Joaquin Flores
February 12, 2021
© Photo: REUTERS/Edgar Su

The changes underway are a revolutionary change from one historic epoch to another, Joaquin Flores writes.

Ephesians 6: 10 – 12 – 10Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

The sci-fi horror film we are now living in, being presented as the 4th Industrial Revolution, is only one possible outcome, and not a necessary one. However, the one being put forward in Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum, is what we see being implemented across the Western world in the aftermath of the collapse of NATO and the winding down of the globalists’ Trans-Atlantic banking establishment.

As we have previously established, the declining rate of profit has created an impasse in the logic of the speculative based finance economy, one which is in fact undermined by the rise of robotics, AI, and automation. Therefore, the ruling class as moved to transform itself from a financialist plutocracy into a technocratic oligarchy.

There inherent problem for these globalist elites is the fact that in history, massive changes to the organization of society have also been accompanied by big changes in who holds power, known also as Pareto’s “circulation of elites”, (but we will term ‘rotation’ for clarity).

Their version of the 4IR is based on a fallacious understanding of humanity and consciousness; premised within a demiurgic conception of power. Moreover, their efforts will fail for any number of practical reasons.

The 4th Industrial Revolution of home garage production is around the corner, it is really only a matter of a few short years before it is practicable to be entirely realized. And this is why there has been such a tremendous effort to subvert this back into some attempt to reconstruct a single-mind centralized model dependent upon ID2020.

With ID2020 we see the beginning of a freedom-pass and a subscription to ‘anti-virus’ and ‘anti-malware’ shots for the human body, in order for citizens to stay alive, having already been infected with some ostensibly communicable illness created by the creators of the vaccines themselves.

The shots will not be ‘mandatory’, rather the enslaved people will clamor for them, and their qualification to receive these in a timely way will be based upon their social-credit score. A lower social-credit score will see longer periods of real illness and forced quarantine at-home, in “eco-friendly” 15 meter square apartments. Suburban populations will have their mortgages foreclosed, assets will be seized, and people will be forced to live in ‘smart cities’ and rely on UBI payments, in order to ‘save energy’ through eliminating trucking and supply-lines to rural parts.

A Paradigm in Collapse – Avoiding a Rotation of Elites

Are we transitioning to a new phase in a series of industrial revolutions within modernity, or are we on the precipice of a post-industrial phase in the development of human civilization? These are starkly differing conceptions of the changes underway, and provide two very different ways of approaching the problem and any possible solutions.

The very same failing paradigm which has brought about both the need and the possibility of a genuine 4th Industrial Revolution based in liberatory concepts of the 4th Great Awakening, is trying to get ahead of the curve to control and contain it. Towards that end, they have possessed the very name ‘4IR’.

The real problem with technology and the coming 4th Industrial Revolution appears to be two-fold. There has been a scientific attempt to manage the changes that technology brings, which are historically destabilizing to elites. This means that now, through the science of sociology and social-psychology as well as other social-engineering technologies (as seen through big tech and big pharma), the effort is one of intentionally directing the development of certain technologies towards the end of continued control by our present financial elites. All this, as we move towards a post-financial order.

In effect this has meant the holding back the development of other technologies which they rightly see as destabilizing for them, until new coercive control-technologies can be better produced and applied. This is why we see the focus on neuralink and cybernetics involved in a discussion of the 4IR, even though it is not very much related.

The process of a rotation of elites is, again, what the elites want to avoid. But there has never been a successful revolution in the productive forces without a rotation of elites.

That is why they are trying to ‘downscale’ the historical perspective, and speak in terms of industrial revolutions plural, instead of the fact that the 4th industrial revolution is a post-industrial revolution.

The dying-out elites want to frame things in terms of the phases of the industrial revolution on a small scale within the span of hundreds of years, instead of looking at broad socio-economic transformations over the span of thousands of years.

By framing it in this limited way, they can try to insert themselves as an ongoing elite. The problem, however, is in their theory. It is true that the banking dynasties from the 1700’s have remained in power throughout the series of ‘industrial revolutions’ – three of them before as we have it – but in fact this past three-hundred years as all been the singular ‘industrial revolution’, or the epoch of modernity.

Therefore, they are trying to promote a future vision where they simply carry-on in the ‘next’ of a series of industrial revolutions, when in fact this is not the case. The three prior paradigmatic revolutions in the productive forces have been much larger in scope (slavocratic, feudalist, capitalist) and were carried out over much longer periods of time. In short, we are on the brink of a paradigm shift, not simply an innovation resting atop the old order with the old elites. We are on the precipice, if we stand and make it ours, of a post-modern, post-industrial order.

