Syrians, Russians, Palestinians are all part of NATO’s unholy brown-red other because they will not take NATO’s very rough with its silky smooth talk.
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Roger Waters, his friends tell me, is a nice bloke. A keen cricketer and nuclear disarmament advocate in his teens, he gave them up for music and a rock and roll band, Pink Floyd in his case.
Waters never got to meet his father, who had been a conscientious objector at the start of the War, but went on to enlist in the Royal Fusiliers, with whom he fought and died along with 55,000 other Allied soldiers against Hitler’s crack 3rd FJR “Green Devils” paratroopers at the Battle of Anzio. These days, Waters, who recently celebrated his 80th birthday, still tours and still supports British political internee Julian Assange, whom he recently visited.
Waters, like former British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, is a soft-spoken urbane gentleman, who has the air of a retiring Oxbridge don about him. Though he is not the sort who would have made it into Hitler’s Green Devils had he been born in Germany a little earlier, that is not the impression one gets by perusing the mass media’s serial libels against him.
Waters is one of a large number of NATO heretics who are branded as far right and/or part of the red-brown alliance, some supposed confederation of Maoist and/or fascistic screwballs who oppose not only NATO’s wars and NATO’s Big Pharma but most of NATO’s other profiteering scams as well. I have been so named, if not shamed, as part of that fictional alliance on the odd occasion NATO’s scribes deemed in necessary to pigeon hole me, just as they pigeon hole Waters and Corbyn, who was first lampooned for wearing a pullover his mother knitted him and buying his underwear at the local market.
Before getting on to whether Waters, Putin, Corbyn and all other NATO heretics and unbelievers are in some dastardly alliance or not, we must first acknowledge that the court of public opinion, thanks largely to the legacy media and Big Tech, have already found them guilty, just as they have found Russell Brand guilty of dissent. Off with their heads as Alice in Wonderland, the BBC and ISIS say.
Although we have previously discussed the 77th Brigade’s stitch up of Russell Brand, that is only one tiny part of a much bigger concerted effort by NATO’s media. The BBC and RTÉ, its Irish equivalent, resemble nothing more than propaganda screeds for the Ukrainian junta, with almost every single Russian missile attack being prominently reported as if it is another Hiroshima, Nagasaki or My Lai. The bias is so overwhelming that poor fools like me or Corbyn or Waters are left to wonder how come such crass reporting is so effective.
But effective it is. In my recent article on the 77th, I cited the catechism of cliches reformed alcoholic Suzanne Harrington regurgitated in a provincial Irish newspaper to attack Russell Brand. But NATO’s media repeat those cliches ad nauseam to libel and denounce Waters and countless other fringe players. And, because they work and are effective, they are redeployed again and again.
When I discuss Russell Brand with friends, they agree he is being hard done by but qualify that by saying he is associated with “the far right”, which is news to me. I have had intelligent, successful friends visit Syria with me and then praise the propaganda films of the White Helmets murder gang to me, forcing me to watch their transparently deceitful tripe again and wonder why my friends cannot see what I can see.
The answer to this conundrum lies in heuristical reasoning, in factoring our answers around what NATO’s stimuli fool us into thinking we already know. If the BBC and allied NATO outlets repeatedly say something is true, then the chances are that it is true, irrespective of the fact that the BBC harboured paedophiles like Gary Glitter for decades, or that that its crocodile expert rapes children and dogs. Because flasher Huw Edwards cried crocodile tears over the late Queen’s passing, we are supposed to accept the BBC’s smug child sex enablers as the voice of reason and authority.
But it is not just the BBC. Look at Yvonne Murray from RTÉ, Ireland’s BBC equivalent, here traducing Irishman Chay Bowes, because he is now working for Russia Today. Although Murray hails from the same north Dublin village as me, she has wandered far away from the land of the shamrock and heather in search of a living which meant that “she previously reported for RTÉ News on Chinese affairs from Taipei, Taiwan and previously worked for the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Channel 4 News and The Economist… She reported on-the-ground from Hong Kong, on the mass detention of Uyghurs in Xinjiang, on cross-strait tensions from Taiwan and from Wuhan, on the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
The Wikipedia entry goes on to say that “on 31 March 2021, it was revealed that Murray and her family were forced to leave China amid concerns for the safety of her husband, John Sudworth who is China Correspondent for BBC News.” After being being booted out of China After Sudworth confessed to being an MI6 spy, Sudworth and Murray landed in New York, where they continue to spin stories to suit the 77th’s agenda and disregard others they label as fake news, Putin propaganda and so on.
Nice NATO work if you and your spouse can both get it and no doubt Murray and Sudworth are effective spinmeisters. The same, sadly, cannot be said for quack pot Sgt Sarah Cirillo, the transexual Yank who is the on again off again spokesperson for the Ukrainian Armed Forces, who was recently pranked by Vovan and Lexus, where Sgt Sarah made the most outrageous racist slurs against Russians that probably would have warranted a punch in the face from the Green Devils, or anyone else rooted in the real world.
