Finian Cunningham
February 18, 2023
© Photo: Social media

Zelensky’s racket is coming to an end as Russian forces push on with decimating what’s left of the NATO proxy war machine.

Moldavian President Maia Sandu made explosive claims this week that Russia was conspiring with Serbian, Belorussian and Montenegrin agents to overthrow her government.

Sandu is a Western darling, so her flimsy allegations received a lot of airplay from Western media outlets.

The accusations provoked consternation in Serbia and Montenegro whose governments rejected any such involvement and demanded Moldavia provide details to back up the claims. Respective ambassadors have been summoned to explain the unprecedented tensions.

For its part, Moscow dismissed the alleged plot to destabilize the government in Chisinau as “unfounded and unsubstantiated”. Russia countered that the real motive was for Kiev to expand the war to embroil neighbors.

Such a reckless, incendiary move by the NATO-backed Ukrainian regime would fit its unsavory record for delinquent conduct, from demanding ever-more lethal weapons from its NATO backers, to staging false-flag massacres in Bucha, Mariupol and elsewhere, to its use of “nuclear terrorism” by firing rockets at Europe’s largest civilian nuclear power plant at Zaporozhye.

Moldavia’s President Sandu gave the game away when she disclosed her sole source for the alleged Russian plot was Ukrainian state intelligence. Apparently, no evidence was presented, purportedly in order to “protect sources”.

Last week while Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky was being pandered to in Brussels at the European Union leaders’ summit, he made similar unfounded claims that Russia “was planning to destroy Moldavia”. There is therefore a scripted feel to the claims.

The putative objective for Moscow is to install a friendly Moldavian puppet regime bordering western Ukraine and from which Russia can launch military forces to expedite its year-old war. Russia has already long-established military bases in Transnistria, the separatist region of Moldavia immediately bordering Ukraine.

Moldavia’s Maia Sandu is an American-educated, former World Bank official who is keenly pro-West. She managed last year to make Moldavia a candidate for European Union membership thereby delivering on her long-held promises to bring Western capital to one of Europe’s poorest nations. Sandu is also pushing the idea of joining the NATO alliance. Like the former Soviet republics of Ukraine and Georgia, such a move by Moldavia has been lambasted by Russia as completely unacceptable to its national security interests.

That Sandu would regurgitate Zelensky’s lurid allegations of a Russian subterfuge is not surprising. The pair are politically close. Sandu has vociferously condemned Russia for “aggression” against Ukraine and she promotes the NATO narrative of Kiev taking a brave stand for the rest of Europe and for “world democratic freedom”.

There is doubtless a cynical, self-serving agenda for the Moldavian president and her government. By talking up national security threats and alleged aggression from Russia, the pro-Western cabal in Chisinau is trying to speed up membership of the EU and NATO.

This trick has been tried before. In 2016, Russia was accused of a similar plot to overthrow the government in Montenegro and even of planning to assassinate the country’s then prime minister. No evidence was ever presented, just lots of sound and fury. It was all based on salacious hearsay and contrived Western talking-points smearing Moscow. The next year, however, saw Montenegro being accepted into the NATO bloc as the 30th member.

Even before the dramatic claims this week of Russian subversion, the Sandu government in Moldavia had appealed for modern air defense weapons from supposed NATO allies. It claims that it is next in line for alleged Russian invasion.

However, sources in Transnistria say that mysterious explosions in that territory have been carried out by clandestine forces from Ukraine. They claim that the Kiev regime is trying to cast the blame on Russia with false-flag attacks.

By way of giving credence to Sandu’s claims of a Russian plot for regime change, Moldavia this week closed its airspace temporarily. Turned out, though, that it was drones from Ukraine that instigated the air defense alert. It would make more sense that the Zelensky regime was covertly lending some dramatic effect to raise the climate of fear.

