Tag: Education

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It’s time for the GOP to play hardball with public universities
Editor's Сhoice
It’s time for the GOP to play hardball with public universities
October 1, 2024

Red-state tax dollars should not fund hostile institutions

Embaixadas europeias violaram a soberania nacional do Brasil
July 16, 2024

A difusão do espanhol facilitaria o intercâmbio cultural, político, econômico e em todos os âmbitos com nossos vizinhos. Falando espanhol, os brasileiros diminuirão a dependência econômica, política e cultural dos EUA e da Europa.

Embaixadas europeias violaram a soberania nacional do Brasil
Academia is only as free as powerful donors allow it to be
Editor's Сhoice
Academia is only as free as powerful donors allow it to be
June 11, 2024

Two prestigious law reviews censor Palestinian scholar for proposing a legal framework that ties the Gaza genocide to the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948

How John Stuart Mill turned parenthood into a risk of debt slavery
June 2, 2024

In Mill’s philosophy, the home is turned into a field of the war of all against all, in which the children themselves constitute a threat.

How John Stuart Mill turned parenthood into a risk of debt slavery
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No que depender de Stuart Mill, todo pai pode cair na servidão por dívidas
No que depender de Stuart Mill, todo pai pode cair na servidão por dívidas
June 1, 2024

Mill é, tal como Humboldt, um entusiasta do casamento como expressão de uma afeição cambiante, que pode se desfazer a qualquer momento.

Gaza, the Book of Kells, Watermelons & Trinity College’s Zionist fairy tales
May 25, 2024

One simply cannot subscribe to Zionism and believe that all men are created equal.

Gaza, the Book of Kells, Watermelons & Trinity College’s Zionist fairy tales
VIDEO: Will Israel’s genocide in Gaza cost Joe Biden the White House?
VIDEO: Will Israel’s genocide in Gaza cost Joe Biden the White House?
May 5, 2024

Student protests across the U.S. point to growing disgust among young Americans toward the Biden administration’s “ironclad” support for Israel

Columbia crackdown led by university prof doubling as NYPD spook
May 4, 2024

Rebecca Weiner is a Columbia U. professor who also serves as intelligence director of the NYPD. Mayor Eric Adams credits her with spying on anti-genocide student protesters and directing the militarized raid that dislodged them from campus.

Columbia crackdown led by university prof doubling as NYPD spook
Editor's Сhoice