That is our 4th Industrial Revolution. That is the 4th Great Awakening.

One the one hand is the fact that the present elites wish to avoid their displacement that comes with a rotations of elites, a rotation which historically arises from new modes of production. The rise of early medieval Europe saw the descendants of Roman slavocratic elites replaced by feudal elites. Some eight centuries later, after the Inclosure Acts in England and in the period of the Reformation, saw the early origins of industrial elites who first built small workshops that in the coming centuries became large factories. It is they who replaced the feudal elites.

With this revolutionary change in the entire organization of society, came an entire shift in consciousness, from medieval into modern thinking and being, and the entrance of a consciousness commensurate with modernity, onto the world-historical stage.

Therefore, less paradigmatic changes that then the rise of scientific management in the early 20th centuries saw the rise of technocratic and financial elites who replaced the industrial. But this did not include a shift in consciousness, as this change took place within the rubric of modernity.

Changes of epochs were signaled by a true rotation of elites, which came with tremendous social turmoil, and was accompanied by political chaos and often times great wars between classes and nations, which were also ruinous to many of the old elites. Each rotation of elites came with a revolution in the mode of production.

We can see that these broad historical developments take shape over the course of many centuries, and not merely decades. They are larger than what any secular conspiracy or intrigue could ever possibly account for. The rise and development of ever-more complex social relations has given society itself its own artificial intelligence of sorts, its own internal logic which drives society towards its own ends, entirely divorced from the real needs of humanity.

The scientific management revolution of the 1920’s and 30’s, fueled by sciences like sociology, a type of soulless Marxism – presented a new possibility, now being implemented. This was to manage the implementation of new technologies while minimizing any chaos associated with the rotation of elites, by avoiding any rotation of elites at all.

For the first time, society is conscious of itself as an entity towards its own end, as an Artificial Intelligence (AI), and is alienated from humanity which in Heidegger’s distant pre-Socratic past was an end in itself and for itself. A golem of sorts. A Frankenstein’s monster.

For the first time, the changes which historically overthrew societies and transformed them, could theoretically by managed by a self-conscious AI, as a technocratic leviathan, as ‘society’ in itself and for itself, and introduce revolutionary changes without overturning itself.

By minimizing the rotation of elites, it is believed that the turmoil experienced by elites can be minimized, and the costs can be externalized entirely onto the relatively disempowered social classes below. The elites have used the ‘magic’ of the machine-age – technology – to create a synthetic god of sorts, which they believe can preserve their place in a type of hierarchy, in perpetuity.

In the past, because of demagogic mechanisms and the historic power of numbers, (increased many-fold with the invention of firearms and the relative decrease in the relative power of the warrior caste), a group of elites representative of the new technology and unfolding new means of production could work in tandem with relatively disempowered classes who had numerical superiority. Socio-political ends of the disempowered could piggy-back onto the program of new elites who overthrew the old. The American, French, Mexican, Russian, and Chinese revolutions are well-known examples of this process.

Today, elites wish to implement new technology based upon the self-awareness of their machine wherein new technologies – if not managed from alpha to omega – will result in a problematic and self-defeating rotation of elites. Part of their solution is not only to create a homogeneous and highly regimented anti-intellectual culture for the masses, but to also reify and reproduce this singular homogenous worldview in and between themselves. In short, if they are all on board with the same program and for the same reasons, they can avoid the inter-elite conflicts which hitherto characterize transformations that come with new means of production.

But this is pure folly. The changes underway cannot be managed by the science of sociology, and these changes are not merely one in a series of revolutionary changes within modernity, but rather a revolutionary change from one historic epoch to another.

Hence, what is being presented as the 4IR is an attempt to prevent that change into post-modernity, post-industrialism (going past the old the global supply chain, the age of the industrial wage-worker, etc. towards a liberatory rubric). In this critical sense, it is not a 4IR at all, but takes more from Orwell’s conception of 1984 of a system based on the freezing of technological development in terms of the productive forces. Instead, the science of social-psychology and other coercive mechanisms are further perfected in order to ‘freeze time’.

Looking at our next installment, we will take from this point and move to demonstrating that in addition to a rotation of elites, what was historically essential and missing from the elite plan, was a paradigm shift in consciousness not only among the people, but also among the elites. That shift in consciousness is today called the ‘Great Awakening’.