The Kiev regime has its own nefarious motives. A year after Russia launched its military intervention to defend ethnic Russian people in the Donbass and Crimea from eight years of NATO-backed aggression, the Ukrainian forces are facing what is increasingly looking like a massive defeat. Even the Western media which have for months spun an unlikely story of Ukrainian victory are slowly and reluctantly facing up to the reality that Russia is ready to crush the NATO-backed regime and its SS-adulating battalions.

Zelensky and his cronies in Kiev have milked the NATO taxpayers for tens of billions of dollars and euros through the weapons racket fueling this war. But the gargantuan racket is coming to an end as Russian forces push on with decimating what’s left of the NATO proxy war machine.

American leadership, European credibility and NATO’s prestige are all on the line here. Western publics have been saturated with false narratives about defending freedom and democratic values, when the reality is that it’s all been about shoring up U.S. hegemony, its military-industrial complex and giving NATO and European politicians a seeming reason for their ineffectual existence.

There’s a lot at stake as NATO’s Ukrainian front collapses. Conjuring a false-flag provocation to implicate Russia, Belorussia, Serbia and Montenegro in an act of international aggression against NATO interests, would be a desperate way to muddy the waters and keep the war racket going. It’s an incendiary move to embroil the Balkans in an international conflict. But what do you expect from a NeoNazi cabal in Kiev that is a byword for stinking corruption?

Facing Defeat, Kiev Regime in Desperate Bid to Expand War Regionally and Embroil Neighbors

Zelensky’s racket is coming to an end as Russian forces push on with decimating what’s left of the NATO proxy war machine.

Moldavian President Maia Sandu made explosive claims this week that Russia was conspiring with Serbian, Belorussian and Montenegrin agents to overthrow her government.

Sandu is a Western darling, so her flimsy allegations received a lot of airplay from Western media outlets.

The accusations provoked consternation in Serbia and Montenegro whose governments rejected any such involvement and demanded Moldavia provide details to back up the claims. Respective ambassadors have been summoned to explain the unprecedented tensions.

For its part, Moscow dismissed the alleged plot to destabilize the government in Chisinau as “unfounded and unsubstantiated”. Russia countered that the real motive was for Kiev to expand the war to embroil neighbors.

Such a reckless, incendiary move by the NATO-backed Ukrainian regime would fit its unsavory record for delinquent conduct, from demanding ever-more lethal weapons from its NATO backers, to staging false-flag massacres in Bucha, Mariupol and elsewhere, to its use of “nuclear terrorism” by firing rockets at Europe’s largest civilian nuclear power plant at Zaporozhye.

Moldavia’s President Sandu gave the game away when she disclosed her sole source for the alleged Russian plot was Ukrainian state intelligence. Apparently, no evidence was presented, purportedly in order to “protect sources”.

Last week while Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky was being pandered to in Brussels at the European Union leaders’ summit, he made similar unfounded claims that Russia “was planning to destroy Moldavia”. There is therefore a scripted feel to the claims.

The putative objective for Moscow is to install a friendly Moldavian puppet regime bordering western Ukraine and from which Russia can launch military forces to expedite its year-old war. Russia has already long-established military bases in Transnistria, the separatist region of Moldavia immediately bordering Ukraine.

Moldavia’s Maia Sandu is an American-educated, former World Bank official who is keenly pro-West. She managed last year to make Moldavia a candidate for European Union membership thereby delivering on her long-held promises to bring Western capital to one of Europe’s poorest nations. Sandu is also pushing the idea of joining the NATO alliance. Like the former Soviet republics of Ukraine and Georgia, such a move by Moldavia has been lambasted by Russia as completely unacceptable to its national security interests.

That Sandu would regurgitate Zelensky’s lurid allegations of a Russian subterfuge is not surprising. The pair are politically close. Sandu has vociferously condemned Russia for “aggression” against Ukraine and she promotes the NATO narrative of Kiev taking a brave stand for the rest of Europe and for “world democratic freedom”.

