Robert Bridge
April 25, 2022
© Photo: REUTERS/Jose Torres

Rather than belabor America’s turbulent history, while vilifying just one race, the United States needs to find a way to turn the corner on this cancel culture madness that exists as a malignant cancer on the body politic.

Liberal indoctrination in the United States has gotten so out of control that math textbooks, based on the work of some dead white men, among others, are no longer safe from the virtue-signaling Inquisition. Let’s be clear: no society can survive such insanity for long.

As difficult as it is to fathom, in the span of a single generation the patron saints of Western civilization – towering historic figures like Shakespeare, Washington, Voltaire and Copernicus – have been systematically dispatched to the local garbage dump primarily due to their hideous whiteness.

Indeed, the pale-faced tribe of ‘Caucasians’, to employ a more outdated racial categorization, has become so offensive to liberal sensitivities that with each passing year the mainstream media reports, with thinly disguised delight, the latest precipitous decline among the White population.

By the year 2045, and possibly before then, Whites are expected to comprise just 49.7 percent of the population, a drop of some 20 percent from the current figure.

Such a dramatic demographic change should surprise exactly nobody when it is considered that the U.S.-Mexico border door has been left wide open for years, and despite the prevalence of global contagions, like terrorism and a relentless pandemic. And as Americans and Europeans suffer draconian Covid lockdowns and mask regimes, illegal immigrants are immune from such restrictions as they rack up frequent flier miles under cover of darkness.

The ultimate reasons behind such imbecilic domestic policy – whether it is to boost the voter rolls of the Democratic Party or to displace the White Christian Trump base altogether – is of little actual concern. That’s because America and the West are changing so rapidly that in a few short years Western civilization as we know it will simply have ceased to exist. This is part of an agenda, an actual business plan, and to what end nobody can really say for sure.

One indisputable fact is that any positive contributions that the tinkering hands of the White race have introduced to the world stage rank high for cancellation. Take, as perhaps the most astonishing example, mathematics. One would think that this nerdy field of study would be completely safe from the cultural inquisition now running rampant in Western capitals; one would think wrong.

This month, Florida’s Department of Education was forced to reject “dozens” of elementary and high school mathematics textbooks after state examiners found they carried “indoctrinating concepts,” such as critical race theory (CRT).

“Reasons for rejecting textbooks included references to Critical Race Theory (CRT), inclusions of Common Core, and the unsolicited addition of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) in mathematics,” according to the Florida Department of Education.

An example of such indoctrination can be seen in the Twitter post below (if it hasn’t been cancelled already), where bizarre trivia questions pertaining to obscure and meaningless aspects of minority history are incorporated into math equations.

Apparently, such freakish methods are supposed to ‘balance the scales’ of justice and make amends for all of the historic crimes that the White people committed against minorities over the years. In reality, the only affect it will have is to help the United States descend ever lower in academic aptitude rankings.

Last year, it was reported that the U.S. dropped from second place in 2020 to third place in 2021 in a performance ranking of secondary school students on international science and math competitions. The People’s Republic of China came in first place last year followed by Russia, which moved up from third to second place, trading places with the self-obsessed U.S.

In an age when so much depends upon math and science, such a drop signals a serious brain drain that will eventually lead the U.S. to third-world status.

“Now, more than ever, our nation must prioritize rigorous high-quality STEM education to compete globally in science and technology,” Joann P. DiGennaro, President of the Center for Excellence in Education (CEE), told Forbes magazine.

Thus, the issue isn’t so much that liberals wish to discuss and debate the historical wrongs committed against minorities in the past. That much at least would be understandable. These people, however, like fanatical medieval crusaders on the road to Jerusalem, have no wish to discuss anything. Instead, they would rather destroy educational standards in order to exact some sort of dubious settling of debts with the White population.

So stubbornly entrenched is the anti-White narrative that it is increasingly difficult to find shows and commercials on American television that do not pay ‘tribute’ to the Western White male, who more often than not is portrayed somewhere on the scale of human evolution between Neanderthal Man and the Appalachian Redneck, when he appears at all. And as the misguided folks at the Gillette Company were at pains to suggest in their activist advert against ‘toxic masculinity’ (where the only racial group acting inappropriately seemed to lack the essential melanin, watch the disturbing video), White people are blessed with an inordinate amount of violent chromosomes that requires medical intervention, apparently, as the American Psychological Association (APA) would have us believe.