The Globalist Dilemma: How to Implement a 4th Industrial Revolution Without Losing Power

The changes underway are a revolutionary change from one historic epoch to another, Joaquin Flores writes.

Ephesians 6: 10 – 12 – 10Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

The sci-fi horror film we are now living in, being presented as the 4th Industrial Revolution, is only one possible outcome, and not a necessary one. However, the one being put forward in Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum, is what we see being implemented across the Western world in the aftermath of the collapse of NATO and the winding down of the globalists’ Trans-Atlantic banking establishment.

As we have previously established, the declining rate of profit has created an impasse in the logic of the speculative based finance economy, one which is in fact undermined by the rise of robotics, AI, and automation. Therefore, the ruling class as moved to transform itself from a financialist plutocracy into a technocratic oligarchy.

There inherent problem for these globalist elites is the fact that in history, massive changes to the organization of society have also been accompanied by big changes in who holds power, known also as Pareto’s “circulation of elites”, (but we will term ‘rotation’ for clarity).

Their version of the 4IR is based on a fallacious understanding of humanity and consciousness; premised within a demiurgic conception of power. Moreover, their efforts will fail for any number of practical reasons.

The 4th Industrial Revolution of home garage production is around the corner, it is really only a matter of a few short years before it is practicable to be entirely realized. And this is why there has been such a tremendous effort to subvert this back into some attempt to reconstruct a single-mind centralized model dependent upon ID2020.

With ID2020 we see the beginning of a freedom-pass and a subscription to ‘anti-virus’ and ‘anti-malware’ shots for the human body, in order for citizens to stay alive, having already been infected with some ostensibly communicable illness created by the creators of the vaccines themselves.

The shots will not be ‘mandatory’, rather the enslaved people will clamor for them, and their qualification to receive these in a timely way will be based upon their social-credit score. A lower social-credit score will see longer periods of real illness and forced quarantine at-home, in “eco-friendly” 15 meter square apartments. Suburban populations will have their mortgages foreclosed, assets will be seized, and people will be forced to live in ‘smart cities’ and rely on UBI payments, in order to ‘save energy’ through eliminating trucking and supply-lines to rural parts.

A Paradigm in Collapse – Avoiding a Rotation of Elites

Are we transitioning to a new phase in a series of industrial revolutions within modernity, or are we on the precipice of a post-industrial phase in the development of human civilization? These are starkly differing conceptions of the changes underway, and provide two very different ways of approaching the problem and any possible solutions.

The very same failing paradigm which has brought about both the need and the possibility of a genuine 4th Industrial Revolution based in liberatory concepts of the 4th Great Awakening, is trying to get ahead of the curve to control and contain it. Towards that end, they have possessed the very name ‘4IR’.

The real problem with technology and the coming 4th Industrial Revolution appears to be two-fold. There has been a scientific attempt to manage the changes that technology brings, which are historically destabilizing to elites. This means that now, through the science of sociology and social-psychology as well as other social-engineering technologies (as seen through big tech and big pharma), the effort is one of intentionally directing the development of certain technologies towards the end of continued control by our present financial elites. All this, as we move towards a post-financial order.

In effect this has meant the holding back the development of other technologies which they rightly see as destabilizing for them, until new coercive control-technologies can be better produced and applied. This is why we see the focus on neuralink and cybernetics involved in a discussion of the 4IR, even though it is not very much related.

The process of a rotation of elites is, again, what the elites want to avoid. But there has never been a successful revolution in the productive forces without a rotation of elites.

That is why they are trying to ‘downscale’ the historical perspective, and speak in terms of industrial revolutions plural, instead of the fact that the 4th industrial revolution is a post-industrial revolution.

The dying-out elites want to frame things in terms of the phases of the industrial revolution on a small scale within the span of hundreds of years, instead of looking at broad socio-economic transformations over the span of thousands of years.

By framing it in this limited way, they can try to insert themselves as an ongoing elite. The problem, however, is in their theory. It is true that the banking dynasties from the 1700’s have remained in power throughout the series of ‘industrial revolutions’ – three of them before as we have it – but in fact this past three-hundred years as all been the singular ‘industrial revolution’, or the epoch of modernity.

Therefore, they are trying to promote a future vision where they simply carry-on in the ‘next’ of a series of industrial revolutions, when in fact this is not the case. The three prior paradigmatic revolutions in the productive forces have been much larger in scope (slavocratic, feudalist, capitalist) and were carried out over much longer periods of time. In short, we are on the brink of a paradigm shift, not simply an innovation resting atop the old order with the old elites. We are on the precipice, if we stand and make it ours, of a post-modern, post-industrial order.