NATO gets away with all that racist guff because, as Fox News and the New York Times report on this academic study, most people pay only token attention to the news, history, economics and current affairs. As do, as the latest worshipping of the Waffen SS by Canada’s Parliament and military top brass show, our political and military leaders. They are either too stupid or too compromised to condemn or even distance themselves from the Waffen SS.
In the case of the U.S. Democrats, any divergence by any of their pretend radicals will mean that their funding will be cut and they will not be re-elected to enjoy the considerable fruits of being an elected Capitol Hill mouthpiece. Speak truth to power and you are part of this red-brown alliance of Hitler’s Brownshirts and the Red Army who fought them from the gates of Moscow to the bunker of Berlin. And no, it makes no sense to me either but it is not supposed to.
Because it is such a stupid, one dimensional concept, I had to add some French into this piece’s heading. Le Rouge et Le Noir, The Red and The Black, is Stendhal’s great classic Bildungsroman of the psychological and moral growth of Julien Sorel, the protagonist, between the Scylla and Charybdis of the red (army) and black (clergy) in nineteenth century France, or the Scarlet and the Black, which tells the tale of an Irish priest hiding Allied prisoners and Jews in the Vatican from the Nazis.
But such common sense complexities are superfluous to NATO’s two legs bad, four legs good needs, which consist of having uninformed groups like these yell cliches at each other to stop any voice of opposition congealing around Jeremy Corbyn or any of the other scholars or gentlemen of this world.
When the great Irish poet Paddy Kavanagh was up on a doomed libel case, he made the not inconsequential point that he was unskilled in explaining himself to the fools who comprised the jury. Building on that point, here and here are informed comments on this Swedish study on the take up of Covid vaccinations. Leaving the quasi racist IQ blarney to one side, the study and comments argue that most people took the vaccine because they figured it was the right thing to do, given it is what the law wanted and what the experts propounded. That said, there were two distinct groups who did not take the vaccine, one of which was the so-called knuckle dragging “conspiracy theorists” (sic) and the others being those who figured the data did not compute for such an experimental drug and all the more so, as it was being relentlessly injected into defenceless children.
Though I am in that latter hard sell group, the comments conclude that people like me, like Paddy Kavanagh or the prophets of old, are not that important, as we are not social influencers or trend setters, who will take an experimental shot for a free Pepsi or increased social media likes. NATO simply pigeon holed me and others into Hillary Clinton’s bunch of red-brown deplorables, allies to QAnon, Trump, Dugin and so on. Although I will return to Trump et al in a later article, QAnon is an internal American dynamic, born of its libertarianism, which is all but non-existent here, and because Dugin is simply a Russian who tried to contribute to an understanding of Russia’s role in the modern world, he is but of marginal interest to me as he lives half a world away.
But NATO has to tie all these diverse strands in together. NATO, in all its manifestations, is the good guy and all who oppose its diverse portfolio of killers are the bad guys. Syrians, Russians, Palestinians are all part of NATO’s unholy brown-red other because they will not take NATO’s very rough with its silky smooth talk.
NATO thus presents us with a false choice. We can accept them and their prophets, rough talking journalists like Sgt Sarah or silky smooth players like Yvonne Murray and her British beloved. We can believe NATO’s experts when they tell us Iraq, and now Iran, has weapons of mass destruction and we can believe Blackface Trudeau when he swears Putin smuggled a Waffen SS veteran into Canada’s Reichstag where he got a rapturous reception as some sort of devilish plan those who do not accept NATO’s innate moral superiority are so adept at.
That is the easier path to follow for those of us who have been battered into moral submission by NATO’s never ending swell of lies, half lies and half truths. That is the easier option to take for, after all, as they kept reminding us during the Covid lockdown, “that is the law”.
But there is another option and it is one SCF writer Finian Cunningham sings about here and here, when he tells us to switch off NATO’s news and let time and tide settle matters. Before we do the good things, we must give up doing the bad things which, in this case, means cocking a critical ear towards Sgt Sarah, Yvonne Murray and the rest of NATO’s little bullhorns.
Though time and tide will eventually settle matters, we too, sadly, must play our part in ways big or small. Eric Waters, Roger’s father, played his part in ways big and small before being laid to rest in “some corner of a foreign field that is forever England”. Mary, Eric’s widow, soldiered on, before dying in 2009 in her 96th year, an indication perhaps that Roger will be with us for some years yet, still doing the right thing and still shaking off the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune NATO throws at him and all others born with a moral backbone. And, though I don’t know if Roger still keeps abreast of the cricket world, Mick Jagger certainly does. And, because Roger and Mick are now the elder statesmen of rock and roll, that is but one of many psychedelic alliances that should give NATO’s hitmen sleepless nights. Whether, as Jesus said, the meek like Roger Waters and Julian Assange inherit the earth or not, NATO’s libels about one dimensional red brown alliances has, like NATO itself, long passed its sell by date. And, as libelled martyrs in places as diverse as Syria, Donbas, Armenia and Belmarsh prison continue, like Roger Waters, to do their best, we have to hope, as Finian Cunningham sings, that time and tide will do the rest.