There is doubtless a cynical, self-serving agenda for the Moldavian president and her government. By talking up national security threats and alleged aggression from Russia, the pro-Western cabal in Chisinau is trying to speed up membership of the EU and NATO.

This trick has been tried before. In 2016, Russia was accused of a similar plot to overthrow the government in Montenegro and even of planning to assassinate the country’s then prime minister. No evidence was ever presented, just lots of sound and fury. It was all based on salacious hearsay and contrived Western talking-points smearing Moscow. The next year, however, saw Montenegro being accepted into the NATO bloc as the 30th member.

Even before the dramatic claims this week of Russian subversion, the Sandu government in Moldavia had appealed for modern air defense weapons from supposed NATO allies. It claims that it is next in line for alleged Russian invasion.

However, sources in Transnistria say that mysterious explosions in that territory have been carried out by clandestine forces from Ukraine. They claim that the Kiev regime is trying to cast the blame on Russia with false-flag attacks.

By way of giving credence to Sandu’s claims of a Russian plot for regime change, Moldavia this week closed its airspace temporarily. Turned out, though, that it was drones from Ukraine that instigated the air defense alert. It would make more sense that the Zelensky regime was covertly lending some dramatic effect to raise the climate of fear.

The Kiev regime has its own nefarious motives. A year after Russia launched its military intervention to defend ethnic Russian people in the Donbass and Crimea from eight years of NATO-backed aggression, the Ukrainian forces are facing what is increasingly looking like a massive defeat. Even the Western media which have for months spun an unlikely story of Ukrainian victory are slowly and reluctantly facing up to the reality that Russia is ready to crush the NATO-backed regime and its SS-adulating battalions.

Zelensky and his cronies in Kiev have milked the NATO taxpayers for tens of billions of dollars and euros through the weapons racket fueling this war. But the gargantuan racket is coming to an end as Russian forces push on with decimating what’s left of the NATO proxy war machine.

American leadership, European credibility and NATO’s prestige are all on the line here. Western publics have been saturated with false narratives about defending freedom and democratic values, when the reality is that it’s all been about shoring up U.S. hegemony, its military-industrial complex and giving NATO and European politicians a seeming reason for their ineffectual existence.

There’s a lot at stake as NATO’s Ukrainian front collapses. Conjuring a false-flag provocation to implicate Russia, Belorussia, Serbia and Montenegro in an act of international aggression against NATO interests, would be a desperate way to muddy the waters and keep the war racket going. It’s an incendiary move to embroil the Balkans in an international conflict. But what do you expect from a NeoNazi cabal in Kiev that is a byword for stinking corruption?

Zelensky’s racket is coming to an end as Russian forces push on with decimating what’s left of the NATO proxy war machine.

Moldavian President Maia Sandu made explosive claims this week that Russia was conspiring with Serbian, Belorussian and Montenegrin agents to overthrow her government.

Sandu is a Western darling, so her flimsy allegations received a lot of airplay from Western media outlets.

The accusations provoked consternation in Serbia and Montenegro whose governments rejected any such involvement and demanded Moldavia provide details to back up the claims. Respective ambassadors have been summoned to explain the unprecedented tensions.

For its part, Moscow dismissed the alleged plot to destabilize the government in Chisinau as “unfounded and unsubstantiated”. Russia countered that the real motive was for Kiev to expand the war to embroil neighbors.

Such a reckless, incendiary move by the NATO-backed Ukrainian regime would fit its unsavory record for delinquent conduct, from demanding ever-more lethal weapons from its NATO backers, to staging false-flag massacres in Bucha, Mariupol and elsewhere, to its use of “nuclear terrorism” by firing rockets at Europe’s largest civilian nuclear power plant at Zaporozhye.

Moldavia’s President Sandu gave the game away when she disclosed her sole source for the alleged Russian plot was Ukrainian state intelligence. Apparently, no evidence was presented, purportedly in order to “protect sources”.