That is our 4th Industrial Revolution. That is the 4th Great Awakening.

One the one hand is the fact that the present elites wish to avoid their displacement that comes with a rotations of elites, a rotation which historically arises from new modes of production. The rise of early medieval Europe saw the descendants of Roman slavocratic elites replaced by feudal elites. Some eight centuries later, after the Inclosure Acts in England and in the period of the Reformation, saw the early origins of industrial elites who first built small workshops that in the coming centuries became large factories. It is they who replaced the feudal elites.

With this revolutionary change in the entire organization of society, came an entire shift in consciousness, from medieval into modern thinking and being, and the entrance of a consciousness commensurate with modernity, onto the world-historical stage.

Therefore, less paradigmatic changes that then the rise of scientific management in the early 20th centuries saw the rise of technocratic and financial elites who replaced the industrial. But this did not include a shift in consciousness, as this change took place within the rubric of modernity.

Changes of epochs were signaled by a true rotation of elites, which came with tremendous social turmoil, and was accompanied by political chaos and often times great wars between classes and nations, which were also ruinous to many of the old elites. Each rotation of elites came with a revolution in the mode of production.

We can see that these broad historical developments take shape over the course of many centuries, and not merely decades. They are larger than what any secular conspiracy or intrigue could ever possibly account for. The rise and development of ever-more complex social relations has given society itself its own artificial intelligence of sorts, its own internal logic which drives society towards its own ends, entirely divorced from the real needs of humanity.

The scientific management revolution of the 1920’s and 30’s, fueled by sciences like sociology, a type of soulless Marxism – presented a new possibility, now being implemented. This was to manage the implementation of new technologies while minimizing any chaos associated with the rotation of elites, by avoiding any rotation of elites at all.

For the first time, society is conscious of itself as an entity towards its own end, as an Artificial Intelligence (AI), and is alienated from humanity which in Heidegger’s distant pre-Socratic past was an end in itself and for itself. A golem of sorts. A Frankenstein’s monster.

For the first time, the changes which historically overthrew societies and transformed them, could theoretically by managed by a self-conscious AI, as a technocratic leviathan, as ‘society’ in itself and for itself, and introduce revolutionary changes without overturning itself.

By minimizing the rotation of elites, it is believed that the turmoil experienced by elites can be minimized, and the costs can be externalized entirely onto the relatively disempowered social classes below. The elites have used the ‘magic’ of the machine-age – technology – to create a synthetic god of sorts, which they believe can preserve their place in a type of hierarchy, in perpetuity.

In the past, because of demagogic mechanisms and the historic power of numbers, (increased many-fold with the invention of firearms and the relative decrease in the relative power of the warrior caste), a group of elites representative of the new technology and unfolding new means of production could work in tandem with relatively disempowered classes who had numerical superiority. Socio-political ends of the disempowered could piggy-back onto the program of new elites who overthrew the old. The American, French, Mexican, Russian, and Chinese revolutions are well-known examples of this process.

Today, elites wish to implement new technology based upon the self-awareness of their machine wherein new technologies – if not managed from alpha to omega – will result in a problematic and self-defeating rotation of elites. Part of their solution is not only to create a homogeneous and highly regimented anti-intellectual culture for the masses, but to also reify and reproduce this singular homogenous worldview in and between themselves. In short, if they are all on board with the same program and for the same reasons, they can avoid the inter-elite conflicts which hitherto characterize transformations that come with new means of production.

But this is pure folly. The changes underway cannot be managed by the science of sociology, and these changes are not merely one in a series of revolutionary changes within modernity, but rather a revolutionary change from one historic epoch to another.

Hence, what is being presented as the 4IR is an attempt to prevent that change into post-modernity, post-industrialism (going past the old the global supply chain, the age of the industrial wage-worker, etc. towards a liberatory rubric). In this critical sense, it is not a 4IR at all, but takes more from Orwell’s conception of 1984 of a system based on the freezing of technological development in terms of the productive forces. Instead, the science of social-psychology and other coercive mechanisms are further perfected in order to ‘freeze time’.

Looking at our next installment, we will take from this point and move to demonstrating that in addition to a rotation of elites, what was historically essential and missing from the elite plan, was a paradigm shift in consciousness not only among the people, but also among the elites. That shift in consciousness is today called the ‘Great Awakening’.