Now if Hollywood, the mainstream media and corporations all somehow fail to sell the idea of ‘White guilt’ to their distracted customers, then White people themselves can be counted upon to betray their own people to such a warped idea.

Apparently, a trendy way for liberal White women in the United States to lull away an evening is to fork over a small fortune ($2,500) to be told they are knuckle-dragging xenophobes.

Such a joyous time goes as such: “A white woman volunteers to host a dinner in her home for seven other white women,” reported The Guardian. The organizers of these pricy guilt trips, Regina Jackson, who is black, and Saira Rao, who ‘identifies’ (identifies!) as Indian American, then proceed to “challenge liberal white women to accept their racism, however subconscious.”

To reiterate, while it is perfectly fine to discuss aspects of America’s turbulent past, which, like any country, are filled with endless pages of tragedy, to castigate White people eternally for those transgressions, to the point when math textbooks are turning into civil rights lectures, then the country has lost its way.

Rather than belabor America’s turbulent history, while vilifying just one race, the United States, one of the world’s most multicultural nations, needs to find a way to turn the corner on this cancel culture madness that exists as a malignant cancer on the body politic. The best course of action would be to find ways of accepting historic wrongs – perhaps even indulge in some good old fashioned Christian forgiveness – than to place the country on the road to disaster.

Cancel Culture’s Anti-White Crusade Risks Canceling Western Civilization Altogether

Rather than belabor America’s turbulent history, while vilifying just one race, the United States needs to find a way to turn the corner on this cancel culture madness that exists as a malignant cancer on the body politic.

Liberal indoctrination in the United States has gotten so out of control that math textbooks, based on the work of some dead white men, among others, are no longer safe from the virtue-signaling Inquisition. Let’s be clear: no society can survive such insanity for long.

As difficult as it is to fathom, in the span of a single generation the patron saints of Western civilization – towering historic figures like Shakespeare, Washington, Voltaire and Copernicus – have been systematically dispatched to the local garbage dump primarily due to their hideous whiteness.

Indeed, the pale-faced tribe of ‘Caucasians’, to employ a more outdated racial categorization, has become so offensive to liberal sensitivities that with each passing year the mainstream media reports, with thinly disguised delight, the latest precipitous decline among the White population.

By the year 2045, and possibly before then, Whites are expected to comprise just 49.7 percent of the population, a drop of some 20 percent from the current figure.

Such a dramatic demographic change should surprise exactly nobody when it is considered that the U.S.-Mexico border door has been left wide open for years, and despite the prevalence of global contagions, like terrorism and a relentless pandemic. And as Americans and Europeans suffer draconian Covid lockdowns and mask regimes, illegal immigrants are immune from such restrictions as they rack up frequent flier miles under cover of darkness.

The ultimate reasons behind such imbecilic domestic policy – whether it is to boost the voter rolls of the Democratic Party or to displace the White Christian Trump base altogether – is of little actual concern. That’s because America and the West are changing so rapidly that in a few short years Western civilization as we know it will simply have ceased to exist. This is part of an agenda, an actual business plan, and to what end nobody can really say for sure.

One indisputable fact is that any positive contributions that the tinkering hands of the White race have introduced to the world stage rank high for cancellation. Take, as perhaps the most astonishing example, mathematics. One would think that this nerdy field of study would be completely safe from the cultural inquisition now running rampant in Western capitals; one would think wrong.

This month, Florida’s Department of Education was forced to reject “dozens” of elementary and high school mathematics textbooks after state examiners found they carried “indoctrinating concepts,” such as critical race theory (CRT).

“Reasons for rejecting textbooks included references to Critical Race Theory (CRT), inclusions of Common Core, and the unsolicited addition of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) in mathematics,” according to the Florida Department of Education.

An example of such indoctrination can be seen in the Twitter post below (if it hasn’t been cancelled already), where bizarre trivia questions pertaining to obscure and meaningless aspects of minority history are incorporated into math equations.

Apparently, such freakish methods are supposed to ‘balance the scales’ of justice and make amends for all of the historic crimes that the White people committed against minorities over the years. In reality, the only affect it will have is to help the United States descend ever lower in academic aptitude rankings.

