like American citizen Gonzalo Lira, who refused to buy into the rank criminality of Clown Prince Zelensky, Hunter Biden and their British, American and home grown cronies.

The more you understand, the less you forgive. So wrote the late Gonzalo Lira, whose passing is one more reason why the rump Ukrainian Reich and all it stands for must be totally and utterly destroyed.

Gonzalo Lira becomes another innocent victim of Zelensky’s draconian dictatorship.

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Is the truth propaganda? America creates chaos all around the world—and calls it the “Rules Based Order”. The more you understand, the less you forgive. (Twitter feed of the late Gonzalo Lira).

Gonzalo Lira, whom I last wrote about in August, is no more. Having previously been placed on a Ukrainian kill list, he succumbed to pneumonia brought on by deliberate and systematic neglect in a Ukrainian dungeon, another innocent victim of Zelensky’s draconian dictatorship. For more information on his demise, please go to Tucker Carlson, Defense Politics Asia, Sprinter or any other credible source. To read reports disparaging him, go to The Daily Beast, the BBC, or any other NATO site.

Although I have also recently written of Julian Assange, there must be very real fears MI6 will Gonzalo him if it suits their broader agenda because in Belmarsh, as in Kiev, there is no such thing as the rule of law as one is supposed to understand it. There is certainly no such thing as justice because, if there was, the British would, at a minimum, produce Assange as the Russians do CIA agent Navalny, whose ugly mug never seems to be off Russian TV.

Meanwhile, in the Hague, South Africa seeks justice for the Palestinians through the good offices of Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh KC, whose Irish mother inspired her to follow a legal career following the 14 August 1976 execution of 12 year old Majella O’Hare on her way to her local church by war criminal Private Micheal Williams of the 3rd Battalion, Royal Parachute Regiment, Britain’s equivalent of the Waffen SS, whose speciality was the mass murder of Catholics in Belfast, Derry and other Irish cities, atrocities for which not one of these serial war criminals or their political leaders has ever been held to account.

Just as the British and their Irish toadies argue to this day that their own Waffen SS are not cold blooded killers, so also do counsel for Israel still argue, with a straight face mind you, that the Israeli Army is the world’s most moral army. Here, for those of you who like the bizarre, is former BBC big wig Andrew Marr hosting some dude commenting on that case. And here is that same Andrew Marr creep in 2003 outside the door of war criminal Tony Blair salivating over NATO’s criminal destruction of Iraq. Andrew Marr and Tony and Cherie Blair all deserve their place in the dock and then on the gallows as do any and all other NATO parrots or paratroopers.

Briefly flit to Pakistan where the United States has vowed to “continue to support democratic suppression”, something at which they truly excel on the Indian sub-continent as they do globally.

Except in places like Lebanon where Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah found it amusing that the United States has enrolled the tiny Seychelles to help them conquer Yemen. Far from having a beef with the Seychelles, the Lebanese peace activist quipped that “to make the coalition seem powerful, they [NATO] added some country, the Seychelles or Meychelles or whatever, and I had to Google what it even was! Turns out it’s some island at the end of the world, with a population of less than 100,000,” he chuckled.

Far from disrespecting the Seychelles (whose name is confusing in Arabic), Nasrallah, like many other leaders, just had to get his head around what passes for NATO’s battle plans, which range from murdering Chilean-American dumplings, showcasing psychotic American transexuals, torturing Imran Khan and Julian Assange, swamping Western Europe with Ukrainian grifters and draft dodgers, destroying German industry by blowing up German infrastructure, robbing Russian assets, putting pregnant Ukrainian women into the front lines and doing all sorts of other silly things that make King Canute’s attack on the sea seem like the soundest of military tactics.

And even though Nasrallah, like most normal folk, likes a joke, not everyone does. Witness the fate of Fr Joseph Müller Hitler’s Nazis executed on 11 September 1944 for cracking a pretty lame joke about Hitler, variations of which we have all made. But the sad truth is Nazis, be they in Hitler’s Reich, in the British Foreign Office or in Zelensky’s rump Reich, have very stilted views on what constitutes and what does not constitute humour and what constitutes and what does not constitute a threat.

Gonzalo Lira posed no more a threat to Zelensky than Fr Müller did to Hitler. The murder of both was gratuitous and did nothing to prop up the respective Reichs Müller and Lira supposedly offended. Müller and Lira were but two innocent victims amongst far too many of very deranged and very dangerous men.

Though he died alone, Gonzalo Lira was not alone in his transgressions. There are, for starters, the Communist Kononovich twins, Ukraine’s persecuted Christians, Ukraine’s conscientious objectors and all those young girls who ended up strapped to Kiev lampposts for offending the Banderite cat stranglers in one way or another. And then, of course, there are the Palestinians the Israelis, the British Foreign Office and others liked to laugh at, just as they laughed at the Chechens before they sorted out the Nazis in Mariupol, just as they will probably sort out the Nazis in Gonzalo’s Kharkov, spurred on in part, by Gonzalo’s wanton murder, as well as that of countless others, all of whom, like poor Majella O’Hare herself, deserve remembrance.

And, in thinking of Majella O’Hare, though we should salute the work of Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh KC and those like her, just as we should pray for the Kononovich brothers, Imran Khan and those like them, we should see that, as with Majella O’Hare’s South Armagh, others, like the Houthi and Hezbollah will, sad to say, make their own points much more robustly than Ms Ní Ghrálaigh KC does, aided and abetted, it has to be said, by the sort of justice the British, Israeli and Ukrainian armies so callously dish out to young and old, strong and weak alike.

To conclude, here is Gonzalo Lira naming and shaming the self-serving oligarchs behind not only Zelensky and Hunter Biden but this entire Ukrainian war which Zelensky claimed to be fighting for “global freedom” but which was really about enriching himself and jailing and physically destroying, with the full support of the American government, truth tellers like American citizen Gonzalo Lira, who refused to buy into the rank criminality of Clown Prince Zelensky, Hunter Biden and their British, American and home grown cronies.

The more you understand, the less you forgive. So wrote the late Gonzalo Lira, whose passing is one more reason why the rump Ukrainian Reich and all it stands for must be totally and utterly destroyed.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 7, 2025

See also

March 7, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.