The author can be reached at

The changes underway are a revolutionary change from one historic epoch to another, Joaquin Flores writes.

Ephesians 6: 10 – 12 – 10Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

The sci-fi horror film we are now living in, being presented as the 4th Industrial Revolution, is only one possible outcome, and not a necessary one. However, the one being put forward in Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum, is what we see being implemented across the Western world in the aftermath of the collapse of NATO and the winding down of the globalists’ Trans-Atlantic banking establishment.

As we have previously established, the declining rate of profit has created an impasse in the logic of the speculative based finance economy, one which is in fact undermined by the rise of robotics, AI, and automation. Therefore, the ruling class as moved to transform itself from a financialist plutocracy into a technocratic oligarchy.

There inherent problem for these globalist elites is the fact that in history, massive changes to the organization of society have also been accompanied by big changes in who holds power, known also as Pareto’s “circulation of elites”, (but we will term ‘rotation’ for clarity).

Their version of the 4IR is based on a fallacious understanding of humanity and consciousness; premised within a demiurgic conception of power. Moreover, their efforts will fail for any number of practical reasons.

The 4th Industrial Revolution of home garage production is around the corner, it is really only a matter of a few short years before it is practicable to be entirely realized. And this is why there has been such a tremendous effort to subvert this back into some attempt to reconstruct a single-mind centralized model dependent upon ID2020.

With ID2020 we see the beginning of a freedom-pass and a subscription to ‘anti-virus’ and ‘anti-malware’ shots for the human body, in order for citizens to stay alive, having already been infected with some ostensibly communicable illness created by the creators of the vaccines themselves.

The shots will not be ‘mandatory’, rather the enslaved people will clamor for them, and their qualification to receive these in a timely way will be based upon their social-credit score. A lower social-credit score will see longer periods of real illness and forced quarantine at-home, in “eco-friendly” 15 meter square apartments. Suburban populations will have their mortgages foreclosed, assets will be seized, and people will be forced to live in ‘smart cities’ and rely on UBI payments, in order to ‘save energy’ through eliminating trucking and supply-lines to rural parts.

A Paradigm in Collapse – Avoiding a Rotation of Elites

Are we transitioning to a new phase in a series of industrial revolutions within modernity, or are we on the precipice of a post-industrial phase in the development of human civilization? These are starkly differing conceptions of the changes underway, and provide two very different ways of approaching the problem and any possible solutions.

The very same failing paradigm which has brought about both the need and the possibility of a genuine 4th Industrial Revolution based in liberatory concepts of the 4th Great Awakening, is trying to get ahead of the curve to control and contain it. Towards that end, they have possessed the very name ‘4IR’.

The real problem with technology and the coming 4th Industrial Revolution appears to be two-fold. There has been a scientific attempt to manage the changes that technology brings, which are historically destabilizing to elites. This means that now, through the science of sociology and social-psychology as well as other social-engineering technologies (as seen through big tech and big pharma), the effort is one of intentionally directing the development of certain technologies towards the end of continued control by our present financial elites. All this, as we move towards a post-financial order.

In effect this has meant the holding back the development of other technologies which they rightly see as destabilizing for them, until new coercive control-technologies can be better produced and applied. This is why we see the focus on neuralink and cybernetics involved in a discussion of the 4IR, even though it is not very much related.

The process of a rotation of elites is, again, what the elites want to avoid. But there has never been a successful revolution in the productive forces without a rotation of elites.

That is why they are trying to ‘downscale’ the historical perspective, and speak in terms of industrial revolutions plural, instead of the fact that the 4th industrial revolution is a post-industrial revolution.

The dying-out elites want to frame things in terms of the phases of the industrial revolution on a small scale within the span of hundreds of years, instead of looking at broad socio-economic transformations over the span of thousands of years.

By framing it in this limited way, they can try to insert themselves as an ongoing elite. The problem, however, is in their theory. It is true that the banking dynasties from the 1700’s have remained in power throughout the series of ‘industrial revolutions’ – three of them before as we have it – but in fact this past three-hundred years as all been the singular ‘industrial revolution’, or the epoch of modernity.

Therefore, they are trying to promote a future vision where they simply carry-on in the ‘next’ of a series of industrial revolutions, when in fact this is not the case. The three prior paradigmatic revolutions in the productive forces have been much larger in scope (slavocratic, feudalist, capitalist) and were carried out over much longer periods of time. In short, we are on the brink of a paradigm shift, not simply an innovation resting atop the old order with the old elites. We are on the precipice, if we stand and make it ours, of a post-modern, post-industrial order.