Last year, it was reported that the U.S. dropped from second place in 2020 to third place in 2021 in a performance ranking of secondary school students on international science and math competitions. The People’s Republic of China came in first place last year followed by Russia, which moved up from third to second place, trading places with the self-obsessed U.S.

In an age when so much depends upon math and science, such a drop signals a serious brain drain that will eventually lead the U.S. to third-world status.

“Now, more than ever, our nation must prioritize rigorous high-quality STEM education to compete globally in science and technology,” Joann P. DiGennaro, President of the Center for Excellence in Education (CEE), told Forbes magazine.

Thus, the issue isn’t so much that liberals wish to discuss and debate the historical wrongs committed against minorities in the past. That much at least would be understandable. These people, however, like fanatical medieval crusaders on the road to Jerusalem, have no wish to discuss anything. Instead, they would rather destroy educational standards in order to exact some sort of dubious settling of debts with the White population.

So stubbornly entrenched is the anti-White narrative that it is increasingly difficult to find shows and commercials on American television that do not pay ‘tribute’ to the Western White male, who more often than not is portrayed somewhere on the scale of human evolution between Neanderthal Man and the Appalachian Redneck, when he appears at all. And as the misguided folks at the Gillette Company were at pains to suggest in their activist advert against ‘toxic masculinity’ (where the only racial group acting inappropriately seemed to lack the essential melanin, watch the disturbing video), White people are blessed with an inordinate amount of violent chromosomes that requires medical intervention, apparently, as the American Psychological Association (APA) would have us believe.

Now if Hollywood, the mainstream media and corporations all somehow fail to sell the idea of ‘White guilt’ to their distracted customers, then White people themselves can be counted upon to betray their own people to such a warped idea.

Apparently, a trendy way for liberal White women in the United States to lull away an evening is to fork over a small fortune ($2,500) to be told they are knuckle-dragging xenophobes.

Such a joyous time goes as such: “A white woman volunteers to host a dinner in her home for seven other white women,” reported The Guardian. The organizers of these pricy guilt trips, Regina Jackson, who is black, and Saira Rao, who ‘identifies’ (identifies!) as Indian American, then proceed to “challenge liberal white women to accept their racism, however subconscious.”

To reiterate, while it is perfectly fine to discuss aspects of America’s turbulent past, which, like any country, are filled with endless pages of tragedy, to castigate White people eternally for those transgressions, to the point when math textbooks are turning into civil rights lectures, then the country has lost its way.

Rather than belabor America’s turbulent history, while vilifying just one race, the United States, one of the world’s most multicultural nations, needs to find a way to turn the corner on this cancel culture madness that exists as a malignant cancer on the body politic. The best course of action would be to find ways of accepting historic wrongs – perhaps even indulge in some good old fashioned Christian forgiveness – than to place the country on the road to disaster.

Rather than belabor America’s turbulent history, while vilifying just one race, the United States needs to find a way to turn the corner on this cancel culture madness that exists as a malignant cancer on the body politic.

Liberal indoctrination in the United States has gotten so out of control that math textbooks, based on the work of some dead white men, among others, are no longer safe from the virtue-signaling Inquisition. Let’s be clear: no society can survive such insanity for long.

As difficult as it is to fathom, in the span of a single generation the patron saints of Western civilization – towering historic figures like Shakespeare, Washington, Voltaire and Copernicus – have been systematically dispatched to the local garbage dump primarily due to their hideous whiteness.

Indeed, the pale-faced tribe of ‘Caucasians’, to employ a more outdated racial categorization, has become so offensive to liberal sensitivities that with each passing year the mainstream media reports, with thinly disguised delight, the latest precipitous decline among the White population.

By the year 2045, and possibly before then, Whites are expected to comprise just 49.7 percent of the population, a drop of some 20 percent from the current figure.

Such a dramatic demographic change should surprise exactly nobody when it is considered that the U.S.-Mexico border door has been left wide open for years, and despite the prevalence of global contagions, like terrorism and a relentless pandemic. And as Americans and Europeans suffer draconian Covid lockdowns and mask regimes, illegal immigrants are immune from such restrictions as they rack up frequent flier miles under cover of darkness.