Last week while Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky was being pandered to in Brussels at the European Union leaders’ summit, he made similar unfounded claims that Russia “was planning to destroy Moldavia”. There is therefore a scripted feel to the claims.

The putative objective for Moscow is to install a friendly Moldavian puppet regime bordering western Ukraine and from which Russia can launch military forces to expedite its year-old war. Russia has already long-established military bases in Transnistria, the separatist region of Moldavia immediately bordering Ukraine.

Moldavia’s Maia Sandu is an American-educated, former World Bank official who is keenly pro-West. She managed last year to make Moldavia a candidate for European Union membership thereby delivering on her long-held promises to bring Western capital to one of Europe’s poorest nations. Sandu is also pushing the idea of joining the NATO alliance. Like the former Soviet republics of Ukraine and Georgia, such a move by Moldavia has been lambasted by Russia as completely unacceptable to its national security interests.

That Sandu would regurgitate Zelensky’s lurid allegations of a Russian subterfuge is not surprising. The pair are politically close. Sandu has vociferously condemned Russia for “aggression” against Ukraine and she promotes the NATO narrative of Kiev taking a brave stand for the rest of Europe and for “world democratic freedom”.

There is doubtless a cynical, self-serving agenda for the Moldavian president and her government. By talking up national security threats and alleged aggression from Russia, the pro-Western cabal in Chisinau is trying to speed up membership of the EU and NATO.

This trick has been tried before. In 2016, Russia was accused of a similar plot to overthrow the government in Montenegro and even of planning to assassinate the country’s then prime minister. No evidence was ever presented, just lots of sound and fury. It was all based on salacious hearsay and contrived Western talking-points smearing Moscow. The next year, however, saw Montenegro being accepted into the NATO bloc as the 30th member.

Even before the dramatic claims this week of Russian subversion, the Sandu government in Moldavia had appealed for modern air defense weapons from supposed NATO allies. It claims that it is next in line for alleged Russian invasion.

However, sources in Transnistria say that mysterious explosions in that territory have been carried out by clandestine forces from Ukraine. They claim that the Kiev regime is trying to cast the blame on Russia with false-flag attacks.

By way of giving credence to Sandu’s claims of a Russian plot for regime change, Moldavia this week closed its airspace temporarily. Turned out, though, that it was drones from Ukraine that instigated the air defense alert. It would make more sense that the Zelensky regime was covertly lending some dramatic effect to raise the climate of fear.

The Kiev regime has its own nefarious motives. A year after Russia launched its military intervention to defend ethnic Russian people in the Donbass and Crimea from eight years of NATO-backed aggression, the Ukrainian forces are facing what is increasingly looking like a massive defeat. Even the Western media which have for months spun an unlikely story of Ukrainian victory are slowly and reluctantly facing up to the reality that Russia is ready to crush the NATO-backed regime and its SS-adulating battalions.

Zelensky and his cronies in Kiev have milked the NATO taxpayers for tens of billions of dollars and euros through the weapons racket fueling this war. But the gargantuan racket is coming to an end as Russian forces push on with decimating what’s left of the NATO proxy war machine.

American leadership, European credibility and NATO’s prestige are all on the line here. Western publics have been saturated with false narratives about defending freedom and democratic values, when the reality is that it’s all been about shoring up U.S. hegemony, its military-industrial complex and giving NATO and European politicians a seeming reason for their ineffectual existence.

There’s a lot at stake as NATO’s Ukrainian front collapses. Conjuring a false-flag provocation to implicate Russia, Belorussia, Serbia and Montenegro in an act of international aggression against NATO interests, would be a desperate way to muddy the waters and keep the war racket going. It’s an incendiary move to embroil the Balkans in an international conflict. But what do you expect from a NeoNazi cabal in Kiev that is a byword for stinking corruption?

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

October 2, 2024
October 17, 2024
October 7, 2024

See also

October 2, 2024
October 17, 2024
October 7, 2024
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.