That is our 4th Industrial Revolution. That is the 4th Great Awakening.

One the one hand is the fact that the present elites wish to avoid their displacement that comes with a rotations of elites, a rotation which historically arises from new modes of production. The rise of early medieval Europe saw the descendants of Roman slavocratic elites replaced by feudal elites. Some eight centuries later, after the Inclosure Acts in England and in the period of the Reformation, saw the early origins of industrial elites who first built small workshops that in the coming centuries became large factories. It is they who replaced the feudal elites.

With this revolutionary change in the entire organization of society, came an entire shift in consciousness, from medieval into modern thinking and being, and the entrance of a consciousness commensurate with modernity, onto the world-historical stage.

Therefore, less paradigmatic changes that then the rise of scientific management in the early 20th centuries saw the rise of technocratic and financial elites who replaced the industrial. But this did not include a shift in consciousness, as this change took place within the rubric of modernity.

Changes of epochs were signaled by a true rotation of elites, which came with tremendous social turmoil, and was accompanied by political chaos and often times great wars between classes and nations, which were also ruinous to many of the old elites. Each rotation of elites came with a revolution in the mode of production.

We can see that these broad historical developments take shape over the course of many centuries, and not merely decades. They are larger than what any secular conspiracy or intrigue could ever possibly account for. The rise and development of ever-more complex social relations has given society itself its own artificial intelligence of sorts, its own internal logic which drives society towards its own ends, entirely divorced from the real needs of humanity.

The scientific management revolution of the 1920’s and 30’s, fueled by sciences like sociology, a type of soulless Marxism – presented a new possibility, now being implemented. This was to manage the implementation of new technologies while minimizing any chaos associated with the rotation of elites, by avoiding any rotation of elites at all.

For the first time, society is conscious of itself as an entity towards its own end, as an Artificial Intelligence (AI), and is alienated from humanity which in Heidegger’s distant pre-Socratic past was an end in itself and for itself. A golem of sorts. A Frankenstein’s monster.

For the first time, the changes which historically overthrew societies and transformed them, could theoretically by managed by a self-conscious AI, as a technocratic leviathan, as ‘society’ in itself and for itself, and introduce revolutionary changes without overturning itself.

By minimizing the rotation of elites, it is believed that the turmoil experienced by elites can be minimized, and the costs can be externalized entirely onto the relatively disempowered social classes below. The elites have used the ‘magic’ of the machine-age – technology – to create a synthetic god of sorts, which they believe can preserve their place in a type of hierarchy, in perpetuity.

In the past, because of demagogic mechanisms and the historic power of numbers, (increased many-fold with the invention of firearms and the relative decrease in the relative power of the warrior caste), a group of elites representative of the new technology and unfolding new means of production could work in tandem with relatively disempowered classes who had numerical superiority. Socio-political ends of the disempowered could piggy-back onto the program of new elites who overthrew the old. The American, French, Mexican, Russian, and Chinese revolutions are well-known examples of this process.

Today, elites wish to implement new technology based upon the self-awareness of their machine wherein new technologies – if not managed from alpha to omega – will result in a problematic and self-defeating rotation of elites. Part of their solution is not only to create a homogeneous and highly regimented anti-intellectual culture for the masses, but to also reify and reproduce this singular homogenous worldview in and between themselves. In short, if they are all on board with the same program and for the same reasons, they can avoid the inter-elite conflicts which hitherto characterize transformations that come with new means of production.

But this is pure folly. The changes underway cannot be managed by the science of sociology, and these changes are not merely one in a series of revolutionary changes within modernity, but rather a revolutionary change from one historic epoch to another.

Hence, what is being presented as the 4IR is an attempt to prevent that change into post-modernity, post-industrialism (going past the old the global supply chain, the age of the industrial wage-worker, etc. towards a liberatory rubric). In this critical sense, it is not a 4IR at all, but takes more from Orwell’s conception of 1984 of a system based on the freezing of technological development in terms of the productive forces. Instead, the science of social-psychology and other coercive mechanisms are further perfected in order to ‘freeze time’.

Looking at our next installment, we will take from this point and move to demonstrating that in addition to a rotation of elites, what was historically essential and missing from the elite plan, was a paradigm shift in consciousness not only among the people, but also among the elites. That shift in consciousness is today called the ‘Great Awakening’.

The author can be reached at

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 16, 2025
February 14, 2025

See also

March 16, 2025
February 14, 2025

The author can be reached at

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.