The ultimate reasons behind such imbecilic domestic policy – whether it is to boost the voter rolls of the Democratic Party or to displace the White Christian Trump base altogether – is of little actual concern. That’s because America and the West are changing so rapidly that in a few short years Western civilization as we know it will simply have ceased to exist. This is part of an agenda, an actual business plan, and to what end nobody can really say for sure.

One indisputable fact is that any positive contributions that the tinkering hands of the White race have introduced to the world stage rank high for cancellation. Take, as perhaps the most astonishing example, mathematics. One would think that this nerdy field of study would be completely safe from the cultural inquisition now running rampant in Western capitals; one would think wrong.

This month, Florida’s Department of Education was forced to reject “dozens” of elementary and high school mathematics textbooks after state examiners found they carried “indoctrinating concepts,” such as critical race theory (CRT).

“Reasons for rejecting textbooks included references to Critical Race Theory (CRT), inclusions of Common Core, and the unsolicited addition of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) in mathematics,” according to the Florida Department of Education.

An example of such indoctrination can be seen in the Twitter post below (if it hasn’t been cancelled already), where bizarre trivia questions pertaining to obscure and meaningless aspects of minority history are incorporated into math equations.

Apparently, such freakish methods are supposed to ‘balance the scales’ of justice and make amends for all of the historic crimes that the White people committed against minorities over the years. In reality, the only affect it will have is to help the United States descend ever lower in academic aptitude rankings.

Last year, it was reported that the U.S. dropped from second place in 2020 to third place in 2021 in a performance ranking of secondary school students on international science and math competitions. The People’s Republic of China came in first place last year followed by Russia, which moved up from third to second place, trading places with the self-obsessed U.S.

In an age when so much depends upon math and science, such a drop signals a serious brain drain that will eventually lead the U.S. to third-world status.

“Now, more than ever, our nation must prioritize rigorous high-quality STEM education to compete globally in science and technology,” Joann P. DiGennaro, President of the Center for Excellence in Education (CEE), told Forbes magazine.

Thus, the issue isn’t so much that liberals wish to discuss and debate the historical wrongs committed against minorities in the past. That much at least would be understandable. These people, however, like fanatical medieval crusaders on the road to Jerusalem, have no wish to discuss anything. Instead, they would rather destroy educational standards in order to exact some sort of dubious settling of debts with the White population.

So stubbornly entrenched is the anti-White narrative that it is increasingly difficult to find shows and commercials on American television that do not pay ‘tribute’ to the Western White male, who more often than not is portrayed somewhere on the scale of human evolution between Neanderthal Man and the Appalachian Redneck, when he appears at all. And as the misguided folks at the Gillette Company were at pains to suggest in their activist advert against ‘toxic masculinity’ (where the only racial group acting inappropriately seemed to lack the essential melanin, watch the disturbing video), White people are blessed with an inordinate amount of violent chromosomes that requires medical intervention, apparently, as the American Psychological Association (APA) would have us believe.

Now if Hollywood, the mainstream media and corporations all somehow fail to sell the idea of ‘White guilt’ to their distracted customers, then White people themselves can be counted upon to betray their own people to such a warped idea.

Apparently, a trendy way for liberal White women in the United States to lull away an evening is to fork over a small fortune ($2,500) to be told they are knuckle-dragging xenophobes.

Such a joyous time goes as such: “A white woman volunteers to host a dinner in her home for seven other white women,” reported The Guardian. The organizers of these pricy guilt trips, Regina Jackson, who is black, and Saira Rao, who ‘identifies’ (identifies!) as Indian American, then proceed to “challenge liberal white women to accept their racism, however subconscious.”

To reiterate, while it is perfectly fine to discuss aspects of America’s turbulent past, which, like any country, are filled with endless pages of tragedy, to castigate White people eternally for those transgressions, to the point when math textbooks are turning into civil rights lectures, then the country has lost its way.

Rather than belabor America’s turbulent history, while vilifying just one race, the United States, one of the world’s most multicultural nations, needs to find a way to turn the corner on this cancel culture madness that exists as a malignant cancer on the body politic. The best course of action would be to find ways of accepting historic wrongs – perhaps even indulge in some good old fashioned Christian forgiveness – than to place the country on the road to disaster.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 16, 2025
February 16, 2025

See also

March 16, 2025
February 16, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.